"No Man Can Shut the Door", Armstrong said about WCG.
This Guy Didn't Just Shut the Door. He SLAMMED it.
All Kinds of Men Try So Hard To Reopen The Door.
It's Still Locked.And all the gesturing, the YouTube videos, the books, the arguments, the attempts to grow have not and will not succeed.
Why?Because what they preach is not this.
And because of this.
submitted by SHT
Ah, Yesssssssss! The Tkaches deserved whatever financial rewards were realized for shutting down the evil empire. HWA in some small way, possibly without even realizing it, came clean and orchestrated the end of his scam. If he makes it into the kingdom, it will be because by setting up Joe Tkach as his successor, he actually was repenting of his crap.
SHT, what's the source on this excerpt, please? I'd love to read the entire thing--fascinating stuff!
As I have mentioned before HWA taught a version of Premillennialism, an unfortunate title, previous known as Chiliasm.
; Luke 1:32-33
)” (Ed Hindson & David Hocking, “Premillennialism,”, Tim LaHaye and Edward E. Hindson, General Editors, (Eugene: Harvest House Publishers, 2004), p.280).
, AV).
). The transfigured elect shall with Christ judge and reign over the nations in the flesh, and Israel foremost of them" (A.R. Fausset, Revelation, p.671).
). The glories attending Christ's appearing, the destruction of antichrist, transfiguration of the Church, and binding of Satan, will prepare the nations for embracing the gospel... If revelation is to recommence in the millennial kingdom, converted Israel must head humanity. Jews and Gentiles stand on an equal footing, as both alike needing mercy; but as regards God's instrumentalities for establishing His kingdom on earth, Israel is His chosen people. The Israelite priest-kings on earth are what the transfigured priest-kings are in heaven... A new time of revelation will begin by the outpouring of the Spirit (Zech 12:10
)... Earthly and heavenly glories shall be united in the twofold election. Elect Israel in the flesh shall stand at the head of the earthly; the elect spiritual church, the Bride, in the heavenly. These elections are not merely for the good of the elect, but for whom they minister. The heavenly Church is elected, not merely to salvation, but to rule in love, and minister blessings over the earth, as king-priests" (A.R. Fausset, Revelation, JFB, p.722).
According to “The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy”, the tenth tenet of this doctrine reads:
“10. The throne of David will be set up in Jerusalem with Jesus Christ, the messiah of Israel, the Son of David, literally ruling upon it in His millennial kingdom (2 Sam 7:12-16
“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne” (Revelation 3:21
Andrew Fausset in the nineteenth century was against this tenth tenet. Some 15 years before HWA was born he wrote in the Jamison, Fausset and Brown Commentary (JFB):
"Two thrones are mentioned: (1) His Father's, upon which He has sat since His ascension, after victory over death, sin, world: upon this none can sit save God, and God-man Christ Jesus, for it is the incommunicable prerogative of God; (2) the throne peculiarly His as the one humbled and then glorified Son of man, to be set up over the whole earth (heretofore usurped by Satan) at His coming again: in this the victorious saints shall share (1 Cor 6:2
"The nations of the earth and Israel, the foremost in the flesh, shall be the subjects of the Lord and His saints. The mistake of the Chiliasts was, they restricted the kingdom to the terrestrial part. Besides this earthly glory, there shall be the heavenly glory of the saints reigning above" (A.R. Fausset, 1 Corinthians, JFB, p.298).
[After the wars at the return of Christ] "there will remain Israel and the heathen... These will be subjects of a general conversion (11:15). "The veil" shall be taken off Israel first, then from off "all people" (Isa 25:7
Once a baby is born into the non-womb world it does not go back into the womb to reside, so when a person is born into the spirit world the spirit world is where the person resides, not the physical realm. This analogy is not perfect in that Jesus Christ will return for three and a half years to fulfill the second half of his prophetic week. Just as He raised up Israel the Church in the first half, he raises up Israel the Kingdom in the second half.
When this is accomplished Christ and the Saints will sit on Satan’s former throne ruling over the earth from the spiritual realm of the heavenlies.
But Christ will have an earthly address in Ezekiel’s Temple just as he had in Moses’ Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple.
Tkach and co did not shut any door without God allowing it to happen.

The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but He blesseth the habitation of the just. Prov 3:33
WCG became a dwelling place of great wickedness. HWA preached about two trees but he allowed the Church to become of the tree of good AND evil. This still carries on to this day amongst the splinter groups big and small. Liberal and conservative.
God had to step in. Why would God not chastise his people? Look what happened to the sinful priests in the Babylonian captivity. Why would God respond any differently?
The prosperity of WCG concealed the idolatry and false faith. Great loss reveals what we really love and believe.
Satan and his wicked shepherds would rarther us be faithfully prosperous than afflicted and faithful.
As Job said Naked i came from my mothers womb, and naked shall i return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Job1:20
Herbert prayed to God as to who should replace him. Herbert choose the Russian.
The church was about Herbert, therefor Herbert choose the wrong man. Perhaps God did answer Herbert's prayer and in doing so, unwound the horror show known as the Worldwide Church of God.
just because you can't see the door doesn't mean it's been shut.
narrow is the gate, and few there be that find it.
6:58 ~ Still subject to illusion much? Still clutching to obscure scriptures? I bet you think of Gideon all the time, too. Perhaps in another 40 years you will realize that Armstrongism was a spiritual fantasy all along, one that was carefully engineered and crafted to raise capital and status for its founder.
If church eras were actually real, and if the Laodiceans had also received two 19 year time cycles to do the work, those would be over anywhere between 2010 (HWA's two cycles expired in 1972), and in the extreme, 2024 if the cycles are dated from HWA's death. So far, the works of the presumed Laodiceans (HWA's successors and wannabes) range from microscopic to invisible. But, I guess that's how a Laodicean work would be, if we understand the Laodicean attitude properly. Lackluster, and just barely holding on.
The Tkaches deserved whatever financial rewards were realized for shutting down the evil empire.
If they had any ethics they would have given the money back to the church people who paid for it all with their tithes.
Every snippet when clicked on has the source and date at the end of the url. In this case it was the pastor general report of june 26 1978 shortly after the ouster of gta. This was part of a fiery sermon transcript about the church being in mortal danger.
HWAs claim that the message of Christ's second coming hasn't been preached for eighteen and a half centuries is not true. The Wikipedia article 'Predictions and claims for the second coming of Christ' says otherwise. As usual, Herb exaggerated/exalted himself.
The article mentions Herbs failed predictions of Christ returning. These were 1935, 1943, 1972, 1975, and before his death. It mentions that his 1975 booklet led people to believe in that date. He was a pathological speculator and liar.
6.58 AM
The present door/s are a shadow of their former self. The 'you shall know them by their fruits' thingy tells us that these doors are not invisible. Contrary to what you claim, we can see them. In fairness, what we cannot see is what God is doing in the background. We cannot see Him intervening in individual lives.
Herbert's "EXACT" 19-year time cycles were nonsense. He had to use approximate dates to make them work out. Then they fell apart completely.
People fell for Herbie's nonsense because they didn't check out his claims. Then they ended up in a cult. That's the same reason the news media talking heads of today are all just cult leaders. People don't check them out and get brainwashed. It is they way people are. They have always been brainwashed.
All I can say is read Matthew. 6:14
. And think about all your comments.
Anonymous 11:25 AM said, "HWAs claim that the message of Christ's second coming hasn't been preached for eighteen and a half centuries is not true. The Wikipedia article, 'Predictions and claims for the second coming of Christ' says otherwise".
MY COMMENT - Well not exactly. Herbert Armstrong said that the "true Gospel" - the gospel of the Kingdom of God (world government kingdom, Kings ruling with Christ, etc.) - had not been preached for eighteen and a half centuries. Others preach about the second coming, but not about the world ruling government with subjects, law, etc. Classic WCG doctrine.
Anonymous 12:50 PM said, "Herbert's "EXACT" 19-year time cycles were nonsense. He had to use approximate dates to make them work out. Then they fell apart completely".
MY COMMENT - Actually, Herbert had EXACT dates associated with the 19 year time cycles all revolving around himself and the commencement of the Philadelphia era which, according to him, can be pinpointed to the first week of January 1934 when the Radio Church of God broadcast was first heard on radio station KORE. According to him, the second nineteen-year time cycle commenced in the first week of January 1953 with The World Tomorrow broadcast going out to Europe. The end of the second nineteen-year time cycle occurred in the first week of January 1972 when he said the Work would be finished with the Germans attacking America; the Philadelphians were to be taken to Petra Place of Safety, and the Laodicean era was to begin while America was going through the Great Tribulation. This is classic R/WCG teaching all with EXACT dates pre-1972.
We'll know on election night whether the tribulation began with the 2016 elections, or if our fall as a nation will remain permanent.
I haven't looked into it in detail, but am very surprised that others believed that Christ would return but not have a world ruling government with subjects and laws. Many Bible verses do point out that Christ will rule. Christ called himself a king before Pilate. Did these other people believe that Christ would return and just say hello?
I hope you are not blindly believing the Herb spin on this matter. He and his ministers are masters at putting everyone down in order to exalt themselves.
In retrospect, the "Door" on the WCG was about as secure as a "screen door on a submarine"!
There is much diversity of opinion regarding the Tkaches, but just think how many additional lives would have been ruined by Armstrongism if there had not been a dismantling and splintering of the WCG. Those lives are precious, and worth the cost. Imagine, if you will, what it would mean if say 50% of new cancer cases were prevented, and, additional existing or advanced cases were being cured. That's analogous to what has taken place spiritually within the Armstrong movement.
Oh, and I partially agree with 2:34! If Trump is allowed to continue unchecked, tribulation-like conditions will soon overtake us. Now, the militias are even taking it upon themselves to travel to the US Mexican border to support the Donald's election event. If that isn't a harbinger of our future, I don't know what is!
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