Jesus, of course, warned about a time with such issues:
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8We may be at this prophetic point as all the earthquakes and other problems that have happened in the past year or so could be considered as “troubles”.)
Perhaps the earthquake can serve as another wake-up call to the Americans and others that the world can change very quickly and that the time to repent is now:
30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-31There are troubles and repentance is needed. Things are going to get much worse in North America than this.)
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Prophet Thiel: Colorado and Virginia Earthquakes a Sign For America To Repent
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God sent earthquakes on Colorado and Virginia today to punish them for harboring Armstrongist Church of God Members.
God is not happy with the false prophets of the ACoGs and is giving the land of their creators nasty jolts to wake them from their idolatry.
It's mild now, but God is very displeased and if the ACoGs don't quit their heresies, blaming God for tragedies brought on by the ACoGs themselves, He is going to start cleaning House!
Of course, you can never know for SURE....
Like all literalists and COG ministers, Dr. T operates as a modern man with a primitive mind.
Earthquakes,storms,drought,fires and heavy snow all originate at the weather and geophysical center for Deity controls.
If lightening strikes me, it is Satan angry at me. If lightening strikes you, God is trying (Does God have to try?) you something.
"Sadly and of course" (to used Dr. T's favorite opener,) we should know better today. It is God haunted and magic thinking at it's best to explain the quite common things of the planet and that man is not the center of all things living or in control of anything.
We naturally struggle in our minds to explain that which effects us and we can't control. Religion and especially the threats by priests of the wrath of an angry deity sprang from such natural events. Fear sells and converts.
Rocks slip
Snow falls
Wind blows
Fire spreads
Sun shines
Crops wilt
Asteroids hit
Volcanoes blow
"see that you be not troubled, the end is not yet."
Why does no one stop to ask what kind of God has to communicate, or try to communicate, thru weather? I hear he has a voice like thunder. Why not just speak up and leave no doubt?
Superstition gone wild.
Why not just speak up and leave no doubt?
Good question.
The Biblical answer is that He tried that and it didn't work. Worse, He sent His son and the son was killed.
If that were the case, why try any more? Especially when there are con men and nutcases everywhere who manipulate whatever they can for their own self-aggrandizement, liars transforming themselves into ministers of light. [It was very disturbing to see Larry Grieder from the Church of God Worldwide Association stand up and hear him on Pentecost lie about the Waldensians being Sabbath keepers -- subtle, really subtle: Ministers who lie and then take the money.]
But then that's just one view, and Scriptural.
Of course, on the other hand, ex WCG ministers have a history of speaking up and leaving no doubt.
There is growing evidence that the VA quake may have been caused by fracking which is the human way of squeezing the ground for all it's wealth. soooooo, God: "Hey, hey, earthquakes are my tools towards repentance not yours!"
Man: "oops, sorry."
If a minister says the Waldensians or whoever kept the sabbath, I expect that is what they have been told and what they believe to be true. It may not be true but it is not subtle manipulation. It's just ignorance and lack of critical study and thinking.
Baptist ministers have this kind of thinking mastered.
Helpful explanation of the geological process in north America. No God in sight
God's power unleased. Can repentance be far???
Predictable, and embarrassing, but it's all they know to do.
If a broken clock displays the correct time twice per day, do we get to be jubilant, and to proclaim that the clock is once again actually working?
There are apparently some long cycles involved with seismic activity in the Eastern USA, much longer cycles than are involved with the shifting of teutonic plates in the Southwest. Armstrongism has a history of exploiting the downside bounces of just about every economic and natural cycle known to man. When one's audience is either uneducated, or conditioned to believe that intellectual pursuits are all vanity, it is very easy to appear to have the witness of God.
"fracking" "frack!"
I assume this is not Battlestar Galactica fracking.... :-)
Frack you! har har. I am unfamiliar with BSG "fracking"
Lots of people see messages from God in this earthquake. Some say God wants a jobs bill passed:
Then there is that hurricane that's due to pass right over Martha's Vineyard around the end of the week. Personal message from God to Barry??
VonHowitzer ya think, if there is a god, that he might have more going on than what's going on down here? Religious people are so superstitious...believing that their god has to use weather to get "the world's" he's watching us with his binoculars. How ya gonna get people to repent if the weather kills them all?
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