The boys in Edmond Oklahoma have been looking for quite some time in opening an office in Jerusalem where they can be at the center of the soon coming tribulation that they want to happen to the City and the world.
The Philadelphia Church of God actually had an office there for a while which was the home of Lil'Stevie until they had to sell the building in order to buy the Edstone mansion and start a new cult college in England. By that time Gerald Flurry's grandkids were becoming immersed in Celtic dance competitions and needed transportation around the world and by the fact that Gerald Flurry could not fly commercial jets because he would have to sit next to unclean people or possibly a Laodicean ex-WCG member. So PCG had to spend more millions of dollars on a personal jet for Gerald and Lil'Stevie.
But now, as the end-times are only a few short months away, at least in PCG speak, the PCG thinks they need an office in Jerusalem where they can be front and center for terrible end-time events soon to hit the world. It also gives them immediate access to the streets of Jerusalem where they think the two witless witnesses (PCG members, of course) will preach in the streets, be martyred, and then be resurrected live on television for the world to see.
In order for this to happen PCG needs to brainwash its members into fasting for the day and then will be hit up with financial requests to buy new buildings in Jerusalem.
Exit and Support Network reports:GF Declares Worldwide Fast for November 21:
November 8, 2021
This is from a short letter from GF: “We are facing several major decisions that have to be made. One of those decisions is what all we need to do in Jerusalem. There are other decisions to be made that we will discuss with you later. We want to make sure that God is behind what we decide to do. Therefore, I am declaring a worldwide fast for God’s people on the 21st of November. Please pray fervently for us to do God’s will and finish His work.” –N. S.
Another reason that PCG needs access to Jerusalem is that they and they alone will be working with Christ in the new Temple to be built there where they will work with their "husband" dispensing the law.
The Millennial Temple
The Prophet Ezekiel describes that temple in wonderful detail. It will be patterned after God’s heavenly temple, the seat of His throne today. It will have a footprint of half a million square feet, occupying about 13 acres. That is where God’s Philadelphians of today will live!
The outer precinct around the temple, described in the last nine chapters of Ezekiel, will occupy about one square mile of land. The headquarters city itself will only be about 7½ miles square. Considering that it will be the command center for the whole world’s system of governing, that is quite an efficient headquarters facility.
God’s law will begin flowing from that city to the wide world. Word will spread—person to person, family to family, town to town, nation to nation—about happenings in Jerusalem. News of its construction projects and activities, of classes being taught there, will supply headlines around the globe.
The living waters of God’s Spirit will flow from there (Zechariah 14:8).
“And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one” (verse 9). All peoples will have one supreme King—one world government—one religion. They will begin to see the benefits of righteous leadership. They’ll experience the joy of living under God’s government.
Jerusalem will become “the joy of the whole earth”! (Psalm 48:2). God’s earthly headquarters will set the standard for the world!
Where Will People Get Nourishment
What an exciting future we have to look forward to, living and working with our Husband in that headquarters facility. Being a priest at headquarters is a wonderful thing—even today. It is a great blessing to be stationed right in the middle of all the action. In that future headquarters, surely we will often shake our heads and say, What a privilege!
”Only these Philadelphians from the end-time firstfruits will rule from God’s headquarters temple forever!” Mr. Flurry wrote in Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet. “Why won’t the Laodiceans be at headquarters in God’s Kingdom—even if they repent in the Great Tribulation? Because they are not qualified! They don’t have a headquarters mentalityTODAY! The people who will be at headquarters in God’s Kingdom are the people who have a strong headquarters focus now.” We are receiving specialized training, developing that headquarters focus with this parcel of land in Oklahoma. That is why God plans to place us in the Jerusalem temple and says we will go no more out (Revelation 3:12).
Only devout and true PCG members will be able to live in this temple and have direct access to Christ. they will be the ONLY ONES who will be able to draw near to God.
Those who remain loyal to God today will inhabit special rooms in the headquarters temple. Our offices will be near God’s office. We will have special access to Christ—the only ones who come near to God (Ezekiel 40:45-46; 44:15-16
). As His helpmeet, we will serve Him—seeing to His needs, helping Him directly. A Visit to Millennial Headquarters!
Remember, as Jesus said, "You will know they are My disciples by their love for Celtic dancing!"
That will be your wonderful future job 'Philadelphians', but the downside is: This will cost money; God needs money right now, and the money must be funneled thru - you guessed it - Fu-Man-Chu (who will be one of the Two Witnesses)(and all this time I thought String-Bean in Wadsworth was one of the Two Witnesses?)
No worries. The Jerusalem Syndrome squad will be waiting to take him to the designated psych hospital, help the boy out a bit and then deport him. I think Ron Weinland went a few years back at Passover to test drive being the Two Witnesses. He chickened out as I recall.
Why are the leaders (Pack, Flurry et al) such raving madmen? What causes such detachment from reality? What causes them to think they are somehow "Special"? All they have to do is compare their actions and pronouncements against written scripture to see that they are nuts!
Israelis are clued up on cults and wired for information.
And they have had much experience with these charlatans.
Flurry and co will have little success if any, in Jerusalem let alone Israel.
If an office does indeed open, you can bet Rabbi Dr Bob Elijah Amos Prophet Squarepants One of the Two Witnesses Big Bwana of Africa Thiel will be spitting tacks,lol.
This crooked old fart is still alive? Where is God's justice?
Gerald Flurry is the strongest proof of evolution that I've seen since Obama.
In his sermon during the feast this year, gerald flurry actually said that a study was done in Israel about natural immunity (COVID-19) so he said that they were going to fly there anyways -the group of 5 of them allegedly NOT vaccinated- and he would “remind them” of their study. It was difficult to control myself from bursting out in laughter upon hearing this! He is such a megalomaniac that he actually thinks he can tell the Israeli government what they are going to do.
Anyway I’m guessing someone -who knows the whole thing is a scam but is only there for the paycheck and ability to run people’s lives, my guess would be Andy Locher, advised him against that ridiculous idea.
Anonymous said...
Why are the leaders (Pack, Flurry et al) such raving madmen? What causes such detachment from reality? What causes them to think they are somehow "Special"?
Their Bibles
Flurry and Pack are in a headlong plunge to oblivion. The question is how many they will take out. Flurry has already been kicked out of Jordan and is no longer welcome there. These FALSE PROPHETS are always proclaiming fasts and demanding extra tithes and offerings. Don't send them any $$$!!! Read your Bible and let it weigh them in the balance by their words & actions.
3.55 PM
These church leaders never had a "real job," so the idea of having to submit to a work boss or even nature's laws is largely foreign to them.
Their endless rant of "obey, yield, surrender, submit" is only for the little people. It doesn't apply to them.
In the Book of Mark, James and John were rebuked for asking to be on the right and left hand of Jesus in the Kingdom.
Flurry's presumptuous self anointing and self crowning are downright frightening.
Bob Thiel has been so busy flouncing around that he has let Flurry usurp him again. Now Flurry will have an office directly beside Christ in the new temple while flouncing Bob will be outside the gates demanding to get in or worse yet, still stuck in a cave in Petra, Pella, or Bozrah.
Poor guy! Always the bridesmaid and never the bride.
Why don't Flurry, Pack and Thiel have an old school wrestling "loser leave town" melee with the winner crowned as "HWA's official mantle wearer." On second thought, they would all have to leave town because All THREE ARE LOSERS!!!
Isn't this just too much? I mean if someone from the Onion had created a character named Geriatric Flurry, had invented the Armstrong nostalgia cult, and had placed Gerry in charge of one of them, how could the stuff we read here on a daily basis not receive the highest of awards for satire? And, yet all of the leaders of the remnants are equally looney, and all of them are actually real people whose ego and imagination have jumped the shark long ago! Remember, Folks, we're looking at the people who are the world's only hope, commissioned to warn the world, with power (and, uh, how about credibility?) about the end times? Something tells me God is going to need to raise up stones to do the job! Hey! Maybe that's the ticket! The Stones! Mick and Keith will be the two witnesses!
This Flurry is real baloney.
It might read as satire to you but it's deadly serious. I still have family in that church who I haven't spoken with in 12 years, and now they have kids that I've never met either. This due to the no contact policy. It really saddens me.
The part that is very frustrating is that the PCG has created many contradictions against what HWA taught and that doesn't seem to pose a problem for the membership who also at the same time consider him and apostle with the power to bind and loose.
Two opposing things cannot be true. Yet this cognitive dissonance just gets swept under the rug with no critical thought.
I’m so sorry, I’m in the same boat. These people are evil. I hope that by ever commented that is posted on these sites hopefully someone will be see the PCG cult for what it is, not join and not lose their loved ones.
People in the PCG who try to shun evil and do good end up getting kicked out of the PCG.
People in the PCG who go along with evil and do not do any good get to stay in the PCG.
Censorship is what makes a cult and destroys nations, which is why the cult of America is doomed.
4.25 PM
If you read carefully, they were not rebuked at all. Rather Christ responded by pointing out that:
1. It's the Father who chooses who will fill these positions.
2. These positions must be earnt by service to others.
Yet another loon. Pack and Flurry, the two witless witnesses. Their madness increases by the day. Add the doubbly blesses crackpot, and you now have the comedic makings of a hit network television series.
Gerald Flurry worships a Jewish make-over of the pagan man-god invented in Egypt 4,500 years ago.
If you really want to know what Herbert W. Armstrong actually taught, look up an article by him called SHOULD YOU TRY TO “CONVERT” OTHERS?, which was available in reprint form. It mentions such things as how to get along with an unconverted mate.
As for Gerald R. Flurry and what he teaches with his “No Contact” policy, well, little Gerald really is Satan's family wrecker.
He worships himself.
Flurry and Pack are living examples of the old saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" Flurry is a abominable false prophet, setting himself up as a near deity. He thinks he has the power to bind and loose scripture and he is a destroyer of lives. He demonstrates the narcissistic behaviors you see in a tyrant like Hitler or Stalin, with absolutely no regard or shame for the hurt he causes. Forget his FALSE FASTS. If anything, the lay membership should go on a tithing and offering fast and make the tyrant get out and earn a paycheck before he croaks.
From about the year 1995 until 2010 family members would openly talk to me about the many weddings in the Flurry cult.
Only after a while I noticed 95 percent of these were remarriages after divorces and that the members who told me were actually mentally disturbed as in denial about the evil surrounding them and translating it into "happy" stories. Perhaps as a "coping mechanism", but perhaps as an effect of the perfect mindcontrol as exercised by the Flurry clan.
Flurry is out of control. Unless he goes the way of all mankind and passes before, he will cause some sort of catastrophic event to his followers sooner or later. He seems to be on some quest to declare himself as this great personification in the flesh and blowing $$$ on old relics grom the World wide era. He may have bought the old dildo HWA got for Ramona at Harrod's in London back in the 70's. Maybe he can sit on it on his throne rock he dug up.
Chilling and saddening account.
Satan's False Prophet Gerald R. Flurry and SATAN'S WAY
Christ's Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong and the CHRISTIAN WAY
With his No Contact Policy, Gerald R. Flurry claimed that God commands us to avoid certain ones. The “certain ones” according to Gerald are one's own close family members and relatives who do not worship That (False) Prophet Gerald Flurry. Interestingly, at the same time, people who try to avoid unrelated old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG cult and their selfish and immoral agendas end up getting kicked out of the PCG cult. This is the exact diametrical opposite of the way things ought to be.
If you really want to know what Herbert W. Armstrong actually taught, look up an article by him called SHOULD YOU TRY TO “CONVERT” OTHERS?, which was available in reprint form. It mentions such things as how to get along with an unconverted mate. Below are the last two paragraphs of this three page article (emphasis HWA's):
“If you believe God's truth, and your husband or wife does not, NEVER TALK RELIGION to him or her. If your mate normally thinks and speaks only of material and worldly things, then you must speak of material things to your spouse. If The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast has, probably because of your own aggressiveness in trying to get your mate to listen, become a sore spot, go off to some private room to hear the program. Keep the volume turned down. Make every effort NOT to antagonize your husband or wife.”
“And again, when you talk about it, talk to God in prayer. Let your mate see your good works, in a manner that he or she will naturally approve. Avoid every hostility. Be pleasant. Keep cheerful! Be happy! Radiate JOY!! Give LOVE and warm affection!!! Do everything to cause your husband or wife to like you! THAT IS THE CHRISTIAN WAY!!”
Armstrongism is rotten from beginning to end. It’s sad that people still cling to it.
They choose every day to abide by that no-contact policy. They have openly chosen the group over you.
RSK 3:37 I’m Guessing you haven’t been a part of the PCG cult. If you are interested in understanding what is actually happening in their mind I would suggest reading a book by Steve Hassan called “Combating Cult Mind Control”
They actually believe that if they speak to an ex member they will hinder God working with them and they won’t ever come back and they will lose their eternal life. They truely believe they are “loving” and helping that person not die eternally and go through the tribulation. Also they fear has been pounded into them that Satan will get at them and take their eternal life from them too.
As awful as the situation is, most people understand the reasoning, albeit 100% bat poop crazy.
I heard a very similar justification spouted by a ministurd in WCG days. It was dumb-as-hell then and its dumb-as-hell now. They choose the group and they choose to accept that kind of nonsense. Concerned family members are no longer the non-contacters priority. You cannot make the mistake of overestimating your positiom in that situation.
The ACOGs probably stole the no contact rule of former church members. It's a mechanism of chaining members to the abusive cult. Suicide by victims of this policy is not uncommon.
As a matter of observation, shunning rarely works in getting people to "see the light." It's not the way the mind works.
As the former member with family still in PCG (as I wrote above) I confirm that when members are exercising this shunning in cutting off former members, we truly did believe it was in God's love. It was a short-term hardship for their long-term spiritual well-being. Ironically I don't think I can recall virtually any unbaptized person and perhaps only one or two baptized persons who ever came back. Most who left went on to lead fairly normal lives, work, get married, have families.
I recall that many of the more unusual, and sad cases, we're actually in the PCG. Men and women who never fully matured to the point where they could be in stable relationships, or were arbitrarily told that marriage wasn't for them. Getting married and having a family is perhaps one of the most basic human desires, and if we are to believe the Bible, pretty much a command from God. Yet it was unattainable for the vast portion of the single population in the church. Many of the younger people who left did so simply to try to enjoy human connections that God created.
Those who graduated from Armstrong college were virtually guaranteed marriage, while many in the field became perpetual bachelors and bachelorettes. Even during singles activities that brought people together in various regions, we were told not to focus on getting married.I have to wonder how many of those singles are now in their 40s or 50s and have watched their lives virtually pass before them.
They’ve been having a lot of members leave the last few months so they have been coming down hard on the no contact policy.
They know that with the internets people can look up and see what they are all about so they aren’t getting many new people join. The only thing they can do is crack down on the ones inside and try to keep them there. It’s going to get uglier.
I know friends I had in Worldwide that ended up bachelors and spinsters because of the church policies. It is really sad because I am sure if they had grown up in a typical protestant or Catholic belief they would have married and had children.
Yes, 5:20! The church policies caused borderline personality disorders which made it impossible for members to have close personal relationships! The childrearing booklet, blanket training, and the subversion of teenagers and AC Students' real personalities all had a part in this. To survive and not get disfellowshipped and miss out on the place of safety, you had to fly below the radar to avoid the "ratting" culture. Very cloistered, very provincial. That sh)t takes years to purge from one's personality, if it can be purged at all!
I wonder what is gonna be the reaction from Flurry and Pack when they see that their dreams for ultimate power and attention are not going to come to fruition? Are they going to say or do like Hitler or Jim Jones and try to take down as much or as many as they can when they go? Narcissistic despots seem to think the universe revolves around themselves and when it falls apart it usually involves a lot of collateral damage.
I wonder too. It is legit very concerning…
Gerald Flurry's fast of 21 Nov 2021? What did that accomplish, really?
; 44:15-16
). As His helpmeet, we will serve Him—seeing to His needs, helping Him directly..."
"Thus saith the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that [is] among the children of Israel.
Gerald tells us about his version of his Mickey Mouse Millennium of "another Jesus" reigning on earth as seemingly helpless and needing the help of Gerald and his team of falsely so-called priests:
"...Those who remain loyal to God today will inhabit special rooms in the headquarters temple. Our offices will be near God’s office. We will have special access to Christ—the only ones who come near to God (Ezekiel 40:45-46
Does Gerald ever read the context of Ezekiel 44:45-46
Verses 44-45 of Ezekiel 44 are referring to physical priests, the Levitical priesthood after over a 1,000 years from today resurrected back to life, and they were already trained in their former existence back in the days of Moses. Look at some context around verse 9 of Ezekiel 44!
Ezekiel 44:9
:10 ¶ And the Levites that are gone away far from me, when Israel went astray, which went astray away from me after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity.
:11 Yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, [having] charge at the gates of the house, and ministering to the house: they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister unto them."
Is Gerald and his band of followers going to be those priests, circumcised physically....and in the heart?
This verse is not applicable today, nor was it during the days of the Levitical priesthood/existence, but for beyond Gerald's Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM of "another Jesus" reigning, starting any day now, for 1,000 years on earth)!
Why are these prophets, falsely so-called, like Flurry, Thiel, Winnail (he too believes and prophesies a MMM, too) all think they are qualifying, earning, getting some huge position and authority over others? Are they all properly motivated or are they just expressing what they think of themSELVES? Full of self, vanity and self-rightousness?
Time will tell...
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