For people who think Armstrongism is some benign religion that is not harmful to people, then they need to check out Gerald Flurry. He claims that he has "written" that "little book" mentioned in Revelation. Flurry calls that book, Malachi's Message. Thanks to lots of detective work by church members over the decades, it is well known that Flurry stole the entire book from Jules Deraves. Dervaes compose a serious of letters that started in 1986 and continued onward till he had completed seven "scrolls" that were a witness to the church. You can read Dervaes Letters to Laodicea here.
Flurry claims his book is essential to one's salvation and is the path to glory.
The “little book” mentioned in the book of Revelation introduces the lukewarm Laodicean era of God’s Church. While the world catapults into self-annihilation, the little book discusses a deadly spiritual falling away. God gave His people a message to deliver, but they quit prophesying.
However, God won’t be stopped by a few rebels; He raised up the ruins through a loyal remnant. The little book explains this miracle in great detail.
Once the little book is revealed, the Great Tribulation and the work of the two witnesses are imminent. Beyond that, the little book points to the soon-to-come return of Jesus Christ. Readers of the truth inside the little book will understand this powerful King will end mankind’s disastrous rule and set up a perfect eternal government.
“And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter” (Revelation 10:8-10).
God wants us to eat up the little book! We must devour and digest this bittersweet message.
The stormy wind comes in the form of the little book of Rev. 10. THAT LITTLE BOOK IS MALACHI’S MESSAGE. That little book is the vanguard of the STORMY WIND. (Flurry, Gerald. The Little Book. Philadelphia Trumpet. Sept-Oct 1992).We also firmly believe that Malachi’s Message is the little book of Revelation 10. (Leap Dennis. As quoted in Philadelphia Official Responds. The Journal. June 30, 1998. p.8).
The little book and our message is to measure the Church to prove that they are Laodiceans (Flurry, Gerald. Lamentations and the End-Time Laodiceans. Booklet. 1993. p.6.).
Malachi’s Message was delivered to me and the PCG in 1989. A MIGHTY ANGEL DIRECTLY FROM GOD REVEALED IT!
Why is it that so many of these men who self-appointed themselves as the saviors of the church are such incredible liars? Are any of them capable of felling the truth? Consider the fact that Flurry claims an angel revealed it to him, yet he has had to edit and correct that message at least seven times since he first plagiarized it.
God no more sent an angel to Gerald Flurry than he doubly-blessed Bob Thiel to start a new splinter group or designated Ron and Laura Weinland to be the two witless witnesses.
Besides, if you are a Christian, the path to glory is found in only one person and that is Jesus. It is not found in any Church of God or by any revelation from any of its leaders.
The Wind
When you've eaten a book and your belly is bitter
A stormy wind can come forth from your innards
And the wind can blow hard and the wind can howl
And the scent of the wind is an odor so foul
So let us make haste and let us all hurry
To heed the instruction that comes from Gerald Flurry
To keep ourselves pure with freedom from sin
And never experience that odorous wind
Post writing is also a excitement, if you be acquainted with after that you can write if
not it is complicated to write.
GRF has spent 30 years promoting either his or HWA's literature. They are a replacement for The Bible. His followers are deceived into believing PCG is the real deal.
PCG is filled with cunningly devised fables that Flurry makes up. He has written so much nonsense about the "prayer rock" alone, that would qualify him as a lunatic in an insane asylum.
PCG members need to get out while they can! Time is running out! I know that many stay there, because they don't want to be cut-off from their families, but we are to put God before our families. Many of us have done this, (and in time the rest of the family wakes up and leaves too).
PCG is on a path. But I suspect not glorious.
Flurry is approaching Jim Jones level of delusion and danger. A destroyer of families & relationships and converts people to either a zealous fanatic without balance or an atheist who gives up all form of belief due to the damage by his spiritual abuse. He will cause more deaths & suicides if he keeps on.
There is a very bad reason why the Devil's apostate Tkaches were so willing to sell the copyright to HWA's last book called Mystery of the Ages to Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry.
RE: “Gerald Flurry: Is He the Path to Glory?”
I sure hope that “That (False) Prophet” Gerald Ray Flurry, the old identity thief who stole titles from Jesus, does not also go on to steal the identity of Colonel Harland David Sanders and warp and pervert the whole Kentucky Fried Chicken empire, the way Gerald Flurry warped and perverted everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught. It would be a real tragedy if “Colonel” Gerald Flurry messed with the secret recipe of eleven different herbs and spices, the way he edited and changed and messed up HWA's literature. It would surely be the path to indigestion.
Flurry wrote: "...Beyond that, the little book points to the soon-to-come return of Jesus Christ. Readers of the truth inside the little book will understand this powerful King will end mankind’s disastrous rule and set up a perfect eternal government..."
"...I go to prepare a place for you."
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

Oh, there is Fear Religion of Flurry and his thoughts on the MMM (Mickey Mouse Millennium) again. Soon-to-come return of Jesus Christ?
Where did that come from? Probably from the same source as most xcog leaders receive their ideas on the same thing. Where is that soon-to-come Jesus? Why would Jesus soon come to this earth? Didn't He say He was going elsewhere to do something for those of His flock?
John 14:2
:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.
Where is Jesus going to be? At the Father's right hand, until all enemies are put down! Well, that won't be soon, unless one believes in that MMM!
Flurry went on to say: "...Readers of the truth inside the little book will understand this powerful King will end mankind’s disastrous rule and set up a perfect eternal government..."
End disastrous rule? Set up perfect eternal government?
How can that be. The MMM is another huge lie: Junk Food! Doesn't Flurry or any of the xcog leaders have any reasoning power at all? What happens at the end of the MMM? A continuation of perfect eternal government?
Revelation 20:7
:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea.
Does that sound like continuing perfect eternal government from some "Soon-to-come return of Jesus Christ" of 1,000 years earlier?
Hence the MMM!
No wonder this post asked this question: "Why is it that so many of these men who self-appointed themselves as the saviors of the church are such incredible liars?"
Perhaps they have a father described by the real Jesus Christ with the following words:
"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44
Time will tell...
After the apostate Tkaches did their Great Apostasy thing in 1995 and blew up the WCG into little pieces, some people looking for somewhere else to go fell for the PCG, making it grow temporarily. But most of the people who tried the PCG either left quickly or got kicked out. The PCG topped out a couple decades ago and has been in decline ever since. Many of those now stuck in the PCG are still there because Gerald Flurry would break up their families if they tried to escape. Not many new people are joining the PCG to experience the wrong prophetic guesses, runt-worship, immorality, injustice, and edited and changed versions of HWA's writings that the PCG has to offer.
Why, when I see the ending "Time will tell" do I always go up and read John's nonsense? Glutton for punishment I guess. Which is a good explanation for why I even waste my time here!
the Apostle John said:
Time will tell...
November 3, 2019 at 10:09 AM
Dear Apostle,
you are still an idiot.
and time HAS told.
So, what splinter leader would get the most brownie points with HWA? If HWA suddenly came back to life, would he pat any one of these guys on the back and give them "attaboys", or would he give 'em all the ol' raca? And, I ask this as a hypothetical, assuming that HWA were able to set aside his own ego and anger to make a fair and impartial evaluation, which is by no means a given.
Come to think of it, a more intelligent question would be "What would Jesus think of them?" Too bad they all say they're trying to stick to what Herb gave them.
The ultimate fantasy of many church members today is that HWA is going to be resurrected before the end times and whip the church back into shape and spread the final warning to the world. The problem for them all is if he did come back, which he will NOT be doing to rescue the church, is that he would take every single one of these pathetic men in charge of the splinter cults and their cabal of ministers and kick them out so fast their heads would spin. There is not a single COG out there today doing any "work". they are just works of men who are filling their pockets at the hands of members who think they are supporting true men of God.
NO2HWA said: There is not a single COG out there today doing any "work". they are just works of men who are filling their pockets at the hands of members who think they are supporting true men of God.
This is an equally applicable description of HWA’s “work.” He believed in BI. He believed the US/UK were Israel and the OC applied to them. He believed he and his WCG were the fulfilment of end-time prophecy warning “Israel” of the future attack by Europe headed by Germany. He was in truth delusional about these things since he ultimately died and his WCG converted to Protestantism. His “work” was also a work of man who was preaching a fear based and prosperity based gospel—scaring people into giving him money under the illusion or delusion that his 18 fundamental teachings were supposedly revealed by God and everyone had to believe him or would perish in the coming nuclear conflagration or lake of fire. The fact that his work has come to naught is proof in itself that he was a false prophet whose work was not of the true Creator God at all. So it’s no surprise that what remains of his followers are following in his footsteps and like Christ said if the blind lead the blind both will eventually fall into a ditch. Our hope is that some will open their eyes before it’s too late...
If HWA came back from the dead, he would be a zombie.
Zombies subsist on brains.
This means the revived HWA would not bother the current splinter leaders.
To both upset Anon(s) 10:48 am & 11:10, who would rather call names than to explain errors in plainly displayed scriptures:
HWA had some excellent advice that he gave to millions years ago and it is still applicable today. Of course, most, like unconverted children,did not take his advice. What advice?
His advice said something like this:
"Don't believe me; believe your Bibles!"
Of course, many did not heed Joe Tkach senior's advice either...when he told all of us that he would not walk in the shoes of HWA, but would walk in his footsteps.
Both spoke the truth with their advice there, but many would rather name call and do anything else but follow that advice...and the fruits of all of that was what?
Perhaps it is time to see/hear.. well, at least, for those with eyes/ears to see/hear, and life, like the prophesied scattering, goes on...
God did say scattering would happen (Rev 3). God didn't lie. Now what's ahead? More of the same?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To both upset Anon(s) 10:48 am & 11:10, who would rather call names than to explain errors in plainly displayed scriptures:
Apostle John, why so butt-hurt?
If you come here, as you regularly do, and post your theological mumbo-jumbo then you're gonna get abused.
No one here cares about your wildly nonsensical theological dogma or your "Micky mouse millennium" theory. And you really don't need to teach anyone here scripture, seriously.
You should start your own church and be it's apostle- like Pack, Flurry, and butt-hurt Bob. Then maybe you will find a place with much less butt-hurt occurring.
Time does tell, and heals almost all butt-hurts.
NO2HWA at 6:07 PM said...“The ultimate fantasy of many church members today is that HWA is going to be resurrected before the end times and whip the church back into shape and spread the final warning to the world. The problem for them all is if he did come back, which he will NOT be doing to rescue the church, is that he would take every single one of these pathetic men in charge of the splinter cults and their cabal of ministers and kick them out so fast their heads would spin. There is not a single COG out there today doing any 'work'. they are just works of men who are filling their pockets at the hands of members who think they are supporting true men of God.”
All the teachings in the WCG had come through HWA, so near the end of his life HWA began to teach that he was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things.” Before HWA had taught people that an Elijah was to come and restore all things, they did not even know that. Now, various splinter group leaders are denying HWA's role as the Elijah, and speculating about who will be the Elijah, with some even claiming that they are the Elijah.
HWA claimed that the WCG under him was the Philadelphia era of the church and that it had been given an “open door” to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God to the whole world for a witness to all nations before the end of the age would come. HWA was on radio stations and television stations everywhere and had a multi-million circulation Plain Truth magazine. Now, various tiny, little, ineffective, splinter groups are pretending that they are preaching the gospel, even when they have different ideas about what the gospel is or what it includes.
HWA had taught later in life that he was an apostle (meaning “one sent forth” to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God). Now, some splinter group leaders want to be prophets and lead their own little churches, even though HWA had taught that prophets do not lead the church.
Some people criticize HWA endlessly for not telling all the details about how and where he first learned about various doctrines. Now, splinter groups like the UCG have been trying for over two decades to earn a living with some of HWA's teachings without ever mentioning HWA's name or that he was the one who originally taught them everything they know.
At its peak, the WCG had about 150,000 men, women, and children attending the FOT. HWA taught hierarchical government and unity in the church. Now, the splinter groups from the WCG are quite numerous and relatively small, with the few really big ones being less than one tenth of the size of the former WCG.
1:13 No, all the teachings of the WCG were borrowed (some say stolen) by HWA from others that taught before him. Such as G.G. Rupert, JH Allen, Charles Taze Russel, etc.
If there was ever any truth in the WCG it was truth long before Herbie ever got hold of it, and if it was true ol' Herbie put his perverted spin on it.
Anonymous said...
NO2HWA at 6:07 PM said...“The ultimate fantasy of many church members today is that HWA is going to be resurrected before the end times and whip the church back into shape and spread the final warning to the world. The problem for them all is if he did come back, which he will NOT be doing to rescue the church, is that he would take every single one of these pathetic men in charge of the splinter cults and their cabal of ministers and kick them out so fast their heads would spin. There is not a single COG out there today doing any 'work'. they are just works of men who are filling their pockets at the hands of members who think they are supporting true men of God.”
All the teachings in the WCG had come through HWA, so near the end of his life HWA began to teach that he was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things.” Before HWA had taught people that an Elijah was to come and restore all things, they did not even know that. Now, various splinter group leaders are denying HWA's role as the Elijah, and speculating about who will be the Elijah, with some even claiming that they are the Elijah.
Do you have any idea how utterly and ridiculously wrong you are, anon?
Ever hear of the COG7, or Ellen G White, or hundreds of other people that HWA ripped off?
You live in a strange and sad imaginary place, my friend.
Some people like to accuse HWA of getting his teachings from here and there and everywhere.
Ultimately, HWA got his teachings from the Bible. Go find your own Bible if you can, blow the dust off it, open it up, and read it for yourself.
HWA got the weekly Sabbath from the Bible.
HWA got the annual Holy Days from the Bible.
Notice that HWA did NOT go along with either the SDAs or the COG7D in rejecting the annual Holy Days.
Notice that HWA did NOT copy the idolatrous hippie pictures that the SDAs copied from the RCC and have in many of their books and magazines and even hung on their walls.
Notice that HWA did NOT copy the vegetarian/vegan “doctrine of demons” that the SDAs pass off as their “health message.”
Notice that HWA did NOT copy the JW's habit of Sunday-keeping that they copied from the RCC.
And on and on it goes.
The path to glory is Horace. As I recall (from reading The Jesus Mysteries and The Pagan Christ), he said he was the way to salvation, and the door. 2500 years later Jews copied that and applied it to Jesus, whom they created out of thin air.
Horace was to return from his throne in heaven and then reign for 1000 years. That's where the millennium idea came from.
Horace was born of the virgin Meri and baptized in water by a god-man (water god) named John who was then decapitated. Horace was born exactly six months after John. Exactly six months before Christmas, at the summer solstice, Christians have long celebrated the water festival of John the Baptist.
In essence, Jesus and Horace are one and the same.
What makes us "Nazis" smart is that we boldly go into taboo-land where others fear to venture in their academic pursuits. People hate that, so we get hated. No good deed goes unpunished.
From Egyptian mummies we learn that the DNA of the EARLY Egyptians is similar to the DNA of modern British and North-west Euro2eans. So, our original god was Horace (Osiris), and in a sense we have been worshiping him for the last 2,000 years, we just didn't know it.
Armstrong-ites also worship Horace. I say we rub that annoying fact in their faces.
Anonymous on November 4, 2019 at 8:11 PM said...“Armstrong-ites also worship Horace. I say we rub that annoying fact in their faces.”
Here are some annoying facts to rub in your own ignorant face.
Tom Harpur, who wrote The Pagan Christ, was an Anglican priest and journalist who noticed that many of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and its Protestant daughter churches came from paganism. He then carelessly assumed that the Bible came from paganism. It did not occur to him that the Bible does not teach what the Roman Catholic Church and its Protestant daughter churches teach.
Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, who wrote The Jesus Mysteries: Was the “Original Jesus” a Pagan God?, were not real historians. Check out what Bart D. Ehrman has to say about them in his own book called Did Jesus Exist? on page 26 of the hardcover edition.
From Did Jesus Exist? by Bart D. Ehrman:
“Real historians of antiquity are scandalized by such assertions—or they would be if they bothered to read Freke and Gandy's book. The authors provide no evidence for their claims concerning the standard mythology of the godmen. They cite no sources from the ancient world that can be checked. It is not that they have provided an alternative interpretation of the available evidence. They have not even cited the available evidence. And for good reason. No such evidence exists.”
“What, for example, is the proof that Osiris was born on December 25 before three shepherds? Or that he was crucified? And that his death brought atonement for sin? Or that he returned to life on earth by being raised from the dead? In fact, no ancient source says any such thing about Osiris (or about the other gods). But Freke and Gandy claim that his is common knowledge. And they 'prove' it by quoting other writers from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who said so. But these writers too do not cite any historical evidence. This is all based on assertion, believed by Freke and Gandy simply because they read it somewhere. This is not serious historical scholarship. It is sensationalist writing driven by a desire to sell books.”
It sounds like these authors took a leaf out of the page of Hislop.
7.02 PM
As usual with HWA fanboys, you left out the elephant in the room. HWA did copy abusive cult ploys from near and far. The ACOGs are still saturated with them. He copied the Nicolaitan system of lording it over members. Rights and assertiveness are still taboo topics in the splinters. The words 'one another' appear over 50 times in the bible, such as love, comfort, etc one another. But rather than teaching that relationships are two way, social justice warrior HWA copied the commies by teaching the one way 'give way.'
HWA like the rest of churchianity, played games with God by cherry picking the bible.
"From Egyptian mummies we learn that the DNA of the EARLY Egyptians is similar to the DNA of modern British and North-west Euro2eans. So, our original god was Horace (Osiris),"
Wow, what a confession from an anti-Armstrongite, who most likely professes that DNA debunks British Israelism. Maybe he forgets that Joseph married an Egyptian and Ephraim and Manasseh were born from the twain.
6:26 Interesting. Most likely Ephraim and Manasseh married Egyptians too. That would mean there'd be more Egyptian DNA in B.I. theory than middle eastern. Wonder how long it takes the y chromosome to diverge or decay? Just how much proof is DNA against B.I. theory after all?
Interesting 6:26
Where is the proof? Read the books by Harpur and Freke and Gandy. Read the foot notes and the references. They quote various other books and authors. I seriously doubt all these people are making it all up. Maybe Ehrman is afraid nobody will read HIS books anymore, because they will be largely irrelevant if Jesus never lived. Maybe all the scholars Ehrman quotes just made up their stuff.
DNA does debunk British Israelism.
10:20am Do you not realize that authors like Harpur, Freke and Gandy's only proof comes from writings post-Jesus, claiming that pre-Jesus pagans worshipped similarly?
The proof is on you and those authors, not Ehrman!
If you have all those footnotes and references, all you have to do is present just one from before Jesus. Showing that a Mithra cult existed before Jesus and then showing what they believed from writings 100 years after Jesus just won't cut it!
As you asked, where's the proof?
Anonymous at 8:12 PM said...“Where is the proof? Read the books by Harpur and Freke and Gandy. Read the foot notes and the references. They quote various other books and authors. I seriously doubt all these people are making it all up.”
“But Freke and Gandy claim that this is common knowledge. And they 'prove' it by quoting other writers from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who said so. But these writers too do not cite any HISTORICAL evidence.”--Bart D. Ehrman
Nov. 4, 8:11 and Nov. 5, 8:12, the silence is deafening.
It must be easier to make false, unprovable comments than it is to back them up with facts and logic!
My how we lie to ourselves just to make us feel better about throwing all that we once believed away. Why? Because we were duped by, and worshipped, a man, HWA, a church, WCG, and its unbiblical ministry. Which no doubt, you were a part of said ministry.
Sad, very sad!
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