From a reader here:
May 23rd, 2019
Greetings from Charlotte,
Last Sabbath I spoke to and fellowshipped with an enthusiastic and friendly Dallas, Texas congregation. Violent storms passed through the area that day, with lots of lightning, flooding downpours, high winds, and tornado watches and warnings, and the pattern of violent and wet weather that has marked much of the last few months continued into this week. Mr. Millich reports that the brethren in Missouri are safe and sustained no damage to property from the tornadoes and severe weather in that state yesterday. [We are all right - that is all that matters.]] Dozens of tornados and torrential downpours have soaked the South and Midwestern United States, and corn crops nationwide will be down significantly, with farmers unable to plant due to exceptionally wet conditions. The effect will no doubt be seen in grocery stores later this year. It is a total loss for many farmers.
Regional Director Dan Hall and I held a conference in Big Sandy on Sunday. (See report below.) Mr. Mark Sandor and his family are being transferred to the Minneapolis area and plan to move there this summer to pastor congregations in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Mr. Lenny Bower is finishing his training here in Charlotte and will be relocating in West Virginia.
Brethren, we are living in sobering times, as seen from the moral decay in our Western world. The speed with which the rot is spreading is truly mind-bending. Now is not the time to spiritually fall asleep or get caught up in silly disputes or personal doctrinal “idea-babies.” [you dumb sheep] —Gerald Weston
"Mr. Hall talked about the importance of widows and women’s roles in the congregations, and stressed the importance of developing meaningful relationships and encouraging the brethren. It was a very profitable weekend" [You forgot the part where Mister Hall left his elderly widowed mother to rot in a special care facility while Mister Hall went off to do more important things like managing a region.]
When the Churches of God want to know why no one cares to join their little insignificant groups it is because of reading stuff like this from Gerald Weston and the rest of the sick minds running various COG's. Everything in the world is evil and full of rot. They ignore the beauty in the world, the amazing people that surround them and the good they do. They despise them as much as they do the cross and Jesus.
The apostate self-appointed false teacher Bob Thiel is all in snit this weekend over the cross. You remember it, it's that thing that inconvenient dude died upon. He is getting his BVD's all in a Pharisaical twist today that the cross is the sign of the beast power and will be used to kill true Christians...i.e. Thielites. Remember, there are no real Christians outside the vile little world of Thielism. He spends countless hours a month writing and preaching on every esoteric topic imaginable, except on Jesus and what was accomplished on that cross that he so despises.
Weston's world is filled with sex just like Rod Meredith's. He places his focus upon every bad thing happening in the world as a sure sign that his god is pissed at humanity. His mind and the mind of so many COG leaders are so blinded by the desire to see humanity wiped out that they can not see any good around them. They have whored themselves out to the law, of which they do not actually keep, because it is an impossibility. Jesus, the cross, the works done there are anathema to these false leaders. So I say let them live in the world filled with ROT. They deserve it.
"Mr. Hall talked about the importance of widows and women’s roles in the congregations...." ???
Quote from LCN (Feast of Tabernacles 2018 round-up):
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin:
"...Deacons, elders and their wives were treated to a delicious dinner and were presented with books; men received "A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23", and women received "Lies Women Believe".
Men, you have a fantastic role to play, shepherding a flock, improving and growing into such an important position!
Women, you're all idiots that would believe anything - sort yourselves out!)
One of the problems about any group that focuses on "The End of the World" , or the coming "Great Tribulation" is that this becomes the "Jackpot", and the reward for all of the interim sacrifice and conformity that is required to be in such a group.
which says , "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. "
THUS... you end up "rooting" for bad things to happen, and view all humanity and life with a negative jaundiced eye, and with a nihilistic point of view about everything.
Lost in this is the idea of John 10:10
Im not a fan of Health/Wealth gospel either, but an orientation towards pursuit of success, and current temporal happiness, and wanting the same right now for all of mankind in the present age along with working towards this in the current life, rather than in a deferred gratification, would go a long way in current COG psyche.
"Violent storms passed through the area that day"
Guess who is right in the middle of "Tornado-Alley"? - The FLURRY CULT CAMPUS
It's only a matter of time...yep, very soon now, that HWA Auditorium - that cheap shoddy imitation of Perbvert's Gilded Showpiece - will be shredded by a Twister! They had a close call the other night when El Reno (only 20 mi away!) copped it!
The tribulation was used by HWA to create a church culture of terror religion. Why complain of an abusive ministry if hydrogen bombs are going to be dropping all over the place in a few years. The ministers got away with near murder, and should be in prison for their gross mistreatment of members.
Well, why not hate the world? The world is fully of liars and fakers. Just like HWA and this website.
I can't have a high regard for Christian ministers. FBI surveillance found that Martin Luther king was laughing while his friend was raping some woman. No wonder people hate the world. Even the good guys out there are scum. And the media cover it all up.
I would LOVE to see Flurry's $100million EXECUTIVE JET tossed & trashed by a TORNADO
Yeah, me too.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27, NIV
“You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” (James 4:4, NIV
Bob Thiel is all in snit this weekend over the cross
In that article, Bob missed his chance to tie in COGs' favorite foe, the Germans: the Swastika has been called "the twisted cross". Charlie Chaplin's satire, The Great Dictator, changed it to the "Double Cross".
Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:18-20, NIV
CORRECTION (missing part in bold)
Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:18-20, NIV
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