Looks like God is ready to SPANK LCG for their grievous sins! I wonder if Spanky has fled inland yet to the nearest Ritz Carlton?
Prophet Thiel has this to say to you heathens:
The multi-island nation of the Bahamas has been affected by Hurricane Irene and the Eastern USA seems to be next in its path:
Between the Virginia earthquake and now Hurricane Irene, the Eastern USA has had “troubles” (cf. Mark 13:8US East Coast Braces as Irene Strengthens Over the Bahamas
Wall Street Journal - 25 August 2011Hurricane Irene thrashed the Bahamas early Thursday, with widespread damage reported on at least two southern islands. The storm is threatening to pummel the Eastern Seaboard over the next several days as far north as Maine. It is a powerful Category 3 hurricane with winds at 115 miles an hour.) this week.
These types of things may be parts of what Jesus referred to as “the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8) before the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21
). Or this may just be a normal hurricane for the season (though the earthquake was not normal for the area). While carnal protection is wise, spiritual protection is even more important.
Bob!!!! Wake up! It's Weather!
Hey bobble-head bobbie. Come on down to Texas. We'll show you god's wrath.
The absolute arrogance of Thiel to say that if one tries to save themselves from the hurricane that it is your "carnal" nature at work. In his view it is better to sit there reading Mystery of the Ages on your front porch when the hurricane hits. You would have at least been reading God's revealed truth which is more important for your soul than worrying about saving your ass from a hurricane. It's no wonder people look at Armstrongism with such derision!
NO2HWA said, "In his view it is better to sit there reading Mystery of the Ages on your front porch when the hurricane hits."
MY COMMENT - LOL, that cracked me up!
I am sure there was plenty of praying on the decks of the Titanic on that fateful night. As the ocean waters were approaching, some were praying, "ah God, this would be a good time to intervene....anytime now....help.....help,help.....blug,blug, blug......."
I'm just guessing here, from an interpolation of various factors indicated but, Bob Thiel's perspectives suggest he has never read Proverbs -- particularly the part about the wise hiding themselves.
Fools pass on and are punished.
The winds will come. The waves will crash.
And the House was not built on even sand.
It's pure air, and hot air at that.
Wake up! There's a Creator!
Yah, real good... yada - yada - yada [pardon my Hebrew].
Imagine that you go to hear someone speak. A spectator in the crowd really hates what the speaker says and berates him unmercifully.
Then you notice that the same spectator is at another of the speaker's meetings and is again dealing out more vilification.
And again, and again,...what will you think of that person?
Probably, that there is something mentally imbalanced with that harasser and that if he doesn't like what the speaker says, he should just have his say and then forget about it.
I don't like HITLER, STALIN, BUSH or OBAMA, but why let someone have that MUCH POWER OVER YOU? Why KEEP YOURSELF MESSED UP over what someone else, a free-will agent just like you, has done or said?
Why not spend some time protesting the men who are REALLY slaughtering tens of thousands over oil, geo-politics, credit-default swaps?
Their Majesties King Herbert and King Joe, Sr. and most of their high court are dead, but they had fabulously successful lives! Now you can't touch them.
And TRUTH BE KNOWN, you can't touch any of the current WCG or COG people either, because they won't listen to your barbs, your atheist rants are just 'nuts' to them. You haven't HURT or HELPED anyone.
The only ones you can parade in here from time to time are the WCG/COGers who 'crapped out,' fellow mental cases that want a shoulder to cry on, to make a buck on the HWA-haters market, and to turn states evidence for attention and 15 seconds of web-fame.
This [fill-in-the-blank]-hater, battered sheep, recovered-cult member schtick is pretty transparent and seems like some unhealthy business to me.
It makes you look really weak and childish (its no wonder this generation is the one to experience the 'GLOBAL CRASH.')
Why not play checkers with your son or spend more time with your grandchildren instead before time is up?
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