Monday, October 2, 2023

Could This Be The Most Pathetic Feast Sermon Ever?

Imagine for a moment that you have driven close to a thousand miles to attend the Feast with like-minded brethren, or maybe spent thousands of dollars in plane fare for you and your family. You arrive at your temporary dwelling in a mid-priced hotel and walk into a room with less than 40 people present. Already the alarm bells are going off, but being the good COG follower you are you tell Satan to take his nasty thoughts and shove them, you are there to enjoy the Feast!

Then it comes time for the sermon. All excited you bring your briefcase up onto your lap and pull out the big fat Moffit Bible you have diligently been highlighting for years and the new notepad bought especially for Feast notes. After all, true followers of Christ take diligent notes so they can inculcate the word spoken by God through the ministers. You are excited to hear new truths about the millennium and the world tomorrow where the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.

This is going to be so great, your kids will be enthralled.

And then, the minister opens his mouth and it quickly goes downhill. You look at your kids as their eyes enlarge and tears start to form as they hear this:

Wild Beasts and Prophecy

Louis Rubin discusses the prevalence of tigers as pets. He also discusses the number of dogs and cats people have. He quotes passages in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Ezekiel, Revelation, and Jeremiah related to prophecies about problems with wild beasts, including dogs. Louis Rubin quotes various ones related to risks associated with rabies. He speculates that food shortages related to the ride of the third horseman of the Apocalypse may be a factor in the deaths from wild beasts and pestilences associated with the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse. He mentions that scripture prophecies the death of 2 billion people during the ride of the fourth horseman.

What in the flying jackass did you just hear? Your kids now see this in their minds:

All of this crap is derived from another ludicrous article by the Armstrongite propaganda machine in the 1960s when the tribulation was just a few short years away. Scare the brethren and they will send in more money for that final push, and to save their sorry asses.

The old Radio Church of God published the following:

God warned Israel in Leviticus 16:14-35 what would happen IF THEY DISOBEYED this law. Israel was to receive severe punishments in four progressively worsening stages unless the nation repented.

Some have thought this prophecy apples only to Israel’s first punishment, and isn’t for us today. They quote verse 22: “I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you FEW in number; and your ways [roads] shall be desolate.”

Those who are scoffers will say, “That is no concern of ours: there are not enough wild beasts in this nation to do any serious damage.” Don’t you believe it! We are already getting a foretaste of this condition. Rabies and other diseases that are spread by animals are becoming increasingly more destructive, …

Besides the rabies that is being spread far and wide by foxes, skunks, mice, bats, and dogs, there are many more diseases that are bringing great destruction to our children and cattle. Diseases, however, are not the only source of trouble from animals. Man has so abused his natural surroundings that wildlife populations and their food supplies are becoming unbalanced. When a species becomes too numerous, or its natural food supply runs low, it is likely to cause abnormal destruction due to sheer hunger madness. Consider the following report from TRUE MAGAZINE, March, 1960:

“There are twice as many rats in the world as people — about five billion (400 million rats in the U. S.). EVERY 12TH FARM IN THE WORLD PRODUCES FOOD ONLY TO FEED RATS; a total of about two million average sized modern farms! …”

Wild animals are destined to become even more destructive THROUGHOUT the world BECAUSE MEN HAVE SEVERELY ABUSED THE LAND. (Robinson JW. Are We Cursing our Land? Good News, December 1960)

This is the resource material for Armstrongite and Bobite "ministers" to pull their information from. These men of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" have never had any real religious education, know nothing about the Bible except what they read in Bob Thiel's books and booklets, or if they have been in the church long enough from old Worldwide Church of God publications. That is the reason they CANNOT discuss Jesus or the New Covenant in any detail.

Ideally, that kingdom to come in their long desired millennium will be a kingdom ruled by Christ that will be 1,000 years of rest, unless they are a king or priest or better yet a god or goddess and then they will be busy ruling worlds with rods of iron. No rest for the wicked! They need to be educated into the ultimate truth, Bobism!

Little will be heard about Christ at any of the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu's Feast sites. Upcoming death and destruction with war, plagues, rampaging animals, vicious cats and dogs, rabid hamsters, and knife-wielding chinchillas will be the topic of discussion. Finding rest in Christ will not be heard.



Sunday, October 1, 2023

“Feed me the excess!” growls the belly god of COG HQ's

Keeping the fat tithing god of the church happy
is the number one teaching of the Church of God


One thing the Church of God movement has been good at is milking its members of their money as much as possible. They have made tithing into a salvational issue where if you do not tithe then you are disappointing their god. Their god expects to be kept fat and happy with your money. After all, everything you have belongs to it! It owns everything and you have no right to any of it. You only have things because it has allowed you to have it.

Members are expected to send into church headquarters their 1st tithe, save a 2nd tithe for the annual convention they claim is a "Feast". Then they expect you to tithe off of that amount and also give them your excess 2nd tithe, then there is the 3rd tithe that is supposed to go towards the widows, orphans, and those who need temporary assistance from the church - which 90% of the time is diverted into other uses. Then, after all of that, you are expected to fork over money on church-appointed "holy" days that are supposed to be "free-will offerings". Then, there are the co-worker/member letters guilt-tripping members into sending in more money. 

In Church of Godland it is far more important to keep the church leadership in fancy homes, buy them jets and pay for their use and upkeep, build monuments to dirty rocks, build extravagant campuses and fancy gardens, fund concerts, Irish dance productions, and buy horses and properties. That is the real main purpose of the membership of the church. Instructing members how to be followers of Christ and the New Covenant is NOT something most of them even try to do anymore.

Money is the foundational doctrine of the church that weighs far more heavily than any salvational teachings or even Jesus himself. Considering that tithing is NOT a New Covenant command, it's no wonder they enforce it as their foundational belief in the New Covenant is non-existent.

Exit and Support Network has the following letter up about Gerald Flurry's Feast of Tabernacles. 

October 1, 2023 
‘The Feast’ is underway, and it is not about what to eat, but whom, and who is eating whom? The PCG may call it the “Feast of Tabernacles” and it is true that tabernacles are being swallowed up by that false religious organization, especially the dwelling places of their members, whose livelihoods are steadily quaffed up, paycheck after paycheck, all year long, not only during “The Feast.” 
The real focus of that “feast” is on forking over as much tithes and offerings as can be wrung out of the flock, who are deluded to believe they are being fed “spiritual food,” but there is a certain spirit that is eating them alive as the main course. When it’s time for the money-extracting ‘offeratory’ messages, the bottomless maw of HQ opens wide, saying “Feed me, feed me!”

A first, second, and third tithe have already broken the poor families, but now they are coerced into handing over the “tithe of the tithe,” and guilted into giving up “excess tithe” at the start of the Feast before it has ended. Whose “excess?” What is “excess” according to HQ? Does that somehow put a limit on how much joy a member can experience at the Feast and how much they can enjoy life all year long? 
“Feed me the excess!” growls the belly god of HQ. What is truly excessive is the smell of greed rising up to high heaven out of that place. With all the tithes that are already in place and enforced with a vengeance, you would think that would satiate the need to ask for any more members’ money, but, no, HQ must establish fund, after fund, after special fund. Isn’t the true excess in begging for all those special funds? I suppose GF can contort a few verses and their meanings in the Bible to justify the excess funds as “biblical” and therefore mandatory. 
Hey, how about this one in the next Royal Vision? “New Revelation: There is a Fourth Tithe!” I know GF can pull that one off! Hallelujah! (The PCG hates it when people say that word.) Let’s not talk about “excess tithe” but how about excessive tithes. Excessive extortion. Excessive control. –Former PCG member (name withheld)

Dave Pack: Antichrist Apologetics

Antichrist Apologetics


David C. Pack has been systematically normalizing the spirit of antichrist in The Restored Church of God. With “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 465)” on September 2, 2023, he began the most aggressive biblical title-grab of his career by cutting Jesus Christ out of the Bible and pasting in himself.


David C. Pack has become the version of Thomas Jefferson he frequently criticizes.


Consider. David C. Pack removes Jesus Christ from the Bible and replaces Him with David C. Pack. He does not replace Him with Paul, Peter, James, Jude, John, John the Baptist, Stephen, or ancient King David. No other "unknown church figure" will come "someday" to fulfill those roles. Nope. The guy telling you this stuff is the same guy the stuff is about. Is religion some great racket, or what?


That feat could be perceived as a colossal coincidence, but none of it is possible without the unstoppable and immovable Power of Presumption. That power recreates the heavens and the earth for the Kingdom of Dave to allow the people of Dave to worship Dave in the Name of Dave so that one day, they can all be transformed into the likeness of Dave and see him as he truly is.


When you have a corrupted mind giving heed to seducing spirits, anything is possible. Statements made during “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 470)” on September 23, 2023, are the further result.


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 01:30 Now, what we heard nine days ago, I’ve heard over and over from various people, was simply life-changing.


It is one thing for David C. Pack not to “see” what he is doing, but it is quite another for people who do not have mental illnesses to agree with it. And simply because I am fluent in Packinese, “over and over from various people” could literally be two people. Two or three starry-eyed All-Believing Zealots are all it takes for Dave to present the impression those accolades are widespread.


I watched him stroll through the halls, rushing past people, “Exciting stuff, right?” The brethren think they have no choice but to smile and nod, “Oh yes, Mr. Pack. Exciting.”


I stand as a witness to those types of occurrences at Headquarters. Keep that in mind when you hear Dave praise his own revelations because he tends to pump the numbers in his favor and present “facts” from a very narrow perspective. How exciting are the things they no longer teach a week later?



Spiritual death by a thousand pinpricks. With an occasional swing of the axe.


That is what is killing The Restored Church of Another god. Lies are accepted because of repetition and subtlety, each supporting incremental steps toward antichrist thinking.


The red dots on the RCG timeline began when David C. Pack declared himself an apostle on February 26, 2005. On August 29, 2009, he assumed the identity of Joshua the High Priest of Zechariah 3. All bets were off once he saw himself in the Bible, and the sky was the limit.


The “next level” declarations began on January 24, 2015, when he took to himself the mantle of Elijah the Prophet in a one-day, three-part, nearly six-hour message. By far, the biggest red X blasphemy on the apostasy calendar was on December 26, 2015, when he nullified two of his own books in one day by announcing he (as Elijah the Prophet) was That Prophet of Deuteronomy 18 and Acts 3. The Restored Church of Another god has continued its descent into biblical madness ever since.


In 2023, David C. Pack became the Branch, the Messenger of the Covenant, and “one last” Lawgiver. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, needed to be taken down a few notches, and a mighty man was on the scene to do the job.


And he loves to have it so.


@ 05:07 So, He's also called the Most High. Now, if you look up the word “high” all through the Bible, He’s called the Most High. Not that His office is higher than everybody else's (of course it is) the word there is elyon. Elohim is different. Elyon means His elevation is higher. The word elevation or lofty or height.


Manipulating words is a key to controlling minds. Notice how Dave acknowledges "of course," Most High is an office while dismantling that idea. He also cannot teach about God without associating himself.


@ 05:42 Now, when it says that "Elijah is higher than the kings of the earth," that's also elyon.


Psalm 89:27 does not reference Elijah. But it is now "true" because Dave says so. By repeating it, the words of the Bible are replaced with David C. Pack’s private interpretation. In this case, he needed to "demystify" a word associated with the phrase "most high" to keep selling Kaiju King Elijah.


If David C. Pack is to be taken at face value, I was “most high” over him when I flew to California this week. In fact, all the brethren who traveled for the Feast by plane were also “higher than Dave” for a few hours.


@ 06:12 But, when it says Elijah is elyon “above the kings of the earth,” he towers over them, matching the fact that his one foot would be in the sea and one on the land or one in the rivers and one in the sea however it says it there in Psalm 89. So, that's helpful to understand.


How is that helpful beyond reinforcing Dave’s giganticness?



@ 14:50 I wanna make a powerful statement about why this journey was so extraordinary, so historic, and prophetic, and amazing all rolled into one. If you don’t know the difference as we came to between the Lord of Hosts and the Captain of the Host, you’re stymied. I mean, you are just stuck. If you think Christ (for instance) is the God of the Old Testament, you will never understand all kinds of verses.


The journey is only prophetic if it comes to pass. In the meantime, it is lunacy.


Since David C. Pack removed Jesus Christ as the God of the Old Testament, his misunderstanding accelerated. There is no gray area in that teaching. The two cannot walk together unless they be agreed. It is a great dividing line. One path leads deeper into perpetual error.

@ 16:03 But, let’s go further because until recently, we couldn’t figure out the difference between Elijah and Christ. So we had we saw one Being. Christ was the Lord of Hosts, and He was also fulfilling all the roles of Elijah. He was the Star that came out of the Israel. He was the Shepherd of Israel. He was the Stone, the Messenger of the Covenant, the Branch. No, He’s not. He's the Vine and the Captain of the Host. 


David C. Pack uses the word “Elijah” as a buffer to minimize the wincing in the guts of some brethren.


This is what he really said:


“We couldn’t figure out the difference between ME and Christ.”

“Christ was also fulfilling all MY roles.”

“Christ is not the Branch. I am.”


@ 16:33 The one error that the world makes is they increase Christ by making him the God of the Old Testament. The church did that, too. He was the Lord of Hosts in our mind. But the other error is we decrease Christ by making Him the things that a man would do.




David C. Pack has long refuted the idea that Jesus Christ is a man today. Even to suggest so “insults” Him.


1 Timothy 2:5

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;


Denying Jesus Christ is a man today is the core theme of antichrist.


1 John 4:1-3

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.


Jesus Christ “is come in the flesh” is present progressive. If Jesus Christ is not a man today, then He is not my elder brother. Thomas placed his hand inside the wound to believe Jesus was still a man. Jesus ate fish and honeycomb with the disciples. Men do that.


2 John 1:7

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.


David C. Pack is a deceiver and an antichrist. Don't believe me. Believe your Bible.


@ 16:53 When you think, “You're not the Vine. What were you thinking, Christ? You’re a Branch.” ‘Cause it never occurred to us that the Seventh Messenger could be the Messenger of the Covenant or God's Messenger there in Malachi. ‘Cause that's even worse.



The deception of David C. Pack sometimes comes in the form of verbal sorcery. He carefully worded the following statements to give the impression he desires without directly lying.


@ 17:07 Now, if you can't separate Him in either case, you'll understand why the apostates said, “The Bible is the story of Jesus Christ. Herbert Armstrong got it all wrong. He's everywhere all through the Bible.” And they slew the church…




David C. Pack is a historical revisionist. Joe Junior and the Pepperoni Posse taught Jesus WAS the Gospel rather than being about the Kingdom of God. But it was Dave's "father in the Gospel," Herbert W. Armstrong, while The Worldwide Church of God was “on track” who taught all the other things he listed about Jesus Christ’s roles.


Herbert W. Armstrong taught Jesus Christ was That Prophet, the Branch, the Messenger of the Covenant, the Shepherd and Stone of Israel, and the Star of Jacob. That was not the doing of the apostates.


Dave conflates differing facts by blurring them together to create his alternate version of reality. He is willfully leading the audience to falsely remember that the rebellious apostates that destroyed the WCG put the erroneous ideas that Jesus Christ is the Branch and the Messenger of the Covenant.


Dave taught that until a few weeks ago. Why would he do that if the apostates invented it? They didn't, and he knows it. He is taking the concept of “Jesus throughout the Bible” as an error of thinking that aligns with the apostates by conjuring guilt by association.


That is an intentional deception executed by David C. Pack. This will also be a new weapon in the hands of his enforcing enablers to counter concerns from brethren. “Oh, you think Jesus Christ is the Branch? The apostates would agree with you.” I bet Ed Winkfield can’t wait to use that one.


Psychological warfare. Mind control tactics. Gaslighting. Lying. This is the state of The Restored Church of Another god, headed by a professional blaspheming liar promoting the spirit of antichrist, David C. Pack.



@ 17:27 …because if you looked through and you believe all of that, there's one Being, where, in fact, there's three. One's the Lord of Hosts. One the other one said, “My Father's greater than I.” He’s the Captain of the Host. And the other was way down the line. He is a man called a servant and various other things, and he's Elijah. Lot of different terms for him. I wrote up 34 of them, and somehow the scribes knew the difference.


David C. Pack counted 34 biblical names for himself.


In some cases, those names belonged to Jesus Christ. David C. Pack admits he is LITERALLY “in place of Christ.” For years, he criticized Popes for being Vicars, but now it appears that was only out of jealousy, not righteousness.


@ 17:53 But remember, weth used to think That Prophet was Christ but Elijah the Prophet was somebody who came into the church. So, we didn't even know that That Prophet and Elijah the Prophet were the same being. Wow. So, truly, the Mystery of God ended truly with the other element of separation between Christ…and the roles that are done by a man with a little flock doing the same before Christ is seen in great power and great glory on the Day of the Lord. So, that also came near the end.


David C. Pack is normalizing the spirit of antichrist. The spirit of antichrist is thriving within The Restored Church of Another god. Brethren have a dire choice in front of them.

Marc Cebrian

See: Antichrist Apologetics