From the one and only Native American Germanic Gentile, who has been doubly blessed and almost arrested, the greatest prophet to ever live and current leader of the best COG to ever exist since the first century, is letting his mind be disturbed by women who walk seductively.
Women today often dress skimpily, provocatively, and walk SEDUCTIVELY (Isaiah 3:16
) — deliberately inciting sexual lust in the male mind. Clean social life is thereby undermined at just about every turn. Even a lot of our music and dances today are SUGGESTIVE of sex. Finally, all too often one or the other mate succumbs to these pressures of the world and actually COMMITS adultery.
Uh, oh. Is Mrs. Thiel turning into another RAMONA?
Or is this just Bob trying to push away all the "gay" rumours?
Jeez! The whole frickin' world is about sex! You can either tune in and revel in it, or you can exercise a little self-control.
Oh, dear...Bobby will blow his cork over this...a man in drag used to make fun of his insecurities. I have never seen a more whiney little man in the church than I have with Bob. Rod Meredith's predilections pale in comparison to Bob's. Does anything make this man happy?
Why are women always to blame? Can't the tiny prophet keep his mind from being seduced?
To echo 5:32, I also want to know, why are the women always to blame? Is a man not culpable for his own actions? Is he so weak that he just can't help having sex with any female he finds attractive? I suspect with some men, a woman could be wearing a burka, and they would still behave like alley cats.
While both men and women should dress appropriately, to justify the sin of adultery with the excuse of revealing clothing, or hearing a song, is simply a cop out and an attempt to pass the buck. There are deeper issues at work when someone makes the conscious decision to cheat, which displays an underlying lack of love or respect for the mate they took vows to be faithful to. Blaming clothing, or the lack of it, music, movies, or society at large doesn't erase personal responsibility for the choices you make.
Men, and women for that matter, should be able to rise above behaving like animals in heat.
Concerned Sister
The prophet's name wasn't even mentioned and yet everyone knows exactly who it is.
She's singing, "Hey, Bwana, take a walk on the wild side! And the colored girls go do ta do ta do ta do ta do do do do do ta do ta do........"
Bob has to be the most miserable man I have ever seen. I cannot even imagine what it is like being married to him.
No. She's singing "Dude looks like a lady" by Aerosmith. My all time favorite band in the history of ever.
Oh, and Bob, Dream On..You are not a prophet...You are Livin on the Edge (of reality) and should be careful because one of those women you disrespect is named Janie and She's Got a Gun. Guess you never wanted any Love in an Elevator with your poor wife. I bet she said no thanks Bob when you told her to Walk This Way...I know I would have told you to Fly Away From Here if I were Mrs. T. It is Amazin' to see the size of your ego. And I have no doubt your favorite color is Pink.
That was fun! Thanks for the idea Anon @ 7:00!!
Has Bob been looking at topless african women in old 1950s National Geographic Magazines again??
Sex! One of the favorite topics of Armstrongism.
I am wondering if doubly blessed almost arrested for Sabbath Keeping Bobby Thiel is projecting to us what he secretly desires to do the most. Garner Ted Armstrong use to make similar statements on The World Tomorrow. He used to talk about the moral decline of America with the sexual immorality in society. However, while he was making these statements on radio and television, unbeknownst to us, he was busy bedding some 200 Ambassador College COEDs in sexual immorality himself.
What I suggest is for little Bobby Thiel to show some FAITH and walk through that OPEN door which he claims God opened to the Continuing Church of God - the open door of animation - and morph himself into Cartoon Bob and make an animation on this subject. It would be very entertaining and could also be an outlet of release for him if this is what he secretly desires to do. Although, I must add little Bobby Thiel is no Garner Ted Armstrong.
If United Church of God's Jelly went missing for an extended period of time, wouldn't we all be concerned? Wouldn't we be saying "Where is Jelly"? What happened to Jelly? Bring us some Jelly! We should feel no less concern for the prolonged absence of little Bobby Thiel's Cartoon Bob character in his animations!
Regardless of who said it, the statement quoted in the original post is true.
Have you looked at social media recently?
TikTok is the veritable embodiment of exactly this issue. And yes, it's MOSTLY women doing it.
Disclaimer: not a member of this or any other COG organization. This blog is a bit tiresome when it cherry picks commentary from this or that church "leader" as if they are the only ones making the observation. The over-sexualization of our society is a topic widely discussed among parents, school boards, psychological and behavioral health specialists and even in the media. Let's not pretend that the COGs have the corner on this commentary.
These excerpts are important because they are craftily hidden by many of these false teachers in the middle of their messages where it will be overlooked. Hats off to this blog for keeping the heat on these perverted leaders.
@Anon 5:45 am
OK, fine... then let this blog shine the light on the much larger and more insidious issues in the COGs where it properly belongs and can most benefit people.
The criticism of the commentary about over-sexualization is not worthy of scrutiny (in my opinion) because:
1) It's true.
2) It pales in comparison to the other issues that should rightly concern people.
When an organization or movement is totally FUBAR, then everything they have to say becomes totally inconsequential. I've said many times that if Armstromgism wishes to be of greatest service to God and man, the most effective way in which they could accomplish that would be to disband.
Hmm, this may be one of Bob's Restored Truths that HWA missed. I don't know, I only got as far as his Apostolic Succession list and the restored truth about violent sports...
Knew Bob Thiel back in the 80's before he got his fake doctorate. Then he was a nerdy guy putting together sprinklers.
Women today generally are anything but seductive compared to, say, 40 years ago. Then, there was still femininity and most women wanted to be appear attractive to men. Today, most don't care to remain appealing to the soft metro sexual types calling themselves men. America's women that have been here their whole lives are usually quite fat and lack attractiveness like the one in the picture above.
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