God heard the mighty prayers of the Greatest prophet to ever reign over a Church of God in over 2,000 years. Dreamed into being as the foundations of the universe were being created to emerge millennia later in the perilous end times of the world to restore the true gospel for the true faithful. Preordained by God to live in the godless state of California where his words would have the most impact, this, the littlest yet greatest prophet of God got down on his knees recently to pray for rain in Africa.
After doubting the words of his evangelists, and yet knowing that God exclusively listens to him and not to any unconverted trash in Africa, The Great Bwana to Africa immediately got on the Weather Channel to see if God heard his prayer. Lo and behold, there was some rain in Africa.
Please get down on your knees and beg God's forgiveness for us ever doubting the greatness of this final prophet to the Church of God, May God have mercy on us all! We will never doubt him again!!!!!!!!!
Pastor Dr Bob,Greetings from Lodwar.We reached well. Even though it was a long journey but we arrived at 1 PM. Arthur Topos met us at the bus stage and directly we went to meet brethren.What surprised me is how these people are surviving. I’ve never gone to a dry place like this where I can see even a leaf of grass. I didn’t know that we have such place in Kenya since this is my first time to be here. I got very humble but hungry people. There is a great famine in this place. And since it’s near the border Ethiopia and Kenya. This a place bordering and surrounded by many countries. Uganda. Somalia and Ethiopia. Many people came from Ethiopia and Uganda to grab the cattle and goats from themI met 160 people included the young ones. The meeting was very smart. And after the meeting I bought for them soft drinks and biscuits for them to enjoy. They thanked you for food you offered them last time when Arthur came to my home. The big problem here is food. Pastor these people are suffering. They live the kind of living which is not in any other parts of Kenya.All their cows and goats and thecamels were to be stolen by other tribes
Another thing they don’t have a Hall where they can gather on Sabbath.So these people are really suffering. But they love the Truth. … Since they are so many, if we … can help them to put on a Hall and get some food for them.Let’s continue to pray for these people because the life here is very tough.Evans
After getting that report on Monday, I looked up news related to the Lodwar area and found the following Roman Catholic report:
Lodwar (Agenzia Fides) – While anti-government riots against the high cost of living continue throughout the country (see Fides, 28/3/2023), the population of northern Kenya, in addition to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, is going through a serious humanitarian crisis. Five seasons without a drop of rain, a ruthless nature due to the scorching sun and a drought that has lasted for more than three years, make the living conditions of the inhabitants of Turkana, one of the 47 counties of Kenya located in the ex Rift Valley Province, inhuman and desperate. 03/30/23 http://www.fides.org/en/news/73599-AFRICA_KENYA_Drought_emergency_in_Turkana_County_the_population_is_in_danger_of_a_serious_humanitarian_crisis
Shortly after reading that, although I believe that the “Five seasons without a drop of rain” statement was an exaggeration, I sent funds to assist with food and building supply needs Monday evening. Additionally, that night and very early the next morning I prayed for rain for the area. And, according to weather.com, that area did get some rain on Tuesday. However, the situation there is still dire. We are also looking into possibly assistance with some type of an irrigation system for the future.
Africa is really suffering. We have no rain. Send us money.
-- African.
Africa is really suffering. We have no food. Send us money.
-- African.
Africa is really suffering. We have no shelter. Send us money.
-- African.
Africa is really suffering. We have no truth. Help us spread the truth. That takes money.
-- African.
I'm reminded of an old HWA story about a poor widow who was praying for some food for her and her children. Some rowdy teenagers were listening outside her window, heard her prayer, and decided to prank her. They raided their parents refrigerators, dumped a mess of food on her doorstep and knocked on her door. She was delighted to receive the food and the teenagers were soon listening in on her prayers as she thanked God for the food.
"You stupid old woman!" yelled one of the teenagers. "God did not send you that food! It was us who put it on your doorstep!"
"No, you young scoundrels!" proclaimed the old woman. "God most certainly sent it, even if he used the devil to deliver it!"
Ya know, HWA could be so cool sometimes. Which is why if I see him during the millennium polishing the Pope's sandals, I'll help him out. It's just too bad that he was mostly such an asshole! Speaking of Assholes, I hope Bob gets a kick out of this when he reads it. It's kind of about his role with the Africans, too.
My question about the great leadership is, "When they are going to flee to Petra?" Petra isn't"t a secret. It is all over the internet. I think the cult leaders should get a one way ticket there and, go really far into it and get lost. Let's send the top tier of the Hinda leaders, the Nazi's, communists, socialists, the leaders of the New Age, the leaders of Satanism and witchcraft and other people who try to manipulate us and kill us & blow up the entrance while they are fighting over the loudspeakers.
HWA won't be in the kingdom. He enforced the church culture of tyranny with its rejection of rights and treating members like children. They'll be no banana Republic dictators in God's kingdom. To those who have been at the receiving end of this mistreatment, it's the self evident. To those who haven't, it's not.
Armstrong like Hitler will be in hell living out the mental suffering and physical pain of each person he dominated as if he were that person himself experiencing divorce pain, child suffering, what his daughter felt as he raped her for years, the pain and suffering his victims went through. He coerced them into having their lives cut short denying them medical treatment including his own wife. In Hitler's case it will begin with the forced separation of family, the experiences of each person in the camp, the abuse and torture of each person connected to Hitler. Hitler hung some of them in meat hooks. It is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth They were not saved or redeemed. A just God would do that.
Evans says he visited people who are suffering famine in the midst of drought, so he bought them "soft drinks and biscuits"? Bob's church has now had its Marie Antoinette moment!
I find arguments about who will be in the Kingdom very curious. Perhaps Ted and HWA did some pretty outrageous stuff, and had egregious behaviors. This, there is no doubt. However, we can never know what was in their heart and soul at the end of their lives.
The door of repentance and forgiveness is always open. None of us get the privilege of pronouncing Eternal judgements. Any self examination of ourself , will always show a great "falling short". The Apostle Paul tells us that "all have sinned", and also , "For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do"
In this life, it is not how you start that matters, but how you end.
Glory to the mercy of God, and his forgiveness of our sins thru the shed blood of Jesus.
He brought rain to Africa? I think it's just some folks passing on their legs!
Amen @5:23. HWA was a pedophile who raped his own daughter for a decade, not to mention the heresies he taught and the tyranny he enforced upon the members. So, no, in this case, it is evident from Scripture HWA is exactly where he belongs and will be there forever, receiving precisely what he deserves.
As to prophlet Bob making it rain in Africa. Gosh, really? Scripture tells us that God sends the rain on the just and unjust alike. It says nothing about you, Bob! But you do remind me of Rainman. You and Dustin Hoffman are the same size and both of you pretend for a living. Dustin just happens to be heads and tails above you in the talent department. And he doesn't play his characters out in real life, on real deluded people, with eternal consequences. You do...to your utter shame.
"All their cows and goats and the camels were to be stolen by other tribes.
Another thing they don’t have a Hall where they can gather on Sabbath."
Poor Sabbath Keeping cows, goats and camels! No place to meet! PERSECUTION!!!!
Yeah, the cows just can't catch a break. UCG used to give cows to the Africans, only to have them become the COGaWA cows when the split happened.
No word from the Thiel camp as to whether the Warlocks are casting spells on the cattle.
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