Sunday, November 7, 2021

Gerald Flurry: After Satan's 1986 battle in heaven with God, should we let this evil old slut intimidate us?


Anyone who has grown up in the Church of God movement, pre-1986, knows the stories and sermons that were pounded into us about Satan rebelling against God eons ago in a great battle of heaven who was then cast down to earth by God. That epic battle is what destroyed all the planets in the entire solar system and filled each one of them with pockmarks of the heavenly stars thrown around by Satan and his demons and the heavenly host as they fought each other.  In COG mythology, this is also what destroyed the dinosaurs here on earth. 

This includes all of the billions of universes out there that were destroyed because of this epic battle, except for earth. Of all of those desolate worlds that would have been perfect for Satan to be cast down to, and remember there are billions and billions of planets, stars, and galaxies floating around out there, this is the place Satan was thrown down to in order to make all of our lives miserable. Humanity got the short end of the stick. 

In COG mythology, Satan has been running amok on this earth deliberately making the lives of COG leaders miserable and thwarting their amazing "works". According to the professional mythologists in the Philadelphia Church of God, there was a SECOND battle in heaven as Satan and his demons left this earth and tried to enter heaven in 1986 to battle God and the heavenly host for a second time (this happened all because Herbert decided to die). There was once again an epic battle in heaven as Satan almost got the upper hand, but magical God and his angels finally repelled Satan back to earth where he set about destroying the one true church.

Gerald Flurry states in one of his many recent articles about the glories of "empire" had this to say about this epic battle:

Around the time that Herbert W. Armstrong, died, Satan and his demons directly attacked God for the first time since before the creation (verses 7-8). God and His angels repelled him and also confined him and the demons to the Earth (verses 9-12). Then Satan attacked God’s Church! (verse 13). That is why the Church was absolutely decimated: 95 percent of God’s own people—the people He was training to rule with Jesus Christ—quickly turned away from God.

Why is the god of the Church of "god" such a weak impotent god? He handpicks people to be church members (since they can't do it themselves) and then lets Satan make their lives miserable and leads 95% of them out of the church into atheism or into one of the 500+ splinter personality cults of Armstrongism. What a cruel prankster god!

This god cared so little about his special little group of chosen ones that he was unable to stop Satan from entering their minds and leading them astray and who will soon be killing most of them off in the great battle of Armageddon, the ultimate battle of Empires.

Daniel 11:34-35 prophesied this same tragedy, which is ongoing as you read this: “And some of them of understanding shall fall.” Those God invited to build the God Family Empire, some of whom did so for decades, turned instead to the things that Satan is offering. What a tragedy! Satan is conquering them spiritually, and soon he will attack them physically.

Never fear though, there is ONE Church of God here on earth that has the ability to save your pathetic Laodicean asses, and that is the Philadelphia Church of God Empire where God's literal throne dwells today. Not even Bob Thiel's pathetic little cult can save you! Not even Dave Pack, Gerald Weston, Ron Weinland, or Victor Kubik's groups can do that! Silly Laodiceans!

The opportunity for God’s people to repent is still here. And He will protect them from Satan’s spiritual attacks and physical attacks. Those who don’t repent will have to face Satan when he comes “to make war” (Revelation 12:17). Even as this dragon attacks God’s people who rebelled against Him, He is working to save them spiritually. 
“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1). Finally they will repent and turn back to their Father and His Family. They wouldn’t respond to God’s message before the Great Tribulation and the attacks of this evil empire, but once they are suffering and ultimately losing their physical lives, God will bring them to repentance. 
As powerful as this dragon and his beast power are, God is still empowering His God Family Empire. Satan has thrown down the gauntlet, and now it’s time for the warriors to rise. It’s time for God’s warriors, warriors like no one has ever seen before on this Earth except when they saw God’s very elect. It’s time for the warriors to rise, those warriors who are clothed with the sun! Should we let this evil old slut intimidate us—people clothed with the sun? Should we be daunted by some deranged archangel when we are clothed with the sun? Absolutely not!


Clothed with the sun? Absolutely not!

A better question to ask is why are COG members being led astray by these evil deranged sluts running Church of God splinter groups? COG leaders are the ultimate sluts that members face right now.

Anyway, the little work must continue and only Gerald Flurry and his merry band of men are leading the way through the flaming arrows and storms of Satan. The Empire must prevail!

Satan is turning up the heat because he knows his time is about up! (Revelation 12:12). Should we be silent? Should we be reserved? Should we be outworked by the devil and those who follow him? God’s people are clothed with the sun, which means the Creator of the sun is behind us! Why should we fear anybody? It would be shameful if we did. The stronger their hostility gets, the stronger our message is going to get, because we are the God Family Empire.

This holy God Family Empire will soon wipe the Great Whore who will soon be causing serious trouble for the God Family Empire residing in Edmond, Oklahoma.

It is our mission to expose the dragon! Nobody else will do it. It’s up to the subjects of the God Family Empire to tell the world the truth, to remind them of the Holy Roman Empire’s bloody, bloody history, and to proclaim a warning. This is Satan’s world, and the Holy Roman Empire is Satan’s main weapon! But God’s people represent an empire far greater than Satan’s empire. 
Most of the people in God’s own Church have turned away from giving this warning. They say nice things about the Vatican and the Holy Roman Empire. But we can’t think that if we speak out it will just cause more problems. God is not going to accept that at all. He wants us to speak out and tell the world how evil this harlot is! We must warn America, Britain and the Jews of what is coming. If we don’t speak out, who will oppose this satanic wickedness? Who, if not God’s Family? Prophecy says they are going to kill God’s people—our spiritual family, sons of God—who don’t repent before the Tribulation. It will kill them as it has killed God’s people for centuries! Should we warn about that? When God’s saints are resurrected, what would they think of us if we didn’t warn? What would God think of us?

The Philadelphia Church of God is the one true God Family Empire on earth where its cosmic creature they call "christ" will return to and sit on its throne where it will rule in majesty and power as it dispenses justice and mercy through the hands of loyal PCG members. This will happen after the Catholic church is destroyed, of course.

We’re going to announce the death of the Holy Roman Empire, and God is going to wipe that old harlot off the face of this Earth very shortly! See, we’re about to flee for the last time ever from the Holy Roman Empire. God is going to end this madness forever after He uses it to teach some lessons.

No other Church of God out there is warning the nations of the earth about this looming battle, not even Bob Thiel! 

We are warning the physical nations of Israel and the rebels in God’s spiritual nation of Israel. We are warning that God is going to use Satan’s Holy Roman Empire to punish them for their sins and humble them. But then we will warn that evil empire and tell them that it is going to meet Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, and He is going to smash them like Israel should have done long ago! That empire will be dead forever! Then He will rule with His kings and priests, and the God Family Empire will be established forever! What a future!

Always remember the reason God is on PCG's side: it is because they have Herbert's prayer rock! Hallelujah Jesus! God in his mercy answered our prayers!

God has already given the symbol of His rule, Mr. Armstrong’s prayer rock, to this Church and revealed that He has established a new throne of David within the Philadelphia Church of God. The preparations for the God Family Empire to assume global power are nearly complete!

But remember boys and girls, this God Family Empire can't happen unless you read Mystery of the Ages and meditate on it, after all, it is the second most important book in human history and necessary for salvation.

Mr. Armstrong concluded Mystery of the Ages by writing: “With God’s great master plan of 7,000 years finally completed—the mystery of the ages finally revealed, and with the re-creating of the vast universe and eternity lying ahead, we come finally to … THE BEGINNING.” 
What an inspiring way to end the second-most important book after the Bible! God inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). That is something that’s totally different from anything we’ve ever known as human beings. Physically, there’s always been an end, and there’s certainly going to be an end if we don’t get into the God Family. 
But this vision of the God Family Empire is endless! It just goes on and on forever. 
Meditate on the glory of God’s Empire and what it will do for suffering human beings. That is a vision that will motivate you. It will move you to accomplish the commission God has given His Church. It will help you submit to His government. It will empower you to accomplish great exploits for God. It will give you hope and a burning desire to help proclaim this hope as much as possible. It will prepare you for your role in changing the world.It will empower you to fight, to build and to remain loyal to God, to Jesus Christ, to God’s Family and to God’s Family Empire. An Empire to Replace All Empires!

If you do all of these things and fully support the PCG with as much money as you can send them, then you too will be part of the God Family Empire. 

What a glorious day it will be when the world is ruled by the degenerate ministry of the PCG when they will finally be able to weld the sword of justice against all who disagree with them. The PCG version of the World Tomorrow will be so wonderful!

Why is the Church of God, as it sinks into oblivion, filled with so many crackpot men leading it as we have today? Never have we heard as many outrageous lies as we have in the last 35 years as each new wanna-be upstart starts his own group. Instead of following that inconvenient dude that is always on the back burner of the church, people have placed their lives in the very hands of these degenerate men. 

That inconvenient dude's way is easy and the burden is light, but not so in the Churches of God. Satan is the all-powerful god of the church, much more powerful than the name that dare not be uttered is.


Anonymous said...

Good, God! What did I just read? COG leaders get dumber by the day. How can PCG members sit there and listen to this stuff?

Anonymous said...

If there ever was a case for demon possession, today's current COG leadership would be prime candidates.

Anonymous said...

Might be time to blow off the dust of my old copy of MOA.
And be enlightened
The thought is bringing on a migraine…………………………….

nck said...

Excellent mindcontrol! Little, afraid people, given a new identity and a phantasy narrative controlled by the "leader" ship.

Members will tell you the opposite is true because they have been hugely empowered by the false narrative as they cannot handle the truth and facts of life.


Anonymous said...

Last I heard, parents have been told to disown their teenage children if they stop attending services. This is the iron curtain for the insiders. When did Christ put coercive pressure on people to follow Him? Where is such a teaching in the bible?
It's always, going back decades, that time is so short that members shouldn't mind having their rights trampled by the ministers. For their own good, of course.

DennisCDiehl said...

Well said WCG and all the splinters with special emphasis on Gerald, David and Bob, have taken the "simplicity that is Christ" and turned it into Grimm's Fairy Tales. NOTHING these guys come up with is actually real or going to occur. They will die like everyone else and have to face the waste of time they put into what they for sure know to be and "soon".

Dave Pack, because Jesus did not again come last Friday evening, says he has no more sermons to give. Uh huh... He thinks his 328 sermon series is still an amazing revelation when in fact it is simply a chronicle of his mistaken theological notions about what he wants the Bible to mean and his place in it all. That's simply mental illness on display with these guys. Dave's nervous laughs in his last sermon which I could hardly bare listening to is telling. "Oh well..." is not going to serve Dave much longer.

Someone needs to tell Flurry that being clothed with the Sun is yet another trick of Satan on him and code for the Lake of Fire.

DennisCDiehl said...

....and too. Someone needs to explain to Flurry that Lucifer the Light Bringer's first rebellion in Isaiah 14 is a sky story of the rise and fall of the planet Venus in the morning sky preceding Sunrise. Inner planet stuff Isaiah could ignorantly and mistakenly use to imagine what he was looking at in the morning sky.

In the Churches of God, Satan is much more powerful than the bumbling and ever shrinking God who can't seem to get a handle on catching up with him. It's also a nice way to evade one's own delusions and weaknesses and taking personal responsibility for them.

Anonymous said...

Apostates and False Prophets Attacking the WCG People

Satan DID attack the Worldwide Church of God with the Great Apostasy of January 1995 when Satan's apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr., influenced by his son and his son's accomplices, openly threw out of the WCG virtually everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught and turned the WCG into another Trinitarian, Sunday-keeping, ham-eating, Halloween-observing, false church.

That was not all that Satan did.

Satan also sent his false prophet Gerald R. Flurry, and his satanic imposter cult the Philadelphia Church of Fraud, to try to ensnare people who thought that they were smart enough to escape from the apostate Tkaches. With the mass confusion caused Satan's apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. throwing out virtually everything that HWA had taught, Satan's false prophet Gerald R. Flurry was able to slip into his PCG cult many of his own monstrous doctrinal changes while falsely claiming to be faithfully holding fast to everything that HWA had taught.

Very tricky, that old Devil!

Anonymous said...

If only Herbert W. Armstrong were alive today!

It would be very interesting to hear what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about Gerald Flurry doing away with the “great commission” to preach the gospel (meaning “good news”) of the coming kingdom of God to the whole world and replacing it with a “new commission” to cause division in the church and calling it “warning the Laodiceans.”

It would be very interesting to hear what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about Gerald Flurry claiming to be “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19, rather than Jesus being the one spoken about.

It would be very interesting to hear what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about Gerald Flurry's new throne stone.

It would be very interesting to hear what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about Gerald Flurry editing and changing HWA's writings such as Mystery of the Ages.

I strongly suspect that Herbert W. Armstrong would boom away rather loudly and it would not go well at all for little Gerald Flurry and his satanic doctrinal perversions.

Anonymous said...

What garbage translation is that image? I think I'll create my own translation of God's word, then I can twist it to say whatever I want as well.

Tonto said...

Most of the people in God’s own Church have turned away from giving this warning. They say nice things about the Vatican and the Holy Roman Empire.

I have never heard anyone in the COGs , past or present , saying nice things about the Vatican or the Holy Roman Empire, either from a pulpit or in casual conversation. Where is Flurry pulling this statement out of??

Anonymous said...

The whole danged movement has descended into a ridiculous farce! The splinters have devolved into nostalgia-based replicas of the original, milking the ol' tithe cow to the very last drop. The original church has been over and done with for decades now. If this were rock n roll, these little groups would be considered to be tribute bands, with the bass player or rhythm guitarist being the only remaining original members of the band, and the sound reflecting that.

Splinter members, especially of the most ludicrous groups, should acknowledge that fact, and get on with their lives. Keep the stuff at home if you feel so compelled, but don't let some twisted pretender with his ridiculous interpretations and theories yank your chain around!

Anonymous said...

"If only Herbert W. Armstrong were alive today!
It would be very interesting to hear what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about..."

His choice, or was it only imagined and said to be his choice, of Joseph Tkach Sr? Especially since HWA always thundered that God would choose who lead the Church after he died, which he wasn't going to do, but he did.

Would also love to hear what HWA would have to say about his alleged protégé, The One and Only True Apostle David C Pack?

Anonymous said...

He hears voices

Anonymous said...

I’m kinda surprised by how many people who visit this site still think Armstrongism is it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:25 AM said...“Would also love to hear what HWA would have to say about his alleged protĂ©gĂ©, The One and Only True Apostle David C Pack?”

I strongly suspect that Herbert W. Armstrong would thunder away rather loudly at him too and it would not go well at all for David Pack and his satanic doctrinal perversions.

Anonymous said...

Gerald R. Flurry and David C. Pack both claimed to be following Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings more faithfully than anyone else, and yet both of them went on to edit, change, warp, mangle, and totally pervert HWA's teachings far more than almost anyone else.

The problem is that people never really know in advance just how crazy these petty dictators will become until after the people have invested (that is, worse-than-wasted) so much time, energy, and money that it becomes too psychologically difficult and too downright embarrassing for the people to admit that it was all a big boo-boo. A really, really, really BIG boo-boo!

The W.A. said...

What's all this "empire" stuff from Mr. Flurry?

Isn't the gospel supposed to be about a KINGDOM?!?!

Or is he now an Emperor, too?

Anonymous said...

Flurry declared himself King some time ago because he Has the new coronation stone in his possession.

jim said...

Yuck! Makes me sad, as do the comments of the anonymous HWA "idolizer".

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised by that as well. And it seems to be more than one person. It must be residual brainwashing. HWA lied so often, especially the "3-5 short years left" that viewing him larger than life is unjust.
For example, how many young people made foolish life choices believing that they had only 3 to 5 years left?

JMAC said...

Flurry needs Haldol or Thorazine

Anonymous said...

1.25 PM
In the past, Flurry claimed that as leader of his group, he was a type of king. But I've never heard him previously claim that he was the new King of England in Gods eyes. Even in his recent article on the queen, he feared saying it openly. Instead he says it indirectly.

Is this why he bought the jet? How can a king travel with the unwashed masses?

Anonymous said...

Yup, he heard a “voice” read all about it in his booklet “the new throne” or something like that. Why has he not been committed?

Anonymous said...

Life? What kinda of a life does nck lead? Truth? Is truth a friend of Nck or a stranger to his lying lips?