Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dave Pack: Stringing People Along

The String-Along


Members of The Restored Church of God have become so used to the disappointment they are numb by now. Another date of something-or-other is set by David C. Pack. Another date of a whole-lotta-nothin’ comes to pass. And yet, the more things fail to manifest, the more sure they are it will.


The proverbial ostrich sticking its head into the sand has nothing on the stalwarts of RCG. They are so invested in their denial and ferocious in defense of that denial they are buried in fantasy down to the kneecaps.


The longer you hold your breath, and the tighter you close your eyes, the more real something will become. In the world, they call that "wishing." But in RCG, that is called "faith."


The Restored Church of God members wish their Pastor General was correct about his ever-changing teachings. They wish that God is guiding him to fully reveal the Mystery of God so that Jesus Christ will return to earth on Christmas Eve to bring them all eternal life.


The spirit of error has taken root inside RCG and is spreading.



Some trapped inside RCG recognize what is happening but are paralyzed as to what to do. Others have chosen to take action.


Field ministers are reporting departures. It was not a good week for Brian Jackson or Larry Cockshutt.


The ministry at Headquarters knows tensions are high, and rather than sitting quietly, they have to keep posting worthless, Pathetic Updates. Four postings in four days.


Call it Damage Control as they continue to string along the brethren.


The Monday posting threw the Uno Reverse card on the half day teaching, which was an essential revelation by God two days earlier. This was reported in a previous article.


Prophecy Update – Monday, December 12, 2022


There is much evidence that the first period is no more or less than 10 days. It came to be that when God says 10 days of tribulation, we should not add or subtract time. Think of His precision with 1,335 days or 3.5 days! The only variable is whether Christ wants to spend time with us before the 10 days begin. This seems unlikely, but not impossible. Your watch could start as laid out in Pt 409, but don’t be surprised if 10 days is exact—with everything starting a half-day later than 409 explained.


So, never mind. The spirit of error was active during Part 409. Being off by 12 hours is no big deal.


That begs the question, Why teach it at all? The answer is Dave has to be right. To be off by 12 hours would be such a bitter pill to swallow for all eternity.


Stringing the brethren along gives the impression of further development. It hides Dave’s moonwalking. It hides the biblical accordion, expanding and contracting. The math is always flexible.



Prophecy Update – Tuesday, December 13, 2022


We have all heard the term, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This note is just that! Having one more night to consider all the verses on timing, it is helpful to include this brief amendment to yesterday’s Member Services announcement. While there is the case for everything starting exactly 10 days and nights before the day of the Lord, recall Mr. Pack has also wrestled with the many dawn/sunrise verses that counter the idea of 10 precise days. If the first period is 10 days and 9 nights (a total of 9.5 days), this would not break scripture—and would be a shorter trial for all mankind to endure! We could all hope this is the case, but will wait for whatever God’s will is, no matter what.


I had to laugh out loud. If David C. Pack had kept his mouth shut and NOT taught Part 408 and Part 409, this string along Damage Control would not be necessary. He could have prevented his own embarrassment last week and this week. But no, he had to keep meddling. He had to keep stringing it out.


Wednesday was supposed to be the beginning of the 1335 of Daniel 12:12. Quibbling over half a day seems rather foolish in the grand scheme of things. Let God's will be done.


10 days. 10.5 days. 10 days. 9.5 days. Just let it come already.


The subtext of these postings is to devalue Dave’s bloated machinations.



Prophecy Update – Wednesday, December 14, 2022


We are the people who “hear Christ’s voice” (Jn. 10:27) and “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes” (Rev. 14:4). This has in some ways never been truer than with our ever-expanding knowledge of prophecy.God often layers in more facts as time goes on while retaining elements of previous messages. This has proven to be the case with the “Mt. Everest” of Tevet 1! This towering day still is central. It has not moved in importance. You will be stunned by what will be explained on the livestream Friday night!


Apparently not.


It was not Christ’s voice they heard teaching about what did not happen last week or this week.


The members of RCG are following a man, not God. A human idol who spends most of his time during sermons preaching about himself.


If you wonder about this being a mischaracterization of the truth, please read A Self-Care Disaster. Or revisit the topics covered in Part 404 and Part 405 in The RCG Eraser. Then decide if what these articles present are concocted lies and deception.


The members of The Restored Church of God are NOT following Jesus Christ. They are following David C. Pack. To say otherwise is willful blindness.



Part 410 was delayed from Friday to Saturday. Why take up a free night when you can impose nonsense on a capt(ured) audience on the Sabbath? This is a great way to string brethren along for another day.


Thursday, December 15, 2022


Dear brethren,


Please note Mr. Pack will deliver a live message during services this Sabbath, December 17.


For planning purposes, services at Headquarters begins at 2:30 p.m. and the live stream in Member Services will be opened a few minutes before the sermon starts at approximately 2:45 p.m. (Eastern Time.)


Everyone who is able should connect to this live message.


For those unable to join live, the message will be available to watch afterward.


Kind regards,

Church Administration


David C. Pack must be annoyed that the brethren of RCG are wasting their time focusing on God during Sabbath Services. Instead of letting God steal Dave's thunder, he decided to make it all about him again as he force-feeds his prophetic foolishness to a capt(ured) audience.


Dave takes on titles belonging to Jesus Christ.

Dave preaches about himself all throughout the Bible.

Dave now makes the Sabbath focus on what he has to say.


Hmm. How is that not idolatry?


Part 410 will further string along the idea that the Tevet 1 Christmas Eve arrival of Jesus Christ is still “on track.”


How Elijah-centric the message today will be is unknown. After all, an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic can only see so much through the Magic 8 Ball.


The spirit of error has captured the corporate sheepfold of RCG and has made David C. Pack its bitch.


Tie a string around your finger to remember that.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Strong Along

Friday, December 16, 2022

Restored Church of God: Compassionate Shunning


Compassionate Shunning


Brian Jackson is a field minister serving the Florida area for The Restored Church of God. He profoundly influenced me when I first came to Headquarters in November 2012. A deacon at the time, Brian "showed me the ropes" with how to conduct myself in Wadsworth, but he also instilled in me his wisdom as a servant.


He is a very smart and patient man. He taught me the value of thinking first and keeping my mouth shut. He showed me the importance of paying attention and getting the big picture. He trained me to see a plan all the way through before attempting it. This mainly applied to physical duties on the Set-Up crew to avoid damage, but I used it in all aspects of being an RCG Headquarters employee.


I had a tremendous respect for Brian and was even proud of him when he was ordained a minister. I knew that Brian Jackson was a minister of Jesus Christ. He was a man who let God's Spirit move him. A man willing to serve and, despite challenging circumstances, always managed to have a positive can-do attitude. I never heard Brian complain.


At the time, I saw him and Kevin Denee the same way. Men who inspired those they lead.


I felt close to Brian and was sad when he and his wife were sent into the field. I was happy for him, but I lost a mentor.


Since being sent to the field, I would see him only twice a year. At the Ministerial Conference and at the Feast of Tabernacles, if we were at the same site. He was one of those men I was close enough to hug.



How Brian Jackson and his wife can continue supporting biblical fraud David C. Pack is a mystery to me. Brian knows the date-setting is wrong and, yet, allows himself to be used as an enabler and enforcer for The Restored Church of God.


He is not stupid. He is not a blind zealot. His heart must trouble him, and yet he stays.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke


Brian Jackson is one of those good men in RCG who do nothing and let the evil of a false prophet continue.


In Elizabeth O’Leary-Noble’s Exit Letter, she pointed out facts to Brian, who was her minister. If he were moved to re-read “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?” with open eyes, he would see how far his leader has fallen. The words of David C. Pack identify and condemn what David C. Pack is now.


Brian and his family attended the Feast of Tabernacles this year when he heard his Pastor General make these statements that proved to be utterly false.

And yet, he chose to do nothing.


He followed closely through Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Cheshvan, and into Kislev. He chose to do nothing.


December 9 passed. Brian and his wife did not receive eternal life as David C. Pack said they would. He chose to do nothing.


Brian will pass through December 25 and accept all the excuses that have to come. Sadly, he will continue to choose to do nothing.


One of the things Brian Jackson has chosen to do is write a letter to the local brethren of RCG to instruct members to compassionately shun those who have left.


This is no boilerplate reproduction from the field ministry resources. Those are verbose and cold. No. Brian took the time to craft this email himself. It shows the kindness of his heart. Well, kindness while instructing brethren to reject those they recently called sisters in Christ.



Good afternoon All,


Hope you are off to a good week.


We understand some can choose to leave God's Church and they may attempt to contact us and share their thoughts about why they left.


This has been the pattern of the entire New Testament era.


Often one who becomes critical, divisive, hostile, or is in disagreement—doctrinally or otherwise—with the Church will leave quietly on his own accord (I John 2:19).


Even though we ask them to have no contact with the brethren, some still do.


In this regard, without getting into any details and to leave room for repentance, I must let you know that the following are no longer with us and for you to be on guard for any attempt by them to turn you away from the truth:


        •       Nanci Benckowsky

        •       Bonnie Farmer

        •       Elizabeth O'Leary


The goal is to protect God’s sheep—from others and, when necessary, themselves.


Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Brian K. Jackson


The Restored Church of God



This is the nicest “cut them off” email you could possibly get. Reading this rather than a copy-and-paste from Headquarters made me think, “Yep. That sounds like Brian.”


Brian chooses not to warn the flock about the wolf who captured the corporate sheepfold. He chooses to warn the sheep about the other sheep who fled the spiritual slaughter.


All three ladies gave permission for this email to be shared. They want everyone to see what happens to those who anoint their eyes and leave RCG. Other field ministers are far less compassionate.


The Restored Church of Another god is not where the truth lives anymore. "The Greatest Untold Story!" Series is an abomination filled with deception and confusion. David C. Pack lies to the brethren and is not led by God. He is a false prophet, a false apostle, and a blasphemer blaming God for his persistent errors.


Brian, I believe you care about your sheep. Elizabeth was making a plea to you in her letter. If you do not want to give her words validity, then re-read “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?” The case Dave makes is pretty compelling. That book was written for a time such as this.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


Brian, stop doing nothing.

Marc Cebrian

See: Compassionate Shunning

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Did UCG Force Randy Stiver To "Retire" From His South Dakota Congregations?


Church of God News is reporting how the United Church of God has "forced" Randy Stiver to "retire".  Though, reading through the story below it doesn't make a lot of sense when it declares he was forced out of a job and then goes on to say he is still a pastor.

Mr. Randy Stiver, long time minister, Council of Elders member and teacher at Ambassador Bible College, has been forced to retire from the ministry of the United Church of God. Mr. Stiver had been assigned to pastor UCG’s South Dakota congregations in the spring of 2021.  

Some members of the eastern South Dakota congregations began a campaign of opposition to Mr. Stiver early on, messaging their grievances to the Church’s Operation Manager, Ministerial and Member Services Director Mr. Mark Welch and others. The opposition reached a peak shortly after the Feast that year when members of that group solicited support from other members for the purpose of presenting an organized unified front. The result was a visit to the eastern South Dakota congregations by Mr. Welch and Regional Director Mr. Mitch Knapp. Many members were unaware of what had been happening, but as those loyal to Mr. Stiver became aware of the situation they began to make their support known to home office leadership including then Church President, Mr. Victor Kubik.  

The division over Mr. Stiver’s leadership continued through the spring holy days and into the summer of this year. Mr. Kubik was replaced as UCG President by Mr. Rick Shabi. Mr. Shabi was informed of the situation by those on both sides of the issue. He visited the churches this summer, giving a sermon to the combined congregations and holding an open bible study soliciting input from members. Two weeks later Mr. Shabi visited again this time accompanied by the current UCG Council President Len Martin. They delivered split sermons to the combined eastern South Dakota congregations urging reconciliation by all parties. Shortly after that it was announced that Mr. Stiver was retiring and being replaced by long time South Dakota elder Mr. Ken Skorseth. Several families within the congregations loyal to Mr. Stiver are now reassessing their relationship with UCG.

So what’s all the fuss about?

A group of people didn’t like that Mr. Stiver was old school in his structure of the local congregation. They just didn’t like him being in charge from the start. They are more ecumenical and liberal (even Protestant if you will). They had been given positions of influence by the former Pastor and Mr. Stiver wanted to restructure the group. They were able to gain the ear of Mark Welch and then Mr. Shabi and Mr. Martin. Mr. Stiver wouldn’t budge on the administrative structure he wanted locally.  

Mr. Stiver is a long-time minister going back to the 1970s. He was NOT introducing any new or controversial teaching or doctrines. He supports United’s Fundamentals of Beliefs. He has served on their Council of Elders and taught at Ambassador Bible College in Cincinnati. It’s a case of the people rule. Some would say laodecian. It wasn’t doctrinal, but personality based. 

Shabi, Welch and Martin are part of a liberal movement in United and didn’t like Mr. Stiver being old school. They went along with the locals. 

Bizarre as it sounds, it’s as simple as that.  

Mr. Stiver is NOT totally retired. He has been given Rapid City, SD to pastor and a limited stipend. Rapid City was part of his original South Dakota circuit. Interestingly, they did not and do not have a problem with him. Just the influential group in Eastern South Dakota. United is experiencing a shortage of ministers. He is being monitored by Shabi and has to be careful about what he says and does.  

United has many younger ministers in charge who don’t have a sound foundational understanding for what the “Church of God” is. Locals describe it as a “church home”. More local people throughout the congregations are becoming cognizant of United’s liberal ecumenical trend.  

Mr. Skorseth, the new minister in charge, is being monitored closely by Shabi, Welch and Martin. He gets approval from them as far as the speaking schedule and has orders about how to proceed.  

The situation in the South East South Dakota congregations remains unresolved. We’ll see.