Road To Nowhere
In less than one hour, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God will fail again.
The First Kingdom of God will not arrive today, October 6, at 11:18am, as he declared Saturday.
October 1, 2022
@ 01:03 I could not have dreamed that there could be so much that would come so clear and become so easy, so fast, so close to the end. But that's what happened.
While he eats his lunch this afternoon, will he ponder that he did not learn so much, and it was not so clear and not so easy as he continues going way too fast, and we are not as close to the end?
No. He will pester “lesser ministers” with imaginings about “something we missed.” The enablers will circle the wagons and surround the false apostle with pillows because his ego bruises easily.
The next part of the series is coming because David C. Pack cannot be quiet for a year. He cannot stew in his own insignificance for that long. The idea of preaching the gospel to the world, updating the literature, or recording a new The World to Come is too frightening and offensive to consider. The show must go on.
While reflecting on what will not happen today, I kept hearing a song in my head. In 1991, Ozzy Osbourne released “Road to Nowhere.”
The wreckage of my past keeps haunting me
It just won't leave me alone
I still find it all a mystery
Could it be a dream?
The road to nowhere leads to me
The sad part is that David C. Pack leads the entire ministry and membership of The Restored Church of God to nowhere. Meanwhile, he is the center of that nowhere. They will continue to move in circles he created that all lead back to him.
Those lyrics were more eerily close to home than I remembered.
The Greatest Unending Story! is a wreckage. A wreckage of biblical fraud. A wreckage of prophetic nonsense. A wreckage of well-documented failure. A wreckage of people’s faith.
The past harasses David C. Pack. His own words condemn him. His own words expose him. Reminding everyone of what he said five days ago is framed as “the devil attacking the church.” There is no end to his volume of words, and they will not leave him alone.
@ 06:18 That is astonishing blindness.
@ 58:58 It’s the start of the 12th [of Tishrei], Jerusalem time. About 11:20 this Thursday morning. That's just math. It's not me saying anything. It's just math. I can count to 10.
He believes he has been charged by God to end the “Mystery of God” of Revelation 10:7, which means he is the seventh angel. Filled with medical-grade delusion, he does not understand that he will never understand.
Bible prophecy will forever remain a mystery to him. What God wants will be a mystery to him. Why he perpetually fails is a mystery to him. The reason behind God striking him with blindness and removing all dunamis from him will be a present-progressive mystery.
But the answer is painfully clear: God is not guiding him. The Restored Church of Another god is led by a Pastor General and Professional Blasphemer who makes merchandise of the brethren. Darkness has captured the corporate sheepfold.
Today, the brethren inside RCG will have to wrestle with this. More clarity will come to prove things are still right on track. When physical reality clashes with mental reality, the human mind has an astonishing way of compensating. Keep checking Member Services for a critical "Pathetic Update."
@ 1:49:15 All you gotta do is sit there and shut up and learn.
Quit calling your local "minister" with vexing questions. He does not have the answers. This is how David C. Pack sees you; you better stay this way.
The man lives in a dream where he is identified throughout the Bible. Let the words of David C. Pack destroy David C. Pack.
The attacks in this book are undeniably sound and ferocious. He has become the very creature he once warned everyone about.
Ponder this and stand in awe. God has a brilliance that cannot be fathomed.
The road to nowhere leads to me
The Restored Church of Another god is being led on the road to nowhere with a false apostle at the center of attention. All this road does is lead back to David C. Pack.
The seven years of circling have weakened the brethren, not built them up. The seven years of circling have drained the brethren, not filled them up. The seven years of circling have consumed the brethren, not fed them. God have mercy!
Watch the clock at 11:18am today to see what happens.
Spoiler Alert: David C. Pack will fail.
The frantic spin will follow.
When it all falls apart, Dave can get a job in the news media. Their entire business model is based on total BS and the certainty that people will forget the lies they were told before they figure out it was all lies.
In the future a David C Pack lesson will be taught: what not to do when you cannot know (the day and the hour).
This man is demon possessed. It is becoming clearer every single day. Too bad his dwindling numbers cannot see him for what he is. This is not a man who is convinced he is some end time leader of some god's church. No way can this guy look at himself in the mirror when shaving in the morning and think to himself, "yeah, I'm an apostle. I've got this prophecy thing all figured out." No way. I am not saying he is necessarily aware of his possession, but he is demonically oppressed, at best. After all the bragging he does about performing more exorcisms than any other human in the history of ever, he is shockingly unaware of the one that jumped into him.
IF it's at about 11:20 Jerusalem time...ON the 12th day...and dave can count to TEN... THERE'S the problem!!! It has to happen at times and on days that are LESS THAN TEN!! Easy peasy... the math is correct! ( by the way dave...the only other people I've heard say "easy peasy" are 2 of your favorites: Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen're in interesting company!)
The road to perdition road is paved with good intentions. Unfortunately some of us have to ride down that road with our blind loved ones just to try and pick up the pieces at the dead end crash.
Lets just hope that it is just THE ROAD TO NOWHERE and not...
This is the worst case of Jerusalem Syndrome known to mankind….Pack will be a legend in the psychiatric field for decades.
If you're looking for an appropriate song for this glorious situation, look no further than 1985's "The Road to Nowhere." Sung by, and I'm not making this up, the Talking Heads.
Well, we know where we're goin'
But we don't know where we've been
And we know what we're knowin'
But we can't say what we've seen
And we're not little children
And we know what we want
And the future is certain
Give us time to work it out
We're on a road to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin' that ride to nowhere
We'll take that ride
I'm feelin' okay this mornin'
And you know
We're on a road to paradise
Here we go, here we go
We're on a ride to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin' that ride to nowhere
We'll take that ride
Maybe you wonder where you are
I don't care
Here is where time is on our side
Take you there, take you there
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
There's a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it's all right, baby it's all right
And it's very far away
But it's growing day by day
And it's all right, baby it's all right
Would you like to come along?
And you could help me sing this song
And it's all right, baby it's all right
They can tell you what to do
But they'll make a fool of you
And it's all right, baby it's all right
There's a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it's all right, baby it's all right
And it's very far away
But it's growing day by day
And it's all right, baby it's all right
Would you like to come along?
You could help me sing this song
And it's all right, baby it's all right
They can tell you what to do
But they'll make a fool of you
And it's all right, baby it's all right
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
If he is so sure of himself and his prophetic utterances, why have they scheduled and paid for all the scheduled upcoming feast of tabernacles locations. I mean if the math is clear, why spend all that money? On a side note, how are the horses? Are they being properly cared for? Asking for a friend.
Everything has a purpose, and is interrelated with everything else. (Zen).
What the hell is the purpose for David Pack and the RCG, and the way in which they make the whole concept of Jesus appear so absurd? I can't think of a more damaging "church" even being possible.
“Dave Pack: The Road To Nowhere”
The road to nowhere? I thought Dave's “common” theft scam was the road to the poorhouse.
"He believes he has been charged by God to end the “Mystery of God” of Revelation 10:7
, which means he is the seventh angel. Filled with medical-grade delusion, he does not understand that he will never understand."
That statement shows how far he and his church have fallen.
I'm on the road to nowhere right now, headed to the feast with an RCG member. Couldn't resist playing talking heads song on my phone without saying why. Currently in a big long traffic jam so the meaning was only plain to me. However we both chuckled. Thanks for the memory.
Anonymous prayers for you. But, have a good time. I have seen firsthand how excuses are made for the behavior and illogic of the ministry and members of a COG, but not extended to anyone else.
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