Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Annual Church of God Christmas Weekends Are Back!!! Woo Hoo!!!


Join COGWA as they are surrounded by beautiful Christmas carols, Christmas foods, and beautiful decorations as they learn to be "strong and of good courage"! 

This year’s theme is “Be Strong and of Good Courage,” based on Joshua 1:9. Every follower of Jesus Christ needs encouragement to stay the course and never give up! Just as God knew Joshua and the Israelites would need great courage to enter the Promised Land, He knows we need the strength of conviction and courage to face the future. Come to the 2023 Winter Family Weekend, where we will focus on the inspiration, strength and encouragement God gives to us, His people, as we journey to His Kingdom.

Unity, Unity, Unity! Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

It is always fascinating to watch Churches of God in 2023 talk about unity. Every single one of them are apostate churches of the mother church, the Worldwide Church of God. All were created in acts of rebellion and division. They brag about submitting to church government, yet they were united in their defiance and rebellion against the mother church that taught them that government.

Living Church of God is back berating its members about how important unity is. Keep in mind, this is the same church led by Rod Meredith, one of the most rebellious and cantankerous leaders the church had in decades. Even Herbert Armstrong had to exile him to Hawaii to cool off and examine himself for the slightest thread of humility he might have had. Then he ran off at the mouth smearing Leona McNair when she was divorcing Rod's buddy, Ray McNair (aka Buffy). That lawsuit dragged on for several years costing the church millions of dollars in legal fees, which Rod happily let them pay, all due to his stupidity.

Then, once the Worldwide Church of God lost the case and had to pay Leona substantial damages, ol'Rod and a small group of angry church members who had been plotting behind the scenes along with Buffy McNait to start a new church, officially started Global Church of God. Even in his new church, Rod got his tail feathers all in a snit and bitch-slapped Ray McNair by taking all of Global's money and members away from him so he could start yet ANOTHER splinter group where he and he alone was in charge. Unity was never an issue for Rod or any of the ministers who kept jumping ship with him. Their concern was never about the members but their own salaries and positions of power.

Despite all of that, LCG demands that their members be unified today.

Importance of Unity: David wrote, “how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30), and He prayed for His disciples, “that they may be one as We are” (John 17:11). The Scriptures reveal that the disciples had different personalities and perspectives (Acts 15:36–41; Galatians 2:11–21), but they learned to work together as a coordinated team to achieve their mission (2 Peter 3:14–18). They realized that if they each marched to their own drum, the Church would be divided and they would not fulfill their mission. They also learned that Satan is the author of division and confusion and that his goal is to divide and destroy the Church of God (John 13:21–27; 1 Corinthians 14:33). If we are led by the same Spirit, we will see divisions diminish and we will maintain the unity needed to complete our mission (Ephesians 4:4–16). This is the challenge that real Christians face in Satan’s divided world.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

They were not pleased to dwell together in unity with former brethren, but expect their followers to be unified now.

They were not "one" back then and are not now with any other group. Unity is NOT a priority.

LCG has NEVER worked together with anyone or any Church of God as a coordinated team of believers who are all working together on a mission.

Instead, LCG has always marched to its own drum, dividing members from other family members and other Church of God's.

Their father Satan, has taught them well on how to cause division.

Their inability or desire to actually follow Jesus does not allow the Holy Spirit to lead them. They will continue to divide as the years go by until they are split into irrelevant little sects like Bob Thiel's rebellious splinter group.

Real Christians do not act like LCG leadership.

Living Church of God Rocks In Manchester, England: Outstanding Success!

LCG has been doing their "presentation" in cities all over the U.S., Canada, and England where they claim to share a gospel to the world.

No place on earth has been more successful in attracting new members than what they have accomplished in Manchester, England! Note that there are 2.8 million people who live in the greater Manchester area.

Last weekend was a successful weekend for Canadian TWPs: four initial presentations drew a total of 63 guests. The follow-up presentation in Manchester, England, was also successful, drawing four repeat guests and one new guest. This weekend, Mr. Weston will be giving initial presentations in Schenectady and Binghamton, New York. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

The fact that they chose to brag about this as being successful is more frightening than their inability to draw in the public!