A Load Drops On David C. Pack!
Setting a new low (and at the same time, hysterical) standard for “Pathetic Updates” in Member Services, Team Enablers at The Restored Church of God have all but admitted they are out of ideas. The Coffee Kid and the Meat Shield spent the day shrugging at one another. They are sorely in need of a massage.
It took three paragraphs to say, “Let’s do this again tomorrow because this morning was so awesome!”
Wait for it:
Friday, October 7 at 11:16am — The First Kingdom of God Arrives!
October 6, 2022
Brethren, for many reasons, the 10 days of Revelation 2:10 end IN the day of the Lord (meaning inside it). Recall the many events that happen “IN that day”—including completion of the saints who are “blameless IN the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 1:8
)—again meaning INSIDE this day, not at its start or end. While the fulfillment we await “tarries” (for two days after Atonement), we faithfully “wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay” (Hab. 2:3
In simple terms, 9 of the 10 days are before the Last Great Day, and the 10th day ends IN that day at “evening time” (meaning “dusk now” in the Hebrew). This was extremely hard to discern until God dropped a load of proof on us. The heavenly signs (6th seal) close the 10th day before God intervenes at evening to extend it, bringing “all the saints with Him” for what starts His wrath. We thought there were three days before the Feast and then the remaining seven preceded the Last Great Day. In fact there are two days before the Feast (one is a full Sabbath) and then the remaining eight complete the Last Great Day before God lengthens it.
The picture you already have is correct—except that timing was too early by one day. Now the first Kingdom arrives at the exact moment the Sabbath occurs (Jerusalem time)! Just recall Acts 1:6-7.
In Christ’s service,
David C. Pack
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Just when I thought David C. Pack teaching the members of RCG that God blinded him was hilarious enough, this golden brown nugget lands in everyone’s lap.
“This was extremely hard to discern until God dropped a load of proof on us.”
It is actually David C. Pack who drops a load on the members of The Restored Church of God. For seven years running. He is no longer content with only pissing against the wooden walls of the Hall of Administration Third Floor Executive Imaginarium, but today he took a squat right there on the boardroom table as the Coffee Kid fetched a shovel.
This is a perfect illustration of the quality of his work and the source of his inspiration. David C. Pack does not speak for the mind of God. He is not being led by God, and this prophecy series is an abomination.
“The picture you already have is correct—except that timing was too early by one day.”
The picture is correct…except. That is an old standby. Timing is everything when it comes to proving a true prophet from a false one. The moment he set a date was the moment he reached a point of no return. He can never stop now. And he can never be right.
Jesus Christ will not return tomorrow at the beginning of Sabbath Jerusalem time. He will not return tomorrow at the beginning of Sabbath Joseph time. He will not return any time David C. Pack declares it.
He admitted God removed his dunamis.
He admitted God blinded him.
He admitted God dropped a load on him today.
Man, what is in store for this guy next time?
Marc Cebrian
If I were a member of RCG, (or any of the other CGs) I would he expecting my church (which each believe's to be "God's" church) to have really kicked into high gear, with all eyes on it, doing extraordinary things as we watch all of the major downward trends escalate. Isn't that what we were taught would happen???
Every one of them, (and RCG is the absolute WORST!), has regressed into a ridiculous and cartoonish farce just as it appears that their end times role is needed the most!
I keep checking the stones in the artificial stream bed in my back yard to see if there is any activity, because surely God will be raising up stones as His plan B to replace the miserable sleeping bridesmaids of Armstrongism. Dave Pack and others are doing extreme harm to the cause by generating fake and lying news about Jesus Christ! This is counterintuitive and boggles the mind. If he were really producing any sort of mass and audible message, and the masses knew how many times he has definitively declared that Jesus would return on that day, everyone would be laughing their asses off at Jesus' expense. RCG is part of the end times problems, certainly not the solution!
Thanks for the laughs, Dave- excuse me, I mean Mr. Pack.
Satan's FALSE PROPHETS Wasting People's Lives
Gerald Flurry's PCG cult: Getting people to waste their lives helping Gerald to suppress the gospel, rage against anyone who will not help him to suppress the gospel, worship “That (False) Prophet” identity thief, edit and change Herbert W. Armstrong's old writings, wreck their own families, and support Irish dancing.
David Pack's RCG cult: Getting people to waste their lives with Dave's doctrinal Bait & Switch scam, “common” theft scam, and weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses.
The only prophecy Dave Pack ever got right in his life. We know it well.
Packariah 0:1 "I want to make a statement about...me...now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me.
2 I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying?
3 Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren?
4 Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."
David C Pack
December 12, 1998
Gender confusion is less confused than Pack's predictions.
Jesus will not return because he does not exist.
Dennis, I remember hearing that in a sermon. Which sermon was that?
Someone really should “drop a load” on Pack
Anonymous said...
Dennis, I remember hearing that in a sermon. Which sermon was that?
Dave gave that when he was in RCM's Global Church of God I believe just before he left and started his restored Church of God. Or maybe Living Church of God. I forget which one came first with Rod Meredith and which one he started when the one he started booted him.
It was Dave being Dave. Always signaling his intentions by announcing what his intentions would never be.
Before I was cyber-sophisticated enough to realize that some of the splinter websites were set up to give your computer "Cooties", I visited some of the upstart sites semi-regularly. Dave in the late '90s and early 2,000s, was in the process of writing paraphrases of all the key HWA booklets, he chronicled his progress as he went along on his website, and he also posted the quote that Dennis referenced above on his site as well. At that time, Dave had not yet gone off the rails, and apparently really did intend for the RCG to place special emphasis on the "R", making his church a direct continuation of the HWA era WCG. He also stated that he sincerely hoped that Global would not fail, although he was very emphatic about RCG not being a splinter. According to him, it was the real deal, God's church, and if people thought they were off the hook by sending their tithes to a splinter group, they still owed them to RCG.
Nothing in nature maintains stasis with time. The RCG which began sometime late last century, has continued its descent into entropy over the past several decades. It was inevitable that Dave's own character and personality would overwrite even the teachings of HWA. If HWA suddenly did experience an unscheduled resurrection, he would not recognize any of the splinters as his heirs, and would literally need to start anew, raising up his own splinter group to correct the naturally occurring evolutionary processes which have taken place in their churches since his own demise.
As I've been saying for decades, Armstrongism only exists today as a nostalgia act. It is "Oldies but Goodies" for culties. It never attained its lofty goals, but that does not keep people from living in the glory days when all the members thought it would. It was simply another example of "Moses supposes his toeses are roses." Would that it could be otherwise, but nothing can change the fact that Moses, and all the rest of us, supposed amiss!
"It was Dave being Dave. Always signaling his intentions by announcing what his intentions would never be."
VERY well summarized, Dennis! This narcissistic POS was telling everyone IN ADVANCE what he was about to do, knowing FULL WELL that he'd be destroying people's lives in order to line his own pockets and build his own little "kingdom on earth".
I knew Dave when I was a teen and he just a "lowly ministerial assistant" in Cincinnati - and even as a "wet behind the ears" kid - I could see that his "outgoing love for the brethren" was nothing more than a mask.
Mal 2:3
Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.
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