Sunday, October 2, 2022

Dave Pack's Latest Excuse As To Why His Prophecies Are Failures: Says His "god" Hasn't Been Ready To Show Him Things Yet


Blind Leading The Blind


This one sentence from the posting in Member Services on Friday sets up the Sabbath messages:


Please note that Mr. Pack is going to give one more message on the Sabbath—perhaps the most fascinating one of his life!


I endure the anguish of listening and paying attention to him, so you do not have to. After listening carefully to both parts, I can state that CAD was “over-selling” for sure.


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God drowned the Headquarters congregation with words for 2 hours and 47 minutes on the Sabbath of October 1. “The Greatest Unending Story!” Part 395 and Part 396 illustrated that the depths of desperation have no bottom.


Once again, God is blamed for why “we” can never get it right, seven years running. Technically, serious errors have occurred since 2013, but we can let that slide for today.



Spoiler Alert for Skimmers:


1) The new new new new new new new new new new date is Thursday, October 6 at 11:18am eastern. This is 10 days before The Last Great Day.


2) God intentionally blinded His end-time apostle and Elijah-to-be. This means all the Headquarters “ministers” were blind. This means all the brethren inside RCG were also blind.


3) The Chinese are “horrifically evil” people.


Repeating theme: Dave fails, and it is God’s fault. “Under thy bus, I cast thee!”



Part 395

@ 01:03 I could not have dreamed that there could be so much that would come so clear and become so easy, so fast, so close to the end. But that's what happened.


It is always clear and easy after it is too late, just like looking both ways after you get into a car wreck.


Dave uses the story in John 13 to show how the disciples were blinded so they could not see Judas betraying Jesus Christ at the Passover meal. He dips the sop and hands it to Judas. Satan enters him, and he leaves. The men at the table are confused as to what is going on.


In the same way, God intentionally blinded Dave so he could not see when God's Kingdom(s) would arrive. Well, until now. Now is the time to believe him, folks.


@ 06:18 That is astonishing blindness.

@ 06:48  Until God is ready to show you something, you cannot see it. I don’t care who you are.

@ 07:39 We were looking at Trumpets. For quite a while, actually. We were staring at Trumpets before that, Elul 15.


He cuts himself a little slack by neglecting to mention the “blindness” extended back into Av, and Tammuz, and Sivan, and Iyar, and Nisan of this year.


@ 07:47 What were we looking at regarding Trumpets that was wrong? Not just wrong. All wrong. It seemed so obvious that it was Trumpets.


@ 08:16 Here’s the problem: it wasn't Trumpets, and it's not too late. And I’m gonna show you as plain as handing a sop…


Nothing builds up faith in the God we all serve, like knowing He blinded the leader of the one true church. The god that Dave preaches knowingly let him and RCG struggle for years. Forget about all the heartfelt prayers, fasting, and pleading to know the truth about the coming Kingdom. Nope. You're blind. I’m not ready. Suck it, Dave. — That is his god. That is not my God.


Dave examines the WHAT behind John 13 but never once considers the WHY. That is what is fascinating about his new angle. He sees the disciples were blinded to Jesus Christ identifying His betrayer right at the table but never answers the most crucial question: Why did God do that? Why were the disciples temporarily blinded?


The answer is Sunday-school simple: He needed them to be blind so that the scriptures could be fulfilled. Judas had to betray the Son of God, who had to die for our sins. If the disciples had been aware, they could have gotten involved and stopped it. The recording of events is for those after it was already done and not for those present.


That blindness in John 13 was a unique means to an end. It is not how the true God normally operates with His people. He struck the Syrian army with physical blindness so that Elisha could lead them into Jerusalem. He struck Elymas with blindness as he was trying to thwart Paul.


The temporary occurrence in John 13 was specific-or-the-scriptures-break blindness. It did not last years, and Dave also fails to “see” that.


@ 08:55 So, people can’t see themselves or actions in front of them.


I will let you in on a little secret. I fully believe that David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has been stricken with blindness. Spiritual blindness. Mental blindness. And it has not yet been lifted despite what he thinks. He will begin to catch up with that on Friday morning.


@ 10:28 But as soon as Trumpets was over, I immediately knew we had to reinflate the 10 days. I knew it. Immediately. And you can’t doctor the number…You know, we looked at 30 days. We looked at 21, 15, 10, 7, 3 ½, and, as I said, even one long day. It came clear that the Bible number was 10. It was 10.


He does a redux of his redux by returning to a series of That Day(s) being 10 separate days, not one super-compressed into Trumpets. Let the past go, brethren. It will only confuse us. This is the Present Truth.


@ 13:27 So, that gave me five days to go back to the drawing board. What did we miss? We’re not goin’ another year. I said to myself. I’m not here to foretell the year. But I’m gonna absolutely tell you when the 10 days are. And you won’t doubt it. I’m gonna drown you in proof.


By the end of the message, he foretells the year. Do not read ahead. Okay. It is this year.


He admitted that nothing happened on Monday like “we” thought.


@ 14:02 Now, I could just, you know, get in a snit or curl up in a fetal position and give up and say, “That’s wrong.” Or just attack it and stay with it and see, “What was I missing in plain sight? How come I can’t see the sop handed to who got it?”


It is far easier and far more acceptable to believe that the God of the universe intentionally blinded David C. Pack and all the “ministers” at Headquarters rather than just being wrong. Rather than he is a biblical fraud and a prophetic fraud. Instead of facing the cold, hard truth of these matters, he points his finger at God and says, "You did this to me!"



@ 35:01 So then, if all of what I’ve covered so far is true, and you will learn overwhelming proof that it is, I’ll say it again, then counting forward 10 days from soon after Atonement…yields the Last Great Day.


@ 58:58 It’s the start of the 12th [of Tishrei], Jerusalem time. About 11:20 this Thursday morning. That’s just math. It's not me saying anything. It's just math. I can count to 10. And I understand this day.


Now that a 10-day Kingdom is back on the menu and Trumpets is passed, go to the Last Great Day and count back 10 days while reckoning with Jerusalem time.


Thursday, October 6 at 11:18am eastern.


It is interesting how way back on Monday, Dave poo-pooed the idea of reckoning to Jerusalem time because the inhabitants were so wicked. Maybe they cleaned up their act since then because he seems fine with it now.


He is fine with a number being literal until he needs it to be approximate or a day-for-a-year. The Bible can be broken down and rebuilt like Legos based on need.


Such are the ways of David C. Pack, Pastor General and Professional Blasphemer of The Restored Church of Another god.


@ 35:59 We’ve suspicioned the Last Great Day for four years. But we saw it as the First Kingdom.


Whether he thought it was the 1st, 2nd, or the 25th Kingdom, it does not matter. He was wrong. And he will be wrong again on Thursday. Knowing which Kingdom of God arrives precisely when is not tied to salvation.


God will do what God will do. He is not sitting in heaven tapping His feet, waiting for David C. Pack to get it right so He can move forward with the rest of His plan for all humankind. If He were waiting, we would be doomed, and God should just wipe Creation clean to start over. This was not the right guy to put all the chips on.



@ 38:42 I’m gonna show you it’s impossible that this is wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s only because we have the wrong year. Believe me, and you’ll agree long before I get through about 66 proofs here.


“I see,” says the blind man.



@ 1:00:56 You can't get out of Tishrei because you got to be right after the harvest, and summer is in play.


Remember this for when he switches to winter in a few weeks.


In a fantastic display of ironic blindness, Dave warns the members of RCG about false teachers.


@ 1:20:41 When would false teachers do the most damage to the saints?…

@ 1:20:55 Bad guys. Don’t follow them ‘cause they’re gonna be saying the time draws near. Now, we know the time is 10 days away…Christ said, “Do not follow them…” And He said they’ll be false Christs and false prophets. Doing great signs and wonders.


Do not follow David C. Pack of The Restored Church of Another god. He is a false teacher. Jesus Christ warned you about him. God intentionally blinded him and all the “ministers” at Headquarters. Listen to what the man is telling you!


When Dave starts doing miracles, it may be too late to clear out.


@ 1:43:57 And if it doesn’t happen, there’s not a chance, none, zero, and I’ve got more evidence, there’s not any chance it’s this year. Unless you want to doctor the 10 days and take authority to either dismiss it or make it historical or whatever. Or change the Last Great Day. I’m telling you, it’s locked.


Dave did “doctor the 10 days and took authority” previously. He is speaking from experience. It can be done.


@ 1:48:04 We are not seeking the 1335. A hundred billion people will be…And until that’s clear, Daniel isn’t completely unsealed. You gotta get that straight. That’s a big deal.


To the nimrods who believed Dave when he repeated that the church was in the midst of the 1335: “Ha ha ha! You thought blessings and/or salvation were coming to you when the 1335 started. Nope. I never intended that. I blinded my servant so well that he went off the deep end of the presumption circus. Stupid!" That is the god Dave serves. 


He throws a hissy fit about those who have left RCG. Those who figured out his biblical scam. Those that read about this scenario in their Bibles.


@ 1:49:09 Some people wouldn’t stay here. I wanted to say, “You wanna leave? Why don’t you come up here and see how hard this is?” All you gotta do is sit there and shut up and learn. And escape.


Hear that everyone still inside RCG? Your Pastor General is telling you clearly: Sit there and shut up.


@1:49:19 No. No. No, it's taking too long. They needed patience, and they didn't have it. All seven years of the knowledge had to be earned. You had to stay with it and keep the word of Christ's patience. Can't fathom another year.


Hold on. If you admitted you have been blind for seven years, how can you be upset at those who discerned that and left? Patience has nothing to do with enduring false doctrines. You just walked back the 1335 and Trumpets. You barely scratched the surface of your false teachings due to the blindness God placed upon you.


A critical thinker might ask: How do you know you are no longer blind? If you were sure about Tammuz and Av and Elul and Trumpets, how can you be sure about anything? If God blinded you and the entire Headquarters ministry, what else are you still blind to?


Stepford Prime used to ask those types of questions. But no longer. He needs to be a good little robot because that ladder will not climb itself.


People do not leave RCG because "it is taking too long." They go because the corporate sheepfold has been captured. God is not leading the “ministers” of RCG. God is not leading David C. Pack.


He is blind and wandering in the biblical wilderness with his divining rod, hoping to strike prophetic water. The people who count on him will be sorely disappointed on Friday. Again. But they should be used to that by now.


It is hard to tell if he is more upset because some people could lose out on salvation or…ha ha ha. Just kidding. The loss of income is still a sore topic. If those people had not left, maybe the Hartman Road house would still be under his control.



After the meal, Dave was super-excited to give Part 396 and share something “the church never knew” and spent 40 minutes explaining how Leviathan is Satan. It is too bad he never learned how to use a computer and has bragged how he has never even turned one on because a search on the interwebs would have revealed this:


Even the Catholics wrote about this topic. Not to be outdone, he exercised his superior biblical knowledge by explaining that the devil can swim. To be fair, it took him 20 minutes to work up to that one.


@ 32:40 No one’s ever heard this before. Not not in my lifetime. The church of the last hundred years never knew that Leviathan was the devil because we never connected the dots.


The Google also disagrees alongside the Bing.

Wow. Forty needless minutes on this topic. Turn on a computer, Dave. It is like a library but on a single machine. A dump truck of information. The Coffee Kid will show you how it works.


@ 55:56 So then, if the Kingdom does not come on Thursday, I see no way it can be this year. I just don’t. It’s just you’re out of time. Or you have to blow up everything. All those fine-tuned metrics…all of that blows up, and so, I believe this is the end of the line. Has to be.


And blow up everything you will because this is not the end of the line. Not by a long shot. It cannot be. David C. Pack is a blind false apostle, a blind false prophet, and God is not leading him.



This following quote is something I would have pushed to be removed before it went out to the church, but nobody edits David C. Pack these days. His point is that Satan is a dragon, and the Chinese people revere it as a symbol. (The dragon, not Satan.)


@ 27:50 How come China worships, all through their history, the dragon…Long been the most important symbol of power in China. China is, in many ways, is a horrifically evil people.


Watch it for yourself. It has already been posted on social media.

You will have to forgive Dave. He was raised in a generation that would typically call Chinese people Orientals. There have been “horrifically evil people” in many countries throughout history, but that does not serve his purpose today.


Part 395

@ 1:44:18 And there’s liable to be because we have evil people among us, one or two. It’s all you need. This’ll get out. There gonna be some persecution. Might be a little tough.


Quoting Dave back at himself is “persecution.” Those still attending RCG who see Dave for what he really is are “evil.” Victim much?


What a whiny little girl he can sometimes be. Arrogance has never been so insecure. Facts, history, and the dictionary are taking their toll on “this ole shepherd.”


Friday morning will be "a little tough" at the Hall of Administration here in Wadsworth. Dave, the Coffee Kid, and the Meat Shield will have to lock themselves inside the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium with the shades drawn so they can stare at bowls of water to interpret the visions “god” wants them to vomit next on the people of RCG.


I have my own bowl, but it is filled with Froot Loops. It told me that Dave will reset the clock so that it all STARTS on the Last Great Day, not 10 days before. Then, when nothing occurs on the Last Great Day, he will say it will start 10 days AFTER. It does not take a non-prophet/non-psychic to see this.



During this “final message,” Dave could not pass up the opportunity to push Common.


@ 56:55 Finish strong. Still sell all. Some are still doing that. That’s great to see. Sell all.


He is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. The more Common that is sent in, the more increased with goods he becomes.


To all those who gave Common recently, gaze upon the fruit of your doings.

Giving up a home connected to the Campus must have been like exacting a pound of flesh. These trees went in this week, so Dave does not have to weep when he walks in view of the Hartman Road property he sold just for $280,000.


When he fails again on Thursday, what other excuses will he find in the scriptures? Will he next be biblically deaf? I am crossing my fingers for him to utter, “God made me dumb.” That would cause Dennis to vibrate in his chair with excitement. Oh, the memes would write themselves.


Thursday will come and go as Trumpets came and went. David C. Pack is a blind man leading blind “ministers” leading a blind church. How much longer can this go on?

Marc Cebrian:

See: Blind Leading The Blind

Commercial Break: Looking Back...So Much Water Under So Many Bridges


10/02/22 01:45 PM#51096     EDIT     DELETE

Dennis Diehl (1968)

Admittedly, should the last congregational hymn the closing of the Last Great Day of the FOT be this...

I could never get through it....

Obviously, I almost still can't...

Saturday, October 1, 2022

UCG: Dutch and Canadians Seem To Not Be Very Interested In UCG's Message


It seems like all the Churches of God are struggling to make their messages relevant to the people in the world they are trying to impress. While some directly blame this struggle on Satan, the most powerful god of the church, others make hints of persecution from a variety of sources without directly blaming Satan. None of them ever seem to stop and take a look at the message they are attempting to deliver.

Given the state of the world right now with so many conflicts and tragedies unfolding, people are not looking to walk into a lecture or presentation to sit there for an hour listening to doom and gloom scenarios. Instead of talking about the peace and rest found in following Christ, which Christians have understood for 2,000 years, they harp on following the law and preparing for a massive war, destruction, disease, and death. Who wants to hear that crap day in and day out when you are surrounded by it?

People who live in third-world nations, strife-torn areas, and living with REAL religious persecution, find rest in the One they believe in and of which rarely is ever spoken of in UCG publications, or in the broader COG community. Most of what is served up as "truth" is nothing more than crap theology or various topics that have no real interest to people in 2022. Most COG's still are trying to operate on Herbert's advertising strategies pre-1986. And of course, since this is the COG we are discussing with membership small in number, the immediate excuse that is used is, "The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few".

Perhaps it is time they stop and really looked at their message to see WHY the laborers are few. It can't be blamed upon Satan as the reason. Perhaps they might want to look at that Jesus dude, you know, that guy who is always in the shadows knocking on the door that no one seems to want to open.

Netherlands Update:

“In November last year we asked for prayers for God to bless our new website so that many Dutch-speaking people who are searching for the truth would be able to find it on the Internet. We are still in the process of collecting data in order to determine the results of that effort. Meanwhile, we are exploring ways to attract even more people to our website by posting short teaser texts on our Facebook account—inviting them to visit our website for information on various subjects. 
“Although we have many more ideas about reaching people with the gospel message, our team of dedicated volunteers is small. Therefore, we have an additional prayer request for our fellow brethren around the world. Please pray that God would call more laborers for His work in the Netherlands and Flanders.”

Canadian Update 

“Canada has a population of 38.6 million people living in the second largest country in the world with a land mass of nearly 10 million square kilometers (about 3.85 million square miles). The Church has congregations in 9 of the 10 most-populated cities in the country. There are 10 pastors and 16 elders serving 24 congregations in eight provinces. If a person were to drive across Canada to visit all the congregations, he or she would travel about 9,900 kilometers (over 6,100 miles) from coast to coast and would have to make two ferry crossings. An increasing number of pastors use Internet technologies to reach members who are unable to attend Sabbath services in person. 
One of our greatest challenges continues to be manpower—laborers for the harvest. Canada has been impacted recently by the deaths of a pastor and an elder. In addition, there are many policies in place to provide compliance with federal and provincial laws that apply to UCG-Canada as a federally registered charity. UCG-Canada must be especially careful of anything that might be considered ‘hate speech’ against any identifiable group. There are also very strict privacy laws, which limit what personal information we can collect and share. Considering the above-mentioned challenges, your prayers would be very much appreciated that the Word of God may continue effectively reaching the nation. In Part 2 of this report we will cover current media efforts to spread the message of God’s coming Kingdom.”

Canadian Update 2 

“Our media team continues working on ways to optimize our websites in order to promote and enhance visitor experience. The team has been writing introductory articles on topics covered by longer articles in The Good News and Beyond Today magazines. The shorter intros are meant to pique curiosity and then direct interested website visitors to previously posted material. Besides this, Beyond Today television programs air each week on cable television. However, Canada has limited print methods available for economical advertising. Those that are available, that we have been able to try, have not produced cost-effective results. 
“Regardless of these limitations and having very strict government restrictions during COVID-19, congregations across the country have had some new people begin attending Sabbath services which has been very encouraging to the members. Once again, we would be grateful for your prayers for your fellow brethren throughout Canada and that the gospel will continue reaching many people across the nation.”

Friday, September 30, 2022

UPDATED: You have been WARNED about this blog!!!!!!


A love letter from a reader:

WARNING: The continuation of verbal attack and condemnation of the Church of God or any group for that matter, is biblically unsound, sinful and destructive. I advise everyone who reads this site to check up on the information that is provided and research before concluding on any matter presented. The people who run this site are dead set on ruining the image of the Church of God. They are very bitter and hostile. It is very sad and I pray that they will have eyes that see someday. If you believe that God exists and hold to the Bible, if you believe God is a necessity for a meaningful and moral life, please heed me. Do not believe everything you read on this site. Take everything you read with a grain of salt. Their track record is not good. They are biased, very opinionated and not always honest. This site and other bashing sites will long be forgotten in the millennial Kingdom of God. Before then we must endure brethren. Persecution will continue to grow and increase from those outside the church. May Jesus Christ and God the Father be with you and may we love our enemies.

UPDATE:  One of our loyal readers made this comment:

"What a joke to compare Ambassador Report to this fake pretence of a blog. Ambassador Report was put together by students. 
This blog is neither run by church students or church members but by two faced rebels from within the ministry. Who love the benefits of being part of the elite whilst running this blog. 
This blog claims honesty whilst being dishonest."

My response:

"This blog is neither run by church students or church members but by two faced rebels from within the ministry. Who love the benefits of being part of the elite whilst running this blog."

I just have to laugh every time you get your self-righteous pants in a knot claiming this. No ministers started this blog, though both of us were ordained in some capacity within the church. Both left the church over 2 decades or more ago. There have been ordained contributors here from other groups, but they do not maintain this blog. They deserve their anonymity just like you, even more so.

It is typical for people to lash out like this when their cherished traditions are under fire. If we are wrong, then prove us wrong. The problem is you seldom can. 

If you were firmly rooted in your beliefs as the church taught you then you would have nothing to worry about from us. The problem is, you are not grounded and are grappling with endless questions and therefore get easily offended instead of taking stock of those beliefs and making good decisions. It was ingrained in us that our beliefs were God-given, sacrosanct, and immutable. Three decades of endless church splinters and idiot self-appointed prophets have debased the church far more than anything ever written on this blog.

There would be nothing to write about on this blog if COG leaders kept their stupid mouths shut and stopped making outlandish predictions. If they are dumb enough to say it then we are dumb enough to post it. 

People take this blog FAAAAAAAAR to seriously. How can ANYONE be serious about the COG movement when there are such incredibly STUPID things being said and done in 2022?

Who would have ever dreamed we would have people like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, and Gerald Weston leading COG's? No one could have ever imagined this in the years after HWA's death and yet here we are with these guys saying some of the most STUPID things ever imaginable. 

None of them speak for God nor represent him in any way. Absolutely NONE of them are receiving revelations from God. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE OF THEM! 

None of us have anything to fear when we reject their lies and call them out. They are powerless, weak, and impotent leaders at their core. They are theological empty, devoid of God's Spirit working with them

Like I said before, if they would SHUT UP, we would have nothing to do here and you would have nothing to complain about.


Be Seen, Not Heard

God's greatest prophet to ever exist in human history posted a 1962 article by Leroy Neff the other day, Do Unconverted People Know That You Are A Christian? It is a pretty bold move for Bwana Beto Bob to post this considering how badly he represents Christianity, especially from what the last few paragraphs have to say:

If we are the light of the world, the people will see it, even though they may not comprehend it now, or recognize why, now; but later they will remember that we were different, that there were no others like us. They will then remember that in addition to our living example of love, we did obey the living God. They will realize that our “fruits” came from our relationship with God and because we had God’s Holy Spirit. They will then cry out to God in repentance and receive the same Holy Spirit that we have received. 
We must let our light shine. Our light is our good works (Matthew 5:16), that light is SEEN of men.
By this way people may know that we are Christ’s disciples and that we are true Christians. There is no other way now for the world and for our unconverted friends and relatives to know. 
Don’t falsely assume that Sabbath-keeping, discipline in the home, obedience, or rejection of pagan customs are signs to the unbeliever. Let us have love and kindness that bring forth GOOD WORKS which others can see as Christian attributes in our daily lives. 
“Let your light so shine before men. that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). 
Editor’s note: While in times of persecution we will need to be more discrete, yes, Christians should be diligent and live differently enough from the world, that we will be a proper example.

Never has the church had a splinter leader that CANNOT shut up about himself than what we have today with Beto Thiel. The endless rushing wind of his self-congratulatory nature keeps blowing out that candle he needs to let others see shining brightly. His vanity and narcissism overshadow any positive thing he has to say, which is not much.