I'll just leave this here.....seems like another subtle tactic to shut up any questioning. Rod Meredith was a rebel when he left 2 different church organizations to form LCG, but that doesn't count.
We in God’s Church strive to think biblically about any given topic—to keep our brains turned on and “tuned in” to what the Bible has to say. But what about entertainment?
Entertainment is usually designed to help us stop thinking. When I consider some of the entertainment I enjoy, I know that part of the reason I enjoy it is because it’s not mentally taxing. There’s a danger in this, as you might expect: When we stop thinking, we are still taking in information. For example, Star Wars is my favorite film franchise—but can I just turn my brain off and mindlessly take it in?
There were a few items I realized I needed to filter out of my mindset after being raised on Star Wars. First, it sugarcoats war. Most PG or PG-13 movies do this—characters just scream and fall over when they die, and good guys can mow down legions of bad guys, rarely getting hurt themselves. As a result, I grew up thinking that even though war sounded bad, it was probably something I could survive. I was thankfully able to grow out of that mindset as I got a better idea of what war is really like. Needless to say, God never sugarcoats war, and He is looking forward to doing away with it entirely (Matthew 5:9; Isaiah 2:2–4).
Secondly, Star Wars usually makes its bad guys faceless; stormtroopers are just evil and deserve to be shot for their crimes against the galaxy. In some ways, it’s no different from stories that employ orcs or killer robots—enemies that neither give nor deserve mercy. But when we apply that thinking to human beings, it takes us to places in our history like the Holocaust and other instances of genocide. We have to keep in mind that every human being is created in God’s image and that God’s master plan includes resurrection for all who have died. When God resurrects Nazis (see Matthew 12:41), do we think we’ll just gun them back down? Or, are we called to learn how to help them repent of their evil deeds? Some of the Nazis were literally called stormtroopers—and, despite all their evil in this age, they were still human beings made in God’s image and will have their opportunity to repent.
One more lesson, though there are surely others: In Star Wars, the rebels are the good guys. The rebels are not the good guys in the Bible—they include Korah, Absalom, Nimrod, and Satan himself. A quick word study will show that the vast majority of biblical references to rebel, rebels, rebellion, and rebellious refer to the Israelites’ attitudes and actions toward God and His ways! While there are times when we cannot obey men because of our greater responsibility to God (Acts 5:29), it’s clear that we should be trying to obey humanly constituted government as much as possible. David is a great example of someone who stuck to this—he had every reason to rebel against King Saul, but he waited for God to handle the situation. It’s a big topic, but the main point is that the Bible tells us to try as hard as possible to be obedient, while Star Wars celebrates the mindset of rebellion.
And, for all that, I still like Star Wars. But I try to remind myself to never turn off a biblical mindset. We have to make sure we use the Bible to filter the world and its entertainment, or the world will quickly start to influence us more than the Bible does. Don’t let the world slip in subtle messages through movies and other entertainment—keep your brain turned on. Mark Sandor. Thinking Biblically About Entertainment
‘Don’t let the world slip in subtle messages through movies and other entertainment, keep your brain turned on’ Mark Sandor.
Quite true Mark.
Let’s keep our brains ‘turned on’.
This piece however contains some very subtle messaging from you, does it not Mark?
Perhaps you are implying that those who question church doctrine and practice have their brains turned off?
Are they ‘rebels’?
The founder of your ‘organisation’ certainly was.
Wow! LCG really has become liberal. I remember Gerald Weston talking very negatively about Star Wars movies when he was a pastor in WCG. If you told him you enjoyed a Star Wars movie, he wouldn't have even let you give opening prayers at services. Now, as the head honcho of LCG, he employs ministers who can freely admit to enjoying the Star Wars franchise. What will be next? "It's OK to enjoy porn, but always think of your spouse when you watch"?
Such a fascinating LCG piece; a classic brainwashing stylized to dupe the COG faithful into thinking that the LCG provides special help in keeping one in tune with the mind of God.
“Keep your brain turned on” is excellent advice.
However, the deceptive LCG is counting on their lemming minions to mindlessly believe that their immersion in COG literature and sermons connects them to God and the Word.
I challenge all COG members who read this blog to weigh the sermons they will hear at the FOT and all the COG publications they’ll consume and determine whether these COG efforts contain the same amount of Jesus as the books of the New Testament.
Do the GOGs turn your brain on to a Savior who is savior-ie enough to do everything needed to save you?
Do the COGs mention the biblical topic of justification and enlighten you on how Jesus makes you right, righteous, at peace with God?
Do the COGs turn your brain on to the redemptive work Jesus is doing today?
Are the repetitive, and entirely speculative cries of “the Germans are coming, the Germans are coming!” sanctifying your brain?
Do the COGs turn your brain on to a present King with a now Kingdom; a King who offers a present Sabbath rest?
Don’t bother waiting for a COG-kingdom, one defined by the COGs as one you stand a good chance of not “qualifying” for.
Don’t wait for a far off millennium; one that threatens you with a quick sizzle in the Lake O’ Fire, for failure to keep your brain focused on COG stuff, when Jesus is knocking, now, with offers of grace, righteousness, and reconciliation for today and all the way through the wonderful world tomorrow.
Instead of brain-melding with the COGs, follow the biblical commands to believe on Jesus to save you, with an unfailing, forever salvation, and enjoy his Kingdom today.
If I had to describe Jesus with one word, it would be "REBEL". COGs are like an upside down world. Listening to ministers drone on without questioning is your brain "on" but being turned on by brilliant movie-making (Star Wars not included--so stupid) is turning your brain "off". So bizarre!
Ya know, this almost makes perfect sense, if you consider the fact that Mark assumes that the church people watch a movie or TV program the same way in which they listen to an Armstrongite sermon at sabbath services. No critical thinking or value judgments, take everything as stated, or at face value, people, things and activities are either right or wrong, good or bad instead of mixed percentages of both as they exist in real life, no assessment or determination of motives, It's black and white thinking, pure and simple.
Where could he possibly get the idea that all rebels are automatically bad? The concept of the rebel has so many variables, that it staggers the imagination. There are certain things and people who you really need to confront with rebellion. Whether you are like Korah, or Daniel, depends really on who and what you are rebelling against. The ministers trash rebels and rebellion because they don't want you getting the idea that you can rebel against their club or its officers.
I would also submit that Mark Sandor really is worried about exactly the opposite of what he states. The sophisticated and intellectually stimulating morality plays and psycho-dramas present on today's TV programs and movies draw you in, and get you engaged in thinking perhaps more deeply than you ever have in your entire life. If you are watching filme noire from the 1940s, or 1950s television, yeah, people did watch that mindlessly as he describes. Television today educates. If church members watch too much of it, they very possibly may educate themselves right out of their brain-washed state. Now, we can't have that happening, can we?
This article from Mark Sandor is crap.
"While there are times when we cannot obey men because of our greater responsibility to God .."
This statement is from someone who lives in a ivory tower, or is deliberately misrepresenting reality. In the real world, a Christian constantly experiences social pressure to confirm to the sinful attitudes and behaviors of others. That "obeying God rather than man" is an occasional experience is not true. All the ACOGs teach over conformity for the sake of lording it over their members. To them, "playing church" comes first, and genuinely obeying God comes second.
What this author is hiding is a trait called ASSERTIVENESS. There are many books on this topic.
"He (David) had every reason to rebel against king Saul."
Well, he did rebel be protecting his life by fleeing from Saul. David did REBEL against Saul's desire to kill him.
The article reminds me of when British officers during WW2 found that they could get the Nazi SS "supermen" to talk and spill the beans by just imitating their German officers.
A degree of conformity is good. Over conformity, which is the ACOG way, is bad. Very bad.
You have to comply/ obey your minister.
Simple and sweet God led the ultimate Rebellion against the world's system when He led the children of Israel out of Egypt, the time of Joshua going into the promised land, the time of the Judges which was still under God's government before the LEADERSHIP REBELLED AGAINST God's Government and rejected Him and Samuel and demanded a King to be like all the other nations.
The COG is the Twilight Zone.
You're traveling through another COG, a dimension not only of failed prophecies but redundant messages. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of HWA imitation. That signpost up ahead - your next stop Irrelevance.
"When God resurrects Nazis (see Matthew 12:41
), do we think we’ll just gun them back down? Or, are we called to learn how to help them repent of their evil deeds? Some of the Nazis were literally called stormtroopers—and, despite all their evil in this age, they were still human beings made in God’s image and will have their opportunity to repent."
: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
repented BEFORE they died.
Hebrews 9:27, KJV
Where's the do-over?
The Ninevites in Matthew 12:41
"They (the stormtroopers) were still human beings made in God's image."
Technically correct, but the context is ignored.. In a war scenario, one does not view opposing soldiers as "made in God's image." It's the wrong mindset for the situation. In self defense classes, women are taught to tap into their "terminator" sub personality (ie, no pity for the assailant) in order to survive.
Everything in the article harasses appropriate behavior. It's one giant anti concept.
Rather than looking long and hard at what the bible says, the author has just cut and pasted Kenneth Copeland Christianity.
Without "rebels" actual knowledge would come to a standstill. It is no coincidence that the Dark Ages corresponded with the rise of the Church, as they say...
Doesnt remember the story of Jehu, I see.
Scripture in no way describes Jesus Christ as a rebel. Of all the names attributed to Jesus the name rebel is not one of them.
Loyalty to God requires rebellion from false ministers.
Please note: this blog entry has NOTHING to do with MAGA, Republicans, Democrats, Hillary, Trump, Obama, Jews, Zionism, Hitler, Putin, Illuminati, Germans, or Mayans.
I better go ask a minister about those things then.That should be interesting.
This mini article from minister Mark has to be one of the more sissified oddball nonsense streams I've come across from my church. Where to begin? Well for now, the ancient Israelites were commanded by God to exterminate several local populations of the Holy Land. King Saul was commanded to kill the Amalekites. And so on. the numbers of war dead in the O_T are World War I numbers. Truly horrific. These people will have their opportunity in the second resurrection, sure, but seeing them as humans made in God's image made no difference when god himself so commanded to the Israelites' mission under Moses, Joshua, the judges, and various kings thereafter. Doing his duty did not make killing less personal to David, and yet he was no less for it in peace and war. I had military training as an officer. How 'bout you Mark? Seeing people as the enemy, as made in God's image, and the sad reality of war, are not always mutually exclusive. Sadly. And what about on the civilian side of things when God commanded through Moses to have certain criminals excecuted, some by stoning, and that no mercy should be shown to them. Were the people who were to cast the stones guilty of not seeing these condemned in God's image? So what do you think, minister Mark? I'd like to think that most people were and are not as bloodthirsty as was Joab. So we who are so trained and who are of courage take up the sword so that you really very small LCG ministers can sleep at peace in your beds at night. You criticize and condemn those who of necessity take up arms to keep the peace for you, and yet you willingly benefit from it and you cheer us on from the armchair safety of your declining LCG religiosity. One can distinguish God's truth from LCG's subtle version of it. Some of the most implacable warriors are the greatest peacemakers. As for Star Wars, lighten up Mark, its just a movie, and the prequels were really lousy. If what you are trying to say is that too much of a type of entertainment makes things seem less shocking to us, then what does our leadership's ongoing obsession with submission to its organization do to the people? What say you, minister Mark? Besides, the storm troopers were not played as black and white cutouts to be shot down like clay pigeons. Some had story lines, some had depth and character. They were not made in the creator's image. They were actually clones of Jango Fet with some mods done by the Kaminoans. A very different matter from the sons and the daughters of Adam & Eve.
Get a life Mark, and my LCG brothers and sisters please wake up and rebel against Lord Sidious and embrace the light side of God before it is too late.
"So you're saying we can't discuss the content of Bwana Bob's website anymore?"
This post is NOT about Bob Thiel and the asinine things he says. There are specific individuals that have to turn every single posting into their take on Hitler, Nazis, Jews, Trump, Hillary, Biden, etc. It's tiresome.
AnonymousThursday, October 6, 2022 at 7:05:00 AM PDT
Scripture in no way describes Jesus Christ as a rebel. Of all the names attributed to Jesus the name rebel is not one of them.
You are clueless….the scribes and Pharisees repeatedly called Him demon possessed…another term for rebel in that day. Maybe you should read the Bible more often….
Re rebellion I'll follow the example of the apostle Peter who said: "We ought to obey God rather than men" and the motto (and example) of American Founding Fathers Franklin and Jefferson, which was: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God!" That generation of Christian "rebels" knew what it meant to be free and the cost to remain free despite the overwhelming uncertainty. They were looking to safeguard their and their children's future from tyrannical oppression. Like this favorite scene of mine from the classic National Treasure (2004)! So I'll consider it an honor to be called a "rebel" by those lackeys who see nothing wrong with complying with immoral diktats of those who think themselves God's representatives on earth!
Exactly. The religious leaders viewed Christ as a rebel. The book of Acts is the establishment versus "rebel" Paul.
That's a good point. I didn't think about that.
You are right. He did rebel against the religious leaders of His day.
Being called 'demon possessed' was not and has never been another description of rebel. You go read the bible more often hypocrite.
Ronco said...
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), do we think we’ll just gun them back down? Or, are we called to learn how to help them repent of their evil deeds? Some of the Nazis were literally called stormtroopers—and, despite all their evil in this age, they were still human beings made in God’s image and will have their opportunity to repent."
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available): And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) repented BEFORE they died.
"When God resurrects Nazis (see Matthew 12:41
Hebrews 9:27, KJV
Where's the do-over?
The Ninevites in Matthew 12:41
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 11:37:00 PM PDT
Yeah the GWT judgement period or Second Resurrection as HWA interpreted and has been taught for decades by Armstrongists now has been unsatisfactory to me. I don't know if the 2nd resurrection will be a time in which the innumerable dead over the past 3 ages (antediluvian age; present evil age; Messianic age) will be given an opportunity for a "do over" during a period of 100 years as I believe was traditionally taught. While I'm open to correction my own current understanding is that it's more likely that the past unsaved dead (war dictators, serial killers, cult leaders, etc) will arise at the 2nd Resurrection to be judged before Christ and His saints. They'll learn the hurt they caused their victims and victims families and friends etc (unless like the rich man who upon death was in torment in hades they too will have experienced in another dimension upon their deaths all the pain they inflicted on others) and so then at the GWT be given an opportunity to repent and accept salvation in Christ - I think like the thief on the cross who was repentant and Christ affirmed he would be with Him in paradise that very day. While those who reject Christ's gift will be cast into the lake of fire ie the 2nd death with the devil and his demons.
I’m so tired of the foolish self serving COG ministers.
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