Gerald Flurry's private jet
One of America's craziest televangelists is Kenneth Copeland, who has bilked followers out of hundreds of millions of dollars over the decades. He is also just like Gerald Flurry when it comes to personal jets for his disposal, thousgh Flurry only has one jet, while Copland has three.
Flurry justified buying his own jet, so he did not have to breathe the polluted air nor have to sit beside the unwashed public who fly on commercial aircraft, that might have a cold or some communicable disease.
Now check out how Ken Copland defends his three jets because of the demonic atmosphere in jets:
I'm sympathetic to his point of view. If you are a celebrity in America, especially a conservative, you become a target for crazies. I think this is what he had in mind with the demons influencing people thingy.
If his three planes enable him to be more time efficient, and his donors contributed knowing this, I don't see what the problem is.
But this is different to a small church that's financially struggling. Especially if members have been hoodwinked into believing that it's the one true church, which rules out contributing to another denomination if dissatisfied.
Jesus said "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me" (Matthew 19:21
But, modern day prosperity preachers have inverted this instruction as if Christ said: "You'll be proven perfect by buying ever more goods and building ever bigger projects by milking the poor and sick. You'll own precious and priceless objects wherever you look--it'll be heaven on earth for you!--and others dazzled by your show will be drawn to you and follow you!"
I am glad they have their own jets. Who wants to ride with these guys :) They might be right about the "demon" thingy, it could be them...
ummm, the promise of Abraham is not material wealth....
you folks here spend so much time trying to beat down HWA's teaching, and yet TBN has soooo much more, richer material for you to lambast (and you'd be justified in doing so)
after watching that, I'm thinking Copeland is the one with a demon...he tried so many head games with that reporter...
1.21 AM
applies to everyone, please practise what you preach by giving away all your property to the poor. Be sure to write an article on this site about your experience.
If you believe Matthew 21.19
Copeland makes clear a demand to tithe (see link below).
He thus builds an empire based on guilt tripping people into giving to him, and uses it for whatever his greedy heart desires.
Just like the Armstrongs did.
It would be one thing if the operation was 100% free will offerings, with full financial disclosure, and an oversight board of non-insider , detached , accountable and elected by the laity board members.
The principle which Jesus was sharing with the young man is that you should be willing to give up that which is most dear to you so that it did not become an idol and consume you. So often, the entire thrust of our lives becomes tied up in the maintenance of that which we consider to be most important.
Simple to understand, but very difficult to practice, whether the point of attachment is power, wealth, position, a hobby, a particular sin, a close relationship, etc.
If you are going to fault Copeland and his ilk for their lavish lifestyles, then you also must look at the history of HWA and how he lived as well, particularly in his mid to later years. He also flew around in a private jet, had drivers, cooks, private nursing staff, and housekeepers to care for him, and enjoyed living in multiple extremely nice residences in various geographical locations, eating off of very expensive china, etc. as has been pointed out on this site and others, all at the funding and expense of the brethren and others who faithfully sent in their tithes and offerings to "do the work". The Biblical term co-worker was reduced to meaning someone who sent in a donation and was then put on a mailing list to be targeted for more donations, rather than someone who personally put forth effort in promoting the gospel message, which is closer to the actual meaning of the term in the Bible. His lifestyle in the 70s and 80s could easily rival any of the mega church pastors who live this lifestyle today. And while no one would want these "servants" to live like paupers, their lifestyles fly in the face of the words of Jesus to "go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matthew 19:21
Those of us still involved with the COG movement would be hypocrites to say that somehow this is or was OK for our guys but not OK for someone else.
Your reasoning is extremely wanting.
I don't have time for this nonsense so I'll only point out the age difference between hwa and filth like copeland, swaggart and creflo dollar and the GII flight path wich was extreme and comparable to a secretary of state itinerary (whose schedule you are probably also unaware of) as compared to some national rallies tv evangelists attend besides 80 percent private trips.
What Israeli prime ministers broke of cabinet meetings in jerusalem to hurry to see copeland in tel aviv and state "copeland can wake me up anytime in the middle of the night???
I only agree that it was an expensive item but feel a rebuttal of your nonsense is apropriate. We were all very happy hwa had one, you history twister.
I can’t recall ever being happy that HWA had a jet. To me, the jet was just something that was happening. When the jet buzzed Squaw Valley during the Feast, I clapped because everyone else did. The church’s magazines had become a vanity piece littered with pictures of HWA and world leaders, many of whom soon fell from favor or were deposed. Then, it was all for nought in 1975 when God failed to validate HWA and his interpretation of prophecy. And yet, here we are all these years later and some still don’t get it. Some still base their lives on “within the next 3-5 years”. What a crock!
Christ isn't anti wealth. He told the young man to give away his wealth and follow Him, since his wealth would have been confiscated once the persecution of Christians set in. Christ's advice was time and context sensitive rather than a moral principle.
The angels were created before the universe, so we know that they are 13 billion years old. Yet people joined HWAs church believing that a short sprint just prior to 1975 would qualify them to rule over angels in the next life. This belief is laughable.
The Christian life is a marathon rather than a sprint. Humans have to win the angels respect by going through many long hardships. That's the way the world works.
Anonymous 6/2/19 7:27 AM said...
applies to everyone, please practise what you preach by giving away all your property to the poor. Be sure to write an article on this site about your experience."
, 23
) “applies to everyone.” I’m quite aware it was specific to the individual He was speaking to. I'm not against wealth amassed through honest means. I am, however, against wealth amassed through unjust means. Those who have promoted versions of the "prosperity gospel" (eg Osteen, Copeland, Armstrong, etc.) amassing vast sums of riches with an equally extravagant lifestyle to match lying in the name of God and making false promises to the most desperate and vulnerable in our society don't fare well in the end (Luke 16:23
, 25
"1.21 AM
If you believe Matthew 21.19
That’s a bit rich of you to twist what I wrote! I didn’t anywhere aver Christ’s instruction to the very rich ruler (Luke 18:18
I agree with BB at 5:06.
I can't recall either ever being happy for "hwa to have a jet."
I do recall however being "happy" that the church was able to afford a jet for hwa to travel on.
Probably the brainwashing that made me feel so. Still I like to be exact rather than twist all.
Anon 9:13 PM, addled by Armstrongism, wrote:
The Christian life is a marathon rather than a sprint. Humans have to win the angels respect by going through many long hardships. That's the way the world works.
Apparently Anon 9:13 PM hasn't read the Parable of the Vineyard, in which all the workers receive the same pay, whether they worked for a few minutes or for the whole day.
Also, what does being respected have to do with the God-ordained order of things? There are many posters on this board who do not respect the God of the Bible. Does the God of the Bible have any less authority over human beings who don't respect Him? For that matter, following 9:13's argument, the angels will have much more respect for humans who lived for 900+ years than for those who lived a mere 70. It's a works-based distraction that has nothing to do with Christianity, and everything to do with toxic Armstrongism.
I completely agree with you except what you say about armstrongism which is complete nonsense..
God could raise up a stones for sons of Abraham. HWA said that many times.
What a nutty person to believe that "the way the work works" is through "respect", far from it. The world works through lineages of the priviliged. Today however it possible for the commoners to escape a circle of bad karma family lineage through democracy and liberal economy. This rise to the priviliged nowadays can happen within a generation. Australians are proof of that!!!!!!!!!!! From the scum of the earth to some pretty nice comfy living part of five eyes.
5.39 AM
The reward in the Parable of the vineyard is eternal life. So everyone has this reward who qualifies for eternal life. You left out the merit based Parable of the Talents where reward is based on works. The more one grows, the more cities one will rule. Gods system is a meritocracy.
Yes, angels have greater respect for those Christians who lived 900+ years than our generation. And so do I. It's called you reap what you sow. Why rail against the laws of the universe? After all, they can't be changed.
It's hitting below the belt to smear everyone who disagrees with you with the label toxic Armstrongism.
With ny 67 point IQ I sure hope God intends to play my "life game" and the parable of the talents according to the "stableford system."
Some are not created to rule but to create and others to serve.
You appear to have embraced HWAs definition of ruling, which is lording it over others. Proper ruling entails creating and serving. Since we live in Satan's world, your lack of comprehension is understandable. Especially with your IQ of 61.
4:48 I hope you also got the stableford part of the joke. Yes, HWA taught the proper definition of ruling, serving and creating. Strange execution so I hear. 61, I love that! Did Satan create the dinosaurs and therefore is the author of low IQ??
If HWA taught the proper definition of ruling, why all the complaints on this site about his ministers behaving like religious totalitarians. Or do you consider ministers going through members cupboards 'serving?'
You are Herb whitewasher extraordinaire.
8:47 Can you read?
I said HWA's definitions in print and voice are mostly right and exactly as yours. I never read a different definition in church literature. Did you?? I am a whitewasher of you it seems.
I also said "strange execution" of those definitions to acknowledge the "cupboard seeker" victims.
Although it never happened at our place and I could vouch for at least 30.000 members where it never happened and I estimate for out of a 150.000 members "cupboard seeking" might have happened at a 1000 the most during the years, if you please so. I guess they were stationed in the same red states in the health department statistics with the highest percentage of child beaters to this day.
In most cultures of the..... worldwide of god, such ministerial behavior would have been unacceptable, except those southern states where naziism is accepted common culture and mainstream.
His big black Cadillac SUV is very Herbie-style!
Didn't Herb have a Fleet of black 'presidential' Cadillac limos?
(Anyone know how many caddies garaged for Herb's motor pool?)
Armstrong Cult:
- talk about an expensive club to belong to!!
Much cheaper to be a Jehovah's Witness!!
Not to mention JW's closer in belief & practice of early Christianity!
So Herbs definitions in print and voice are mostly right. But his definitions are just the outer face of a abusive cult, no?
Acknowledging HWAs correct public definitions while leaving out that something very different existed in his church is whitewashing.
You can't seem to bring yourself to affirm any of Herbs sins. You are like a party man who always tows the party line. And the Party is always right and infallible.
12.39 AM
There are many JW dissident sites. They would disagree with your claim that they are closer in belief and practise of early Christianity. They claim that Christ is a created angel, and deny that members have direct access via prayer to God. They teach that God exclusively communicates through their 7 man governing body.
They too claimed 1975 as the date of Christ's return, which made them rich by many members handing over their life savings and property. They tried duplicating this in 2000, presumably to pay for all their sexual assault lawsuits.
Continuing my comparison of JW's to Arm$trong Cult, the JW's are much more efficient is their use of money and place a much more manageable financial burden on the working class members: Their mega-print-run magazine, for example, costs little to produce as it is printed on shithaus paper. Armstrong used imported gloss paper placing a financial burden on his working-class tithe-slaves.
You sound like George Orwells "1984". The best book ever.
8.11 AM
So the JWs place a smaller financial burden on their members than Armstrong's group. You left out the part about JWs members clapping at their Sabbath services when a young person publically renounces going to college so that they can spend their time street peddling their religion instead. What's the financial cost to members by being robbed of a college education?
Why do JWs condemn college? Oh, I just remembered. Bus drivers are easier to control than college graduates.
do not spiritual kin tend to exhibit similar attributes?
c f ben yochanan
6:07 PM
- Gal 4 - Rom 14 - Heb 4]
I'm not saying the JW's are perfect, just closer to mimicking early Christianity than your friend Perbvert W $rongarm
For one thing, Being a JW is a much cheaper way to the Millennium (no tithes) and no burdensome 'Sabbaths/New Moons/Festivals' [Col 2:16
9.37 PM
There are many JWs dissident sites on YouTube. Many former members claim that they are poor and destitute in their old age because they turned their backs on a college education in their youth. As encourage by the JWs. This financial loss (college degree graduate minus bus driver wage) is much more than first tithe, second tithe (spent on self) and third tithe. Not forgetting the status, job satisfaction, and job challenge of both.
If anyone is considering joining the JWs, watching and reading the comments section on the YouTube JWs dissident sites is advisable. Joining could prove to be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Gerald Flurry has already turned off, driven away, and kicked out literally thousands of people who had tried going with his PCG after the WCG blew up. He would still like to attract more former WCG people but they have now had many years to learn about his perverse teachings and abusive ways. So Gerald Flurry is spending a fortune flying around trying to get a handful of new people to join his PCG scam cult and support it. He should have appreciated the WCG people who went with him in the past rather than giving them perverse teachings and satanic abuse in exchange for their financial support.
Trailer to American Gospel. There’s a scene with Copeland screaming “Money cometh to me!” Makes me sick these prosperity preachers🤦♂️
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