Thursday, June 2, 2022

RCG’s David C. Pack Sues For Defamation and Libel...


RCG’s David C. Pack Sues For Defamation and Libel


Move over Johnny and Amber.

It was inevitable. Dave Pack’s ears got too red one afternoon and he had to finally consult his legal counsel. Yes, he may have “big boy pants” but he also has the spare funds to hire a lawyer and sue an Ohio resident that has been causing him so much grief. Those excess AYC funds and widow’s mites are really going to come in handy now.

The continuous attacks on his character and prophetic teachings have been tolerated long enough. Taking a stand, he plans to discredit his most visceral critic publicly.

As part of the brief his team just filed in court, multiple published quotes were included as evidence to establish the seriousness of the allegations against the man who used to “obey the truth” as taught by him and by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Page numbers are cited.

The man who wrote the following words should fear what David C. Pack will do to him now.

Edit: The tone of this article is purely satire. RCG is not currently suing anyone. However, the quotes below are verified from RCG literature written by David C. Pack.

The Bible states that there are prophets, and that all of them fall into one of two categories—either true or false. All prophets—past, present or future—are one or
the other. They cannot be both, and they cannot be in-between. (p. 15)

Many have supposed that one must actually declare himself to be a prophet in order
to be a candidate for the role of false prophet. (p. 76) 
If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be PERFECTLY accurate—no exceptions! (p. 48)

Another characteristic of false prophets is that few or none of their prophecies ever really come to pass. (p. 47)

…they [false prophets] are often extremely prolific in claiming new revelations from God. True prophets always speak plain, simple truth, delivered without frills! Typically, false prophets claim that they are getting “more and more insight.” (p. 51)

Here is how these prophecy deceivers work their magic: Generally, through use of familiar prophecies, these unlearned and ungrounded self-appointed teachers believe themselves to have been selected by God to be His vessel for revealing “deeper” or “richer” or “fuller” prophetic insight to scattered brethren, hungering for answers… (p. 76)

There will almost certainly also be false “Elijahs.” Since many brethren no longer believe Mr. Armstrong was the final Elijah, they have set themselves up to be victims of men who may take this title. (p. 16)

These deceivers always seem to find new ways to elevate themselves to greater offices and roles! (p. 51)


The reader must see the tremendous difference between one who is truly GIVEN an office by Jesus Christ, and a man who is a presumptuous, self-promoting IMPOSTOR who sees one or more offices and titles that he desires, declares himself to have these offices and roles, and then sets out to prove to others that he does. The critical element that separates those to whom Christ gives an office is HUMILITY. The man would have never thought of himself as holding a high office until long after he was already doing the job. (p. 54)

The apostle Peter plainly—ABSOLUTELY UNMISTAKABLY!—equates Jesus Christ with the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15! This is why Mr. Armstrong taught this truth as he did! There is no other possible way to read this passage—at least not for the honest mind.
(p. 30)

…and leaves no doubt that Jesus Christ is That Prophet! … Could Mr. Armstrong be so confused that he did not know who would fulfill Deuteronomy 18:15:-22? Could he have somehow been deceived about a prophecy as important as the Coming of Christ and His bringing God’s government to earth? (p. 26)

We are now ready to ask a central—and most crucial—question. If the Laodiceans understand this much about Christ’s role when He returns—and they are called “BLIND” by Christ (Rev. 3:17)—then could the leader of the Philadelphian era have somehow remained ignorant—blind—for 52 years about who That Prophet was? It is utterly absurd to suggest that Mr. Armstrong did not understand this point. (p. 40)

The living Christ led His apostle from 1934 to 1986. Could anyone seriously believe that the living Christ was not competent enough or would neglect to reveal to Mr. Armstrong His (Christ’s own) role as That Prophet? Would Christ forget something so monumentally important?—or do we suppose that Mr. Armstrong was too dense to recognize such a vital doctrine? Did Mr. Armstrong forget or did he somehow neglect to properly restore something so enormous, when he was prophesied to “restore all things”? Ridiculous!
(p. 40)

So, there is only one conceivable way that any person alive today could claim to be “That Prophet”—he would eventually have to claim that his writings and “revelations” are to become part of Scripture! (p. 31)

There is no way to separate the doctrine of “That Prophet” from the man who claims to hold that office! (p. 18)

If someone claims to be That Prophet, but disconnects this office from Christ, this person is still a false Christ. Of course, he is deluded in his reasoning. (p. 55) 
If someone tries to convince you That Prophet is someone other than Christ, he is speaking directly contrary to “the Law,” which has always been far more than the Ten Commandments. (p. 43)

If someone claims to be not only a prophet but also to be “That Prophet,” he is both a liar and a blasphemer! (He makes himself God!) He may be “running,” but God has certainly not sent him! If he’s claiming titles belonging to the all-powerful living Jesus Christ, then he is no less than a BLASPHEMING IDOL, seeking to replace Christ with himself. (p. 32)

This account [Saul in 1 Samuel] proves that people can start out “little in their own eyes” and yet fall so far from God that they can actually become demon-possessed. (p. 45)

A demon spirit would love to be considered That Prophet—and would love to influence a human vessel to this end. Appropriating that title to itself, through a human agent, is very attractive to a demon—especially if it could gain control of many of God’s people in the process! (p. 56)

When one takes the title of That Prophet, he has even exceeded the evil that Moses warned against! (p. 65)

Such a one is an outright antichrist! This cannot be viewed any other way. (p. 66)

History shows that when false leaders or false prophets appear, the majority of people—in the Church or the world-at-large—are perfectly willing to let them get away with their actions! (p. 16)

In summary, if one claims to be not only a true prophet, but also That Prophet, then you are in the presence of a false prophet and a FALSE CHRIST! (p. 35)

If you are part of the organization following That Prophet, you are in the presence of a false, blasphemous human idol who seeks to “steal your crown” through directing your worship to himself. If this man tells you that he is trying to help you, then remember Satan told Eve that if she would do what he said, “Thou shalt not surely die.” I tell you, do not believe either your false leader, or me alone, believe your Bible and Mr. Armstrong! (p. 36)

Saul was vexed, and often outright possessed, by a demon. The unwitting and fearful…continued to follow him anyway simply because he was “the king”… (p. 46)


They want their followers to be afraid to talk to “outsiders.” These false leaders know that knowledge dispensed outside their control is a threat to their ability to retain control.
(p. 56)

In the end, false teachers always have a money angle hidden in their “new teachings.” (p.41)

Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? – The Rise of False Prophets
September 5, 2012 Edition
David C. Pack 
May God help the man who put those words to print and had the courage to attach his name so that it could be recorded for all time.

The Ohio State Irony Police are planning to raid that man’s house very soon. Well, if they can get past the front gate.

The court date for David C. Pack v. David C. Pack is forthcoming. Get your cameras ready.

Marc Cebrian

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

LCG Sacramento Super-spreader Event?


From a reader: LCG picnic in the Sacramento area is responsible for members getting COVID. Super spreader event perhaps? The illustrious hireling jeffrey fall (area pastor) said that a number of people who were at the picnic "happened" to get COVID.As if the gathering wasn't the event that helped the virus spread. Because LCG isn't a transparent "church" that will be truthful or open about this, I wanted to put it out there.

Living Church of God on Propaganda


Imagine that! A Church of God talking about propaganda! Given the history of Rod Meredith and Global/Living Church of God, they'd better be cautious when they start accusing others of propaganda, but, I digress.

LCG Paul Kern has an article up on their website that discusses propaganda, The Chief Propagandist.

He starts off by giving going after the news media and then gives a definition of propaganda, which incidentally sounds exactly like what goes on in the current corporate Churches of God!

Propaganda is defined by as “the systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.” The information that is propagated fits the agenda of the organization propagating it—and it’s important to understand that this is not just a modern-day issue. This credibility crisis is not new. Who is the one ultimately responsible for pushing misinformation, spreading half-truths, and eliminating important facts from a particular narrative in order to paint a picture different from the reality of an issue?

The answer to that question, when we think about it from a biblical perspective, is quite obvious—and it’s not CNN. When we look at the credibility crisis and we see the confusion in the world today, we should know that Satan the devil is ultimately the one behind it. He uses CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and other news outlets, but he is ultimately the one propagating the confusion.

And, in fact, false and twisted information existed long before news outlets and social media. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is replete with examples of propaganda being used to destroy people’s reputations and lives. Let’s examine how Satan has used propaganda throughout biblical history in his attempts to disrupt the Work of God and destroy God’s people, and then take a look at a more recent example of how our adversary can use propaganda to influence entire nations.

Kern then moves to the first example of propaganda the church believes in, that old snake in the Garden of Eden:

Satan used propaganda and misinformation in Eden. “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden”?’” (Genesis 3:1). Satan sowed a seed of doubt in Eve’s mind, causing confusion right from the beginning. That’s how he operates.

Kern then moves on to Absolom, the Pharisees, and the Nazis, to reach the point of no return when Satan causes persecution of the true believers in the Living Church of God. Of course, like a good COG writer/minister, Kern brings in the gays and others who will persecute the church the for might "stands" they take on certain subjects.

Matthew 24:9 reads, “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” How will Satan bring the world to the point where it hates God’s people?

The answer, of course, is propaganda. All those people in the Church of God are so full of hate. They don’t support LGBTQ rights. They don’t support a woman’s right to choose abortion. They don’t even do their civic duty and vote. What’s their problem? Why don’t they love people? Those people are evil. They’re even saying that our nation is going down the drain—those people aren’t patriotic. Those people are against us.

This attitude is something we need to expect at some time in the future, because it will lead to the persecution of God’s people. Ultimately, it will reach the point where Satan himself will inspire the beast and the false prophet, and all the world will follow their system. And if we’re not part of that system, we’ll be considered evil.

For several decades now we have all witnessed cunning propaganda from COG leaders, including Rod Meredith, Gerald Weston, Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, and Gerald Flurry.

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:23–24). We’ll see incredible cunning and deceit in the years ahead. Satan’s greatest propaganda campaign is yet to occur, and we need to be alert to it. We need to be aware that Satan’s endgame is to destroy God’s people, and he will use propaganda in his attempts to achieve that result. 
False "christs" abound in the current conglomeration of the COG movement. Never have we seen such appalling creatures that these leaders try and pass off as Jesus as we do today in COGland, when and IF they even talk about him.

We have seen how the news media have enraptured many of today's COG leaders who sound like reporters right out of NewsMax and other far-right sites, like Mark Armstrong. Regardless of where one gathers their news and information, those in the COG are supposed to be able to look to their leaders as representatives of God instead of being the liars so many of them currently are. More lies and false propaganda has been spread by COG leaders over the last 40-50 years than ever in the history of the church.

So, we must examine the agenda behind any source to which we look for information. Before reading a book or an article, ask, Who is the author? Where did the author grow up? What’s the author’s outlook on life? Does the author believe in God? Not everything an atheist author writes will be wrong, but we must ask such questions and be aware that every individual or news outlet will be pushing a particular bias. When we recognize that bias, we can more accurately sift through the half-truths and misinformation we come across.

COG members should examine the agendas of today's corporate Church of God and use critical thinking to discern who is actually telling the truth. It is going to be a long search as there are not too many truthful COG leaders out there. 

The way to avoid being deceived is to stay close to Almighty God and to read sources we can trust, such as material from God’s true ministry. The one source of truth is not CNN, not Fox News, and not any social media outlet—the one source of truth is God’s word. So, keep your nose in that word, keep watching world events, and be aware of Satan, the chief propagandist, who wants to destroy God’s Work and His people.

Reading God's word and listening to church leaders interpret that word are two different things. COG members should throw out every single book, booklet, and article written by ANY past or current leader today. You might be surprised that what you discover is NOT what they are currently teaching you.

Propaganda in the Church of God has kept it in operation for 80 some years and will continue even as each group shrinks in numbers until people finally wake up.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Dave Pack: If Christ Is returning on Pentecost (June 5) why do I still need to give money?


From an RCG source:

Announcements: Pentecost

The Feast of Pentecost (Sunday, June 5) is just over a week away! 
As a reminder, an offering will be taken up on this Holy Day. 
In advance of this time, God’s people should reflect on (WHY AM I GOING TO GIVE $$ IF CHRIST APPEARS ON THAT DAY?!!!) how He has blessed them throughout the year and devote sufficient time preparing these crucial offerings for God’s Work.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Dave Pack: If Christ Doesn't Return On This Pentecost Then We Have to Wait TIll 2029…THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!

The Wadsworth weasel is now giving himself an easy out when his creature does not return on Pentecost 2022. Instead of admitting he is a liar and apologizing he will continue to make up new lies every single day. 

What will his members do if they have sold everything and nothing happens? They will now have to figure out how to survive till 2029, while he gets to live in his free house and play with his free horses and plant new trees. 

The stupidity reigns supreme!

From an RCG source:

"There's NO other way to read all of this!!

Learning the 1335, and figuring HOW to apply it - really DIDN'T mean in the middle of a month. And you COULDN'T bend it, and 10 days in front of it - simply CHANGED EVERYTHING.

It reduced it to MATH - SIMPLE math...

A 10-day kingdom that ends in the middle of a month, and now you see HAS TO START at Pentecost!

And IF it's gonna end in the middle of the month, it HAS to start on a Pentecost that FITS THIS year!

And the next Pentecost that fits the 6th (Iyar) is 2029. JUST THINK about those things as we move along here"... - DCP Part 371