It has just been confirmed today that the Great Tribulation will NOT begin before 2026! Woo Hoo! Party time!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is such a relief to know that the crap will not be hitting the fan, at least for a few more years. So enjoy life, at least all of you unrepentant exCOG members and Laodiceans who aren't part of the one true church.
God's most holy, righteous, and littlest prophet, who was dreamed into being before the foundations of the world began to be created, is back today letting us know that we have a few more years left, BUT, if you are not part of his group you will never know when the tribulation begins! Oh, noes!!!!!!!!
Those who believe and understand what the Bible actually teaches realize that the Great Tribulation cannot begin before 2026.
Jesus gave a variety of signs/events that had to happen prior to the start of the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24. Not only have many not happened, a preceding event in Daniel 9:27involving the confirmation of a seven-year deal still has not happened. Since it did not happen as of yet, this means that it is not possible for the Great Tribulation to begin for at least 3 1/2 years (half of a biblically-prophetic week).
He next writes this:
People who claim to be COG, like Ronald Weinland and the late James Malm, have repeatedly been in error as to timing as they have looked to their own understanding instead of what the Bible teaches.
This is pretty rich coming from a man who is just as big a liar as these two are/were!
Apparently, the rest of the COG's and the world will not know when the end times hit...despite the widespread death and destruction the church has been wishing upon the world for decades.
The Great Tribulation is coming, but it will not begin in 2022.
That being said, please understand that the COGs associated with the Sardis and Laodicean churches cannot possibly know when the Great Tribulation will begin unless they change.
The Great Bwana even attacks the CG7 Denver as being ignorant of the end times.
CG7-Denver, for one example, believes that most events in the Book of Revelation have already been fulfilled, so they are not officially looking for it. And the Laodicean churches have added extra, non-biblical events/requirements to precede the Great Tribulation, that are not necessary and hence those who believe them will NOT believe that the Great Tribulation will start until it is too late (see also The Laodicean Church Era).
CG7 Denver has a more successful ministry than Bob can ever dream of and has touched more lives than he ever will.
Then, in typical COG fashion, he goes on to list 51 points as to why everyone is wrong but him. Why is it that COG ministers feel the need to publish endless numbered lists and bullet points every time they speak? Even with his 51 points, he still can not stay on topic and bounces all over the place. On top of that, it is a list of 51 accusations he accuses other COG groups of not doing. Apparently, no one in the entire COG does anything right except for him.
Bwana Bob still is suffering major butt hurt with Living Church of God and United Church of God spewing him out and rejecting his corrections he lobed at both of them:
Yet, it should be noted that leaders in the Living Church of Godand/or the United Church of God have confirmed to me personally that I was biblically correct on basically all the above points, despite the fact that their respective churches hold to several of the errors pointed out above. Those who rely too much on a compromised ministry (Ezekiel 34:7-10
) to teach them prophecy that is not truly in accordance with scripture need to realize that according to Jesus’ words in Revelation 2 & 3 and Luke 21, only relatively few Christians will be protected from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world.
The entire COG movement has rejected Bwana Bob and that just frosts his self-righteous butt to no end.
If you are inclined, you can read his whiney little bitch fest here: The Great Tribulation cannot begin before 2026!
‘If you are inclined, you can read his whiney little bitch fest here….’
Arrrrr………NO THANKS.
Bobby boy…….so desperately seeking recognition adoration legitimacy an audience…….ANYTHING……..
Bobby boy……unknown, invisible, unheard of, all alone, yes indeed a voice crying out in the wilderness……but there’s no one out there listening.
Actually, since being "contrarian" to Thiel, is actually more accurate than not, his prediction that the Tribulation will not start before 2026 has got me nervous! ;-)
I better stock up on bottled water, freeze dried food, and radioactive countering iodine!
The salient question is why should anyone conclude that there should be a second Tribulation? Tribulation 1 already happened in 70 AD. Where do we find scriptural specifications for Tribulation 2? Prophecy fans certainly would not resort to the Old Testament to find Tribulation 2. This is because Jesus said that the OT prophets prophesied only until John. Further, Jesus said that he was the culmination of OT prophecy. Here are the two statements:
1. "For all the Prophets ... prophesied until John came ... Let anyone with ears listen!" (Matthew 11). Apocalyptic Millerites apparently lack ears.
2. "“Do not think that I have come to abolish ... the Prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill."
All the arcane calculations and abstruse interpretations notwithstanding (these are just swarms of informational countermeasures), there is no credible argument for Tribulation 2. Look, Jesus didn't seem to believe in Tribulation 2. Read point 1 above and then read point 2 and combine their meanings. Jesus did speak of events that were to happen in the 70 AD timeframe. The Book of Revelation is about: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. (Rev 1)." How does one stretch the word "soon" to include 2022 or 2026 or any other future date? The exegetical case for the fabled Tribulation 2 is not there. Nothing burger. The Victor Houteff types need to get a life.
You might read the following:
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Even for our littlest, doubly deluded prophlet of all, this is rich! The arrogance of this man never ceases to amaze me. But he doesn't see it...or he can't allow himself to see it. Talk about the blind leading the blind.
, Bob. God specifically, says in vs 25 "I have heard the prophets who prophesy lies in my name say, I HAD A DREAM. I HAD A DREAM!! How long will this continue? Is My Name in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy lies and their own deceitful fancies?" THAT IS YOU BOB! There are NO MORE PROPHETS TODAY. The bible is a done deal and God already told us all we need to know. He does NOT NEED YOU lying out of the deceipt of your own vanity. Please stop Bob. For your own good, please stop deceiving yourself and get some psychiatric help. And before you start screeching about Acts 2:16-17
(which has already happened, as prophesied by a genuine prophet, Isaiah 44:2
), it says God will pour out a portion of His Spirit ON ALL FLESH and your old men will dream dreams. ALL FLESH BOB. Still think you are so super duper, doubly blessed, oh littlest prophlet of all?
Bob, I wish you would spend as much time studying what God says He will do to false prophets as you do talking about YOU! Surely you know what the Word says will happen to those men who claim to be apostles or prophets, but He did not send them. He says they speak out of the pride and arrogance of their OWN HEARTS and not because they were sent by Him. I know you are familiar with Jeremiah 23:9-40
Finally, for Bob to go on a rant about using extra biblical sources to bolster their prophetic teachings...Uhhhh, okayyyyy. Are you sure you want to go there oh mighty Mayan Catholic prophlet?
Bob Thiel is the tribulation of Mat 24:29
which is false prophets, verse 24, (remember he says he is the only prophet in cogdom) but really only to the "members" of his CCOG. To the rest of us, who believe the GT (great trib) occurred in the first century in Judea and will not happen again, he is sheer entertainment. It is however sobering and sad to see anyone led astray by his blather. May the day come when he will shut the hell up.
The UCG and LCG assuring Bob that he is correct (on all 51 points?) but then not adopting them seems like a repeat of one of HWA's tales. HWA said Andrew Dugger agreed that he was correct about BI but couldn't use it, and on another scriptural interpretation, but didn't want to change it to avoid admitting that they were wrong.
The old "if we change (some doctrine) and admit we're wrong, then members will think we may be wrong about other things" has been used as an excuse as well as criticism of other COGs. And so Bob is given a "sure you're right (but so what)". On the other hand, it looks like Dave Pack changes his mind more times than he changes his socks.
I am taking an excerpt out of my comment on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 3:00:00 PM PDT under the Banned by HWA July 10, 2022 Post "LCG: In Seeking To Stop Members From Becoming Another Bob Thiel Ends Up Discouraging Intellectual Curiosity". Perhaps doubly blessed almost arrested for Sabbath keeping Dr. Bobby Thiel will read my questions and will answer on his website. Or, even better, perhaps he can make an animation, the open door to the Continuing Church of God, with his Cartoon Bob character. We love and miss Cartoon Bob. Apply my questions below to the Continuing Church of God instead of LCG and explain how the traditional WCG understanding of Luke 17:36
and Matthew 25 Parable of the 10 Virgins applies to the insignificant Continuing Church of God:
and Matthew 25, implying that 50% of the Church is Philadelphian and the remaining 50% is Laodicean, still apply? If LCG has 7,000 members and all other WCG Laodicean Splinters have a combined total of, say 50,000 members (a guesstimate), how does the math work to conform with these stated beliefs? Or do these two traditional WCG scriptures used in Herbert Armstrong's time now ONLY apply to LCG, and that 50% of LCG is Laodicean?
and Matthew 25 Parable of the 10 Virgins CANNOT apply because 50% of nothing is still nothing, LOL!"
"This raises some "intellectual curiosity" questions - if LCG is the ONLY Philadelphia remnant remaining, then do the traditional WCG belief scriptures of Luke 17:36
Which takes me back circular to the comment I found interesting posted on July 8 which read, "Or is Doug unconsciously admitting that LCG is a Laodicean remnant, not a Philadelphian one?” A damn good question for your local LCG minister.
P.S. In little Bobby Thiel’s Continuing Church of God’s case, Luke 17:36
" they have looked to their own understanding instead of what the bible teaches."
That's a common abusive cult line. Another variation is that they look to their own human reasoning rather than revelation. But who determines "what the bible teaches" or what's "revelation? " Why some church leader of course. Like the one who preached 1975. It amounts to these leaders wanting to be popes who lord it over members faith. So throw away your bible folks and the "prove all things" thingy and just blindly believe your pope leader and his little pope minion ministers. What can possibly go wrong?
Btw, God refused Moses entry into the promised land for trying to make himself a pope. Are you listening Bobby?
Maybe we've got it all wrong, and this is Bob's appointed time as a prophet. Maybe we should heed the words of Zechariah 4, verse 10: "Who has despised the day of small things?"
NEO said, "The salient question is why should anyone conclude that there should be a second Tribulation? Tribulation 1 already happened in 70 AD. Where do we find scriptural specifications for Tribulation 2?"
- In those two verses, Jesus speaks of a time when the total annihilation of human life would be a distinct possibility. This was not a possibility in 70 A.D. with the weaponry of knives, sticks, rocks, spears and whatever else was used for weapons in 70 AD. Only with the development of nuclear weaponry with mass destruction could such an event even be a conceived possibility where "not a soul would be saved alive".
- "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" - The context of this scripture is as Moffat version says "sealed till the crisis at the close". The Scofield Bible uses "till the time of the end". In 70 AD, sure they "ran to and fro" by horse, camels, chariots and could physically run-on foot. I always think of this scripture when I travel by air when my flights depart. As the plane is ascending, I can look down and see all the cars going to and fro. Today, we have rapid transportation with people traveling to and fro by automobile, railroads and airplanes. This is significant to the other part of Daniel 12:4
"and knowledge shall be increased" which made these rapid transportation methods possible.
"knowledge being increased".
- Do we have any record or literal proof of "Immediately after the Tribulation (which you refer to as Tribulation 1 occurring in 70 AD) of the sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light, and the stars falling from heaven? You would say this is not literal, and I would say how do you know for sure - particularly in light of other scriptures to the contrary, 2 of which I have already posted?
to Bobby Thiel (which I happen to agree with him) applying Jesus' prophecy to our time today. And then on the other side of his mouth, said "to the rest of us, who believe the GT (great trib) occurred in the first century in Judea and will not happen again". That was an odd mix!
MY COMMENT - Here are three scriptural specifications which are traditional WCG teachings for Tribulation 2:
1) Matt. 24:21-22
Even recently, there has been talk of nuclear war with Putin no thanks to Globalist World Economic Forum's puppet President Joe Biden's reckless comment about "taking Putin out".
2) Daniel 12:4
How much of the world's knowledge do you think there was in 70 AD compared with our contemporary time today? Increasing knowledge led to the speed-up of technology and social change we have both have seen in our own lifetime. Heck, even the very genetics and science you use to disprove BI is a fulfillment of Daniel 12:4
3) Matt. 24:29
These are three scriptural specifications which are traditional WCG teachings for Tribulation 2. The WCG and its Splinters are not the only religious groups that believe there will be a future Great Tribulation as I am sure you well know. I am not as cavalier as "double minded" anonymous Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 8:55:00 AM PDT who spoke out of both sides of his mouth invoking Matt. 24:29
IMO: The trib of Mat 24:29
, which is false prophets, etc, is not the trib of verse 21, which is in Judea. The trib of v.29 follows the trib of v.21 and is occurring right now. As to "no flesh be saved": God could have allowed Satan to destroy everybody. As to Dan 12:4
: the Hebrew in the verse mentions nothing of a tribulation. The time of trouble in Dan 12:1
could very well be the trib in Mat 24:21
because the trouble will be the greatest to that time, and the Hebrew for the word “delivered” (KJV) means to slip away, escape. Indeed! Those who heeded Christ’s warning in Mat 24:15-18
slipped away, escaped.
"Reicke ("Synoptic Prophecies") has shown the language in the Olivet Discourse prophesying the Fall of Jerusalem to be largely in OT categories. Not only is it general, it does not describe any detail peculiar to the known history of the Jewish Wars (A.D. 66-73). Reicke goes so far as to conclude that the Olivet Discourse as found in any of the Synoptics could not have been composed after A.D.70, and that therefore the Synoptics have earlier dates..." (D.A. Carson, Matthew, EBC, Vol.8, p.489).
; Mk. 13.1
:27, Lk. 21.5-26
) there are three passages which either indicate the destruction of the Temple or the City... If the Jewish war had influenced these predictions, there would at least have some correspondence between them and what happened when Jerusalem was conquered. None of the three passages contain such details... the prophecy does not refer to any concrete occurrence with the historical tragedy. For this reason also, the post-war chronology must be rejected as the product of pure imagination. (p.124).
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
* Bo Reiche, "Synoptic Prophecies on the Destruction of Jerusalem," Studies in New Testament and in Early Christian Literature:
"An analysis of these prophecies will have to make it evident that none of them correspond to what is known about the Jewish war and the destruction of Jerusalem... (p.121).
"In the Synoptic apocalypse (Mt 24.1-25.46
Mt 24:15
Mt 24:21
Da 12:10
"... the prophecy states that when the Christians see the abomination of desolation ... they will understand that now fulfilment is approaching (Da 12:10
"It is not possible to reconcile these items with the Jewish war described by Josephus and other historians. The abomination of desolation is expressly said to come first, and in accordance with Daniel is thought of some violent force that will be effective in the sanctuary. For both reasons it cannot be identified with the occupation and destruction of the Temple by Titus in A.D. 70, as is often suggested, for this military event signalled the final act of the war and did not imply any further persecution... (p.125).
“... there are serious discrepancies between the apocalyptic predictions and the historical tragedy" (pp.129-30).
“Overlooking the Temple compound, the fortress provided a perfect point from which to attack the Temple itself. Battering rams made little progress, but the fighting itself eventually set the walls on fire; a Roman soldier threw a burning stick onto one of the Temple's walls... the fire spread quickly and was soon out of control. THE TEMPLE WAS CAPTURED AND DESTROYED on 9/10 Tisha B'Av, SOMETIME IN AUGUST 70 CE, and the flames spread into the residential sections of the city...
“The Roman legions quickly crushed the remaining Jewish resistance. Some of the remaining Jews escaped through hidden tunnels and sewers, while others made a final stand in the Upper City. This defense halted the Roman advance as they had to construct siege towers to assail the remaining Jews. Herod's Palace fell on 7 September, and THE CITY WAS COMPLETELY UNDER ROMAN CONTROL BY 8 SEPTEMBER...” (Wikipedia, Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE).
“And now the Romans, upon the flight of the seditious into the city, and upon the burning of the holy house itself, and all of the buildings round about it, brought their ensigns to the temple, and set them over against the eastern gate; and there did they offer sacrifices to them, and there did make Titus imperator, with the greatest acclamations of joy” (Josephus, War of the Jews, Book 6, Chapter 6, 316).
Richard 12:48
- In those two verses, Jesus speaks of a time when the total annihilation of human life would be a distinct possibility..."
- Do we have any record or literal proof of "Immediately after the Tribulation (which you refer to as Tribulation 1 occurring in 70 AD) of the sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light, and the stars falling from heaven?"
is metaphorical. Peter used a similar metaphor in Acts 2:20-21
. And this referred to certain manifestations of the Holy Spirit. That is why there is no evidence that Matt 24:29
ever happened literally. It is not a literal event reserved for immediately after Tribulation 2. Tribulation 2 is a figment of apocalyptic Millerite imagination.
(I revised this to remove typos. I wrote the original shortly after I came back from some extensive dental work.)
You wrote, "1) Matt. 24:21-22
Please see the section on WMDs in this article:
You wrote further, "How much of the world's knowledge do you think there was in 70 AD compared with our contemporary time today?"
And how much knowledge do you think there is now compared to what there will be in in the year 3742 AD? This line of reasoning does not work.
You wrote still further, "Matt. 24:29
I think what you are saying is that because there is no proof that these events happened after Tribulation 1 then they must be reserved for Tribulation 2. So by deduction there must be a Tribulation 2. But the scripture says "Immediately after the tribulation of those days". You left out the time element. I don't think anyone who reads through the whole passage would see "those days" as being anything but in context with the surrounding events described in this passage. Asserting that "those days" breaks away from context and refers to a timesetting of 2,000 years later is implausible - an unwarranted stretch.
The fact is the language in Matthew 24:29
But if it really bothers you that there is no Tribulation 2, let me allay your apprehensions. There will be no Tribulation 2 but there will be a Day of the Lord - it will be dark and dramatic enough for anybody. It's just that when the Day of the Lord happens there is no exegesis that has you sitting snug at some putative Place of Safety. And you might reconsider your concern about global catastrophe. In Amos 5 it says, ""Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD. Why do you long for the day of the LORD?"
In conclusion, I don't think your three specifications carry the argument.
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Am I the only one here who notices that NeoDromos is just as bad as Bob in being long-winded and unfocused, and thus inconsiderate of his audience?
NeoDromos, the nature of this medium is that it wants bite-sized chunks of focused detail. You can do better. Fewer, shorter, denser posts are what this medium wants. I would guess that 90% of the readers of this thread just skip past your stuff because you share Bob's inability to tailor a message to its venue.
Anonymous 8:35
To me, the sound bite is a different genre. Frequently these short comments are comic in content. We can all use a laugh. I have no objections to people who deal in sound bites but don't regard the sound bite as the only genre that the blog should accommodate. I will continue to do longer, more detailed comments. I challenge the idea that what I write is unfocused. The comment I wrote for this post is both focused and organized. You tell me where it is not.
If people want to skip over what I write, it's a free country (as long as the very stable genius doesn't get back in office). I skip over much myself. Not everything is intended to be marketing and salesmanship.
I believe that the problem is that you don't like what I write and are frustrated that you have no ability to exercise censorship on this blog. Along with that my guess is that you are an Armstrongist and you do not have a legitimate response to the issues I raise. So you have resorted to critiquing the genre I use. I am not sympathetic to your predicament.
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8:35: What??? NEO is always well organized and succinct. But, you gave the guy who is always machine-gunning Bible verses at us a pass???
Methinks you are a partisan critic who resents NEO because he is always well-studied and very effective.
is metaphorical". But I asked you in my comment "You would say this is not literal, and I would say how do you know for sure?" You offered the passage in Acts 2:20-21
which you assume is metaphoric as "fact proof". But The Book of Acts was written by a completely different author than Matthew (I thought Luke wrote the Book of Acts and not Peter as you state). So, I would ask the same question, how do you know Acts 2:20-21
is metaphoric and not literally?
prophecy. Humankind has thousands of years of recorded history to draw upon to see mankind's progression in knowledge. Knowledge is now doubling exponentially. Actually, if you agree that past history is an indicator of the future in 3742 AD, then it can be concluded that you are giving credence to Daniel 12:4
- unless of course there is some type of "crisis at the close" (Moffat's description of the Great Tribulation) to crash the knowledge curve. Please see this article and quote:
- In those two verses, Jesus speaks of a time when the total annihilation of human life would be a distinct possibility..." As I said, I read your article this morning and the 21 Comments. I am a believer that I shouldn't re-invent the wheel when the wheel has already been invented. In this regard, I completely agree with Tonto's comment posted there, and now re-posted by me:
Thanks for the link to your April 13, 2022 article "Why I Do Not Believe in an End-Time Tribulation - Or the Pitfalls of Designer Prophecy". I missed that Post. I have now read it, as well as the 21 Comments made. My response to your comment addressed to me on this post (in reverse order):
1) You state "The fact is the language in Matthew 24:29
2) I wrote, "How much of the world's knowledge do you think there was in 70 AD compared with our contemporary time today?" And you wrote, "And how much knowledge do you think there is now compared to what there will be in in the year 3742 AD? This line of reasoning does not work".
Actually, this line of reason DOES work. Your comment is a smokescreen and doesn't address or negate the remarkable Daniel 12:4 - "Buckminster Fuller created the “Knowledge Doubling Curve”; he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century. By the end of World War II knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Today things are not as simple as different types of knowledge have different rates of growth. For example, nanotechnology knowledge is doubling every two years and clinical knowledge every 18 months. But on average human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. According to IBM, the build out of the “internet of things” will lead to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours."
3) Matt. 24:21-22
Tonto said...
Although 70AD certainly acts as a fulfillment typology of Revelation, there are problems that make Preterism fall short.
Not all of Revelation was fulfilled at that time. A 200 Million man army from the East, the "mark of the beast" with NO MAN buying or selling, and many more.
No flesh saved alive is also a definer of a yet future fulfillment.
Whether one is a believer in the Bible, or noe, or as you termed it "Millerism", it seems hardly likely that mankind can continue for the next few hundred years without a major world conflagration of huge suffering and destruction. It is the way of man, and I have no faith in mankind's collective wisdom to not create an apocalypse.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 3:45:00 PM PDT
I would also point out again that Armstrongites/Millerites are not the only religious groups that believe there will be a future Great Tribulation as I am sure you well know.
Richard 10:51
is non-specific as to chronology. It may refer to 2022 or any other future date.
My answers in order of the points in your comment:
1) If these celestial events had happened literally in 70 AD, we would have a historical record of it. How many stars have to fall from heaven before someone writes it down. So it happened metaphorically in 70 AD. What you are really asserting is the this happened at the time of Tribulation 1 as a metaphor but will happen at the time of Tribulation 2 literally. So you are arguing first and latter fulfillments that are substantially different in type - the former metaphor and the latter literal. This would be more credible if both were of the same type. Moreover, I do not know what principle you call upon to make a change in type. Is this really how the type-antitype principle works? In the last analysis, does the Bible give us some kind of tag so we can tell decidedly when it is speaking metaphorically and when it is speaking literally? The answer is no. Does it give us a hermeneutical database in its own text that we can use to arrive at a probable conclusion? The answer is yes. I feel silly trying to analyze a future event that some believe will happen based on a principle of duality (type-antitype) that I do not believe holds water. It's like talking about the shape of the horn growing out of a unicorn's nose.
2) Daniel 12:4
3)You wrote, "No flesh saved alive is also a definer of a yet future fulfillment."
I gave you reasons why it is not future. You need to provide reasons why it is. Once again, it is non-specific as to chronology. If you could prove this to be future, it still might happen in 2022 or at any future date.
Regarding Tonto's comment, I am not a preterist. I am a partial preterist. But I think the data that Tonto cites has other explanations.
The Tribulation already happened. There is no redux. There is no Place of Safety. There is no three and a half year wait until the Parousia. Type-antitype is a radically liberal, open-ended interpretation model for scripture and it is founded on conjecture. Apocalyptic Millerites have demonstrated pragmatically and repeatedly that they are unable to deal with Biblical prophecy.
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The holy spirit has informed me on several occasions that the tribulation is not far off.
That's my two cents.
Old Bobby shower curtains is beginning to sound a lot like William F Dankenbring…another real nutter
2:51, can I send you a tribulation greeting card? Maybe we'll end up in the same camp!
AnonymousWednesday, July 13, 2022 at 2:51:00 PM PDT
The holy spirit has informed me on several occasions that the tribulation is not far off.
That's my two cents.
Someone has Jerusalem Syndrome….
If Jesus says no one knows the day or the hour of his return, how can Little Bobby Thiel say that the great tribulation won’t happen before 2026? Seems like a little Bobby Thiel is as guilty as Dave Pack only in reverse!
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