As a general rule, crosses are shown with a vertical member and a horizontal member. Some crosses include a circle around the point where the vertical member and horizontal members intersect. An example of each is shown.
Is it possible that the cross could represent the yearly orbit of the earth around the sun? If so, the year can be divided into 4 seasons of 3 months each and the seasons can be identified by the solstices & equinoxes.
By comparing the illustration to the left with the picture of the cross at the beginning of this article, one should be able to see the similarity between the two. The orb in the center represents the sun and the orbs at the
solstices and equinoxes represent the earth at those 4 times of the year. The majority of crosses seen today are generally displayed without the sun and the orbit of the earth.
solstices and equinoxes represent the earth at those 4 times of the year. The majority of crosses seen today are generally displayed without the sun and the orbit of the earth.
Many today accept the cross as a religious symbol of the death of Jesus. Some say this is a “pagan” symbol and should not be used for that purpose. (The actual understanding of the word “pagan” is a subject for another time.)
However, if the cross is simply an illustration, or metaphor, that represents the orbit of the earth around the sun, whether or not the sun and the earth’s path are shown, why is this considered a bad thing? It is realized of course, if any person or organization chooses to use that symbol as an item of worship, that may not be a good thing to do, but does that make the illustration a bad thing. Unfortunately, many things are considered evil and “pagan” (there’s that word again). It may be that those in charge of religious organizations promote misunderstanding, knowingly or not, in order to gain control the people.
Is it possible that Leonardo da Vinci understood this metaphor when he painted the “Last Supper”? Could the following represent the 4 seasons of 3 months each with the “sun of god” in the middle?
Let each individual decide for himself. There is MUCH more to this subject if one has to desire investigate.
Yes, much more. Jesus is a solar deity just as Osiris and Mithras. I have written about this for years.
The solar cross is the symbol for the Easter sunrise at 90 degrees due East at the Spring Equinox. The sun is crucified at the intersection of the ecliptic and celestial equator.
The Gospel story is "as above, so below"
Another great OT origins story is the description of the Cherub has four faces. The face of a Man (Aquarius--Winter) The face of a Bull (Taurus--spring) The face of a Lion (Leo--summer) and the Face of a Eagle (Aquila-the Eagle--Fall) Each of these signs is an equidistant three months apart giving us the seasons.
Either that or what a coincidence it is real cherub happen to mimich the for seasons in the sky.
Ok, I'll bow out. I have studied this stuff for a decade and find it too much to be mere coincidence.
This is a great beginner site for understanding the big picture of the concept of the Solar Deities that become huge religions as the sun goes through the progression of the equinoxes.
The Old Testament ends the age of Taurus (4000- 2000BC) with the grinding up of the Golden Calf and Abraham finding a lamb or ram in the thicket to open the age of Aries the Lamb.
Just as Mithras slew the Bull taurus to end that age, so Jesus , the lamb of god was slain to end the age of Aries the Lamb and begin the church age of Pices the Two Fish (Fishers of men)
Anyway, try this site for fun
I once tried to understand a link between the various forms of the cross and Christianity. I've read some fairly far-out theories, one being the Order of the Rosicrucians. This is strictly for entertainment value, but I did find some books on this quite interesting. I am still trying to finish"The Rosicrucian Enlightenment", by Frances Yates.
and Luke 8:10
. The Fellowship seeks to prepare the individual through harmonious development of mind and heart in a spirit of unselfish service to mankind and an all-embracing altruism. According to it the Rosicrucian Order was founded in the year 1313[26] and is composed of twelve exalted Beings gathered around a thirteenth, Christian Rosenkreuz. These great Adepts have already advanced far beyond the cycle of rebirth; their mission is to prepare the whole wide world for a new phase in religion—which includes awareness of the inner worlds and the subtle bodies, and to provide safe guidance in the gradual awakening of man's latent spiritual faculties during the next six centuries toward the coming Age of Aquarius.[27] "
There is an explanatory article on Wikipedia at:
These 2 interesting paragraphs are located within the article. Of course I have no answers, but these books became quite entertaining - especially after I noticed that the Albigensians are somehow connected. The Albigensian people are mentioned in some of the COG articles on "The One True Church" They are likely no more connected to a linear church history than the Waldensians :)
"According to the writings of the Masonic historian E.J. Marconis de Negre,[19] who together with his father Gabriel M. Marconis is held to be the founder of the "Rite of Memphis-Misraim" of Freemasonry, based on earlier conjectures (1784) by a Rosicrucian scholar Baron de Westerode[20] and also promulgated by the 18th century secret society called the "Golden and Rosy Cross", the Rosicrucian Order was created in the year 46 when an Alexandrian Gnostic sage named Ormus and his six followers were converted by one of Jesus' disciples, Mark. Their symbol was said to be a red cross surmounted by a rose, thus the designation of Rosy Cross. From this conversion, Rosicrucianism was supposedly born, by purifying Egyptian mysteries with the new higher teachings of early Christianity.[21]
According to Maurice Magre (1877–1941) in his book Magicians, Seers, and Mystics, Rosenkreutz was the last descendant of the Germelshausen, a German family from the 13th century. Their castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the border of Hesse, and they embraced Albigensian doctrines. The whole family was put to death by Landgrave Conrad of Thuringia, except for the youngest son, then five years old. He was carried away secretly by a monk, an Albigensian adept from Languedoc, and placed in a monastery under the influence of the Albigenses, where he was educated and met the four Brothers later to be associated with him in the founding of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Magre's account supposedly derives from oral tradition."
Esoteric Christian Rosicrucian schools provide esoteric knowledge related to the inner teachings of Christianity.[25]
The Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1909/11. Teachings present the mysteries, in the form of esoteric knowledge, of which Christ spoke in Matthew 13:11
'Zeitgeist' is a ridiculous premise.
99.99999% of 'christianity' and the other 'world religions' are certainly Satanic paganism. What does that prove? We already know that he has deceived the whole world.
Despite all this, there is a faithful 'little flock.'
"So What? said..." said
"99.99999% of 'christianity' and the other 'world religions' are certainly Satanic paganism. What does that prove? We already know that he has deceived the whole world.
Despite all this, there is a faithful 'little flock.' "
So tell me "So What" are you one of the faithful 0.00001% flock? Or, are you one of the decieved ones? But of course if you are deceived, would you really know it?
It seems by your comment that this "Satan" character of the bible (as generally understood by christianity) has a lot more POWER to deceive than the "God" of the bible has to offer understanding. Oh wait, I may know your answer to that comment. I've heard it many times before, "God allowed it."
Thanks for extrapolating on So What's math to determine that 'So What's' faithfulness is true to what the rest of humanity's pitiful 0.00001% is.
Do you think I'd be wrong by guessing that 'So What's' take on his own faithfulness was inculcated from something Herbie taught?
New moons were an occasion for the Israelites to gather and celebrate during Old Testament times. Yet, we know that the pagans practiced moon worship.
Sacrifices to Yahweh were mandated for the Israelites, but we know that the pagans also sacrificed to their pseudo-gods.
When considering symbols and practices that are shared between God's people and the pagans, the important element would seem to be who is being glorified or worshipped, and the condition of the heart of the individual worshipper. Obviously God doesn't want children passing through the fire, or gay temple prostitutes cavorting about, but those things are inherently just plain evil, and reasons why God commanded the Israelites destroy the original Mesopotamians.
A cross, because of what it is used for, would normally cause revulsion. But, our God takes evil and uses it to accomplish good. The cross has become an internationally recognized symbol of the triumph of Jesus Christ! Nobody but a few deluded fanatics even think of paganism upon seeing a cross today. It is said that demons cannot even look at the cross!
"Just wondering,"
And by your reasoning, if YOU are deceived by this satan character, YOU would not know it either, would you?
You said, "Oh wait, I may know your answer to that comment. I've heard it many times before, 'God allowed it.'"
'God?' Friend, you are so dumb that you don't even know that the ancient Anglo-Saxons who the Catholics 'converted' were calling their idols, 'god,' and that title was falsely applied to the Creator. Check a dictionary.
That's why the ignoramus (I mean, atheist) cries out, 'Oh GOD!' when his world is collapsing, honoring the serpent.
Its the same with the Old English 'hlaf-weard' (loaf-guardian), now 'Lord,' and this Grecized 'Gee-zeus Chrestos' character that billions falsely worship.
Just go back to sleep and stop wondering....you might learn something that you don't like.
What is clear is that you are not of the 99.99999% OR the 0.00001.
Byker Bob,
Nice try at rewriting history.
The Israelites and the ecclesia today were/are told to worship ON the new moons and Sabbaths, not worship THE new moons. There is a big difference and deception in your statement.
You said, "When considering symbols and practices that are shared between God's people and the pagans...."
The false church today IS worshiping the sun, moon, stars, and all their fake gods and goddesses, which is exactly what the Creator forbid.
The little flock is being called out of Babylon to worship 'in spirit and in truth,' without idolatry.
Demons love crosses and the graveyards around the world are full of both! They are a sign of death and give shrieking glee to perverted spirits.
You have watched 'Dracula' just too many times.
The Messiah bore the shame of the cross, in that the serpent which was raised up on it in the wilderness DESERVED it for his rebellion. But Messiah intervened and purchased with His blood and death those whom the serpent had taken through sin.
The scriptures clearly evince that criminals only deserved the shame of being raised up on 'the tree.'
Man's (satan's) perverted religion cannot gild an instrument of torment and death and make it a sign of victory. The empty tomb is a clear symbol of Messiah's victory over death.
Do you think satan loves the empty tomb, which turned his gloating into defeat and the sheer terror of dethronement?
To DennisCDiehl,
Yes, 'Gee-zeus Chrestos' is a fraud...and easily connected to pagan idolatry.
...but that is not the name given in the scriptures, just in man's rewrites.
His name, spoken in the Hebrew by the angel, is 'YAH saves' (as you well know).
This name is unknown to all but a tiny fractional percent of professing believers worldwide.
No wonder they can't be saved, because His name has not been given, except to a 'little flock' called 'firstfruits.'
"So what",
I think you need a new name since when you meet Saint Peter at the Golden Gate the conversation may start to sound like Laurel and Hardy's "Who's on first?" comedy routine.
That aside, I appreciate your saying that I'm not part of "the 99.99999% OR the 0.00001"
(I'm partial, though, to the 555 astable multivibrator using an external capacitor.)
"So What"
I apologize if I misunderstaood your first comment by relating your 0.00001% of christianity to your "little flock" comment. I assumed (which is not a good thing to do) you considered your self as being a part of that miniscule part of christianity. Your follow up comment to me and others indicate you are not. Please accept my apology for my assumption.
I do understand your comment about the use of the word "God". I used it in my comment only because most christians relate the "God" of the bible with the creator of the universe and when "christians" (especially those with a WCG background) don't have an answer for something, their pat answer is "God allowed it." I personally refrain from using the word god in my normal conversation.
Trust me, I am not asleep. I have many questions and comments. I ask those questions and make those comments in an attempt to instill others to "wake up" from their sleep. However, I think they have been put into an induced coma by the authority of christian organizations, especially those with a WCG background.
Because of my questions and comments, someone labeled me as "curious". My reply was "Yes I am. I am curious about many, many things I once believed." "Curious" and "Just Wondering" can be considered synonymous.
So What:
You can say what you wish about my knowledge of history, but at least I don't filter mine through discredited sources such as Alexander Hislop, or through the lying witness ACOGs, who continue to become ever smaller as they splinter due to a lack of God's Spirit. (I just love it when Gamaliel's plan comes together!)
I'd invite you to join me in trying to get to the bottom of all the error, by reading the complete works of Josephus, the writings of the antenicene fathers, and other lit from that period. Having read and studied those recently, I also plan to read Hillel and Maimonides within the coming months. As you can tell, anonymous trolls spouting Armstrongism don't ruffle my feathers in the least, because I'm already on a securely guided path.
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