3 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers (noticers) will come with their mocking, (noticing) following after their own lusts, (observations) 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.”
(Even though this is an accurate observation)
Prophet Bob Thiel notes:
"Christians have been persecuted for holding doctrines that we in the Continuing Church of God hold and are clearly expected to be persecuted in the future for holding Continuing Church of God doctrines.
Sadly, in the 21st century, holding to many biblical positions is considered extremist and even dangerous by various government officials."
"Satan's plan includes persecution, as well as lies and innuedoes to discourage people from enduring. On that latter point, there are hateful people who write various things about the true Church of God (for some details check out Banned by HWA and Ambassador Watch). People once considered to be brethren will betray people physically later (cf. Daniel 11:31-32
and Mark 13:12
), and some are trying to do so spiriturally now (again, Banned by HWA and Ambassador Watch)."

The Bible does show that the persecutors and their supporters will be punished in the end:...
...God and His people will win out in the end. Jesus taught that persecutions would come, but He also had it recorded that ultimately the persecutors will lose.
Or just maybe and on the other hand...
Ole wanna-be prophet Bob has himself a bad case of Munchausen's syndrome.
Professor Thiel, I hereby persecute thee! So take that!
It must hurt. After all, I'm a Satan-worshiping Nazi ya know.
"And Ahaz said to Hezekiah, 'There shall arise a prophet, and his butt shall hurt woefully. And that butt-hurt prophet shall prophesy, "Why persecutest thou me, when I am doubly a prophet, and thou are not even half of one?"' And Hezekiah inquired of his father, 'What message does this prophet prophesy, that his butt must hurt so bitterly' And Ahaz replied, 'This prophet prophesies that his is a prophet, and that thou art a knucklehead if thou dost not honor him as a prophet.' So Hezekiah listened to his father and proclaimed to all, 'When thou hearest the bitter and butt-hurt prophet, whose butt hurts in its bitterness, thou shalt mock him and say to all, "This man who prophesies that he is a prophet, let his butt hurt in its bitterness, that he may repent of his bitterness and relieve the hurt in his butt." (Hezekiah 4:20).
The best way to "persecute" Thiel is to just 100% ignore him! That would drive him nuts!
As I've said before, Bob has never experienced real persecution, and seeing his reaction to mere criticism, he wouldn't be able to deal with it.
As for critique from Banned bloggers, what about the verse iron sharpens iron used in the old Spokesman's Club? Oh, yes, he's still smarting from the harsh evaluation given for his American Football speech. Pitiful, just pitiful!
How can I persecute someone who is such a bumbling fool who outright lies about his prophethood? God no more appointed him than he did Flurry, Pack, Kubik, and Weston.
I say to Thiel, stop lying and repent of your spiritual abuse and set your African captives free! Then we won't have anything to discuss about you.
Thanks for the free promotion, Thiel.
If Rod Meredith had persecuted Bob in 1998, or even in 2008, he might have done the damaged WCG victim some good and saved him from his delusions. Unfortunately, Rod could only see Bob's big tithes and offerings, and cared nothing for the man's soul. Rod made Bob the maniac his is today, but it didn't have to be that way. Instead, once Rod finally felt he had no choice but to "persecute" Bob for his delusions, Bob cracked badly. There is really no way anymore for Bob to back down within the parameters of Armstrongism, without ending in a Jones/Ratzmann/Koresh disaster. The best we can probably do is hope that Bob rejects all of Armstrongism and becomes as vocal a critic of HWA as he presently is of RCM.
Bob had best be glad that all of the major supermarkets have anal care aisles. He need never suffer the full amount of pain. If I were him, I'd just walk into my local Piggley Wiggley, fake a Texas accent and ask for some ice cream! That, and about $5.95 should get him a tube of Anusol!
RSK said...
Thanks for the free promotion, Thiel.
You're entirely welcome, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oh man, Nov. 1st at 2:34 PM, you did a perfect parody of early 17th Century English. Grammar and sentence rhythm are perfect. More important, that's only on the surface. Your satire on the butt-hurt prophet is just as masterful.
I was stingy with high grades in my classes. A few times a semester I might consider that an assignment deserved such high praise that I would comment with a "Hot Damn!" Only rarely, I would award a "Hot Double Damn!"
You get one of those.
P. S. And the chapter:verse notation 4:20 is brilliant too. Some readers might not notice it is an allusion to Marijuana.
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