When Amy Allwine's life ended tragically, the scene just didn't make sense. It couldn't have happened how it appeared. But what about the dark web death threats she had gotten just a few months before? Someone had been out to get her, viciously, and had paid people to do it. Who was out to get Amy Allwine, and what secrets did her husband, Stephen Allwine, have?
Allwine is a United Church of God elder who murdered his wife because the church frowned upon divorce. There is a lot of information in this video I had not heard before. It's appalling to think that many in UCG still think he is innocent and was framed and others think he has a great opportunity to witness to fellow prisoners about UCG's god.
I have no personal knowledge of this case but I don’t deny it happened. But it’s do know that satan is a crafty sneaky being who can infiltrate your mind and cause good people to do bad things. I once stood on a mountain side a few years ago at the feast. This voice in my head told to me to jump. Go ahead and jump. I felt myself compelled to get closer to the edge. So what spirit compelled me to do that? May God forgive this man for what he done or was compelled to do. I am not his judge nor is the UCG responsible for this man’s action. So he was an elder. So what. Just more reason satan would try to derail his life
Man oh man! This is totally unwatchable. The presenter is a millennial, and his style is annoyingly off the wall! I actually find myself needing to watch a Bob Thiel video to segue back to reality!
Why is this blog repeatedly going back to this murder???
Do you have no respect for Amy's family ? Do you blog runners have no respect for anyone? Is this Christ like behaviour blog owners ?
Anyone with half a brain cell can see the evidence is stacked against Allwine. The is no need or requirement for this blog to promote a convicted murderer of his own wife.
Allwine was obviously de-credentialed by United, he is not a current elder in that church.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 1:52:00 AM PDT , "Why is this blog repeatedly going back to this murder???"
MY COMMENT - I disagree with your entire post. This is a murder perpetrated by an Armstrongite Ambassador College alumni (which was promoted to us as "God's College" in the WCG). That alone makes the case very unusual, and the case is in the Public Domain.
Did Amy's husband have respect for Amy's family? Was Amy's husband's behavior "Christ like?" I find it very odd that you wrote, "the evidence is stacked against Allwine". This implies to me that you believe Allwine's lie that he has been framed. I'm sure all murder's say that.
Despite all the evidence (the Bitcoin transaction recorded on his phone is damning), Allwine continues to deny he did it, that he was framed and pretends to be a minister while in prison. My question is does United Church of God endorse or approve of his prison ministry, or is this his own independent ministry? Has United Church of God revoked his ministerial credentials?
Banned by HWA is posting this clip in follow-up to previous posts. Just like in the radio broadcasting business where it is estimated that listener turnover is every 20 minutes, new visitors to this site about Armstrongism may not be aware of this case of murder in the COG by an alumnus of God's College and Church Elder.
The disUnited Church of Godlessness is where a lot of unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers went to behave EXTREMELY badly while playing church.
Allwine was an idiot to think that he could not easily divorce in the UCG, or to worry about how it would look.
One of the old perverts in the UCG had divorced his wife and married another woman. He had caused serious trouble for the WCG minister who had not wanted to go along with his plan to divorce his previous wife so he could marry another woman. He liked to talk about how tactful he was and claimed to be getting along just wonderfully now with his ex-wife. He got the UCG minister to kick out anyone who said anything about his ongoing stalking behavior.
I'm anon 1:52.
Strawman argument "Richard Lake of Fire".
Writing 'the evidence is stacked AGAINST Allwine" does in NO way whatsoever imply that the writer thinks Allwine is innocent. Go be obnoxious elsewhere.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 9:43:00 AM PDT said, "Allwine was obviously de-credentialed by United, he is not a current elder in that church".
MY COMMENT - Obviously?!?!
This is Armstrongism we are talking about where things are not always SO OBVIOUS. Need I remind you of 1975 in Prophecy, GTA bedding 200 young Ambassador COEDs unbeknownst to us while he was on radio condemning America for its moral decline, or the preponderance of evidence of HWA incest with daughter Dorothy?
If you know this as a fact, present the proof by link where UCG has publicly denounced and de-credentialed Allwine as their Elder. A current elder list with his name omitted from it doesn't mean he isn't ministering while in prison for UCG, or for the Armstrong COG movement in general.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 11:17:00 AM PDT said, "Writing 'the evidence is stacked AGAINST Allwine" does in NO way whatsoever imply that the writer thinks Allwine is innocent. Go be obnoxious elsewhere."
MY COMMENT - OK Clown! Have you ever heard of the term "STACKING the deck"? Look up the definition of the word "Stacked". Here is one definition: "shuffled or arranged dishonestly so as to gain an unfair advantage".
YOU used the word "stacked", not I. And by the way, who died and made you the Judge of what's obnoxious and what is not? Do you run this website?
By your using the word "Stacked", you opened yourself up the comment I made. Of course, I am sure my pointing out your inadequacy and misuse of the word "stacked" is also obnoxious. What an idiot.
Ordinary UCG Hypocrisy VERSUS Extreme UCG Hypocrisy
The UCG was designed to try to appeal to the godless masses, so that people could do whatever evil they wanted to while pretending to be good church people, and so the ministers could continue to collect paychecks while pretending to be good leaders. Everyone could believe and do whatever they wanted to as long as they played along with this religious fraud. The result was that the UCG became full of godless, wicked, and malicious people pretending to be righteous. The UCG ministers have to try to cover up all the evil and pretend that everything is fine.
Stephen Allwine simply did not know how to play the UCG game properly. It is supposed to be played using all the usual, boring, standard, common methods of lies and slander and ordinary hypocrisy. Allwine's twisted little mind made him think that he had to do extremely evil things behind the scene (like murder his wife and try to make it look like someone else had done it) in order to continue to appear to be good.
He was wrong. He could have simply done all the usual, boring, standard, common, ordinary, evil things like divorce and remarriage while hypocritically continuing to pass himself off as being good, and it probably would have worked out just fine. But his extreme hypocrisy got the best of him. He tried much too hard to appear to be good while doing evil. He did not even try to do good. He probably did not even think about it.
The UCG typically believes liars like Allwine and helps and supports them and their wicked plans.
Fortunately, the justice system of the world typically discovers the wicked plans of liars like Allwine and does not allow their criminal behavior to go totally unpunished.
The UCG prefers to meet in relative “peace” with all the usual, boring, standard, common, ordinary hypocrisy, and does not like to have the excitement of criminal investigations of its members and ministers who are into extreme hypocrisy.
At 11:17 AM, anon 1:52 avers, "Writing 'the evidence is stacked AGAINST Allwine" does in NO way whatsoever imply that the writer thinks Allwine is innocent."
Perhaps you did not intend to imply that you think Allwine is innocent, but if not, you fail to grasp the implication of the idiom "the evidence is stacked against" (someone).
Writers and speakers use it to imply that whoever presented the evidence arranged it unfairly to make someone look guilty, perhaps by omitting important items, juxtaposing unrelated bits of evidence to create a pattern not inherent to the events, or inventing details to make the evidence look more damning.
I am not talking about the facts of this particular murder case, merely pointing out that your rhetoric apparently failed to truly reflect your intentions.
It was a UCG minister that told Allwine he could be an instrument to spread the gospel while in prison. There are several in the ministry that feel he is 100% innocent. How can a person who murdered his wife because he was afraid of divorce in the UCG be an agent of Christ when he refuses to acknowledge the disgusting act he committed? How can he preach a message of repentance and redemptopn= when he refuses to repent of this crime? Yet, far too many sick people in UCG thinks that is what he can do and is doing.
Lake of Fire Church of God said...
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 9:43:00 AM PDT said, "Allwine was obviously de-credentialed by United, he is not a current elder in that church".
MY COMMENT - Obviously?!?!
Calm down and just do a little research dude.
Obviously, any mention of an ACOG member, let alone an elder, committing a capital crime reflects poorly on an allegedly Spirit-led ACOG, and causes the damage control experts to spring into action.
So, defender of the faith, if Allwine were Catholic, would you be making the same comments as you posted here?
If I had read Richard's comment linking "stacking the evidence" to the phrase "stacking the cards," I would not have bothered. His explanation makes the case clear and memorable. The only advantage my comment has over his is that mine is less nasty.
After stacked I clearly wrote against. Why do you argue like a over the top emotional menopausal woman ?
Have you failed to read 'convicted murderer' ?
People believe he is innocent because they know how TOTALLY CORRUPT the system is. The system can't be trusted with anything and lies about everything. The solution is to stop voting for LIARS and CROOKS, not to insult the victims.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 1:56:00 PM PDT said, "Calm down and just do a little research dude".
MY COMMENT - Thank you, but at the risk of "being obnoxious", did YOU actually read the statement in the link? Besides being the mushiest lukewarm of statements more concerned about the media coverage United Church of God might receive than anything else, I don't read where UCG denounced Allwine FOR THE MURDER. In fact, a quote from the UCG statement seems to go out of their way to avoid it:
"Here is an important point: while we certainly respect the verdict, at the same time we personally are not to sit in judgment. As Jesus Himself instructs us, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1
Later, in the next paragraph it reads,
"Regarding his status, it is important to know that during the police investigation Mr. Allwine publicly admitted to conduct that violated the established ethics policy for ministers of the United Church of God, an International Association. As a result, and given the policy’s zero-tolerance application of that policy, the Council of Elders removed him from the ministry in 2017. While that action has been appropriately taken, I do encourage all of us to continue praying to our almighty God for direction and comfort for all parties".
Mr. Allwine does not admit to Amy's murder, believes he is innocent and believes the deck of evidence was stacked against him (thank you Retired Prof - you said it much better than I could) so OBVIOUSLY he was NOT explicitly removed from the ministry for the MURDER because United themselves said in their statement as to the reason was because "during the police investigation Mr. Allwine ADMITTED publicly to conduct that violated the established ethics policy".
Nothing is Obvious! My comment which read, " If you know this as a fact, present the proof by link where UCG has publicly denounced and de-credentialed Allwine as their Elder" still stands true in that I do not read anywhere in this statement that United Church of God denounced Allwine and de-credentialed him FOR THE MURDER OF AMY ALLWINE.
Lake of Fire Church of God (Richard),
All I said was that Allwine was de-credentialed and was no longer an elder in UCG, attempting to point out that what the original author said, "Allwine is a United Church of God elder...", was not accurate.
You asked for proof of that statement, a link, which I provided.
What more can UCG say about this case when their own fellow elders are routinely dishonest toward one another where legal judgments are involved, as in the UCG/COGWA split?
). He is one who is need of the gospel to be preached to him.
Didn't Kubik go out to visit him and disfellowship him for breach of ministerial ethics (adultery)? So how did he find out the facts? Did Allwine tell him about it or the police (as the UCG statement appears to suggest)? So Kubik found out from a third party when his own elder refused to admit his sin to him? Pathetic.
The evidence is stacked against him for a reason. Sinners usually leave a trail of dirt behind them that they can't cover up, no matter how much they try. And murder is a deed worthy of capital punishment. No life abides in a murderer (1 Jn 3:15
As for the elder who encouraged him to preach the gospel in prison, he is already judging that he is innocent.
As for UCG spanking people on the hand and saying, "Don't judge", they've already judged him as a sinner by disfellowshipping him BASED ON THE EVIDENCE. Well, BASED ON THE EVIDENCE, the members do have the right to judge if the elder is worthy of his office because who wants to be pastored by an adulterer or murderer, you hypocrites.
Well written Anon 7:15. Totally agree.
The abusive personalities that I was familiar with, joined the UCG when the WWCG splintered.
Anon Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 7:15:00 PM PDT - I agree also. I didn't want to go down a rabbit hole on United Church of God's misapplication of the meaning Jesus expressed in Matthew 7:1
in a capital murder case.
1:49, what's worse? WCG sinking into apostasy, the abusers joining UCG, or the schismatics departing for COGWA? Not a great selection to choose from. But as it was in the days of Jerusalem's fall in 70 AD when Jerusalem was split three ways, so is it today (between UCG, COGWA and LCG).
ad nauseam but they don't quote 1 Cor 5:12
where in the context of a case involving sexual immorality Paul gives the church the legal right to make a judgment in the church, something which the unlearned would say is "none of your business", when it is.
Note that when David fled a sinking ship (Saul/WCG) to form a new kingdom (UCG), did he not have some abusers and rebels around him, who tempted him to assassinate Saul and who took pleasure in getting revenge (Joab on Abner)? Not everyone who is with you is on your side, something which all the splinters should consider.
6:49, everyone quotes Mt 7:1
Who are you 1:47 to decree who is converted or not outside of LCG, UCG and COGWA groups. God works with whom he wants. Is God dead to you?
Written as a true Church organisational zombie.
Right, 10:56, God works with whomever He wishes.
We'll see you then in the end.
IMHO the reference to not judging is basically saying one should be consistent and not a hypocrite ie “judge righteous judgment.” Further, Biblical law sanctions capital punishment for murder. And in 1 Corinthians the “Christian” who engaged in incest was excommunicated until he repented. So in Allwine’s case I would think if the State followed Bible law he’d be executed. And before that he could take the opportunity to repent before God. What response the Church would give if he did repent prior to his execution I can only speculate as some might show him grace while others wouldn’t and leave it to God.
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