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Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
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The house of cards is crumbling and the end of that cult cannot come soon enough!!!
I know of what I speak, once being a part of that deceived organization.
The house of cards is crumbling and the end of that cult cannot come soon enough!!!
I know of what I speak, once being a part of that deceived organization.
Although this is interesting, it is worth noting that somehow Pack carries on , in spite of the fact that he has had wholesale clearcuts of staff and ministers since his pathetic beginnings back in the 1990s. The "half-life" for staff in Packland is around 4 years.
Hopefully, Ambrose will come out and do an expose' on Pack and his madness.
So, it looks like Mr. Ambrose could not stomach one more installment of Pack's delusional prophecy - Part #145 coming Nov 3rd!
When will the rest of those at HQ wake up???? You are smarter than that people! Use your brains and the "critical thinking" that Pack publicly advocates but secretly hopes you will never use!
What he is teaching does not line up with the prophecies in the Bible. The only place you will actually find those never-ending, ever changing prophecies are in the deep recesses of Dave Pack's mind. Does any sane person really want to go there???
It's about time! Left RCG over 14 years ago. Saw the direction it was going and wanted out!
I will give some of the higher up people in RCG credit. At least most finally see what is going on and leave. DP has lost several ministers over the past 5 years.
Why the hirelings hang on in PCG is beyond me? GRF must be paying them a lot more than DP.
Splinter leaders will not admit that the house is crumbling. They can get down to 100 people and they will have an answer and reason why it's all OK. Little flock. Growth in the future. The Work will get out.
Very surprising, I would have never suspected he would leave. That would be two Evangelists ordained and two Evangelists gone.
The RCG will go on with others moving on up and new congregants being trained to fill the lower roles. Common will be still required in exchange for salvation and the teaching of Jesus Christ coming soon to Wadsworth, Ohio will be a forefront belief.
One man leaving will not make a difference unless that one man is Dave Pack himself.
He was an arrogant prick, phoney with a stash and goat. And he explained to the Wadsworth newspaper repirter, Colette as I recall, that RCG prefers (accepts only) like minded people as members. He was just another Pack goon. I wonder if they sign some severance agreement, money for silence. Now who you gonna worship Jeff? What’s the new game? Who you plan on exploiting now. Crook.
I wonder if the economy of Whatsworth can survive this!
Contending earnestly for the faith once delivered is easier said than done, especially after so many people have now wasted so much time and so much money supporting what have turned out to be satanic imposter cults. Some people even went through both Gerald Flurry's PCG and David Pack's RCG. They were supposedly looking for the one true church of God, but somehow ended up in Satan's false churches. The truth supposedly mattered to some people enough to reject the apostate Tkaches and their Great Apostasy of January 1995. Now, some of these same people are being tested to see if the truth still matters to them enough to reject the outrageous heresies of Satan's false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack.
Gerald Flurry pretended to be holding on faithfully to everything that HWA had taught even as Gerald Flurry edited and changed HWA's writings, including Mystery of the Ages, and openly “flooded” the PCG with much “new revelation.” Actually, in fact, Gerald Flurry had immediately stopped preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, which HWA had taught was the true purpose of the church, and replaced it with a “new commission” for a “new church era” of “warning the Laodiceans.” This meant causing all the satanic division that Gerald Flurry could among COGs and families, and keeping PCG members in the dark and feeding them bulldung, such as the idea that Gerald Flurry rather than Jesus is the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19
David Pack said he was going to restore everything that HWA had taught at the time of his death on January 16, 1986, but ended up “restoring” a “common” theft scam instead, and uses the money to spread his lengthy “First Dominion” prophetic nonsense that he makes up as he goes along. The idea that believing HWA was the Elijah who “restored ALL things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresies got thrown out when David Pack came up with six hours of noise containing “130 proofs” that David Pack rather than HWA was the Elijah. David Pack's own booklet that had previously proved that HWA was the Elijah got tossed out too. David Pack's dozens and dozens of proofs for various things have now proved that his proofs don't prove anything, especially his 56 proofs that something was going to happen on August 31, 2013.
So Dave lost his 2IC... Wow, that's like Bob Thiel losing... uh... someone...
I can't wear loafers now, and have to wear laced shoes... That's it! I am outta here!
All of those in Pack's inner circle are complicit in making merchandise of the brethren. I don't know how they sleep at night!!
Brethren scrimp, save and sacrifice as they are told their salvation is linked to "giving all".
Then, there are the elite who have beautiful new homes on Pack's compound where no expense is spared to beautify and build, plant more trees, shrubs and flowers and more buildingsand additions, including horses for the pleasure of the elite. Yes, these HQ elite hide out in Pack's ivory tower and live very well, not appearing to be sacrificing anything....but their integrity....
LOL! Totally predictable. The dude wanted his gonads back. Who could blame him?
5.20 PM
God holds Daves HQ elite accountable for being part of such a wicked group. They are sacrificing their eternal lives.
You can't stay in RCG and still be a Christian.
The current teachings are replacing many of Jesus Christ's roles with DCP.
Remaining there is worshipping a blaspheming false prophet, just like he used to accuse those in PCG.
He's now walking with a strange gait as, coincidentally, DCP is ambling around missing one size-12 Penny-Loafer.
Where do these ministers and members generally go after leaving Pack??
Sadly, In just a handful of years Ambrose's appearance has revealed signs of stress and being overworked more than usual. Heavy bags under his eyes, some weight gain, greying faster, and a growing introverted attitude. He has such a beautiful family and he has managed to be a great Father. His wife is a solid rock behind him. I'm sure at many times his conscience afflicted him but his desire to live a balanced healthy life has gotten him to this point of resignation from the cult RCG.
RCG puts its ministers thru the ringer. On top of ministers constantly being criticized by Pack, they must carry out his ruthless orders even against what they know it is to do good. Some of these ministers have their hands tied behind their backs, by not only being employed at HQ but also living on campus which gives Pack greater sway over these men and their livelihoods.
For as much as Pack preaches balance and moderation, Higher up men like Ambrose are given unbearable workloads. At times running several departments (SEVERAL), catering to Pack whenever he needs to be told hes right, attending countless other meetings, preaching and trying to fulfill their roles as servants to the people. These men work 7 days a week, having to take home work but also be on call to discuss wacky prophetic theories with Pack. Family takes a backseat for Pack who is suppose to be fulfilling Malachi 4:6
I'm glad the Ambroses left. Leaving for health issues caused by stress is a great indication of how dire being a part of the cult is. They will use you till your body is broken and when you fail, replace you and suck the life out of the next.
I chuckled at the fact they considered his departure an attack from Satan on the church. How many times will you use the excuse to cover up the nonsense you do that drives people out in the first place?
Good for you Ambrose, now the best part of your life begins. I hope now a normal, refreshing, and balanced life comes your way. I pray you get paid what you are worth, and are valued for the extensive and tremendous knowledge you have. I pray you will be recognized wherever you go for your work ethic. I pray for you to get significant amounts of rest, so your body heals and u enjoy being removed from the toxic environment that lead u to have troubles in the first place.
RCG is afraid of what this man knows and could potentially tell the public. Including evil pack has done to members/formal members/Ministers. I hope he writes an open letter or says something to elaborate.
A majority of the people who leave RCG end up leaving religion altogether preferring to live a normal life. Very few end up shopping around for a different COG. All of Packs kids want nothing to do with religion. That is how bad it is.
Jeffrey Ambrose is the second Evangelist to leave RCG having never gotten a chance to even work that role in any meaningful way. Kevin Denee (son in law to Dave) was the other Evangelist who resigned. Now RCG has lost both of their evangelists.
It's being said the wacky prophetic series is now reaching 150 sermons. 150 x 2 hours ea. = 300 hours of content.
Thats 300 hours of prophetic gobbly gook that every new member must have committed to mind along with the basic foundation of Christian living, history, and principles. Fundamental beliefs. On top of unlearning pagan christian beliefs and replacing them with all that is doctrine in COG. Add to that learning about appearances, protocols, new holy days, tithing, and several offering funds one is obligated too as part of attaining salvation.
Those who have lasted 10 years or more have given everything up and RCG has to be right or face insurmountable shame and embarrassment and nothing left to return too.
RCG has told them: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...". Many have their heart bound too Pack because they have their treasure bound too Pack.
Pack must have sensed that Ambrose had stopped worshipping him. But, thankfully for Pack, there is always another faithful lackey waiting in the wings. Brad Schleifer was raised to evangelist rank at the FOT this year.
Pack's workers never work enough.
They need to show that they are tough.
The work is hard, the pay unfair.
Dave wants them glad that they are there.
And when they can't take any more,
Dave will show them to the door.
The worker clearly is so dumb,
and Dave will then say he's a “bum.”
But David Pack is never wrong,
and more workers will come along.
Some more slaves will come Dave's way,
and live to rue that tragic day.
More victims will come along,
and learn to sing this sad old song.
If David Pack leaves RCG, that WILL be big news.
Hope Brad follows in both of his predecessors' footsteps and flees Pack's captivity!!
6.15 PM
So true of all abusive cults.
If you were God's people; does all this bitterness and filth make for a good example? what would you have done when Christ himself told you to eat his flesh and drink his blood? don't kid yourself you would have went and started up some little vlog to have a whinge about how unfair God's Son is....repent?!!!!???#$%^&* please
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