Why is it that the so many of the ministry in the Church of God have to keep members beaten down? COG members never are quite good enough for their god to be pleased with them. They always seem to be doing something wrong, so much so that they are blamed for the failure for Christ's return because they are not ready. COG members have come to expect that the more they are supposed to believe in the angry god of the church, the more they will be tested.
The Importance of Patience
The Apostle Paul urged Christians to develop the mind of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5). The Scriptures describe the patience of Jesus (Revelation 1:9
), and tell us that God is patient (Romans 15:5
), that patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22
), and that true saints of God develop and exhibit this important quality (Revelation 13:10
). We are encouraged to be patient and persevere during trials (Romans 12:12
; James 1:4
) and to trust in God (Psalm 37:7
) as we seek to build character and learn important lessons (Psalm 25:5
). We are also admonished to be patient and gentle in our dealings with others, so we can truly reflect the mind and character of Jesus Christ and our Father. Paul wrote, “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11
). He also wrote, “Now we exhort you… be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:14–15
). The Apostle Peter even stated, “when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God” (1 Peter 2:20
). True Christians should not be impatient, impulsive, vindictive, or seek to get even. If we have the mind of Jesus Christ, we will strive to develop this godly quality of patience.
Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail
There is a reason that this verse is in the Bible, a verse rarely expounded upon by most of the COG's.
Matthew 11:28-30
The Message (MSG)
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”This is why so many have left the Living Church of God and other COG's. People are burned out. They are tired and worn out. Grace constantly gets trampled upon and made into a burden to be worked at constantly.
Your experiences can either gradually destroy you, or they can make you stronger. That is common to all humans, although ACOG leaders attempt to co-opt and spin the process to reaffirm their power over the membership. It’s more of a function of life than it is being unique to ACOG membership.
When ministers talk about being gentle or not trying to get even, it's the wolf talking to the lambs. Since when are ministers gentle or non vindictive? What they are advocating is a one way rather than a two way street. It's the church culture, false scales, and bully morality.
It's exploitative rule rigging.
From a posting - True Christians should not be impatient, impulsive, vindictive, or seek to get even. If we have the mind of Jesus Christ, we will strive to develop this godly quality of patience.
This is true if a person has a genuine faith in God and puts things in the hands of God. If there is a question about God's existence and how or where Holy Spiri works in the world today it should be resolved where we are putting our faith.
If there is any doubt about the Holy Spirit working in our personal life and things in our life are not what we expect of God we need to review our belief in God and the expectations we have regarding a godly life. A true faith in God will have removed all doubts and seek to live by our understanding of the inspired words found in scripture. Our dependence must be on God not another person.
I agree that Matthew 11:28-30
is a passage rarely expounded upon by most of the COG's. How do I know? I pulled out my Schofield Bible and the passage isn't all marked up with my notes from my days in WCG (1968 - 1976) like so many other verses. I took a lot of notes in my Bible from WCG literature and WCG sermons from the pulpit.
I don't mean to get into the grace verse works discussion, but the Schofield version doesn't read anything close to "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace" which may provide a clue as to why it wasn't expounded upon more often by most COGs. The WCG taught primarily from the King James version of the Bible which the Scofield Bible is a close derivative of. Here is what it says in the Schofield Bible:
28) Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest upon your souls.
30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Still, the meaning is pretty simple even a "weak and base thing" Armstrongite should be able to understand it. No need to torture yourself being lorded over by self appointed Apostles and ministers administering multiple tithe systems; no need to figure out moons and whether the Biblical seasons also apply in the Southern Hemisphere; no need to torture yourselves with "the Church wide fast" to please a never pleased God, etc. to name a few.
As Matthew quotes him, Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
Justice means getting even. David in the book of Psalms, often asked God for vengeance. Ministers bible cherry picking. Why aren't I surprised?
Not sure what I just read. I don't trust any armstrong cult.
I believe in gestalt as it relates to humanity and philosophy. I believe that all ethnicities are gifted with elements of truth and spirituality, and that this becomes part of the sum-total in terms of the very necessary human understanding of life. This adds extra dimension and detail to Christianity. I don't believe it was any accident that early Christian people from the Reformation were placed amongst Native Americans, who are also very spiritual people. This includes the older Native lady at the library today who commented about my Harley Davidson hoodie, with its beautiful and majestic eagle, wondering where she could find such a garment. Some chance encounters just tend to stand out.
From Comment -Not sure what I just read. I don't trust any armstrong cult.
My Comment- I am not sure what that means, but why would anyone trust the "religious groupings" focused on here. There is nothing but negative views and critical condemnation presented. I have not seen any "religious grouping" recommended.
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