Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dave Pack: Brethren, It is my job to let you know I know stuff, but I dont need to tell you what I know because that's not my job


Prophecy Excuses


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God can squeeze a lot into 78 minutes. Just not the truth.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 437)” on April 24, 2023, the audience was blown away when Judas returned to being the Man of Sin. The most substantial evidence supporting that God was working with Herbert W. Armstrong in the 1930s was dissolved. David C. Pack's job is to let the brethren know he knows stuff, but he will not tell the brethren the stuff he knows because that is not his job.


He is 99.9% sure about that.


Heads and horns and kings and beasts of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 were the bulk of Part 437, but they were not all of it. After teasing the brethren with elements of the Man of Sin, the Seventh and Eighth Head, and flying Chaldeans, the launch pad spring was wound and ready to go.


While in the book of Habakkuk, David C. Pack felt compelled to get into the meat of his Bible study by making a tortured excuse for all the prophetic hiccups.

Part 437 – April 24, 2023

@ 05:45 Now, if that setup didn't intrigue you, then I guess I failed. But again, it’s the last thing that I am told to explain. So, I guess we’d have to stop and say, no matter how many times I or you or all of us thought and hoped that I had reached the end of the line until I explained somebody or a group led by an individual who precedes the first of three kingdoms of God, there was never any way that I had fulfilled that.


Boohoo. I could not fulfill prophecy until XYZ was explained. The concept of the messenger understanding what the message was and when he delivered it is out the window.

The "Ah shucks, I'm in this right beside you, brethren" attitude does not hold water. Dave digs into the Bible to find what he needs and exploits it to kick the can down the road. Seven years running.


During the Days of Unleavened Bread, He went out of his way to assign homework seven days in a row SO THAT prophecy could not-really be fulfilled. Thinking he was fulfilling a prophecy when he was not is an honest mistake. Maybe if it was the first time.


@ 06:15 I could read it and think about it. And even think and know that I had to do it and think that I had done it, but until I explained something that came before all three iterations of the Kingdom, which means I had to go back to and learn about and solidify one year. I could never fulfill that verse.


The idea the verse is not about him does not cross his mind, nor is that something he could read and think about. Human steam pushes forward to fulfill a Bible verse. Which is why he fails.


Prophecy occurs when and how God decides. We are the surfboards on the wave. Dave thinks he is the ocean.


@ 06:33 Now, that's one of the most startling and inspiring things for me to realize. The days of my voice would not be ended. I would not have prepared the way, and Christ and the Father come quickly with their temper. With their Temple.


Another personally important revelation. Only those close to him would know if it was as inspiring as being the only person on earth to be correctly waiting for the 1335 of Daniel 12:12 to begin in February.


This is so startling to him because it shows he has not been “wrong” this whole time. If you reach a Level-12 understanding of Between the Lines, you can interpret what he really meant.


Until God was ready to bestow this information upon poor try-hard Dave, he would be held in a perpetual circling pattern until the prophetic runway was cleared for a landing.


David C. Pack could not fulfill prophecy until God gave him the thumbs up. After a seven-year stumble, that has finally happened with Part 437.


Do any of his excuses sound familiar? They should.


Flashback Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 1:24:24 It’s over. And it’s the greatest mystery (and in all honesty, brethren, and I’ve said this before), but this might be the greatest mystery of all. We were never gonna be done with this process until Mr. Pack got this straight.


Flashback Part 418 – February 9, 2023

@ 15:00 One of the greatest mysteries that the Bible contains, I'm gonna explain to you now, and you've never heard one word about it. And it’s its own statement (yet again) of how the Series could hardly be over until this was explained.


Flashback Part 388 – August 23, 2022

@ 04:57 If we’re waiting for Christ to bring the Kingdom of God, we should know it. And this Series wouldn't be over until that was suddenly figured out after, lo, these many years.


Flashback Part 226 – December 28, 2019

@ 1:17:12 We could almost say the Series would never be over until you heard at least this sermon.


Flashback Part 179 – June 12, 2019

@ 1:41:00 …are what God said to say to this man. And you know what? We weren't ready until this man said all those things, and he's doing it tonight.


That is enough. It is painful to watch Dave punch this other, more stupid guy wearing the glasses. No need to be a bully, dude. We get it. This is recycled content for the short-term memory crowd.



While traversing through Daniel and Revelation, Dave had to walk back a recent walk-back. This is another undoing from Part 437.


Part 437 – April 24, 2023

@ 1:04:49 “…and you shall have tribulation ten days.” There is no place in history that I can find (and I have dug); there is no place where there were any such ten days or ten years. Either one where that already happened. 


Dave reverted the ten days of Tribulation in Revelation 2 to prophetic future and NOT the past.


For those who gullibly trusted David C. Pack to correctly interpret the word of truth during Part 432 were again disappointed. The All-Believing Zealots accepted when he said those ten days were part of history. And they got hoodwinked. I wonder how many of them are keeping score.


Part 432 – April 1, 2023

@ 02:55 So, we faced a false choice, and I wanna explain that. The ten days are ten historic years, or ten prophetic days? Ten historic years, which is what the Church taught, and I believed for about 55 years or ten prophetic days? The answer is neither. It’s ten historic days.


How did he come to his conclusion when he April Fooled the brethren?


He made it up. He just decided to fabricate reality. This is the pitfall of “because I said so” theology.


David C. Pack presented this as a conclusively researched fact despite the research being inconclusive, revealing it was not fact. And yet, he taught it anyway.


This is the result when Dave does not disclose his sources. Because there are no sources. When you listen with your Between the Lines filter activated, he cites a source when he has one. He blows past it when he does not.


The lesson here: If you let David C. Pack talk long enough, he exposes himself as a liar.



There have been several jaw-dropping moments throughout "The Greatest Unending Story!" Series. They usually involve brutal attacks on the brethren or the people around him, but sometimes words fall from David C. Pack’s lips that prove a stunning blindness.


How he can read Deuteronomy 18:20-22 aloud without blushing, winking, or with uncomfortable hesitation is beyond me. Part 437 had one of those instances.


Extreme Irony Alert

Headquarters Edition

@ 45:48 “…I lay down My life for the sheep.” So, some shepherds have to be willing to die for others in this period. A lotta shepherds have not been what they should, and a lot of them are gonna be put to a test. A greater judgment, if you will, during this difficult period. And they may have to give their life for the sheep. I learned back thirty years ago there were men who gave safe sermons who would not die for the sheep. They would hold their job first until they were forced out, and there was enough money and tithes in groups they could go to, and they'd be fine. They gave safe sermons. Always safe sermons. Never stood up, and then they got axed. I'm an expert at getting axed. Twice.


“The third time is the charm,” as the saying goes.


This moment perfectly described the hirelings at Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio. The Restored Church of God is experiencing a difficult period RIGHT NOW.


A lot of shepherds have not been what they should be. Safe sermons. Never stood up. Greater judgment. Wow. David C. Pack is still capable of speaking the truth at times. Though, it is mostly unintentional.


Meet the men unwilling to lay down their lives for the sheep by giving safe sermons during this current test inside The Restored Church of God which will result in a greater judgment.


Bradford Schleifer • Edward Winkfield • Ryan Denee • Carl Houk

Jaco Viljoen • Kenneth Orel • Timothy Ranney • James Habboush

Andrew Holcombe • Salasi Jezhi • Frank Lydick • Raymond Garb


The clock is ticking. At some point, it will be "pencils down" for these guys. I would not trade places with any of them. The brethren need to get out while they still can.



Flashback Part 434 – April 10, 2023

@ 00:02 Well, much (maybe most) of everything we’ve learned and heard has been correct.


Two weeks later, Dave is already light-years past this understanding. Does that make the statement a lie or a mistake?


David C. Pack has been fraudulently claiming he has fulfilled prophecy and, during his own excuse, admits that was false. 


The enablers at Headquarters follow him along, holding pillows and vials of oil to keep their human idol calm and cozy. They have no idea what a disservice they commit against God’s people in God’s name.


When the Judgment Seat of Christ appears, what excuses will they make?

Marc Cebrian

See: Prophecy Excuses

LCG: Be humble like we the ministry are...


Doug Winnail lets the Living Church of God membership know that THEY need to start humbling themselves so they can become teachable - like the ministry already is. Cough, cough.

The Real Keys to Spiritual Success: Many believe the key to success is who you know. Yet, God’s instructions are very different. Jesus stressed the importance of humility and teachability when he said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and “Blessed are the meek” because they will inherit the Kingdom of God and reign on Earth with Jesus Christ (Mathew 5:3–5). God was able to use Moses because he was humble and teachable (Numbers 12:3). Jesus was exalted by God because He humbled Himself and followed God’s instructions (Philippians 2:8–11). Solomon understood that “before honor is humility (Proverbs 15:33). The Apostle James records, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6–10). Peter writes that God will exalt those who are humble and can submit to one another (1 Peter 5:5–6). Isaiah summarizes what God is looking for in those He will reward; “But on this one will I look: on him who is poor [humble] and of a contrite spirit [willing to change, and who trembles at My word [a person who is teachable by God]” (Isaiah 66:1–2). These scriptures provide us with the real keys to spiritual growth and ultimate success.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

For decades the key to success in the Worldwide Church of God, Global Church of God, and Living Church of God was dependent upon who you knew. It's odd that Winnail completely overlooks that, but then this is a COG, after all.

There is a lot of emphasis upon humility and humbleness made by Winnail above, one thing that has been totally lacking in COG leadership for decades, regardless of which group it is.  Rod Meredith was well known for not having a humble bone in his body, so much so that Herbert Armstrong sent him to Hawaii for the year to learn humility. It didn't work.

Also, when has the leadership of ANY Church of God ever submitted to the membership? Do you see Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, or Gerald Flurry doing that? Bob Thiel will not even listen to his elders when they bring instances of corruption to him. Gerald Weston certainly does not!

As for the "willing to change" part, there is no minister leading a church of God today that has ever been able to do that. Look at Bob Thiel, one of the most bullheaded narcissists the church has ever seen. Pack and Flurry certainly were not willing to change resulting in the mess they are in today.

Paying lip services to humility and being humble is something most Church of God leaders/ministers are really good at. It sounds good but to really do it is another thing indeed.


Why Do They Stay?: -- The Bamboozle


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Carl Sagan