Sunday, May 22, 2022

Failed COG Prophet Currently Suffering With Big Screen Envy


Bwana Bob thought we would be impressed by the big screens of one of his church speakers.

What Bob actually posted was him sitting there wishing he had the same setup instead of a crooked bookcase, worn-out 1980's curtains, file cabinets, light switches, and various doorknobs. He thinks if he had such a set up he might be thought of more highly.

When the prophet is not seen flouncing and bouncing there is a big issue of screen envy going on.


Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! He is sitting there totally deflated! You can see it in his posture.

Anonymous said...

"Mine's bigger than yours" is a common retort by insecure males.

Bob can't say that about his church, and he apparently can't say it about certain other things. Now, he has to admit that he doesn't even have the most powerful Internet studio in his own church! Napoleon complex is such a shame to see.

I prophesy that by January 2024 Jaison Curtis won't be a member of Bob's church.

DW said...

Do the tiny, little doubly blessed feet of our favorite little prophlet even reach the floor? Does anyone have a booster seat for Bob?

Anonymous said...

"Do the tiny, little doubly blessed feet of our favorite little prophlet even reach the floor?"

OMG!!!!!!!! My favorite post of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DW said...

Why, thank you Anon @5:28! I wonder if Bob is keeping an eye on Banned while he visits his peeps, the leprechauns?

Anonymous said...

The "truest church"-BT, and the "only prophet"-BT, is a very very infinitesimal part of the very very present "hour of trial" which IS false prophets and false apostles, dating in the present Armstrongist era back to about 1976 when Herb began calling himself Christ's apostle, a very very abominable no-no.

NO2HWA said...

I know that when Bob is home here in CA he checks us out every day, sometimes multiple times a day. While I Ireland, I do not know. But, being the narcissist he is, I am sure he has checked us out.

Anonymous said...

Goes both ways. Bit sad your checking those who are checking you. Assuming it's this person or that. Bit Sunset Boulevard.

NO2HWA said...

Actually, I don't check up on anyone. When I am online I can see what region of the country and state people are signing on from. Other than that I do not care at all who or where they are at. A bit overdramatic aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Bob is unaware of laser hair treatment. A half hour every other day with the device works wonders on thinning hair. A good version of this technology is only about $800.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed today that Bob has to read this blog to get some of the information he posts on his blogs and pages. He did the UCG Shabi post after reading it here. He also takes other articles from here and rewrites them to fit his agenda as if he discovered them first.

Guys, keep up the good work! May your message go forth unto the world!

Hoss said...

Bob frequently whines about censorship, but I wonder if he vets the material presented by his minions? In his screen monitoring position, I wonder if he is watching for any deviation from doctrinal correctness? According to Jaison, introducing outside material into his non-COG church led to his forced departure.

Anonymous said...

"Do the tiny, little doubly blessed feet of our favorite little prophlet even reach the floor?"

That was doubly hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed today that Bob has to read this blog to get some of the information he posts on his blogs and pages.

So you're telling us that the Petulant Pipsqueak Prophetlet of Possiblys is also a Plagiarist?

Lisa Mae said...


Zippo said...

is also a Plagiarist?

I wouldn't say Bob is a plagiarist, but, like HWA, the scholarship of others may be how God reveals things to him!
Given Bob's overly convoluted writing style, plagiarism could be very hard to prove! When he cites Banned, it's mostly for the "bad" things said, not the meaningful things!