Dang, it! Don't you just love it when Living Church of God talks about itself in such a way as it is below! It sounds like a perfect description of the Headquarters staff in Charlotte. According to LCG members, Charlotte is a cesspool of prideful and arrogant men lording themselves over the members. How can we forget the "high living" stories that have appeared here about Lil'Jimmy and others spending hundreds of thousands of dollars remodeling their offices and living the high life, at church expense, at Feast sites? When has LCG every had concern for the poor? With Rod McNair claiming the elderly are demon possessed and telling church members not to work in jobs that care for the elderly, just where do we see concern for the poor? The COG has an abysmal track record of helping the poor in their communities, let alone their won church members!
Come out of her perverted ways LCG members! Come out and be free!
Sobering Signs of the Times: Jesus said we are to watch world events as we get closer to the end of the age (Matthew 24:42–44). It is sobering to see the parallels between significant events mentioned in the Scriptures and the times in which we are living. In Genesis 6 we see that God sent a flood to end a civilization that was permeated with violence and wickedness. In Genesis 18 and 19, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sinful depravity—pride, arrogance, open homosexuality, high living, and unconcern for the poor (Genesis 19:1–11; Ezekiel 16:49–50). The citizens of these cities, including Lot and his family, had forgotten why God had destroyed almost the entire human race only 400 years before. Yet, in spite of being surrounded by moral depravity, Lot and his family were reluctant to leave their city. As we see the same moral depravity and horrendous violence spreading throughout the world, we need to remember these Old Testament examples were recorded for our admonition as we approach the end of the age (1 Corinthians 10:1–13). We also need to remember the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “come out” of this world and its perverted ways (2 Corinthians 6:17–18), because God’s judgment on our modern Satan-influenced world is coming—just as it did on the ancient world. We all need to wake up and recognize the real significance of what is happening around us and earnestly pray, “Thy Kingdom come.”Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail
You guys are a riot here! This is why I can't stay away. I left LCG several years ago because of this arrogance displayed above. Free at last!
It's the same comment Winnail made in January of 2011, with just a few small words changed. Nothing is original in LCG, and nothing ever changes.
Who wants to worship a god whose go to response to human failure is to throw the switch? According to these folks, God cut these poor wretches off from himself and access to the truth, and Satan has thoroughly deceived them. As a consequence, they are wallowing in ignorance, sin and suffering. So, instead of enlightening them and helping them out of their pitiful situation, the ACOG god's response is to ZAP them! And, when others have the audacity to suggest that this doesn't sound very loving, efficient or creative, they say that God will resurrect them later and set things right. BULLSHIT! I'm not buying that crap anymore, and I feel only pity for those who still are!
—pride, arrogance, open homosexuality, high living, and unconcern for the poor ...
Definitely describes WCG Pasadena back in the days, and yes, that whole pyramid was destroyed too!
Does Doug Winnail ever have an original thought in his head anymore? Surely Weston hasn't throttled him that much.
I would say this pretty much describs the HQ of every single COG today.
Maybe one should look closer to the little empire that Cogwa. has amassed under Jim Franken no sense and Claude Hi-lo who are the main architects of the splitting years ago from ucg. I think the IRS should take a long hard look at this flim-flam group.
Miller Jones, when you were growing up, did you know any little boys who liked to pull the wings off of flies, and who on a bright, sunny day in the summer liked to hold a magnifying glass over ants and watch them catch fire?
That's how I picture the god of the ACOGs... and I suspect that more than a few ACOG ministers were of that personality type during childhood.
10:52 re: COGWA. The elitist cogwads only care about their income and retirements, and by flying below the radar escape detection when in reality they are one of the most abusive, heartless and non-caring cogs on the manipulative market.
cogwa is the epitome of the cogs masquerading as sheep in wolves clothing. While the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of many cog leaders are blatantly apparent, cogwa lies low in a sinister way. Judgmental and condemning attitudes from the self-righteous hirelings are as rampant in cogwa as in other cogs, but just more carefully concealed. cogwa is a splinter founded on lies and slander more than anything biblical, harshly ruled by the cronyism, and for the financial support of, the good ole boy's country clubbers. It is a whited sepulcher to beware of.
Spiritual inbreeding and indoctrination from the AC and WCG years have seemingly produced a limited genetic pool in the cogs, no matter what their differences, as each claims either directly or by inference to be the only true cog.
9.53 AM
Same comments and same stale sermons. It's the ancient and Roman Catholic world view of a world that is static, doesn't progress, and where God/the gods micromanage everything. In such a world, people are stripped of self control and self responsibility. It's a social system where people are expected, and forced to bury their talents in the ground. Which is why the world barely changed until the 17th century.
Overall, it's mankind's biggest false god.
Cogwa is the most dishonest splinter group there is. The ministry if you can call them that are so full of hirelings if it were a ship it would sink before it left the dock. There are some truly dedicated men in Cogwa but most are like Isaiah 56:10
they are dumb dogs that won't bark. They hire men who are out of work and have no prospect of getting a decent job. They don't seem to give a hoot whether they are qualified or not but so they just don't rock the boat and keep those tithes and offerings coming. These splinter groups are run by a bunch of snake oil hucksters who represent what should be called the church of fraud. The poor people who are being bamboozled a lot of them probably are converted and members of the body of Christ. But a lot of the so-called ministers are a bunch of freeloaders who never worked a day in their lives.
Doug evidently is also not real up to date on actual human history either. As a PhD in the sciences he should know better
Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with what Winnail wrote. If you look around you see exactly the same evil conditions he described in every corner of the globe (eg homosexualism, apathy, hubris, profligacy) proving the self-centered times Christians are living in is as was prophesied long ago (2 Timothy 3:1-9
). And I think you need to correct the title since Winnail didn’t list “sex” as a sin in his commentary. He referred to homosexual sex, which is condemned in Scripture as immoral and unnatural.
Anon 5:54 PM, if you are facing troubles today, would you like your wife or husband to repeat something said to you in 2011, or would you hope for fresh words relevant to today's troubles? The worst thing about Winnail's comment is that is just another recycled platitude from an old file of recycled platitudes, and with a further bizarre detail, that jut a few non-essential words were changed from what he published eight years ago. Come on, Doug! Either re-run the old comment without changes, and use your time for something more valuable, or take a couple of minutes to write something new from your heart! The first option would tell us that you are very busy, and the second would tell us that you have a heart for the brethren. What you're doing now just makes it appear that while you are lazy you are also concerned about your reputation.
5.54 PM
What's wrong is that Winnail and similar are feeding their members diluted spiritual milk rather than spiritual meat. They are so lazy that the material in the comments section of this blog has appeared in splinter articles. This wouldn't be a issue if it complemented new material of their own. But there hasn't been new perspectives or material since the 1960s.
Anon5:54PM wrote:
" If you look around you see exactly the same evil conditions he described in every corner of the globe (eg homosexualism, apathy, hubris, profligacy) proving the self-centered times Christians are living in is as was prophesied long ago (2 Timothy 3:1-9
News flash: This just in, humans behaving like humans prophesied since the 2nd century when pseuoPaul wrote 2 Timothy. Long after humans began behaving like humans.
Maybe if you saw what was wrong with what you write, you'd begin to see what was wrong with what Winnail writes. Won't be holding my breath.
Anonymous,May 31, 2019 at 5:54 PM, said: "...Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with what Winnail wrote. If you look around you see exactly the same evil conditions he described in every corner of the globe (eg homosexualism, apathy, hubris, profligacy) proving the self-centered times Christians are living in is as was prophesied long ago (2 Timothy 3:1-9
). And I think you need to correct the title since Winnail didn’t list “sex” as a sin in his commentary. He referred to homosexual sex, which is condemned in Scripture as immoral and unnatural..."
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
; Eph 2:2
; I John 3:8
, etc.!
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Of course, Anon 5:54, it is understandable you "don't see anything wrong with what Winnail wrote!"
For one thing, the evils Doug wrote about were here both before and after the flood:
Genesis 6:5
Genesis 8:21
It has to be that way for now, but why?
"...The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5
Perhaps Doug could explain to us why lust exists, or why the world really hasn't changed all that much. Lust manifests itself in many ways.
But, Anon 5:54, why is it understandable that you "don't see anything wrong with what Winnail wrote!"
Ditchology! I'm not even sure if that is a word, or not, but Jesus Christ said this:
Matthew 15:13
:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
For those 2 reasons the living group, led by Doug and others, is blind and in a ditch. It is very difficult to see anything else, much of anything differently, when one is in that same ditch...stuck in some past time...past history.
Time will tell...
@ 6:54 PM, LCG is so lazy and out of touch that here in 2019 they are still putting on their website homepage old articles based on "recent" TV programs that aired in 2005.
Are You Going to Heaven?
Anon7:06PM wrote:
" News flash: This just in, humans behaving like humans prophesied since the 2nd century when pseuoPaul wrote 2 Timothy. Long after humans began behaving like humans.Maybe if you saw what was wrong with what you write, you'd begin to see what was wrong with what Winnail writes. Won't be holding my breath. "
Sorry but I still don't see anything wrong with what I wrote, neither with what the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy (---oops, sorry, in your opinion was written by "pseuoPaul" [sic]), nor still with what Winnail wrote in paralleling the violent and depraved social conditions of past biblical civilizations with our own present sick society. If it would have been written by some other Christian (Catholic, Protestant) I would still agree with the basic thesis of what he wrote. Just because it's written by someone in the Armstrong cult I'm supposed to automatically disagree with it?! Get real! I'm sorry if that irks you (and others who see it like you do) but that's life...I've done enough growing up in my time and lurked long enough on Banned to know not everyone's going to agree with me nor I with them every time I stick my head out and share my opinion. And you know what? I'm fine with that! I don't need your (or anybody else's) approval for what I think about something (or anything for that matter)! Have a nice day!
to be frank these attributes are more genetic than peculiar to lcg doctrine...
c f ben yochanan
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