Wednesday, November 2, 2022

PCG reaches to the bottom of the cesspool to ordain new elder


Grant Turgeon

The gene pool at the Philadelphia Church of God compound, through the intermarrying of elite leadership families, exactly like the old Worldwide Church of God elite did, has produced some rather sad cases for ordination. But desperate times in the PCG call for desperate ordinations. The horror stories about this "kid" are all over private Facebook groups, just like the appalling stories of his dad featured on this blog.

Grant Turgeon Ordained Local Elder:
October 30, 2022 
Grant Turgeon [oldest son of Wayne Turgeon] of the Edmond congregation was ordained a local elder on October 11 by Gerald Flurry and Andrew Locher. He will serve in the Edmond congregation. –[name withheld] Exit and Support Network

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

CGI: Our Culture NEVER Sets Dates and We Aren't Woke!

Our Culture NEVER Sets Dates and We Aren't Woke!

In a sermon on the first day of the CGI’s Feast of Tabernacles in Clearwater (CGI was also associated with two other festival sites in Florida), Pastor Bill Watson marveled over the fact that God’s people were still celebrating this festival in 2022. The clear implication being that most of the “old-timers” believed that the Kingdom of God would have been established many years ago by now. This observation was followed by a statement which anyone who is familiar with the history of the Armstrong Church of God culture will find astonishing. Watson declared: “We were falsely accused of actually setting dates, when in fact really we never did, as far as our culture was concerned.”

After that jaw-dropping statement, Watson went on to observe that Christians are currently viewed as an “annoyance” or as “troublemakers.” According to Bill, TRUE Christians don’t go along with the mainstream media. From his perspective, God has revealed HIS TRUTH to the folks in CGI, and they need to tattoo that stuff on their brains! He insists that CGI members can’t allow themselves to swallow the narrative of the world around them. In other words, Christians cannot be woke or politically correct!

What kinds of things did Mr. Watson have in mind? He went on to remind his audience that God created Adam and Eve - NOT Adam and Steve (I know I’ve heard that one somewhere before). Continuing, he went on to make the astute observation that homosexuals “can’t reproduce,” and that it’s consequently an obvious perversion of the biology which God intended. Watson then went on to decry the fact that he can’t say anything about voter fraud, because “we’ll lose our YouTube account.” He then proceeded to make clear that Bill Watson didn’t drink the Kool-Aid on Covid-19. He reiterated his often stated opinion that masks don’t make sense. This, apparently, is what Bill meant when he referred to the fact that Christians like him were now viewed as annoyances and troublemakers; but he also made it very clear that he was not intimidated by these gainsayers. He declared that Christians have got to put “blinders” on so that we don’t get distracted by the noise that these critics generate.

Nevertheless, Pastor Watson did admit that some folks in the Armstrong Church of God movement have been misled by clever individuals. He cited the unnamed leader of the Restored Church of God as an example of just such a deceiver and went on to declare that “any minister…that basically attempts to steer you to follow them - get outta there…because if they are not pointing you to Jesus Christ there’s something very suspicious that’s going on.” You know, despite the awkward wording, I think that Pastor Watson may be on to something with that statement – I kinda liked that one! What do you think?

 Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix 

For All The Saints


Gerald Flurry Injuries Far More Serious Than Originally Thought

This post on Twitter indicates that Gerald Flurry's fall out of his bathtub during the Feast is far more serious than they originally let on. Here we are at the end of October and PCG is asking ministry to pray for the despot.


Monday, October 31, 2022

Restored Church of God Members Will Glow Radioactively

Remember this blast from the past? It was from October 2017. If we think he is crazy now, he was already heading down that road in 2017. 

Superfantabulous Dave Pack has announced that if all of the RCG members "stay on fire" by being filled with Dave's messages, they will glow radioactively when his fake "jesus" returns.
Here’s why. If you can stay on fire for the Work before he gets here—avoid getting drunk, or unaware, or sleepy, before he gets here—after he gets here, you’ll glow radioactive, you’ll be so on fire. The test is whether you can stay awake before he gets here; whether you can be accounted worthy during the easy times, like right now. Once they show up, everybody is going to sit bolt upright, come forward on their seat, eyes bugging—all of us. The whole world will, but before he comes, particularly if we are warning about him, it’s going to be tough. The first thing I wanted to say here, is just believe Christ. Apart from Him saying, “Fear not,” believe Him when He says your goal is to be deemed worthy to escape before anything here happens.