A reader here sent in a comment about a Living Church of God deacon and elder meeting in Lake Geneva, WI during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2018. After being treated to a "delicious dinner" the men and women present were presented with a book to further their walk with God.
Anonymous said...
"Mr. Hall talked about the importance of widows and women’s roles in the congregations...." ???
Quote from LCN (Feast of Tabernacles 2018 round-up):
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin:
"...Deacons, elders and their wives were treated to a delicious dinner and were presented with books; men received "A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23", and women received "Lies Women Believe".
Men, you have a fantastic role to play, shepherding a flock, improving and growing into such an important position!
Women, you're all idiots that would believe anything - sort yourselves out!)
The men received this book:
This book was popular in the church during the 1970s when it was first published. The pastor in Dayton, OH preached from it a lot. With lots of farmers as members, the book resonated well in our area. Jump to 2019 and LCG has found it to be profitable to use again. It is kind of ironic that they use this book considering that they fail to acknowledge "the shepherd" throughout much of the year.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Travel the shepherd’s path to the green pastures and cool, refreshing waters of Psalm 23. As a shepherd, Phillip Keller shares his insights into the life and character of sheep―and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. This beloved classic will give new meaning to the ageless Shepherd Psalm, enriching your trust in and love for the Lord who watches closely over you.
Apparently, LCG assumes that the ministry of LCG are shepherds, who watch over their flocks, loving and caring for them and guiding them on the right path. These same ministers constantly go after the lost sheep, rescue them and bring them back to the flock...just like Rod McNair constantly does. Many LCG members beg to differ on that point.
Women, apparently, don't need to worry too much about the Good Shepherd guiding them along, they have other issues they need to worry about. Just like mythical Eve of old, women today in the church are still gullible and swallow lies rather easily. The men are incapable of that. That is why the women were given this book:
Satan is the master deceiver; his lies are endless. And the lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.
"Many women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation," says Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. "Many are in bondage to their past. Others are gripped by fear of rejection and a longing for approval. Still others are emotional prisoners."
LCG women apparently easily swallow lies about the God they hear about in LCG. Their version of God is different than their True Shepherd husbands. Their priorities are out of whack with the godly men of the church. It is time for the women of LCG to be set free from bondage...by worldly "so-called" and "fake" Christians, no less
In this bestseller, Lies Women Believe, Nancy exposes those areas of deception most commonly believed by Christian women—lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more. She then sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God's grace, forgiveness, and abundant life. Nancy offers the most effective weapon to counter and overcome Satan's deceptions: God's truth!
Living Church of God, Gerald Weston, and their apostate step-child Bob Thiel love to mock Christians and denigrate their beliefs and understanding. Yet, LCG and others love to use books by these "so-called " Christians to educate their followers in topics that the church is sorely lacking in. The sad fact is, these "so-called" and "fake" Christians know more about the Jesus of scripture than the Living Church of God leadership does.
Don't be so silly and so petty. It's actually a nice gesture that each couple received two books instead of just one.
Also, keep in mind that this occurred at an LCG Feast site. A "Lies Men Believe" book would have been redundant.
Inaccurate stereotyping. Even Rush Limbaugh has stated that women are the conscience of society, the parent most responsible for instilling good values into the next generation. That is in fact why many Evangelicals even today frown on women working outside the home. A young boy learns many things from his dad, but learns how to regard and treat a wife based on his relationship with his mother.
Also, I’ve heard ministers in the mainstream state that women are naturally attracted to religious or spiritual pursuits, but if you can get the dad involved, basically the whole family follows.
It would be just awesome if the all the COGlodytes could hear a series on family relations and parenting skills at their local mainstream Christian church. Some I’ve heard just totally eclipse the Armstrongite approach to this topic. It’s why we’ve read admissions by WCG + Splinter leaders admitting that their consciences did not allow them to treat their wives or children in accordance with the teachings of HWA/WCG. The parenting skills of Armstrongism sucked.
As a woman and a mother in the Living Church of God, I can speak to the fact that women are treated as second class citizens by many in ordained positions. All we seem good for is setting up potlucks, keeping children quiet in church, and planning bake sales, which have to be officially approved by men. We occasionally get patted on the head and are allowed to do special music, but otherwise, have no part in church services. Women's retreats are always approved of and controlled by men Women can only speak on topics that are first approved by men These same men shake their heads unable to understand why people are leaving the church.
My wife left before I did. A "Lies Men Believe" book might have been helpful to me.
“Women not so much, because they still are easily deceived”
Even worse, some wicked women in the so-called COGs are quick to deceive.
4:44- Women.. The minority that is continually oppressed and repressed because they aren't as physically strong (in most cases) as men. The Bible practically proclaims their weakness and inferiority from Genesis onwards. I'm glad we've advanced as a society where women are more than property and as a trade item for livestock.
I remember in LCG a minister speaking to a group of youths about men's and women's roles and suggesting that college education for women should only be in a subject (Nursing, Teaching, etc..) that they could use in the Kingdom.
Repressive and regressive is all the COG is and ever will be.
It's also the 'so called' Christians and deceived atheists who have created the internet, computers, their operating systems, the tablets and smart phones that has enabled these ACOG groups to spread their messages.
It seems that its the 'heathens' technology rather than members prayers that has spread their gospels.
When they had spokesman's club for women, the women were not permitted to assess other womens speeches. Only the minister would evaluate the speakers. This is because the women were found to be too "catty" in their evaluations.
There's some truth in women not being allowed certain responsibilities.
This reminds of some dates I had in the church. Your date would not only tell you your weaknesses, even though there's no such right, but the cracks in your weaknesses, and the cracks in the cracks in your weaknesses, and the cracks in the cracks in the cracks in your weaknesses.
Yep, women need to locked out of certain roles.
Where in the Bible does it say that we should read other books about the Bible? Isn't it enough?
The Lord is not my shepherd, for I am no sheep.
Is Little NCIS Jimmy watching The Handmaid's Tale on HBO? Can we expect from him a video praising the series' millennial vision?
Cruelty and maliciousness isn't just reserved to the realm of women. I once sat through a spokesman's club Ladies night that I attended with my husband and listened to the director criticize the speech of a black gentleman who suffered from a speech impediment. The director implied that the gentleman was difficult to understand because people of his race had a hard time speaking English properly. More than once I have had reported to me by my husband or other man some cutting remark or jab that was directed toward someone or another during the club. At times these remarks were made by the director, minister, or whomever was "in charge" for the evening. My point is that if women should be not be allowed certain responsibilities based on the potential for cruelty or cutting remarks that same logic should also be applied equally to the men. Both genders have the potential for kindness or cruelty depending on what choice is made by the individual. Thankfully God isn't as narrow minded as some men seem to be.
Anon at 2:38 AM asks: "Where in the Bible does it say that we should read other books about the Bible? Isn't it enough?"
In one sense it's way more than enough. First time I read the book of Job, for example, I said, "Crazy, man. Too much!"
Then again, no verbal account, either written or oral, can capture everything. And if the things left out could be enlightening, one could argue the Bible is not enough. There was a scene in the Garden of Eden episode, for example, that could have explained an important difference between man and woman if it had been included.
When he assembled Adam and Eve, God saved back two physiological traits so he could acquaint the pair with the process of making choices. He called them together and announced that they could choose which feature they wanted and make a case why he should grant it. He said "Number one, the ability to pee standing up."
Adam gyrated in his seat and shot his hand up. He said "Me! Me! I want that one."
God said, "Adam, you're new at this. It's better to hold off and consider both options first."
Adam sad, "No, I know what I want. Working in the garden, I could just step over to the edge and let fly. If I had to squat, I couldn't see over the bushes so I could keep track of the livestock while I was doing it. Besides, it would be such a cool thing to do!"
"You sure?"
"Absolutely sure. Positive."
God said, "Well, all right then. It's your choice."
He turned and said, "Well, Eve, I guess that leaves you with the multiple orgasms."
2.38 AM
Where in the bible does it say "thou shalt not read other books about the bible."
But it does say not to add or subtract from the bible, which you are doing.
If all other books were banned except the Bible that would leave us without concordances, commentaries, and any other helps that people routinely use when doing bible studies. It would also leave out doctrinal papers, or any other articles,booklets, etc. that are routinely used by all religious people to one degree or another. In some cases this might be a good thing as the tendency is to use these things as a crutch and and ignore what the Bible actually says or not look at alternate explanations. On the other hand though it would also leave us without any means to clarify a book that was originally written in other languages and is sometimes difficult to understand the original intent without some of these outside helps. The Apostle Paul quoted from Greek philosophers when it suited his purpses. Titus 1:12
Acts 17:22-28
You are totally missing the point of the post. LCG has for 2 decades, thanks to Meredith, dwelt on all the negative things of life. Everything is evil, everyone is bad, its sex sex sex and more sex. When people are condition to see Satan behind everything they cannot and never will enjoy the beauty of God's creation. When you leave the false teachings of the church the light of beauty actually opens up to you
You're not serious? We live in a world where pedophiles can order factory made child sex dolls, where villages are ransacked and peoples hands cut off, women have hot plastic poured into their vaginas, remember pol pot? Vietnam? Stalin? Gang rapes and acid attacks, war starvation, human trafficking, the list goes on and on and on and on..this world is hell for most people and it's all man terrorising man. People aren't conditioned to see these things, most people are living them.
So there's a glimmer of hope for some who hear about the imminent return of Christ, a better way of life because God's commandments work and all you lot can do here from what I've seen, is meticulously seek out every conceivable loose brick. What waste of time. It's selfish and bitter. I hope people see this blog for exactly what it is.
I know if I was locked in someone's basement or some poor Filipino made slaving away for the rest of my days in the UAE never to be heard from again and I saw the tomorrow's world telecast, I'd be praying with every fibre of my being that what they were saying was true.. however imperfect the man passing on the message.
Both this comment and whoever said all women couldn’t evaluate the speeches of others because they were too “catty” are misogynistic. Women in general are far more emphatic than men, and the Bible doesn’t “lock them out of certain roles”. I have little hope of changing your mind, but here is an excellent article on the subject for any reader who may find it helpful.
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