It's another day in COGland and the craziness continues. Can there be a more dysfunctional Church of God to ever exist in Sabbatarian history?
United Church of God recently announced that masks were required at all Feast sites this year.
Now there is a group in UCG ticked off about masks. Someone has started a petition to ask UCG to reconsider. Seriously, as if ANY UCG leader or ANY COG leader would EVER consider a petition! Church members are too stupid to be asking questions or making demands. The boys in Cincinnatti will ignore this as they ignore every other issue UCG members present to the leaders.
Check the site out here before UCG leaders have a hissy-fit and demand the person delete it:
Behold the day shall come when all the science denyings muH frEedoms crowd will assemble before the Lord to endanger their fellow man.
And the church shall cleave in two!
Whatever happened to Abigail Cartwright, anyway?
Don't these idiots know their own church? The smart move would have been to press the Home Office for STRONGER mask enforcement in a way that would have made it clear the local ministers have NO authority at all and must buckle to Home Office dictates. This would have led to a chastisement of the presumptuous brethren and a reminder that "of course" the local ministers have the authority, not the lowly brethren, and are responsible for meeting or exceeding local civil requirements at their discretion. Ironically, this would have had the effect of accommodating the mask-phobes AND the mask-philes while reaffirming the authority of the ministry over the lowly attendees who should never presume to put pressure on the ministry.
Vic Kubik and the rest of the ministry could care less about what members think. They will not respond to this kindly and will make the lives of all those who sign it miserable. How dare they have opinions!
As to "feasts" and "God's church" - ????........the church(es) do not teach Exodus 23:14-16
(and 2Chr 8:13
). There are only three feasts, and the other annual holy days not within the feasts are sabbaths. The Hebrew word "moed", Strong's 4150, is mistranslated in Lev 23:2
(and Psalm 104:19
), and a better translation would be "fixed times". The word comes from another Hebrew word "yaad" that means "to fix". The listing of the holy days in Lev 23 are moeds, fixed times as translated in verse 2 in the Tanakh, and include feasts, the weekly sabbath, and annual sabbaths. Not all holy days in Lev 23 are feasts.
What choice do ACOG leaders have in this matter? In many congregations, the average age of members is in the 70s. The virus is deadly to this age bracket. To safeguard against lawsuits alone, the churches need to mandate masks.
A better question is should there be a feast of tabernacles this year at all, or only a feast for the younger members.
Perhaps they can make "an area", (like little children area, or the part where black people sit) for those who wear and those who won't.
Even if only 1 person likes to wear, the ultimate christian test is if that person is treated with respect, like how the first gentile churches in Rome behaved when older jewish members visited.
In Germany the government used this as experimental opportunity and conducted scientific tests for superspreading events in organized pop concert controlled contexts.
Suffice to say, there will be no Oktoberfest at all in Munich and no bars open for after-skiing parties.
Of course the US authorities would never conduct a biological chemical experiment on their population, I mean they are Israel after all.
If the US (local) authorities were of sound mind, I would in fact be in favor of local and specific measures, as long as everyone hailes from the same locale.
Hach Shameach everone.
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
And remember good things will come from this. The Swedish social system and universal health care was implemented specifically after the Spanish flu experience.
Perhaps an idea for the USA when in december 10.000 people per day will die of Covid.
Of course that's just a model prediction and Trump doesnt behave according to models, although he has a fetish for them.
Trump knows everything about science, he is in control and just doesnt want to upset the people, a kind leader, kinder than David, really nice.
As an aside:
‘sabbat’ used by itself refers to the seventh day of the week.
‘sabbat-sabbaton’ is used for the seventh day of the week and the Day of Atonement
“sabbaton” is used for the first, fifteenth and twenty-second days of the seventh month.
‘sabbat’ and ‘sabbaton’ are not used for the first or last days of UB or Weeks.
The ‘sabbatons’ and the spring holy days are not quit as holy as the ‘sabbat’; hence ‘sabbat’ is not used in relation to them; so they are not annual sabbats.
There already is a church for the no maskers - join with the other cog asses.
There seems to be a splinter for every type.
Give up all your earthly possessions - RCG.
Worship a rock - PCG.
Hear the same sermons and read the same articles over and over again - LCG.
Parties and celebrations - UCG and COGWA.
No masks - COGASS (aptly named)
False prophets - almost jailed or actually jailed.
Over 500 flavors - don't find one you like? Start your own!
Correct, anonymous 5:16. There are three feasts. Bring your offerings three times a year. You're to keep the other moedim, as Leviticus 23 mentions, also.
the whole mask thing has been a sham from the start....
the CDC accidentally admitted that masks don't help when they posted that they are of no value out west where the fires are raging...smoke particles pass right through.
virons are much smaller than smoke particles...
and looking at the numbers, covid cases go up when masks are required....
Can you imagine presenting a petition of the brethren to Herbert W. Armstrong? Ministers involved would be fired, and people on the petition would be thrown out of the Church condemned to eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire!
I guess times have changed, or the Splinters just can't afford losing membership tithe slaves like the good old days could.
“The boys in Cincinnatti will ignore this as they ignore every other issue UCG members present to the leaders.”
They might not ignore it. They might take it seriously. They might hunt down the people behind the petition and expel them.
Face masks cannot stop all the godless gossip and slander that the UCG is full of. That is the real problem.
10.23 AM
I've noticed that it's the church loonies from WWCOG who joined the UCG. I'd love to be a fly on the wall and observe how these loonies relate to each other. Typically their "people skills" only work on their betters. They don't work on other loonies.
These people are nuts.
Reminds me of when my father joined the WCG and told his new employer that he didn't need (the free offered) medical insurance coverage for our family because God would heal us.
Later, when people in our family became ill and needed 'medical help' we were told the lack of healing was because of our lack of faith, or that our prayers lacked the requisite ferventness(AKA, 'praying one's ass off' enough).
It's not true. I was there as the family gathered around my mother who was dying of cancer and screaming in pain - we all prayed and believed extraordinarily.
Might want to look at who started the petition. There is a very close relationship to the new organization.
Might want to look at who started the petition. There is a very close relationship to the new organization.
Fun fact: Alicia Kunkle, the petition creator, is the sister of Jason Fritts from Monson/Fritts COG Assembly
Interesting information. One to watch.
Ucg and cogwa split over a land purchase affecting just the ministry. A petition for something that affects the actual members shouldn't get blown out of proportion, though I've noticed some petition supporters won't give their real name...knowing molehills becoming protective walls among people in the COGs.
8.42 AM
If you look long and hard, you will find that the land purchase was the straw that broke the camel's back rather than the real cause of the split. I recall reading UCG literature prior the split, and it was obvious that some writers were walking on egg shells. Members follower the splits because it's an opportunity to escape their abusers, both the ministers and their boot lickers.
The petition is now closed, as of today.
On Wednesday, they removed all of the comments and stopped accepting comments.
There had been some wild comments, something like:
If we have to wear masks, I will go elsewhere.
No Tithing without Representation.
One comment listed a bunch of scriptures and said that God commanded that tithes only be
given to Levites, so members could withhold tithes unless the ministry showed DNA proof
of being a Levite.
Another one said that the petition was a rebellion that would end in the lake of fire and
that they should shut up and pay their tithes.
I guess the petition organizer was not interested in the right to express free thought.
I wonder if the UCG ministry demanded that the petition be closed?
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