Monday, April 12, 2021

The Saga of Apostle David C Pack Just Gets Sadder and Sadder

 Here We Go Again!

"Prophecy Update" TODAY

(April 12, 2021)

A brief note is in order: We are all expecting events to unfold by the end of Abib, which is hours away. True to God’s pattern, we have continued to learn through to the end—and at a seemingly ever-faster pace.

Of course, the starting position for every discussion about timing is that we cannot have another year. The news alone screams this remains more true than ever! Every indication (and there is a vast amount of evidence) is that our wait is still almost over. But it will enter the month of Iyar, which begins tonight. While it looked for a long time that Christ would have to come in Abib, eventually it became clear for many reasons that He absolutely could not come in Abib—but in fact would come the next month—in Iyar. This note could take a left turn at this point and add 6-10 pages, but that is what sermons are for. About two more would be needed.

The expectation has been that we would see an antichrist first (and many more with him), with Christ arriving soon after. This is also still true, but in a slightly different way than first believed. In fact, Elijah and the faithful living saints receive absolutely massive power for a brief period, during which all living saints are united. What happens over the next several days (the last days) before Christ returns on “that day” is a story so staggering no email could begin to do it justice. Since our wait appears to be for a very brief additional period, there is not time to inform the Church of even a fraction of the evidence. If this brief period comes and goes, then everything would need to be explained—and the story is truly incredible! Mr. Pack would lay it out in detail if we were to enter a wait for another year. Let’s hope that we soon live the story rather than merely hear it.

This much can be said now. All of what happens appears to require exactly one month after all! First comes the empowering of God’s Church with great gifts and exousia through the antichrist period when Elijah rises and that the living saints must endure. This is followed shortly by Christ’s coming to the Great Supper to build the “Seed” Kingdom of God before the second brief period involving the Man of Sin. Finally, the Father arrives in glory to close the month, brings paradise, the Mountain/City, the Old Testament saints, the resurrection of all Israel, the Wedding Dinner and to expand the Kingdom beyond Israel to the whole world. (Of course God’s Spirit stands here present in a Temple after Christ arrives.)

Let’s leave you with a question to ponder: Might the one month be Iyar itself after having fully observed (guarded/hedged about) Abib? This would mean our wait is essentially over. How wonderful that the Work of God ends simply booming in every regard! Whatever the wait, may it be brief. God speed the time!"