Sunday, April 30, 2023

Bob Thiel In Panic Mode Over Africa Situation: Witch Doctors Have No Power Over Me!!!!!!!!!


Our most perfect COG leader since the dawn of creation has been in major damage control mode since it was exposed that some of his African members still deal with local witch doctors to cast spells on others. Ever since it was exposed that Radson and Evans were reported to have hired witch doctors to blind Thiel's mind to reality, this has led many African members and many of his Caucasian members to ask, what is really going on in Africa, and why is our tithe money going to such regions with no accountability? Some in Mozambique believe the witch doctor spell cast on Bob is actually working to keep him blinded to the abuses going on there.

He still denies that Evans Ocheing and his son Bradox didn't use church funds for Bradoxs election campaigning, not only once, but twice! It cost Bradox around $30,000 to run his campaign and then lost. He then turned around and went to court to have the election overturned in his favor. Yet Perfect Bob believes them when Evans and Bradox said someone put his name on the ballot without asking. That witch doctor's Mind Zomoe spell is working pretty good!

Bob also has CCOG leaders who are also cavorting with Seventh Day Adventists to get what they want, and other Sabbatarian COG groups. Yet God's most perfect man cannot open his eyes.

So he doubled down this past week over his church members worried about the power of witch doctors. Not only did he do an article on it but did a sermon to be sent out to those few radio stations that will handle his nuttiness:

Can Witch Doctors Cast Spells on Christians?

Many in Africa, Haiti, the West, and various other parts of the world believe that witch doctors are powerful. Various ones have succumbed to the point they believe Christians can be cursed by them. The Bible opposes the use of witchcraft and casting spells as Deuteronomy 18:10-12 shows. Does the Bible suggest witches, palm readers, and witch doctors could be real? Is it possible that witch doctors can cast spells on Christians to blind them to something? If not, why not? Are non-Christians subject to be blinded by Satan, his demons, and those involved with the ‘dark arts’? What does the Bible clearly teach? Could the teaching that true Christians be deceived by curses from witch doctors be a ‘doctrine of demons’ that the Apostle Paul warned about in the last days? Are Christians to fear humans? Does God limit Satan’s power and those of his henchmen? Will the False Prophet Antichrist perform real signs that many will fall for? Do you, if you are a real Christian, truly believe, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world?” What can we learn regarding Job as well as Balaam and Balak? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over scriptures to show what the Bible really teaches about this matter.

In his weekly letter to his dwindling flock, he had this to say:

God’s people do not need to have any fear of false gods–or, let me add, witch doctors who promote or try to conjure up curses from demonic false gods–anyone who teaches otherwise “loves and practices a lie” (Revelation 22:15).

Witch doctors do not obey God, hence do not have the Holy Spirit–but real Christians do (cf. Acts 5:32b; Romans 8:9).

God is more powerful than Satan and his minions 
Witch doctors cannot stop Jesus or the work of God (cf. Matthew 16:18).

While that may be true, the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is NOT the "work" of God on the face of the earth today, particularly now that we know what a cesspool of corruption, lies, and adultery is part of its operating game. 

Consider also that Jesus said in Mark 11:22, “Have faith in God.” Jesus also said that many who claimed to be religious, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29, KJV). 
Yet, instead of believing the words in the Bible, some have been influenced by doctrines of demons. This was prophesied for the last days as the Apostle Paul pointed out in his first letter to Timothy:

Instead of believing the words of their Bible, deceived, but probably sincere people swallowed Bob Thiel's lies and joined up with him. 

1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, (1 Timothy 4:1
It is a doctrine of demons that Satan’s henchman, like witch doctors, can cast a powerful spell over a faithful Christian. Any who suggest otherwise are among those the Apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy also prophesied about:

13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, (2 Timothy 3:13-14
Do not be deceived that witch doctors, witches, palm readers, etc. can get curses placed on real Christians. Those who suggest otherwise are blaspheming the word of God and need to repent.

For some reason, the Churches of God are filled today with some of the biggest blasphemers ever. From Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Wienland to Bob Thiel.  Never has the church seen such spiritual degeneracy. 



Anonymous said...

Bob isn't entirely wrong. However, a simple syllogism demonstrates his problem.

1. Witch doctors have no power over Christians.
2. Bob is demonstrating an unnatural blindness regarding the activities of his African leaders who practice witchcraft.

Therefore, by Bob's own standard and admission, Bob must not be a Christian!

Anonymous said...

Sadly all of this is True, who would believe the excuses Evans and Bradox have given, only someone that is biased in saying their a Prophet of God and claiming to be the fastest growing COG in the 21st century; or is he really blinded by spells, because God is allowing it, as so much corruption and Evil are in the CCOG and Dr Thiel refuses to see the light/ people wake up and use your Brains, what other Church of God has this much Evil/ do you really think this is God's work, when Evil is so Obvious

Anonymous said...

Lots of stuff that HWA taught has proven to be false over the decades. If I were Bob,I'd be very cautious. In looking for a similar or related principle from Armstrongism, you really don't need to strain your eyes. We were always taught that each time you wake to a new day, if you aren't very careful, today just might be the day on which you fall away! They do not believe that you are saved until the resurrection. So, if "once saved always saved" isn't doctrinally correct according to Bob's Armstrongite faith, he'd better watch out so the witch doctors don't steal his crown!

Feastgoer said...

I feel an old song coming on (people of a certain age will remember this)...

They told the Witch Doctor that God's word isn't true.
They told the Witch Doctor exactly what to do.
They told the Witch Doctor to tell Bob Thiel: He's through!

(But he said: ooo-eee ooo-ah-ah... look up the rest for yourself)

Anonymous said...

Bob is not too bad when you come to think about it.

Marc Cebrian said...

This line was unintentionally humorous:

"Do not be deceived that witch doctors, witches, palm readers, etc. can get curses placed on real Christians."

Instead of saying "curses placed on ANYONE" because it is silly nonsense. That sentence now implies that "false" Christians COULD have a curse placed upon them, but that surely was not the intent. Was it? Was there a back-of-the-mind belief that curses could be real?

My Nitpicky DCP Sensor never shuts off. Yikes.


DennisCDiehl said...

Feastgoer said...
I feel an old song coming on (people of a certain age will remember this)...

Thanks for the memories from "I told the Witch Doctor..."

But thanks too now for the earworm I am stuck with all day!

"Ooh eeh, ooh aah aah
Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh eeh, ooh aah aah
Ting tang wallawalla bang bang
Ooh eeh, ooh aah aah
Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh eeh, ooh aah aah
Ting tang wallawalla bang bang"

DW said...

Bob teaches literal doctrines of demons, so why is he shocked to learn his group is full of satanic goings on?

Bob, for once in your life, please pick up your big fat Bible and read the following, in context, not omitting the uncomfortable section of it:

1 Timothy 4:1-3. The Spirit distinctly says that in latter times some will turn away from the faith and heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons THROUGH PLAUSIBLE LIARS-men with seared consciences who forbid marriage and REQUIRE ABSTINENCE FROM FOODS which God created to be received with thanksgiving by BELIEVERS WHO KNOW THE TRUTH".

Although, I would argue that you are not even a remotely plausible liar.

Tonto said...

An old man , in one of Thiel's African congregations had trouble with erectile dysfunction with his wife...

He tried pills, oils, anything he can get his hands on,including a wide variety of herbs and vitamins from Dr. Thiel, but nothing worked. He told his African brethren about this, and they say "We have a witch doctor Pastor who has a remedy for this. Go see him, he will help you out.

The old man goes to the Thiel Pastor witch doctor and explains his problems. "I know just the thing," he says, and hands him a potion. "Drink this. When you are ready, just say 'one, two, three.' Your problems will be solved. When you are finished, your partner must say, 'one, two, three, four,' and then the effect will be over. You can only use this potion on the Sabbath."

Excited to try this new remedy, he runs home. That Sabbath night, things are starting to get hot and heavy. He turns around and says "one, two three." Just like that, he is fully stiff, like he was 18 again. He faces his wife, ready to go.

Impressed, his wife stared at him and said, "Wow, that looks great. What did you say 'one, two, three,' for?"

Anonymous said...

Tonto, that joke is almost as bad as the Tonto and Lone Ranger one. Which begs the question: Is this a serious site, or just an off color joke site?

And, the answer is……………????

Anonymous said...

“ Tonto, that joke is almost as bad as the Tonto and Lone Ranger one. Which begs the question: Is this a serious site, or just an off color joke site?”

Bloody hell! People are so delicate any more that they find anything offensive. Chill out and stop teying to find ways to smear this blog and us readers.

DW said...

Upon giving this article some more thought, it is clear from Scripture and Scripture alone why Bob is cursed and exactly Who has cursed him. Here's a little hint for you isn't Satanists and practitioners of witchcraft that have cursed you. GOD HAS CURSED YOU. Read it yourself, if you have the stomach for the truth, fake prophet.

Deuteronomy 27:26 "Cursed be he who fails to fulfill ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LAW". Not JUST the 10, but every single one of the 613 contained in the pentateuch. Moving a neighbor's boundary line=death. Slaying a neighbor in secret=death. Violating the rights of the alien, orphan or widow=death. You see where we are going with this, Bob? Then flip over to the New Testament, book of Galatians (you know, the one in your big fat Bible whose pages are still stuck together, because you have never opened it). Go to chapter 3:2 "I want to learn only one thing from you:how did you receive the Spirit? Was it through observance of the law or through FAITH in what you heard? How could you be so stupid? After beginning in the Spirit, are you now to end in the flesh"? Verse 5, "Is it because you observe the law or because you have faith in what you heard, that God lavished the Spirit on you and works wonders in your midst? Verse 6 "Consider the case of Abraham:he BELIEVED GOD and it was credited to him as justice. That means those who believe are sons of Abraham. Because Scripture saw in advance that God's way of justifying the gentiles would be through FAITH. Go to verse 10-"ALL WHO DEPEND ON OBSERVANCE OF THE LAW ARE UNDER A CURSE. It is written, "Cursed is he who does not abide in EVERYTHING written in the book of the law and carry it out. It SHOULD BE OBVIOUS THAT NO ONE IS JUSTIFIED IN GOD'S SIGHT BY THE LAW, FOR THE JUST MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH". Then Bob, consider the following curse. Galatians 1:6-9. "I am amazed that you are so soon deserting him who called you in accord with his gracious design IN CHRIST, and are going over to another gospel. But there is no other. Some who wish to alter the Gospel of Christ must have confused you. For even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL, not in accord with the one we delivered to you, LET A CURSE BE UPON HIM. I repeat what I have just said. If anyone preaches a gospel to you other than the one you received, let a curse be upon him!" This is NOT THE KINGDOM GOSPEL. IT IS THE GOSPEL OF OUR SALVATION IN 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 that is to be preached. The kingdom will not let you in unless you have first been saved! A person MUST BE BORN AGAIN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM!

So, let's add 'em up! Curse #1, NOT KEEPING ALL 613 LAWS PERFECTLY, CRADLE TO GRAVE and #2, preaching the wrong gospel and #3, claiming to be a genuine prophet, when you know darn well that you are NOT. Three. Three curses you are under. The witches and juju folks are the least of your worries. Believe it or not, Bob, I say all this to you in the hope you will wake up. It is my prayer that you will consider the incredible seriousness of your situation and repent and become a Christian before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

"Have no power over me?" A real man of God would have used the Name of Jesus backed by obvious verses. Oh that's right. Jesus is missing as usual.

Anonymous said...

The 'dytes are gettin' prudish, Tonts! Next time, make it about anal sex. That'll fix their feet!

Anonymous said...

The answer, 1:58 is that:

"There once was a man from Peru,
Who slept in a big canoe.
While dreaming of Venus......."

Anonymous said...

People are so delicate any more that they find anything offensive.

A lot of it is not about getting offended, but about virtue signalling, posturing, politics, and cancel culture.

Anonymous said...

Therefore, by Bob's own standard and admission, Bob must not be a Christian!

By the standards of many early Christians, nobody today is a Christian. Much of their mystery religion was lost to history because it was such a well-kept secret.

Anonymous said...

"There once was a man from Peru,
Who slept in a great big canoe.
While dreaming of Venus......."

(insert your own line here)

"now to pee he must sit on the loo."

Anonymous said...

Just curious about Bob Thiel, I was thinking about joining CCOG and supporting him, should I just forget what I'm reading here or does anyone have advice for me, I really thought he was the Man to lead the final phase of the work, but now I'm not so sure, all opinions would be welcomed as I'm sitting on a big inheritance and my tithe would be in the hundreds of thousands, but I don't want it to go to corruption and Witchcraft

Anonymous said...

Why are some people calling Thiel Dr, he's no Dr, got that title from some crap mill, much less a prophet, it's all could be, might happen, all senarios, God made a jackass talk, looks to me he dosn't qualify for that.

Anonymous said...

"Yes" and "No" about demons affects on Christians. We are made up of 3 parts
1) Body - representing Jesus
2) Soul (mind, will, emotions)
Holy Spirit is our counselor to heal those areas of our personality.
3) Spirit (God) We are spirit beings.
Our body is like a temple housing our spirit.-It starts out small at conception & grows as our physical body grows.
When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are cleansed with His Blood. He is now inside of us. God sees Jesus looking out our eyes and us in robes of white at this point.
However, there is still stuff in our soul (mind, will, emotions) that has to be healed. Demons harass us through our soul. People through our family tree could easily have been involved in witchcraft, freemasonry, hatred, bitterness, divorce which Armstrong strongly contributed to breaking up marriage covenants destroying families. That list goes on and on. That is where demons gain entrance. That's the area needing deliverance

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:29 PM needs to understand that one is not to tithe on a "big inheritance." A freewill offering is fine, but passing along your family wealth is not a tithable event.

Anonymous said...

Don't tithe on inheritance!

Anonymous said...

Just curious about Bob Thiel, I was thinking about joining CCOG and supporting him, should I just forget what I'm reading here ...

Do NOT brush aside what you hear here. Get all the information you can. Be patient. Don't do anything rash or hasty. There are hundreds of "Bob Theils" out there, each thinking they are "the one" and each has from a few followers to hundreds or thousands. Don't get fooled like so many thousands of others have been.

Beware of anonymous posts from Bob Thiel or his supporters saying you should tithe on inheritance or support his work.

Anonymous said...

Also, demons prefer to hide.
They were the Nephelium a combination of watcher angels (that left their boundaries) & women they took. That produced giants huge like in the old Sinbad movies. They have found lots of their skeletons under Indian Mounds & in caves. The Smithsonian has wisked them away for years. When they died, the human part decayed, but the spiritual angel part did not so they try to get into people through Satanism, New Age, Hinduism, Spiritualism, through bloodlines, seances witchcraft, and tricking people who are deeply wounded in his or her soul to partner with the demon. Demons manifest around around real Christians who have a relationship with Jesus. Every believer can cast out demons in Jesus' Name. They fall on the ground when being cast out and roll the person around. Eyes go back.
Sometimes it looks like the person is dead. They are not. It is not uncommon for them to change voices.
At the very end the person coughs them out frequently spitting into a bucket. The person is physically healed. Their mind returns.
Demons are sort of persons/personalities without a body.
They once had one & want to live in one again with evil intentions.

Anonymous said...

Nothing comes to pass. He is a false prophet. Do not give this nasty cult your inheritance money. It belongs to your children. Research Armstrongism. They do not determine your salvation. They manipulate, intimidate, no critical thinking allowed once you are in the door. Run!

Anonymous said...

Mark Dice: the picture of skeletons of giants are fakes

Anonymous said...

Only by cherry-picking scriptures and cherry-picking world events, and misunderstanding both, can anyone make it look like prophecy is fulfilled. Don't fall for it. Keep your money. It's all confirmation bias.

Anonymous said...

5:29, assuming you are for real, and not just trolling Bob Thiel (because everyone knows he reads here), don't throw your money away on someone who has been at it long enough that he should have achieved a much higher level of success by now. I am not into Armstrongism or HWA's half a gospel message at all. But, can we agree that if you invest your money in anything at all, it's best to invest in something that is producing a measurable return, the bigger the better? I don't know about you, but when I invest, I want to know that it's with someone with a long term record of a really good return rate. None of the ACOGs, large or small, is making any sort of impact. They all manipulate their statistics for the benefit of their members to make it appear as if they are doing a great work, bringing in that proverbial abundant harvest, as if they alone have the conch. If you strip away the hype, none of them do. HWA may or may not have had the 30% annual growth rate which he said he did, but his reach, the presence of the WCG in the media and in the public's consciousness made that figure believable.

If you give money to certain people who have no clue, that money is not going to open doors for them. It will not make a bit of difference, because they do not know how to use it effectively as HWA and his supporting cast of characters most certainly did. Measurable growth and presence is what caused so many people who were not even members to become coworkers, thinking that they were investing in a work which was making the world a better place, and getting out an end time warning,

If you think that Armstrongism is the way to go, (and again, I don't) then join those who are waiting for that emerging powerhouse which will take up the mantle, and once again send out a dynamic message which can't be ignored. None of the ACOGs large or small currently has that blessing or aura, although they will all say that they do. Don't be afraid to look for a successful ministry outside of Armstrongism that has the power of God behind it. Any lesser standards than that, and you are just throwing your money away.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't give any money to the Continuing church of God/ Bob Thiel is financing major corruption and abuses and Satanists and also Adulterous scum so called Ministers and even with concrete Evidence, he refuses to acknowledge the truth/ I mean who does that, unless they're afraid to face facts/ look up the past articles here in the last 2 months/ many PROOFS and eye witness videos and pictures/ you will be SHOCKED AT ADULTERY, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, GOLD SCAM SCANDLES, CCOG Financing corrupt KENYAN ELECTIONS, BRIBES , BLOOD SACRIFICE, SPELLS, AND WITCHDOCTOR PAYOFFS TO SUMMON DEMON LIGHTNING AND MIND ZOMBIE STUPIDITY AND HIRED AFRICAN MACHETE HIT MEN FROM SO CALLED EVANGELIST EVANS OCHEING TO SILENCE THE TRUTH, YES BEWARE AND BE VERY AFRAID TO DABBLE IN THIS DEN OF DEMONS AND DEEP DOO DOO

Anonymous said...

They are not fake pictures.. Way too many skeletons. Also, many gigantic people and animals are fossilized in rocks..cannot be denied. Way too many Blanketing in Armstrong is common though. Little if any research at all.

Anonymous said...

Bob doesn't have as much truth as Mr. Armstrong really does however Bob has alot truth.

Anonymous said...

This is an anti God mockers site.

Anonymous said...

Bob doesn't have as much truth as Mr. Armstrong really does however Bob has alot truth.

Satan has more truth than you or me or Bob or Mr. Armstrong. The question is what do you DO with the truth you have. Satan trembles, then rebels against it to do evil. Christians may not have as much truth as Satan, but they have LOVE of that truth, so they will always vanquish Satan.

Bob's love appears to be mostly narcissistic self-love, which puts him closer to Satan than to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

"He still denies that Evans Ocheing and his son Bradox didn't use church funds..."

Really? So, he insists that they DID use church funds?

Anonymous said...

This is an anti God mockers site.

What? Bob is God?

Anonymous said...

To tithe on inheritance is "double taxation." The person who received the money in the first place should have tithed on it (but actually, only on the INCREASE not his gross income). It is not the responsibility of the person receiving an inheritance to tithe on it.

Anonymous said...

They were the Nephelium a combination of watcher angels (that left their boundaries) & women they took.

In pagans myths, the gods (called angels in the bible) mated with earthly women and created offspring. The demi-gods. The bible got this from paganism. It's just a myth, as you probably know.

Anonymous said...

RE "The man in black from Armstrongism came into my home destroyed my marriage, slandered me, refused to answer common sense questions like accountability of finances & Armstrong's date setting failures, and arguing about what truth is and being called or not called at this time. If I had a problem with any of these, I was the problem according to the man in black.". Response: I am so sorry they encouraged your husband to break up your relationship. That is the same rotten fruit of Hinduism, reincarnation - the devil's fruit. If you really believed that, you can sin freely. This life doesn't count. Hey, you get another chance anyway. That's what they encourage. They are wicked and cruel.
Someone in this chat suggested God sent him to you to make you strong or to think differently about it. God doesn't send Satan's representatives to your home. Jesus cast demons out of people. The Bible says about marriage, "Let no man put asunder."
This highly paid Armstrong representative contributed to the breaking up of your marriage contract between you, your husband, and God, and got paid a lot to do it. Those pastors took that silver like Judas.
They disrespected you and your husband each personally and your covenant. They will be held accountable by God.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if we are attempting to apply laws from the Sinai covenant, as administered by the Levitical priesthood, then the church corporate needs to tithe! How would this even work? When members send in their monetary tithes, the priest needs to tithe. Let's say that Farmer Brown has a very productive year, and sends Dave his eleventh bull. When Dave prepares the burnt offering as a sacrifice, he needs to place 1/10 th of the non-farming members' monetary tithes and offerings on the altar with farmer Brown's bull, and incinerate it, so that the smoke rises along with the sweet savor of the smoke from the bull ascends to God in the third heaven.

Maybe if the ACOGs did this, they would become both financially blessed, and actually noticeable once again. The church corporate is not tithing as everything stands today, and they are also only half heartedly picking and choosing from the Old Covenant laws, which ones they think are convenient to obey.

Anonymous said...

That high handed truly vile minister sounds just like another Neil Earle. Neil Earle was a minister just like this and worse in the WCG days. He was truly vile and terrible and he harmed so many many people. Marriages broken up. People's lives destroyed. People losing their homes and their possessions being violated in the name of God's government and his true ministers. I know several who actually took their own lives because of this maggot infested pig Neil Earle. The only thing bad about his death is that he isn't still alive to be held accountable and executed. And I see this same thing today in RCG and LCG.

Anonymous said...

That minister sounds like Eugene Noel who used to be in the Dayton church. He was a little hitler then, but sure sounds like
he got worse!

Anonymous said...

"This is an anti God mockers site" (sic).

No. No. No. No! It is an anti wolves in sheep's clothing site. You obviously wish to continue cuddling up to your wolf in the present, but we'll still be here for you if that ever changes. Hell, we'll still be here for you even if you are just a troll who comes to your senses, eventually outgrowing your childish outlook and behavior. Not every poster is operating at full maturity level quite yet. The wonderful thing about the human spirit is that most of us continue to grow and mature as we experience life.