Wednesday, January 5, 2011

UCG Sells Out to COGaWA Pressure and Reverses Sabbath Paper

UCG honchos in Cincinnati watching their church blow up in their faces and disintegrate to nothing changed their stance on the Sabbath controversy in a blatantly political move.  With close to 160 some ministers and elders jumping ship to Jim Frank's new splinter cult, UCG was set to loose thousands of more members when the Church of God a Worldwide Association holds it's conference in the next week.

In the same hypocritical backstabbing and lying  that went on when UCG split from WCG, COGaWA had the upper hand.  It was the conservatives vs the liberals all over again. The deciding factor on both sides was money.  The COGaWA's had to form a new splinter cult in order to receive income once UCG terminated them.  UCG had to do whatever it took to maintain a steady flow of income into their HQ to maintain their salaries.

Both sides now will continue to keep the members of UCG/COGaWA in bondage to a day no longer required under the New Covenant.  Both sides will continue to rule over and abuse their members with legalistic bullshit.  Neither side has the balls to really sit down and examine Sabbath keeping without using HWA's writings or other COGlet materials spread out in front of them.  But we should never expect such in depth study since COGdoom is intellectually and theologically bankrupt.

So the sheep still continue to suffer because they won't examine things either.  If HWA or a minister said it, so let it be done.

UCG statement:

January 4, 2011

After studying the material that has been provided from a couple in Chile, the Council of Elders, after full review and rendering due diligence, is prepared to issue the following statement in regards to observing the Seventh-day Sabbath and Holy Days in a proper manner to uphold the Fourth Commandment.
The United Church of God, an International Association, has a long-standing teaching on the subject of owner-operated businesses in relation to the observance of the Sabbath and biblical Holy Days. If a business is solely or majority owned by a Church member, then the business should close on the Sabbath and the Holy Days.
There are some exceptions, as Jesus Christ gave Sabbath-keeping principles in Scripture in this regard, which would apply to healthcare and retirement facilities and dealing with dairies and farm animals. But, day-care centers and schools do not fall under these categories. Therefore, the Council of Elders stands by the authority of Scripture in our lives and the consistent position of the Church which requires that such businesses, as long as they are solely or majority owned by a Church member, be closed on the Sabbath and the Holy Days.
We deeply appreciate the sincere request of the members in Chile in asking for the Council of Elders to render a judgment.
Melvin Rhodes—Chairman, on behalf of the Council of Elders


Steve said...

What a bunch of hypocrites! They have strain out the gnats and swallow the camels. So, it's ok to eat at a restaurant on the sabbath, turn on your stove, turn on your lights, talk on your telephone, use your computer, watch your television, iron a shirt, take a hot shower, and I know many UCG people who even go shopping on the sabbath. I used to work for the phone company, and I know that those substations had to be manned every day so that people would not lose the convenience of phone service 24 hours a day. So, how is that any different than keeping a day care open for a few hours on the sabbath, or keeping it open on a "holyday"? Why bother to keep just PART of the Law if you don't keep the WHOLE Law to the letter? Administrative concessions are needed when an organization picks and chooses what part of the Law they desire to keep. Of course, we all know the underlying reason for the overall strictness involved. First, they are under the Old Covenant, and, Second, they don't want to lose those "tithe" dollars, so they have to "scratch those itching ears".

Anonymous said...

" ... day-care centers and schools do not fall under these categories."

Yup. Throw the kids out on the street until their parents can fetch them. That's the Christian thing to do.

Steve said...

It doesn't make any difference. They'll be in the second resurrection. Go your way. Be warm and be fed. Oh, Lord, I thank you that I'm not like other men. I pick and choose the sabbath and "holydays". I tithe on ALL that I possess. I fast once a year on the day of atonement. I'm in the true church!

Kev said...

Wow! Steve, your comments sound incredibly hateful though you may not have meant to be.

We strive to keep Torah as Christ did, not Mishna. As such, turning on the stove, lights, using the phone, and showering aren't a problem. I personally don't think it is just "ok to eat at a restaurant on the sabbath" though on ocassion I have due to circumstances beyond my control. Others in UCG think it is fine.

Perhaps you find similar variances in beliefs among your fellowship?

Having said all that, YES, YOU ARE RIGHT in that all religeous organizations have some ministers that are motivated by the dollar, while others are motivated by their calling. My understanding is these people are the "tares" Christ spoke of.

I wish you well.