Alton Billingsley has only two claims to fame that he is noteworthy of. The first is that he was the driver of the car that Richard Armstrong was riding in that was involved in the accident that killed Richard. Second, his documented off-the-wall prophetic failures are as astoundingly wrong as Dave Pack’s and Bwana Beto Bob's false prophecies.
After hyperventilating over inflation, drought, Putin, and other things in the news, he says this:
And now, finally, a last word to you who read this warning message—this summary of the prophecies: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Your immediate future is of your own choosing. You can take this lightly, let it slip from mind, allow yourself once again to be absorbed in the mechanics of today's complex society that you put this out of mind.
If you do, you have now read YOUR FATE—and I say to you on authority of God Almighty that it is absolutely SURE! Or, you may heed the warning, realize the truth—that there already have occurred in the world sufficient happenings to verify the REALITY of God's prophecies-and REPENT NOW before it is too late.
If you DO turn to God by forsaking your way and this world's ways through Jesus Christ as personal Saviour—if you DO then overcome, study the Bible continually to let it correct and reprove and instruct YOU—living by EVERY WORD OF GOD, rather than by the ways and customs of society—if you pray earnestly and continually, drawing closer and closer to GOD, and endure in this wonderful new life, you shall be accounted worthy to ESCAPE all these terrifying things soon to befall the world. (Luke 21: 36
You may escape the Great Tribulation. No PLAGUE will come near you. And, finally, given the precious gift of eternal life, you shall be used in God's Kingdom teaching and ruling those human beings made joyous in that PEACEFUL WORLD TOMORROW! The decision is now YOURS!
The End
These Dipshits all feed off each other ~~ just like back around 1970 when the Jehovah's-Witnesses adopted dumb-Herbert's (spectacularly-wrong) 1975 date!
Don't know. I'm just torn. I like living a life based on Christian principles and values in the present. That really does make for a better life. But, I really do prefer the atheist's reward, in which there is a finite life and a definite end. And then you're just gone. No more consciousness. I don't understand the attraction of having to live forever and ever. It's just too much.
“Alton Billingsley has only two claims to fame that he is noteworthy of. The first is that he was the driver of the car that Richard Armstrong was riding in that was involved in the accident that killed Richard. Second, his documented off-the-wall prophetic failures are as astounding wrong as Dave Pack’s and Bwana Beto Bob's.”
I remember hearing Alton B. “Don” Billingsley say in a sermon that God had revealed to him that Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 presidential election. Could this be the REAL REASON why Donald Trump won the election instead?
After Alton was proven wrong, he made up even more prophetic guesses to try to avoid having to admit that he was simply wrong.
What is wrong with that OLD FOOL that he keeps on pretending that he can predict the future? All those years of life and still no brains, no humility, and no common sense. Just more prophetic lies in God's name to string people along and waste their time.
Anon 9:38:00 PM PDT
Quite a bleak assessment on life.
The brutality and savagery of humanity to their fellows under ‘Christianity’ is not in question.
Yet atheism unleashed unparalleled evils in the 20th century upon humanity.
The murderous regimes of Marxism and Nazism were rational and logical in their programmes of removing those who opposed them without blinking an eyelid. In their eyes many humans had no inherent worth or value so the gulags and death camps were the natural outcome of their ‘values’. Depravity at its best.
If humans have are of no value we can say what Stalin said, that the death of one is a tragedy and one million is simply a statistic.
Your comment about living based on Christian principles and values is to be welcomed.
If Stalin, Hitler and co had the same outlook the possibility is high that the carnage of the 20th century would not occurred.
It is the hope we have in these principles and values that give us a hope for a better future and inspired an enormous amount of ‘good’ in human society down through the ages.
Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 10:51:00 PM PDT
. Of course my understanding now is that the latter description of Israel by Isaiah is actually comparing the leaders of Israel as "women" and "children" (latter translation?) not that actual women or children would rule over them.
I came to say the same thing too! I remember seeing his full page ads in "The Journal" predicting that Hillary Clinton was going to win and it was going to be a sure sign of the end and fulfillment of Isaiah 3:12
And nowadays you don't need to look for a woman to be elected as President as a sign of fulfilled prophecy Don! Look around today and you'll see so much worse with "men" leading the Western world who not only are weak or effeminate but are either homosexuals or transitioning to be women and dementedly oppressing good people with their insanity everywhere!
We were involved the the so-called COGFF for a short while. Mr. B. seemed humble in the beginning. He started making prophetic guesses and feeling more important about himself and his work.
It was shortly thereafter that we parted ways. He has lost many of this members over the past 10-12 years. I wasn't even sure if the group still existed, till I saw this.
"...failures are as astounding wrong as Dave Pack’s and Bwana Beto Bob's.”
Although Bob is meticulous in explaining why he has the only correct understanding of the Armstrongist prophetic end-time scenario, he is very careful to avoid date-setting. His plethora of possibility prognostications are carefully couched so as to allow him to claim credit for things that appear to be fulfilled, while avoiding discredit for things that have not.
In the past, Alton B. “Don” Billingsley tried to discourage everyone by saying that the Work was over.
Then, someone gave Alton some websites and he changed his tune and said that the Work was back on again.
At his website, Alton says, “The Beginning of God's FINAL WARNING.”
So, after about 52 + 36 = 88 years of wrong prophetic date guesses, we are just now, finally, at the very BEGINNING of the “FINAL WARNING.”
"...and ruling those human beings made joyous in the that peaceful world tomorrow."
The above is very much a cut and paste from HWAs writings, and also sounds very similar to cold war commie propaganda.
First there will be no "rulers" in the kingdom. The word ruler in ACOG speak is adults being treated like literal children. Rather in the millennium, adults will be treated as adults.
"Made joyous" is similar because like obedient children, they will be ordered to be joyous,. And they will be satisfied with their pay, no matter how low it is. because the government has ordered it. So this HWA type government will dictate peoples feelings. The above is a bully's wet dream utopia.
These crazed Saturday Morning Pastor Pimps are so blinded by their own dogmatic ego that they can’t see past their noses as to what is occurring in Ukraine, where ALL of the players at Armageddon are now squaring off against each other.
The King of the North: USA/NATO/EU
The Kings from the East: BRICS
The King of the South: Iran
They all still hold on to Armstrong’s failed teaching of 1975 in Prophecy, acting like every word is scripture….leading to their doom.
1:58. Dude, I see what you're saying. But, in Armageddon, shouldn't they be squaring off as they surround Israel? Or is Ukraine now the Jews? Prease Exprain?
AnonymousSunday, October 9, 2022 at 3:03:00 PM PDT
1:58. Dude, I see what you're saying. But, in Armageddon, shouldn't they be squaring off as they surround Israel? Or is Ukraine now the Jews? Prease Exprain?
You sound very new to scripture.
The armies meeting at Armageddon, in the Jezreel Valley, need room to maneuver. Megiddo is just a small mound at the crossroads of the valley. Sounds like you are confusing the “Gog and Magog” event with Armageddon, which is a common misunderstanding in these last days. The GM war takes place AFTER the millennium when Satan is released. Ukraine is a mini version of Armageddon as I said, with all of the players involved.
Wow! Now I see why Mr. Pack expects Jesus every day. Thanks for clearimg that up. Are you one of his advisors there in Wadsworth? Could you maybe do a guest article for us?
Um…Iran isn’t south of Jerusalem or Israel so…uh I don’t think it’ll be the KOTS. If one can’t get basic geography right how can one expect to get Bible prophecy right?
AB (Altin Billingsley), sounding like some Billy Graham with writing of his "If you do this, you do that, if, if , if...) writes: "...If you DO turn to God by forsaking your way and this world's ways through Jesus Christ as personal Saviour—if you DO then overcome, study the Bible continually to let it correct and reprove and instruct YOU—living by EVERY WORD OF GOD, rather than by the ways and customs of society—if you pray earnestly and continually, drawing closer and closer to GOD, and endure in this wonderful new life, you shall be accounted worthy to ESCAPE all these terrifying things soon to befall the world. (Luke 21: 36
You may escape the Great Tribulation. No PLAGUE will come near you. And, finally, given the precious gift of eternal life, you shall be used in God's Kingdom teaching and ruling those human beings made joyous in that PEACEFUL WORLD TOMORROW! The decision is now YOURS!..."
Apparently, AB believes he has made "the decision," but really: has AB done all of that stuff in the previous paragraph? Is AB sinless, now? We all sin; we all will receive wages: death. Any choice in that? Decision?
The Apostle Paul said: "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received [it] not [as] the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." 1 Thess 2:13
Are AB's words the Word of God or the word of men?
Where is the choice and decision by a human being exposed in the following verses?
"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:44
All those to be drawn, dragged by God to Jesus Christ, is not the decision or choice of self. Well, that takes care of all those who God planned to drag, call to become part of some future Bride of Christ.
What about "the rest" of mankind?
"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me." John 12:32
Yes, that is talking about drawing (John 6:44
Where is the choice and decision by a human being exposed in that verse?
Why does AB, like so many of the fleeing hirelings (e.g. Weston, Winnail, Pack, Franks, Flurry, Weinland, Coulter, etc. who think they are God's shepherds of Ezek 34, feeding themSELVES) from the former WCG continue to play around with their views of Fear Religion when striving to get people to join with them in looking for their "very soon" to return to earth Jesus to reign on earth 1,000 years? Didn't Jesus say He would be along time at His Father's right hand until the Father completed accomplishing some things?
How can one believe AB's words, and be excited about when his words of: "you have now read YOUR FATE...the The decision is now YOURS," especially when we read words as follows:
John 3:16
:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
It was said God is love, but is He?
The Apostle Paul told us this:
"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:19
If God is doing that reconciling of the world through His Son, then where does AB's ideas of decision/choice of self fit into that equation? It appears that the hirelings of the former WCG are doing very well for themSELVES; they are well fed off of what they each think are "their sheep"...for now. How long will that go on?
Time will tell...
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