“David C. Pack Declares Himself UnProphet-able”
In another hairpin reversal of reversals, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God declares he is NOT “Elijah the Prophet” in The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 381) given in Wadsworth Ohio on July 9, 2022.
Not to spoil the suspense, but here are the notable whoppers from this message:
· When God told Elijah in 1 Kings 19:18/Romans 11:2-5
, “Yet have I left seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal” it was not a reference to people in the time of ancient Elijah, but is a future fulfillment by the members of RCG.
· The Two Witnesses are resurrected Moses and Elijah.
· Dave is not “Elijah the Prophet” but more a John the Baptist “Like-Elijah” figure.
· The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Luke 16 is actually about the Day of the Lord to be fulfilled in the future.
· Math math math math math points to Tammuz 15 (Wednesday night to Thursday night) for the start of the 1335.
Man o man, where to start…
The beginning of the message was almost equally as disturbing as the content which followed.
@ 00:13 Well, I assured you there we we would not have another message. So much for so much for the Methodist doctrine of assurance. [Audience laughs]…The picture is exactly the same. Couple dramatic changes to our understanding, but the picture stays the same.
Why is that funny?
Mr. Pack told us there was nothing more to learn, but…ha ha ha.
Mr. Pack said Jesus Christ HAD to come last week, but…ha ha ha.
Mr. Pack said we had a “perfect picture” last time, but…ha ha ha.
Mr. Pack says we have reached the end, but…ha ha ha.
Mr. Pack says one thing and does another…ha ha ha.
The fact some in the audience laughed was actually bothersome to me. The man is stringing those people along and they seem to be just so okay with it. That feels a bit Twilight Zone-ish.
Listen to it yourself: see the sound file at the end of this post Open and Laughing at end of this post
Dave then reminded people that Tammuz 15 was still the day it all begins. Make sure to underline that Post-it Note still on your fridge.
Going to Romans 11 and 1 Kings 19, Dave explains how the “seven thousand knees which did not bow to Baal” are actually not in Elijah’s time, but in the future and those are the people in RCG.
Imagine this: Elijah is distraught and wants to die because he is all alone. God gets his attention with a “still, small voice” and tells him, “I have reserved 7000 knees that have not bowed to Baal, buuuuuut that is all about people who will live almost 3000 years from now. So yeah, I know I was supposed to comfort you and let you know you are not alone, but actually Elijah…you are alone.” In effect, God pulls a fast-one on one of His servants.
Then Dave went on to the topic of the Two Witnesses.
Over the past several years, he would “wonder out loud” during a sermon about who these men could be. For a while, he suggested it was Jeff and Kevin. But when they left RCG, then he mused at some point about it being The Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy. More jokingly, but still.
He has finally settled on a resurrected Moses and Elijah. But I would pencil and not ink that. They would have to die again in the streets of Jerusalem to be resurrected again a few days later.
Imagine this: You live in Old Testament times as God’s servant, full of faith knowing that when you are resurrected, you will inherit the Kingdom of God and receive your eternal reward.
Instead, God says, “Hello, My most faithful servants. You died and are now alive again. I need to ask the both of you to work again this weekend which means both of you have to die again. Yeah. If you could just do that, that would be greaaaaaaaaaaat.”
How could you blame the ancient Elijah if he thought that this was strike-two? “First, I am actually alone. Second, I have to die again. Dare I ask what is going to be third?”
So, Dave reduces God to the same bait-and-switch tactics that he employs with new RCG members. Is that reasonable to you?
And now folks, for the main event:
@ 35:51 Well, there would be another person like John [the Baptist] who would come in that spirit and power. John didn’t do a single miracle. There would be another one similar to him who would be Elijah-like in a restorative way. But I am not Elijah the Prophet. I am only in the sense that the ancient John the Baptist came a little ahead of Christ. Would there be a modern man who’d come a little ahead of Christ, carry that name but he has his own name? He’s sorta like Moses, but carries the name of Elijah which is kind of an interesting thing in itself…
Dave must have gotten nostalgic for his childhood. He picked a daisy out of the garden and started plucking petals, “I’m Elijah. No I’m not. I’m Elijah. No I’m not. I’m Elijah. No I’m not.” Eventually he is going to run out of petals and get stuck with one choice at the buzzer.
But hold the phone. Since God is the one who calls men into an office, does Dave really have the authority to unProphet-ize himself? I thought it was God who revealed to Dave that he was Elijah That Prophet in the first place. Does this mean that God pulled the rug out from underneath Dave for the fun of it?
Is God laughing at Dave like Nelson from the Simpsons? “Ha ha. I said you were ‘Elijah in spirit and power’ not ‘Elijah the Prophet.’ Clean the wax out of your ears next time.”
Dave then went through the Bible for some time drawing comparisons to himself and John the Baptist.
@ 1:12:01 And now you know he [John the Baptist] wasn’t Elijah the Prophet. And maybe that’s why he did not one miracle. Now, I did a lot of things in the past, more miraculous things in the past. But of recent years because of my role, I don’t. I’ve anointed people that had been healed dramatically. And I’ve had I been the recipient of miracles. So, I think it’s an interesting parallel in that way.
The point being, John the Baptist did not do miracles and Dave does not do them any more. That will be important near the end.
@ 1:14:13 So, the ancient John [the Baptist] was a prophet who proceeded Christ but he knew that he was not actually Elijah. So, I am not Elijah the Prophet. Not now, not ever. Sort of a a type coming “in the spirit and power of Elijah.” Elijah, apparently was a was a pretty good speaker. John the Baptist was a bright and shining light. I hope to some degree in a small way, I’ve done that. 381 sermons, lo these many years. 44,000 minutes just in the series of preaching. So, you know, I don’t know when I became like Elijah the Prophet, but now I know I am not that man and we no longer have to spend five minutes talking about it. I’m the Seventh Messenger. Yes, I am the messenger who is sent “to prepare the way” right in the face of the Father and Son coming together in Malachi 3:1 before “the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”
Technically, Dave is still like-Elijah, just not Elijah the Prophet. Fine, Dave…we’ll play this your way. You are not a false prophet. You are a LIKE-False Prophet. You came “in the spirit and power of a false prophet.” Happy now?
@ 37:21 So, you’ve got something else to look forward to. I believe absolutely this Wednesday night you will meet Moses and Elijah. And then you’ll meet the rest of the prophets in a couple weeks after that. And believe me, I’m not I’m not done proving it.
He has not “proven” anything. It is just the same tired supposition, imagination, delusion, and desperation plucked from the pages of the Bible and out of the air after Dave brushes away the stars and birds floating about his head.
If you had put your money down on the table every time Dave said, “I believe XYZ is going to happen on XYZ,” you would be homeless by now. No car. No food. No clothes.
Near the end, Dave went exhaustively into how this coming Wednesday night (Tammuz 15) starting at sundown on July 13 to sundown July 14 is absolutely the start of the 1335 when the Kingdom of God arrives.
@ 1:16:17 So, let’s reduce everything to math and you’ll walk outta here and you will know based on numbers alone exactly when this is gonna happen.
Yikes. When Dave breaks out the calculator and a calendar, it never ends well for him.
If you are a masochist, you can hear it for yourself in all it’s easy-peezy glory: see audio clip “Part 381 Kingdom Math” at end of this post
Cutting to the chase: Tammuz 15 is the real deal. The millennium (1000 years) starts on Trumpets. You can count a bunch of things with a bunch of dates and you land on this coming Wednesday night at sundown until around dawn on Thursday morning or maybe at any point throughout the day until sundown Thursday night to start the whole shebang. Got it?
For those still interested, we are going to circle back around to the John the Baptist concept and reveal how Dave is not nearly as good at Daving as Brad is at Daving. I think Bradford G. Schleifer would have had a better run at blurring these concepts so the holes in Dave’s theory were not so gaping.
Dave is telling the audience everything they need to hear to prove if he truly is like-Elijah “in spirit and power” or not? The man tells you in his own words. He even uses the Bible to prove which is the answer. It is not only incredible, but plain.
Dave claims he is not a prophet. John the Baptist was a prophet. Dave says so at 1:14:13 quoted above. Jesus Christ agrees with this in Matthew and Luke.
John the Baptist heard the voice of God audibly and was told exactly what to do and when. Dave has admitted throughout the series he has never heard God speak to him.
According to Luke 1:17, John the Baptist came “in spirit and power of Elijah.” That word for power is dunamis. (Strong’s G1411 – From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself).
This has been hammered over and over in The Restored Church of God. We know what dunamis is. Miraculous power. Dave admitted that he no longer does anything “miraculous” at 1:12:01 quoted above. So, what “power” is Dave then referring to? Talking a lot? Insurance salesmen do that. Yelling a lot? Army sergeants do that.
I would love for some minister on the third floor on Monday who runs into Dave in the hallway to ask him flat out, “What power were you referring to?” It will be the last question they ever ask him, but the look on his face would be priceless.
Ask yourself: If Dave once had miraculous power, why would God take it away?
Is there an example somewhere in the Bible that could be a clue as to what happened? Yes. But it does not bode well for Dave. Do an e-Sword search in the Old Testament for a man named Saul.
Why would God remove His gift from His only living apostle on the face of the earth? Ponder that.
So, if Dave does not have dunamis, then what “spirit” do you suppose is moving him deeper into this Tammuz malarkey? Or to previously declare he WAS Elijah the Prophet? Is it the same spirit that caused John the Baptist to witness a dove descend from heaven and rest upon our Savior, Jesus Christ?
How many inside The Restored Church of God do you think caught all this?
How David C. Pack is NOT like John the Baptist:
1) John the Baptist was a prophet, Dave is not.
2) John the Baptist heard God speak to him, Dave has not.
3) John the Baptist was “in the dunamis of Elijah,” Dave is not.
4) John the Baptist kept his dunamis until death, Dave has not.
5) John the Baptist saw spirit, Dave has not.
Please remember that I did not say these things. David C. Pack said these things. The Bible says these things. I am merely reminding you of it.
Tammuz is a one way street. Dave has painted himself into a smaller and tighter corner with each message.
I know the “ministers” in RCG will call me (if they have not already) an antichrist. With this article, they will say I am also committing the unpardonable sin for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I was a tare amongst the wheat. I am beating my fellow servants. I am deceived. My work is of the devil. Woe unto me.
I humbly request they hold back on any judgment regarding this until Friday morning. Let God prove who is a liar and who is true. Amen to the Kingdom of God coming this week. Amen to the plan of God moving forward now. Amen to Jesus Christ returning to His people.
If I am wrong, I will be cast into a lake of fire. I accept that.
If David C. Pack is wrong, will he repent?
Marc CebrianSee: “David C. Pack Declares Himself UnProphet-able”
This is a serious question, and not meant mockingly.
Are the followers of Dave sort of like fans of WWE wrestling. who deep down , know that it is all fake, a big show, but an interesting drama that they just cant get enough of, and that you suspend reality for on occasion , to continue with the saga.
Many of us have done that in watching a television series, say like Star Trek, or Lost for instance. Is this a factor for being a Dave Pack follower?
Dave says: "In effect, God pulls a fast-one on one of His servants."
What a load of crap. If anyone is ruling a "fast one" it is Dave himself and the dumb sheep sit there and twitter when he does. Appalling.
The man is running around punch drunk, saying anything and everything to explain away the embarrassing fact that Jesus is a no show on the appearances which Dave continuously books for Him!
Dave, quit booking these appearances! It's not only the gift of miracles which has been taken from you! (Of course they may have been fake all along, too!) Best for you to shut up, and let Jesus do His thing!
Note to RCG stalwarts: Find a more reliable messenger! Homeless schizophrenic drunks babbling incoherently as they walk the streets make better sense than Dave! At least your financial handouts would get them a nice beer or a shortdog of wine!
The prophet from Wadsworth continues to defy logic and rationality. This sordid tale of insanity and madness can't go on forever. Why o why does this man think he is someone so special? He is "ALWAYS" Wrong, yet he keeps promoting his math by saying it is perfect, (even after every announced prophetic failure). It has gone from curiosity to humor to deep concern. Why aren't people running away in droves from this guy?
I have this strange obsession of wanting to forcefully enclose Davie C and Bobby T in a windowless room together and lock the door....
DP has already taken some of Christ's titles over the years, Joshua The Hight Priest, Elijah The Restorer, and unless I'm remembering incorrectly Zerubbabel The Builder and now John the Baptist.
This really is a real thing. I read a book one time called Sybil I think they made a movie out of it too. The girl had a traumatic childhood and there were several different personalities living inside of her. I just finished another book it was so good that I couldn't put it down and here it is 12:30 at night. It was a Louis L'Amour book called the Comstock Lode about some miners in California. Maybe dave pack could write a book in which he plays all the characters and call it the Wadsworth Load....
The two witnesses can't be Moses or any other bible great. These people would not understand this generation. They wouldn't be able to reason with and convincingly refute their beliefs.
Simple math? I was hoping for another true episode of chef Pack with his assistants "pepper" and "spice".
At the heart of Dave's conclusion is another incorporation of modern Christianity traditional beliefs. My hybrid/Baptist wife believes that the actual Moses and the actual Elijah are the two witnesses. She also believes the Feast of Trumpets would start the 1000 year millennium and that preceding that would be a 7 year tribulation with the reconstituted sacrifices being stopped halfway through at the 1290 day. This is all the great revelation that the now spiritual "Dave The Baptist" has revealed unto us.
So Dave has spent his membership's time - all 381 sermons and 44,000? minutes to land unto a conclusion that can be easily found on YouTube or even in a local church. This does smack of the 1990's in the WCG where Joe Tkach and gang landed on a conclusion that could be had in the local church of any small town or city.
Just like Joe Tkach Jr felt compelled to write a book on his transformation back into modern Christianity, I can see a new Dave Pack book on the horizon. "How to decode the end times and the day of the Lord with simple math - a return to modern Christianity" by David "The Baptist" Pack, with special guests forwards by the pepper and spice boys and Bradford "the numbers" Schleifer. Sure to be a best seller and topic of conversation.
Marc Cebrian going into the Lake Of Fire? No Marc, I now believe judgement day will involve three groups; the sheep and the goats and those that are horrible at math. Marc, if you would have just believed the simple math.
Holy ***** Batman! Well, the insanity continues, but hopefully not for much longer. His absolute, positively, guaranteed, certainty of Thursday night will likely lead a few more out by Friday morning. Then, next week, when another prophetic failure happens, a few more will go. At this rate, Pack will be preaching to himself and his horse by 2023. And even the horse will laugh at him and voila.....Another splinter bites the dust.
Now, if we could only get out littlest false prophlet to admit he is not a prophet!! Oh, but I dream.
For those of us who are keen to listen to the man's words from his own mouth, where can one find an audio library of his glorious proclamations?
Anon July 10 @ 6:47PM - Fact check. Dave did not say that. I did. That was not a quote, that was my commentary. :)
I just realized a few minutes ago that this TOTALLY opens up the question:
Who is That Prophet? Dave was adamant since Part 8 in 2015 that Elijah the Prophet is That Prophet. Now that Dave is NOT Elijah the Prophet, it would mean he CANNOT be That Prophet. A resurrected Elijah would not work because he is now one of the Two Witnesses.
Maybe Jesus Christ will be getting His title back.
We are now waiting for Pack to declare himself Christ..
Marc, Jesus Himself is That Prophet. The Armstrongism teachings of current, modern day doppelgangers of Old or New Covenant personalities is flat out heresy. Even their "Elijiah/Moses/Zerubbabel" typologies is flat out wrong.
, John 7:40-41
, Acts 3:22
, Acts 7:37
That Prophet is clearly identified as Jesus. Deuteronomy 18:15-18
is the prophecy of the coming Savior and That Prophet. Anyone claiming that title, in particular, is calling himself God. Whether they add the word "type" to it matters not.
I was thinking about that very notion just this morning. Does anyone think that our Great God would have allowed the Canon of Scriptures to be closed and a done deal 2,000 years ago if there was more to the story? If there were genuine prophets and apostles in our day, just like way back then, why would God have completed the Book? Would it be fair of Him to send men as wise and knowledgeable of the things of God and his purposes and NOT have waited to close the Scriptures so we could learn what He wanted us to, just as He did with the genuine articles who ARE in the bible? He could have waited and guaranteed that those men would be read and understood just like the ones who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal what He wanted to be revealed, accurately. But He did not. The was no need to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, with modern day equivalents because everything He wanted revealed to us has been revealed. If Armstrongism would stop proof texting and actually read the Scriptures, IN CONTEXT, maybe a whole lot of people could have been spared a whole lot of suffering.
In John 6:14-15
So Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or any other man who claims to be That Prophet IS Antichrist by definition. I would not want to be on the other side of the universe with ear buds in, come their judgment day. It won't be pretty.
Brief RCG Cult Summary
The Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult is (mis)led by Satan's #2 false prophet klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies, the Bait & Switch scammer and “common” thief. He literally lies and steals continually. I kid you not.
The RCG is a great cult for MASOCHISTS who have ITCHING EARS and suffer from extreme cases of PREDICTION ADDICTION.
It is unfortunate that HWA claimed these divine titles for himself the way he did. Left a poor example for those that claim to follow him.
Jesus when speaking of the Ephesian Church said those that claim the role of Apostle are liars.
The Apostolic age is over. And anyone claiming to be one or a prophet, is a liar.
I forgot about DP claiming he was "That Prophet" Another title that belongs to Christ. By claiming/stealing Christ's titles (That Prophet, Elijah, Joshua) he is claiming that he is Christ. Only an matter of time before Judgement comes on DP, the ministry, and the members supporting this apostacy. An apostasy that God warned us about at the end time.
I never ever remember HWA ever claiming to be Elijah or any of Christ titles. Others have claimed him to be the Elijah and carry his torch but he HWA never did.
Based on the theology I grew up on I could see the Creator chuckling a bit over this but ultimately wanting to reward the commitment.
Someone has a crush on Pack…!!!
HWA claimed to be a type of Elijah, and many ministers and brethren refferred to him as THE ELIJAH. Also, he took the mantle of being an APOSTLE.
Both of those things riled me about HWA and I was never a fan of his for that. The voice of GTA was what lured me in, and I would have left with him in 78, but I had a crush on a girl who stayed with WCG. It is funny how fate twists and turns in life looking back.
I seem to remember being quoted as saying blessed are the humble or poor in spirit. Pack is poor, blind, dead, and dumb
Commitment to BS is still a BS commitment and merits no rewards
“Dave Pack Makes Another U-Trun And Declares Himself UnProphet-able”
From Bait & Switch to back to Bait???
Tonto at 7:14 PM said...“The voice of GTA was what lured me in, and I would have left with him in 78, but I had a crush on a girl who stayed with WCG. It is funny how fate twists and turns in life looking back.”
Did things work out for you with the girl in the WCG that you had the crush on, or was all of your religious deceitfulness in vain?
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