Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Who are holding up false COG leaders?

It's time to step off of the plank.

UCG Trained Select Members On How To Practice Agape Love...


Fun times were had in CIniniatti recently as it trained a select few UCG members on how to defend the faith and who also learned to practice agape love.

From all reports and feedback, the leadership workshop we held this past weekend was especially enjoyable, rewarding and productive. The theme was “A Leader is First a Disciple” and we welcomed 33 UCG members from the United States, two from Canada and one from the United Kingdom. 
Our last such workshop was in 2019, so it was great to resume this valuable resource for those who were recommended by their pastors to attend this educational opportunity. The workshop is designed to equip and inspire the participants to become even more effective in their service to the Church. All of the presentations, blended together throughout the weekend, served toward this purpose. 
Sessions throughout the weekend were presented by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty, Steve Myers, Rick Shabi and myself. One of the highlights for the participants was the opportunity to collaborate together to “defend the faith” on a variety of issues and scenarios. 
Mr. Shabi focused on the need for all of us to be growing in and building our faith and trust in God, and in becoming one as we practice agape with one another. He pointed out that God is working with all of us in a “training program” so we may learn to better serve in His Kingdom and that God will illuminate our walk with Him as we strive to live by His every word.

Let's see how long this lasts. The track record has not been too good for the past 28 years.

Tribute Site Honoring David Meredith

There is a great photo montage here.

Why Do COG Leaders Despise Galatians As Much As They do?


Anyone who has spent any length of time in the Worldwide Church of God and in most of the splinter groups knows very little about the Book of Galatians because the church has never discussed those books at length or in depth. The focus has always been on the law and Galatians is a book of freedom. Nothing ticks off COG leaders more than having members who know they are free. Actually, they do not have members who know they are free because those that know have already left!

When you do hear a COG minister discussing Galatians it is always to say that it was mistranslated by evil men over the centuries to invalidate the law. The COG needs the law to function properly. Galatians is a big bitch slap across the face to most of them. Galatians invalidate almost all COG leaders as apostate preachers.

Our tiniest little prophet got his hands and arms in a major flap-fest the other day when he chose to write about the mistranslation of the Bible as he sees it.

The Great Beto Bwana Thiel writes:

Since Jesus and the Apostles kept the Sabbaths and the Holy Days, why do most who profess Christ not observe them? 
While social pressure, tradition, and twisted interpretation of scripture all play a role, one role that is overlooked by many is the fact that there are a few passages in the New Testament that have often been intentionally mistranslated. 

The actual fact of the matter is, COG leaders have INTENTIONALLY MISTRANSLATED Galatians to fit their sophomoric Bible interpretations.

Beto Bob then says this:

Sadly, because of tradition and a lack of real love for the truth, most people who profess Christ do not care.

Seriously, how incredibly stupid can this guy be? Saying things like this demonstrates how Biblically illiterate the man is. He has never had any REAL theological education in his entire life. Taking a few courses here and there, getting a mail-order degree from an Indian "university", reading COG booklets, and groveling at Rod Meredith's feet for a decade or so does not make one a Bible scholar. 

Beto Bob is also ticked off at the translators of the book of Colossians  As that book also condemns the Juadiazers who demanded followers of Christ should be keeping the law, COG leaders like Beto Bob meltdown over this and claim it is a mistranslation:

Beto Bob has determined how it SHOULD be written, in order to justify his bastardization of the law to fit his legalistic existence:

Therefore, if all the translators were simply consistent with themselves, they would have translated Colossians 2:16-17 to state:

16 Therefore let NO MAN JUDGE YOU in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; 17 for those things are a shadow of the things to come, BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST. 
Or in other words, do not let those outside the body of Christ (the church, Colossians 1:18) judge you regarding holy days, but only the church itself. Colossians 2:16-17 is not saying that the holy days are done away. 
It is sad, but most in the Protestant and Catholic worlds have misunderstood Colossians 2:16-17 because translators who know better MISTRANSLATED it.


Beto Bob writes:

Believing and relying on mistranslations instead of the actual word of God is consistent with loving and practicing a lie. True Christians would not want to do that.

True Christians would NEVER believe or follow self-appointed apostates like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, or Gerald Flurry. To do so means you are relying on their mistranslations of the Bible and their own interpretations, including dreams and visions from various creatures that infect their minds. 

Why would anyone want to remain shackled to the law when freedom is so precious and joyful?

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Dave Pack: A Point Too Sharp


A Point Too Sharp


While reporting on David C. Pack’s “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 392),” some serious thoughts came to mind. These concepts are too sharp to be skimmed past or inserted into a longer article.


No tongue-in-cheek. No satire. No winking.


I preface all this with, “I do not dare place God’s fingerprints on my motivations.” I cannot and do not tell anyone that God is behind what I have been doing since April 15 this year.


The website. The articles. The Facebook Page.


Marc Cebrian is not standing up for the truth. I am not a pillar of virtue. I do not have the answer to, “Where do we go if we leave RCG?”


My goal is to report facts, apply critical thinking, present experienced analysis, and spice it all with humor. I do not hate anyone, and I do not “look forward” to the death of anyone.


That is enough about me.



David C. Pack is not a man of his word, and he tells you everything you need to hear to prove that.


The Pastor General of the Restored Church of God believes he is mentioned within the page of the Bible and takes upon himself those titles accordingly. He fully believes he is the last Apostle of God. He believes his "The Greatest Untold Story!" series is a direct product of God's guidance revealing “The Mystery of God.” He believes part of his commission is to “unseal Daniel” and “unseal Revelation.”


Part 1—November 14, 2015   •   Part 392—September 10, 2022


It would take the determination and patience of someone much greater to go back and count all the times David C. Pack set a date starting with Elul 24 (August 30) 2013 up until Elul 20 (September 16) 2022. That is nine years of failed date-setting. And yet, God is leading him? The Bible states that if you declare “a sign or a wonder” even once and are proven wrong, you are not sent by God. Period.


The members inside RCG know their Bibles well. Some verses address this type of thing, but people "give him a pass" for "reasons." All the ministers in the field and at Headquarters are unified “in agreement” about Mr. Pack and all his teachings, no matter how often or wildly they change.


Members have watched their fellow brethren be suspended or disfellowshipped when they bring up certain Bible passages. Can you imagine? Getting thrown out of a Christian church because you quote the Bible? That is horrific.


David C. Pack from 2011 would mark and disfellowship David C. Pack from 2022.


In 2015, he announced that he was Elijah. Later that year, he also declared Elijah was “That Prophet” of Acts 3 and Deuteronomy 18. Since the time of Herbert W. Armstrong, the church understood that Jesus Christ was That Prophet.


A small sampling of highlights from the book written by David C. Pack, “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?” was featured in a previous article. The opening is satire, but the quotes are 100% accurate from his literature.



When David C. Pack needs something in the Bible to be exact, he stacks up the verses to prove that.


When David C. Pack needs something in the Bible to be approximate, he stacks up the verses to prove that.


A full month. A partial month.

A perfect half. About half.

Seven means intensity. Seven means days.

It has to happen on a Sabbath. It cannot happen on a Sabbath.

It has to happen on Passover. It has to happen on Pentecost.

It has to be Elul 15. It cannot be Elul 15.

The Kingdom has to be exactly seven years. The Kingdom cannot be exactly seven years.

The 1335 has begun. The 1335 has not yet begun.


That is the smallest of examples.


Looking at this from the perspective that God raised up David “Passover” to be His end-time Elijah, ordained him an apostle, and designated him as the Messenger to the Seventh Era and as Joshua the High Priest, how long is it reasonable for any true Christian filled with God's Holy Spirit to continue to follow this man when he gets everything wrong every time?


If you are God in heaven and Your chosen vessel that You prepared to relay Your knowledge to Your people so that Your word remains unbroken throughout all existence, keeps repeating for nine years, "That's what I thought" and “I presumed” and gets every single date he declares in Your name wrong to the point of perfection, can You reasonably consider people walking away from The Restored Church of God as committing a sin?


Is it a sin to call David C. Pack a biblical fraud?

Is it a sin to call David C. Pack a false apostle and false prophet?

Is it a sin to say David C. Pack is not a man of his word?

Is it a sin to say David C. Pack is not being led by God?


Do I, Marc Cebrian, commit the unpardonable sin when I say that the Holy Spirit is not guiding David C. Pack to preach what he has been preaching since 2015? The spirit that guides David C. Pack is a liar. That spirit is a cruel deceiver. That spirit is a confused trickster making a fool of the servant who obeys it. That spirit perpetuates a cycle of disappointment for members of The Restored Church of God.


If the Holy Spirit was truly guiding David C. Pack, Jesus Christ would have returned to earth on August 30, 2013, at the Headquarters Campus in Wadsworth, Ohio.


On the other side, if David C. Pack is a true apostle and true prophet of the Living God properly using the authority of Jesus Christ, then we are doomed to a fate as terrible as the Catholic ever-burning hell.


I would rather that my life be taken from me right now and have the memory of me be obliterated throughout all Creation as if I never existed.


David C. Pack cannot be currently preaching from the inspiration of the One True God, or else the Bible is fiction. The Scriptures have been broken. The Bible is only a collection of antiquated Hebrew poetry and allegory that some Greeks thought was interesting enough to keep the tradition going for a few more centuries. It is an organized mass conspiracy taking thousands of years to perpetrate and would prove to be the biggest hoax in all human existence.


Or David C. Pack is just wrong and is a walking, talking prophetic fraud.



I sometimes wonder if I am somehow doing "the devil's work" and "fighting against God." It does not feel that way. My approach does not seem to fit the pattern of the devil. But, the heart is deceitful. The ways that seem right to a man lead to death. The wicked shall not understand. Sent strong delusion to believe the lie. There are many more verses like that.


The point is that I often consider my ways. Does David C. Pack ever consider his ways? He is God's apostle. He is preaching the truth. "We got something wrong" only because God wanted him to. Done.


We cannot judge the heart of another. But even a child is known for his doings. By their fruits, you shall know them. He who is not faithful in little cannot be faithful in much. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. The Scriptures cannot be broken. If that sign or wonder comes not to pass. 


Weigh the fruits of David C. Pack on the scale and see if they are wanting.


If he is preaching God's truth today, then that means I am headed for the Lake of Fire.


And that is no joke.

Marc Cebrian

See: A Point Too Sharp