CGI’s Civil War Over Its Messaging Continues
The Church of God International’s Tony Buchert delivered a defiant message today to Bill Watson’s Medina, Ohio congregation about the right of that church’s conservatives to continue to preach a message centered on current events prophecy (as seen through the filter of British Israelism). Buchert openly chafed at attempts by Tyler, Texas (headquarters) to curtail messaging related to politics, conspiracy theories, and public health measures related to Covid-19. Buchert said that he and his fellow ministers had a moral obligation to warn their congregants and the nation about the consequences of current events and trends in the secular arena, and he rejected any suggestion that those topics should not be regarded as a part of Christ’s commission to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He also offered a full-throated denial that Bill and his allies have been operating outside of the church’s Statement of Beliefs or Systematic Theology Project.
Although he went on to acknowledge that as much as fifty percent of that organization’s ministry currently rejects the old Worldwide teaching on Anglo-Israelism, he insisted that he and his allies should not be silenced on the topic. Indeed, he went on to state a number of times that ministers should NOT be concerned about offending others – implying that they should be bold and in the face of those who oppose such messaging! Moreover, although Anglo-Israelism is not part of CGI’s Statement of Beliefs, he correctly pointed out that it is a part of that church’s Systematic Theology Project (which underscores that the church has always been of two minds on their messaging).
To support his claim, Buchert referenced the fourteenth page of the STP – where we read: “The modern identification of the ‘House of Israel’ as the United States and British Commonwealth is an important part of the Church’s prophetic understanding. While the United States is understood to be specifically represented as ‘Manasseh’ and the British Commonwealth as ‘Ephraim,’ the identity of the remainder of the original Israelite tribes is uncertain (though some evaluations have been made, such as equating France with Reuben.) The identification of the United States and British Commonwealth as the House of Israel leads to serious and momentous prophetic implications for the future. The time of the end is also called ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble’ (Jer. 30:7

Of course, those within that church who have rejected the doctrine of Anglo-Israelism realize that any prophetic interpretation which is premised on that teaching MUST also be wrong! Likewise, many of the folks who have reached the conclusion that this teaching has no basis in Scripture, history, archaeology, or genealogy also understand that this teaching appears as racist and highly offensive to the wider world.
What prompted this diatribe by Mr. Buchert? Well, it is clear that Bill Watson, Adrian Davis, and their allies in the ministry have felt for some time that they have been treated unfairly by the folks at headquarters. In short, they see absolutely NOTHING wrong with their messaging related to headline theology, conspiracy theories, and Covid-19. Indeed, they see themselves as God’s true servants – the faithful ones who are carrying God’s message of truth to their brethren and the world! They have bristled at the criticism of their messaging, and anything which they have perceived to be an attempt by others to censor God’s message! For Bill and his allies, they believe that their freedom of speech is under attack. They see the folks at headquarters as having fallen prey to the influences of this world and its political correctness. And, finally, I have it on good authority, that there are elements within CGI that would like to see Bill Watson and Adrian Davis fired! Moreover, Bill and his allies would have to be blind and deaf to be unaware of the fact that there is an element within that church which is relentlessly opposed to them and their messaging (people within his own congregation have complained about his partisanship and messaging).
What is the conclusion of the matter? Will the Church of God International continue to limp along with very divided messaging? Will one side triumph over the other? Will CGI split yet again, and one or two new ACOG splinters emerge from the trainwreck? Stay tuned!
Lonnie Hendrix
For over 45 years Armstrongist progressives have been trying in vain to ditch B.I.
** No ACOG can or will ever drop the Anglo-Israel-BS ** has powerful conspiricist drawing-power and is a key income-driver!
CGI has long tried to accommodate any and all in order to keep anyone from leaving. This has resulted in a congregation that has varied beliefs. They are certainly not of one mind.
That being said, the ministry certainly has an obligation to warn the membership of dangers being forced on them by governments. The COVID vaccine comes to mind. It does not prevent the disease, nor the spread of it. The long term health consequences of taking it are becoming apparent.
Some think that speaking against governmental authority is forbidden, but that is not the case when said government is trying to harm you.
CGI has been a boiling pot of confusion for quite some time. I don't know if they will survive another split. There are many God fearing folks there. There are also many hangers-on who think going to church on Saturday is all it takes.
Headline theology can be a good thing if handled in the proper manner, but I have known very few examples where the speaker did. Most of the time they just revert to reciting garbage from FB memes instead of probing deper, as if they dont have the time or intellect to give us a nuanced, thoughtful commentary. Which is probably a good reason for ministurds to stay away from it.
(I'll never forget Rowlen Tucker speaking after the Challenger explosion, intoning "God is telling man that he does not belong up there" as if spaceflight wasn't decades-old at that point.)
It seems like to me that what this denomination is lacking is a job description for its pastors along with some kind of division of labor. I do not recall that in the old WCG that local pastors had the responsibility of preaching to the nation. That was an assignment to GTA.
I would expect a split. Almost inevitable. Historically that is the way that apocalyptic Millerite organizations have sought new equilibrium. It goes like this: 1) disruption, 2)then split, 3) then a new equilibrium containing the seeds of the next disruption. And this sequence repeats, er, repeatedly.
I had a friend who started long ago with a group called Global Church of God. She finished up, after many years and many splits, in some tiny group who had a leader I had never heard of. I cannot tell you much about the organization or the train of schism inducing issues that led to its existence. Very forgettable. I think that is the ultimate entropic state for most of the little Armstrongist denominations - finally one self-styled leader and a family or two of followers and a big name like Universe-wide Church of God.
Maybe that is God's permitted form of containment - these denominations just fractionate into near non-existence.
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Heresies are a work of the flesh. In Galatians 5:20
, in the Catholic NAB and the KJV, the Greek word for heresy is translated as factions. All the ACOG's have heretical beliefs. None of them teach anything close to true historical Christianity. Look at the rest of the list in Gal. 5:19-21
where factions appears. All of those things were typical behaviors in the old WCG, and continue today in the ACOG's. Paul says those who do those things won't inherit the kingdom of God. The CGI, as well as the other ACOG's, will continue to march toward irrelevance, due to the dysfunctional behaviors that have fueled all past conflicts in them.
"..friend..started..with..Global..finished some tiny group who had a leader I had never heard of"
I knew a similar case: Global-->Living-->Coulter, that's when I lost track, could have been more! Can not understand how humans can survive being whipsawed like that?
Churches, and all Christians believe that their church is "of God", and are supposed to represent another Kingdom, not of this world. The impetus and energy behind them is should ideally supersede politics and this world's policy positions, to actually be above them all. Churches, if they truly are of God have no need for conspiracy theories, or movements based on them. Churches are supposed to be bastions of truth, a truth which is vastly more solid than these theories.
Since the Republican Party has been hijacked (and so many fail to remember the bitter battle of the hijacking) it has been fashionable for conservatives to regurgitate the paradigms and memes of "Teflon Donnie". Now, under sworn testimony by fellow Republicans, the truth is coming out. More slowly than perhaps it needs to be so that we will all be out of danger, but these peoples' testimonies indicate that all knew that the election had been lost, and not stolen, yet the president and those radical supporters who were not members of "team normal" concocted a big lie in order to illegally retain power.
While the Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene of CGI will soon look ridiculous as this unfolds before God and everybody, there is still reason for church members to be concerned. These men have displayed an attitude which is indicative of not being part of the "not of this world" calling of Christians, and will most likely continue to embrace the fringe ideas of the radical right. Like jihadists, they have become radicalized, and will only cause harm to members, spiritually, and in some cases physically. If they choose to foment a splinter and to take people who believe as they do with them, it will be net good for CGI.
As for splits a big chunk of the CGI went their own way in western Canada several years ago. No one knows why and adrian, Bill, Murray and the big brass refuse to say what happened and why.
They should preach about Covid 19 and political stuff, just like Jesus or even Paul preached about Covid 19 and the goings on of the internal politics of Rome at the time.
How do we know Jesus DIDN'T preach about the politics of Rome? John 21:25
says He did many things that were not written down.
states, "the world cannot hate you but Me it hates because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil"
John 7:7
Where are the "specifics" of this statement? We know He called out one of the main systems of this world, the religious establishment, for their hypocrisy and evil works! If times were different would He callout the Sacklers? The other pharmaceutical companies who have been convicted and fined for fraud? Would He call out Monsanto for poisoning our food supply then lying about it? Would He call out any of our lying and hypocritical politicians?
He certainly did not advocate that His disciples protest against this world system, but He did warn them to not be duped by them (Matt. 24:4
You sure waste a lite of time making fun of people
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