Prepare yourself to watch the most astounding, hands-flapping, chair-bouncing prophet to ever exist in human history as he delivers the most earth-shattering reasons as to why you MUST
be giving him your money!
Herbert Armstrong's birth, while so miraculous to many in its ultimate destiny, pales in comparison to this mighty end-time witness to the Gentiles and the fallen Laodiceans.
Never before has the Church of God been so doubly blessed to have such a man in its midst.
LOL! Bob is such a buffoon! One has to wonder what goes on in that little mind of his that makes him think he is such a powerhouse in the COG movement. There is no COG that takes him seriously.
Why Holy Day offerings?
Groan. And so the falsifying continues, which is the teaching that "times" means seasons (of 7 feasts). Ex 23:14
: Three times a year........ But only 3 feasts (Hebrew chag) are listed in Ex 23 and "times" does NOT mean "seasons". The mistranslated Lev 23:2
with the word "feasts" does contribute to the confusion. The "feasts" (Hebrew moed) in Lev 23:2
are the fixed appointed times which include the 3 feasts and the weekly sabbath and the annual sabbaths that are not within the 3 feasts.
Distorting the Word of God to get more money, Bob? Three is not seven. HELLO? Get real.
The Crappy Curtains Church of God.
Banned is closing in on its TEN MILLIONTH HIT on the web counter!
What will the 10 millionth visitor receive as a prize. May I recommend that the winner receive a DOUBLE BLESSING from Mr. Bob Thiel himself, as this site probably generates more publicity for him than any other source!
And I needn't add his occasional confusing of "offering" - usually referring to "sacrifice" (meat/drink/grain, etc) and not "financial". Although when HWA said "sacrifice" it usually meant giving him more than you can afford.
When Bob said CCOG gives more to the poor than other COGs, I can believe it - a few hundred tithe payers andd a few thousand tithe recipients.
The bathroom acoustics together with those ratty curtains really add to the gravity of his presentation...
The bathroom acoustics together with those ratty curtains really add to the gravity of his presentation...
It's a statement by Bob - he says he doesn't take a salary, so he has to get by with a spartan studio setting.
Anyone who earns a living selling vitamins and supplements has very little critical thinking skills. It I can't trust what he is selling in his store, I won't trust what he is selling from the pulpit.
Yes it’s a milestone to be nearing the magic 10 million mark.
Bobby boy must be jealous at the very thought. However as you commented, this site must generate lots of publicity for him.
I do think you are going to far to suggest that the 10 millionth viewer gets a ‘double blessing’ from Bob himself.
The very thought is frightening.
Perhaps a free health consultation at his ‘medical centre’ might be in order.
We can only speculate what would be a suitable ‘prize’ but that, speculation; is right up Booby boy’s alley.
"Anyone who earns a living selling vitamins and supplements has very little critical thinking skills. It I can't trust what he is selling in his store, I won't trust what he is selling from the pulpit."
Perhaps this will change your mind...
All the spastic, flailing arms jokes on this site are dead-on accurate. If he attended just one session of Spokesman's Club, that would have been called out by everyone. It's very distracting. If he is that bad speaking to an empty room...image if there were a group of PEOPLE watching.
This video has been up since 2016. When I first linked to it this morning (EST) it had 164 views, now 185 - proof that Bob should thank Banned for his "popularity".
Is Bob's arm flapping actually "stimming" (self-stimulatory behavior) symptomatic of autism? Does he take liver pills for it?
He wants so badly to participate in a meaningful way. He was not born with or acquired the requisite skill set. The thing about a glass ceiling is that the person looking up can see through it. He probably doesn't even realize that it's there.
He wants so badly to participate in a meaningful way.
And he IS participating so badly. Mission accomplished!
In an old Q&A video, Bob talked about GTA. He admitted GTA was a talented speaker and he is not. He appeared to envy GTA's skill set - apart from the "lust of the flesh".
well, he is very excited. Orgasmic blow-up. Look he moves continuously and rapidly to and fro.
I think we need to check his butt and could find a vibrating spirit there. Or wait it could be a devil?
I generally roll right on by Bob Thiel articles. I never knew him and he seems very inconsequential though high on ego. Though really the problem is simply delusion. The COGs and their members have been deluded into thinking that the delusions of Herbert Armstrong were in fact a calling of God.
We often hear in the COGs that "no scripture is of private interpretation". This is in fact an intentional slaughtering of the verse in order to keep brethren from coming to an understanding different from that of the COG. Of course, the private interpretations of Herbert Armstrong are just fine to those deluded by Armstrongism.
Delusion generally requires complication. I've never heard a COG speak about the simplicity that is in Christ.
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