Saturday, November 3, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Restored Church of God Letter to Membership Over Recent Resignation of Jeff Ambrose

Jeff Ambrose, David C Pack's right-hand man and 2nd in charge of the Restored Church of God resigned recently. As usual, Satan is trotted out as attempting to destroy the church instead of allowing the man to finally walk with his conscience and do what was right for him and his family.

Here is the letter that the Restored Church of God sent out to its members.

Dear brethren,

Greetings from a cool and breezy Headquarters. We hope this finds all of you doing well and enjoying a profitable week.

As would be expected, trials continue to come upon God’s people to build up their faith and patience so characterized by the “poor of the flock” (Jam. 1:3; Zech. 11:11). Coming off of a most joyous and uplifting Feast, it should be no surprise that Satan would try to rob us of “our days of prosperity” (see Ecc. 7:14). In the remaining time we have until Christ returns to Earth, it is not strange that God would allow these final tests to prepare His people. Sometimes this comes upon the whole Church when a senior leader departs.

We regret to inform you that Mr. Jeff Ambrose and his family have decided to leave the Church. They bear no ill will and expressed their personal gratitude to Mr. Pack for having lived in such a beautiful place for the last couple of years.

He offered an open explanation as to why they felt they could no longer continue. In his resignation letter, Mr. Ambrose expressed that they had “a fundamental difference in belief.” He has very carefully assured us that he has no plans to attack anyone but rather desires to leave quietly and in peace. He also clearly stated that he has no intentions of starting his own group or joining any other religious organization. It appears that after a lifetime in God’s Church, he wants to leave the ministry and organized religion altogether! (Keep this in mind when you listen to Part 145 this Sabbath.)

Additionally, Mr. Ambrose stated that “fairly serious, and permanent, health problems” caused by stress as the other driver compelling him to take action. This is never a reason to leave God’s Church! No one knew the full extent of his difficulties and he never sought advice from any us—even the medical doctor who was in the office next to him.

Obviously, this is not easy news for any of us to receive. The Ambroses have been in the Church for many years and served in various facets of the Work. As we did here, we are sure you are battling the same shock of this announcement. Rest assured that everyone on our Headquarters staff, Mr. Pack and all the ministry, including all our field ministers, are doing well. Everyone understands that this has happened before and is the pattern of centuries in God’s Church. No one is shaken.

The apostle Paul—whom God used to record the identity of the Man of Sin and warn the Church for three years during his time—knew himself that we only understand prophetic events “darkly,” meaning obscure or enigma (I Cor. 13:12). In the context of this is where God explains the most important thing for all of us to build is godly love, that is keeping His commandments in order to build His character and qualify to become part of His Family (I John 5:3Ecc. 12:13; Eph. 3:15-20). It is vital that we do not lose sight of this—the Big Picture and ultimately the end goal. Time is short and this age is growing very thin!

Remember, our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Pet. 5:8). Do not give him an opportunity. We should all take this announcement as an admonition to pray for one another, fellow brethren in Christ, as we near the end. We hope that we will one day see the Ambroses again in God’s Church and pray that it will be much sooner than later.

Your steadfastness and faithful service are greatly appreciated, and we are praying for you daily. Stay fervent, stand firm, be sober and watch unto prayer—our salvation is sooner than we thought.

Mr. Pack will add additional comments and context throughout the sermon given at Headquarters this Sabbath (heard on November 3). In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local minister.

In Christ’s service,

Brad Schleifer and Greg Kaidannek


Anonymous said...

Part 145...

Anonymous said...

The authors appear super righteous in these types of letters. It's hypnotic. It's like watching pop groups perform in front of large audiences. They appear like junior gods.

Anonymous said...

What about Brian Kaidannek, is he still there?

Anonymous said...

Sick bastards, all of them.

Byker Bob said...

Jeff is playing against the HWA stereotype of one leaving "God's True Church", so it appears they played softball in his marking. The problem is, how can they make him appear to have a bad attitude if he refuses to be that stereotype?

I'm sure we all wish the Ambrose family well, so long as they don't end up in another ACOG.

Anonymous said...

They meant to say ...Remember, our “adversary David Pack, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour..

What About The Truth said...

As the march goes on with the defining of prophecy and everything in between with the RCG now at part 145 of the latest sermon series in which all members are required to believe and obey all of, Mr. Schliefer and Mr. Kaidannek make this quote in this letter explaining the resignation of Mr. Ambrose: "The apostle Paul—whom God used to record the identity of the Man of Sin and warn the Church for three years during his time—knew himself that we only understand prophetic events “darkly,” meaning obscure or enigma (I Cor. 13:12)". Yes, the Apostle Paul could only obscurely understand prophecy but Mr. David Pack and the RCG claiming the increase of knowledge from Dan. 12 is upon them understand it quite easily as Mr. Pack has stated many times. Mr. Pack has said that all the Apostles including Herbert Armstrong couldn't have been allowed to know what he (DCP) now knows concerning the gospel and prophecy. Mr Pack even one upped that statement in a big way when he said Jesus Christ didn't understand all prophecy while on earth because he told the disciples in (John 15:15) "....all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you" and then far later in time said in (Revelation 1:1): "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew his servants things which must shortly come to pass...." Mr. Pack explained the Disciples/Apostles/Jesus Christ had no knowledge of anything in the book of Revelation during their time on earth. Mr. Pack explained that the information in the book of Revelation was received by Jesus Christ and his angel who explained it to John 60+ years later.

As can be understood here, it isn't just a man elevating himself above all others with all of the biblical titles that he has given unto himself, this is a man who now believes he has all understanding and knowledge above all others concerning the gospel and prophecy.

In a great dichotomy, Mr.Pack has stated that you must believe and obey his interpretation of the gospel (1 Pet. 4:17) or you are guilty of heresy, but has quietly instructed his ministry to council his confused membership that it is okay to not believe all of it as long as you are not causing division in the church. So following orders, Mr. Schliefer and Mr. Kaidannek try to cushion the Ambrose departure with "we only see through a glass darkly" quote to the membership in this letter.

Mr. Ambrose gave it all up - the house, the millennial campus, the office, the imminent return of the Son of Man, the resplendent aura, the power ..... for just a fundamental disagreement?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

He had to bring a medical doctor along with him to verify his health issue of stress to Pack? Odd, very odd indeed. Sounds like a tactic for negotiating a hush package, or workers comp claim. I speculate that Ambrose negotiated a severance package of some type, in exchange for being quiet and benign.

Unknown said...

David Dave Pack wrote the Letter Himself! The is not Informative to the Members of RCG, but it's an Attack to Jeff Ambrose! The Bully David Dave Pack would not allow anyone to attack for him on his behalf! Brad Schleifer and Greg Kaidannek were bullied by David Dave Pack to scribble their names in the End of the Letter! This is the Church which owns a Book with a title, "Should Accusers be Answered?", or use to own! For they as RCG keep on Deleting their own Books and Stuffs, but they keep on remaining the True Church of God! Part of 145 for the Three Men are not Dying by Fire. Luckily they have Been Time Tested, and they passed the time! Next week it will be part 148 including the Bible Study! Why follow a Pastor David Dave Pack who says the Other Three more Rival Pastors are going to die, And I will own everything that they own!

Anonymous said...

Connie, the letter is referring to a new doctor they hired and brought to the compound. No doubt he's been faithful in "common" and is now basking in Dave's rays of sunshine.

Anonymous said...

It's even silly for Dave Pack to number himself amongst the other ACOG leaders. RCG is the smallest. Big fish eat smaller ones, not vice versa.

Anonymous said...

“Additionally, Mr. Ambrose stated that 'fairly serious, and permanent, health problems' caused by stress as the other driver compelling him to take action.”

The realization that one has worse-than-wasted their life supporting one of Satan's crazier false prophets (like klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies) is always a bit stressful. The utterly destitute state that Dave leaves people in after using them up might hurt a little bit too.

Anonymous said...

“It appears that after a lifetime in God’s Church, he wants to leave the ministry and organized religion altogether!”

Looks like the Devil's RCG imposter cult has achieved its prime objective.

Anonymous said...

“In his resignation letter, Mr. Ambrose expressed that they had “a fundamental difference in belief...

(Keep this in mind when you listen to Part 145 this Sabbath.)”

Being totally grossed out by Dave's 145 vomiting sessions could certainly be called “a fundamental difference in belief.”

Anonymous said...

“He has very carefully assured us that he has no plans to attack anyone but rather desires to leave quietly and in peace.”

Sounds like he very carefully begged and pleaded with psycho-Dave not to beat him to a pulp, tear him to pieces, and slander him all over the place. Trying to escape from Satan's psychos can be very dangerous.

Anonymous said...

It appears that after a lifetime in God’s Church, he wants to leave the ministry and organized religion altogether!

In my experience, this is a very common attitude among current ACOG members. They have already given up on organized religion, but they keep a convenient tie to one ACOG or another because they have family and friends and don't want to start all over. This is even true of many ministers, who would need to take menial jobs in the real world if they left their ACOG. This also helps to explain some of the horrible conduct, as we are dealing with men who have become atheists and don't believe there will be any eternal consequences for the horrible way they treat ACOG members.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:16, it's an easy twist of ACOG doctrine for someone to decide, "I don't believe this crap, so obviously I'm not converted, so obviously it doesn't matter what I do in this life. My chance for salvation will come later, when I am able to believe." People who think this way are much more prone to abusing the people around them for their own personal gain.

Retired Prof said...

Anon 3:16 PM, you slander atheists. I know it is hard for someone who cannot force him/herself to avoid horrible conduct by his/her own strength of will, without imagining being scrutinized constantly by a supernatural hall monitor. But turn it around.

Think about how churchy types use that same divine being to justify weird rules of conduct. They beat people down and persuade them they are required to go to a certain room at a certain time on a certain day and kneel sometimes, stand sometimes, sing sometimes, remain silent sometimes--but above all put money in that collection plate. In daily life they order them to eat this, avoid that, drink this, don't smoke that, refuse to work or do business on designated days, deny their romantic or erotic leanings if they fail to fit strict norms of time, place, bodily position, and chosen partner, break contact with friends and loved ones marked by the church--but above all send in those tithes and offerings. Except for shunning people one loves, none of these rules have a damn thing to do with being kind to one's neighbor. They are rules of decorum, not morality.

When I realized from close study of the Bible that the god written about there almost certainly could not exist, I shucked off all decorum rules at once. (I had never broken contact with loved ones just because the church was on the outs with them.) But I never even considered going on a rampage to defy the last six of the Ten Commandments. They are rules of morality, not decorum. As you know, the Golden Rule sums them up. It is the ultimate moral standard.*

You may be one of those many people who conflate morality and decorum and forget there is even a difference. You may consider my violations of decorum as damnable as an embezzlement by a cabinet secretary, or a mass murder by an antisemite or white supremacist. But I have no fear my transgressions will get me tossed into the Lake of Fire. If it's any consolation, I don't think you have anything to fear from the Lake of Fire either.

*At one time I considered buying and wearing a T-shirt bearing the legend "Atheists for Jesus," but at the urging of my wife I chickened out. She didn't want me to offend our Christian friends.

Anonymous said...

Retired Prof, you spend a lot of words avoiding the truth that Ayn Rand and Moses have very different standards of morality, not just decorum. Without a God to select among competing moralities, all we can do is pick the one that rings truest to us. For some, that's Ayn Rand, and the weak pretty much deserve the raw treatment they receive. For others, it's some moral or religious teacher stripped of claims of divinity. For ministers in the ACOGs, it looks like many have a "might makes right" morality, so they stay in situations where they have the might, even if they must preach nonsense they don't really believe.

Unknown said...

I was the other one that started out early with Jeff. Me and another family here in Maine where holding services at the house and Jeff and his family came into the picture . He was a very nice man and we grew in the RCG. We started to meet at His House as well . Because of my health I started to miss a lot of Sabbaths and couldn’t pay tithes. So I was ask to not be a member anymore . I know I would of ended up in Ohio under different circumstances . I was in the WWCG since I was 17. But finally woke up and realized that this isn’t the church for me. And was in a Cult. It’s scary to look back now to see how close I was. Don J

mdo said...

Does anybody have sermon #145 that is mentioned?