Friday, March 26, 2021

Dave Pack Latest Prophetic Update: The Countdown is On! Christ is waiting for ALL COG brethren to take Passover before he returns!


How many more times will Dave cry "wolf"?

Get ready COG members! Dave's creature he calls "christ" is waiting for all true believers around the world to take the Passover before he returns! 

Is Dave finally going to get this wish that COG members in other COG groups would flock to his feet as they see his awesomeness and ditch their worthless Pastor Generals and Chief Overseers for the One True Awesome Dude?

One problem JC is going to have is that there are at least 3 different days that COG groups gather for Passover. They can't even agree on this day let alone anything else. How will he know when all COG members have taken the Passover?

Can you imagine what a shitfest Petra will be when everyone arrives and finds out Dave is in charge! Oy vey!!!!!!! Bob Thiel, Vic Kubik, Gerald Flurry, and Gerald Weston will all need a 3 1/2 year's worth of Depends. Can you imagine Bob Thiel humbling himself to kneel at Dave's glorious feet? This is going to be fantastic!

Dave writes:

Prophetic Update

Passover is less than a day away for us at Headquarters, and only hours away for some of you in the Far East. This day is crucial in God’s soon-to-unfold Plan, but for different reasons than we understood yesterday.

The New Testament Passover is in some regards the most important night of the year for Christians. God takes careful note of how His people prepare (or do not prepare) to take the symbols. There is no greater time of self-examination and preparation. It has become clear that God may want ALL brethren worldwide (seventh era included) to take the Passover prior to Christ’s arrival. What could be more crucial in determining the spiritual condition of each of His children?

Notice I Corinthians 11:26­: “For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew the Lord's death till He come.” This could easily be read to mean we take the Passover before Christ comes!

Now think! The actual feast picturing Israel leaving Egypt begins Saturday night—the First Day of Unleavened Bread. This is the Night To Be Much Observed. This is when the physical Passover lamb was eaten anciently. Would this not picture the GREAT Supper? Related, we have studied the Scriptures enough to know the importance of the weekly Sabbath in God’s mind. This scenario also further elevates the seventh day.

In practical terms, if God wants everyone everywhere to take the symbols, the earliest possibility for Christ’s Return would appear to be deep into tomorrow night. Think of yesterday’s announcement. This would mean He arrives to set up the Kingdom with the Old Testament Passover/Night To Be Much Observed still “in” the Kingdom.

All this said, continue to stay alert now—and all the way into the start of the Holy Day season!


Anonymous said...

He's said this exact thing before! Rinse and repeat.

Alex Groen, one of the RCG headquarters ministers who left recently, posted a video yesterday calling out Dave as a false prophet. As if we didn't know that already...

Anonymous said...

He said, "Now think." If they had, they would then walk out the door.
Reminds me of a mock interview with a fighter pilot in Vietnam where his monitor would explain what the pilot meant to say.

"Now think." What the Pastor General means is, "shut up and listen."
We could take Pack's message and clarify what he really means, much like the pilot interview.

Anonymous said...

Bob Thiel needs to look at the professionalism of Alex Groen in making videos. The message is crap, but the presentation is professional, unlike Bob Thiel's faded curtains, crooked bookcases, and his endless flouncing and bouncing in his seat as he speaks. Notice that Alex doesn't thrust his big fat bible in the faces of anyone or cover his face up with a booklet. Thiel is such a lightweight it is laughable.

Anonymous said...

I see this as an apocalyptic Millerite experiment. And my expectation is that the approach of proclaiming the parousia repeatedly may work as liturgy but it does not work as a financial strategy. This experiment may give us a definitive answer. I have speculated on this blog in the past on why this often invoked and never consummated proclamation of parousia might be liturgy, a repeated form of worship that involves symbols instead of actual events. As a liturgy it works, as a financial strategy, I have doubts.

HWA used what I consider to be the Gold Standard strategy. To generate excitement and to enhance fund raising he focused on tragic world events as a ramp up to the Tribulation. He tried the Parousia a couple of times and this did not go well. Christ will not return on demand but world events do really happen and can be plausibly recruited as signs of the coming Tribulation. So from 1975 onward, pretty much, the WCG based their fund raising on a melodramtic interpretation of world events. World events have the advantage of being inexhaustible. The parousia either happens or doesn't happen by a certain date. You never have egg on your face if you base you fund raising on world events. And you can always add the accelerant of talking about the imminent parousia without really calling out a date - just use the analogy of the "gun lap" where nobody knows how long the actually race is.

Invoking the parousia repeatedly with disappointment as the outcome is hyper-Millerism. It is apocalyptic Millerism short-cycling. I don't think hyper-Millerism is going to work. The old-fashioned world events strategy, tried and true, is safe territory but I think Armstrongists have become jaded to this strategy. But apocalyptic Millerite congregants will become jaded to hyper-Millerism, too, only more rapidly I would expect. It is a serious dilemma for latter day prophets cut from Millerite cloth. Its not easy being green.

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Anonymous said...

The Lord our God does not need Passover to know your heart.

Psalm 44:21 Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.
Proverbs 21:2 Every person’s way is right in his own eyes,But the Lord examines the hearts.
Luke 5:22 22 But Jesus, aware of their thoughts, responded and said to them, “Why are you thinking this way in your hearts?

And He certainly knows the heart of Dave Pack.

Anonymous said...

"Now think."

Sounds like something from the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984.

"Now think" -> No Think
"Now think" -> NOWthink [NOW = New Obnoxious Whopper]

Tonto said...

Pack is right ! ... Jesus will indeed return AFTER Passover 2021.

Now it might be the year 2568, but that is indeed after Passover!

Anonymous said...

It's as if Dave is caught in some science fiction time loop. Christ is returning in a few days time, then in another few days, then another and another.

Anonymous said...

The Lord our God does not need Passover to know your heart.

True, and He knows your heart if you observe it as well - the heart of disobedience and the heart of obedience. It's the same with all His commands, He knows your heart either way.

Anonymous said...

It's as if Dave is caught in some science fiction time loop.

Anonymous said...

It's as if Dave is caught in some science fiction time loop.

Groundgod Day?

Anonymous said...

Christ will return, of course . . . and there will be gnashing of teeth.
Gnashing from Dave's teeth, I mean.

Anonymous said...

Link doesn't work

Phinnpoy said...

I have been accused of being too eager of wanting a Jonestown type scenario to happen. Frankly, I don't want anything to happen, except for DP being carted off for treatment at a mental health facility. But, if he never gets treatment, he may end up doing doing something dangerous. A mental illness left untreated can do deadly, just like any other illness. That's why I hope his Non-COG family members or even some church members who might be a little bit more aware of Dave's lunacy, wil take action before something tragic hapens.

anonymous said...

Is this now the time that D Pack will 'disappear'?
Will he get on a plane and fly away to his hideaway retreat with what ever monetary funds that are left and a short hand written explanation note left on his desk.

'Christ/God came for ME only as I am the only righteous one ... YOU brethren were the reason for his continual delay and yet YOU still aren't ready to receive Christ'!
'I am the chosen and saved one'!

He would be fully aware that the small number of followers he now has are all definitely broke and cannot give any more money to him. This would be a 'hero's' way of avoiding the problem of going bankrupt and the RCG imploding into nothing. Also sets the scene for a reappearance in a few years time.

Anonymous said...

It will work if you click it and it open it with an app.

Anonymous said...

Copy/paste :)

Anonymous said...

No ones accused you of anything Phinnpoy. Wasn't it advice to read up on Jim Jones being on drugs.
But many will agree with you with mentally ill doing dangerous things. You only have to look at social media and this blog to see that...

Anonymous said...

@ 7:08 PM, Dave could easily abscond with the funds while telling his flock, "Jesus has taken me away for 3.5 years of special training. If you people are all good and righteous and loyal I'll be back with Jesus in 3.5 years."

Anonymous said...

Groen may have left RCG but he hasn't left the mentality. Maybe a newborn splinter will emerge like so many others.

Anonymous said...

Are there any prophecies of Dave Pack's Seventh Coming?

Anonymous said...

Listening to what Alex Groen said, I think he is genuinely concerned about the welfare of the members still left in the RCG. Also, he made it clear that he has NO intention whatsoever to start another COG.

His objective is to wake the Pack followers up and make sure they get out before it is too late..

There’s a person for you that takes some responsibility for what he did all these years inside the cult.

Phinnpoy said...

When I was in the WCG, I read every book I could get on Jim Jones. It was reading those books, along with Eric Hoffer's The True Believer that helped me to leave the cult.

I'm aware JJ was on drugs. The man was probably trying to self-medicate himself to deal with serious mental problems. Sadly, it only made things worse.

Hopefully, people in the RCG and in DP's Non-COG family will force this lunatic into treatment before he passes out his version of the Kool-Aid. That's what I'm praying will happen.

jim said...

I have read portions of “True Believer” by Hoffer. Excellent.

Anonymous said...

"..he has NO intention whatsoever to start another COG."

I don't know Alex, but I do know that ACOG ministers have a history of habitual lying. Like politicians, they regard it as legitimate tools of their trade. Everything they say has to be treated with a grain of salt.