Thursday, May 4, 2023

LCG Not Allowing Non-LCG Members To Register At Feast Sites


One thing that Worldwide did in its later years was allowed non-members but interested people to go to Feast sites. These could be co-workers, PT subscribers, and others that had a connection to the church. This actually brought in many members.

LCG though, getting more militaristic by the month, is cracking down on this practice and has asked pastors to look at current Feast registrations and weed those people out. LCG has always tried to be closed door at the Feast but people still Feast site drop regardless of church affiliation.

God forbid that an unclean worldly person might attend services and hear God's truth which LCG claims to exclusively have. If these are subscribers or people who have attended one of LCG's presentations, then this pastor had better get busy and baptize these people! We can't have the unwashed masses next to our brethren now, can we? Our message is too precious to be wasted the unclean.

Status Updates Needed for Festival Registration—Repeat Announcement

Attention Pastors: Only those listed as “Member” or “Prospective Member” in the Headquarters database can register for the Feast. Please look over your area’s member lists and let us know if anyone’s status needs to be updated. This could especially apply to co-workers and subscribers who have started attending with us or are recently baptized. We need the pastor’s authorization to change anyone’s status. Please send any updates to An outdated status listing is one of the most common technical difficulties people have in registering for the Feast.


Anonymous said...

Who cares? If you want to go to an LCG feast site just show up, it's what I've been doing for years.

DW said...

I wish they could see the feasts have all been fulfilled in Jesus. Paul fought this tooth and nail, but some will not see the light. It is such a shame to see so many believe they must do something, i.e. keep the law, keep the feasts, tithe, etc. in order to either be saved or keep their salvation. Christianity sorted this out 2000 years ago, but some will always think they must rely on "doing" and not rest in their salvation having already been "done" by Jesus. Makes me want to cry.

Anonymous said...

How about kick the cults out and let the real Messianic Jews run it so we can see God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit in all of the symbolism? Then anyone on the planet who wants to learn more about the Old Testament can do it for an interesting learning experience without feeling like a recruit or even stupider being told they "aren't called at this time" if they don't interpret scripture the way cult leaders do.

Feastgoer said...

I know someone who was allowed into the LCG site in the Ozarks an opening night, when no one else was having a service.

They were merciful a few years ago. Has that really changed?

Anonymous said...

Sell the headquarters. Give all the people threatened with salvation back their stolen money. Open up the feast sites to everyone who want to learn about the OT.

Anonymous said...

“Christianity sorted this out 2000 years ago, but some will always think they must rely on "doing" and not rest in their salvation having already been "done" by Jesus. Makes me want to cry.”


That’s the point. Yahshua kept those things and showed it could be done. So we obey the Scriptures because He kept them. And, as Paul mentioned it is the Messiah living in us that keeps them today. Might be a good idea to read all of the Scriptures, and closely what Paul really said. In essence, we don’t do any of those things, it is the Messiah living in us who is keeping those guidelines.

No one does those guidelines to gain salvation, or from fear of losing salvation, but because salvation was made possible first.

Besides, what better way to be like our Elder Brother than to imitate Him? Like Paul said, follow me AS I follow Messiah. The greatest form of flattery and respect is to imitate.

I have seen others cry, or want to cry, for joy when they understand this marvelous insight of how our Savior works within us, so we can do what mankind of it’s self cannot do…..I.e. keep the commandments. “I can do all things through Messiah which strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13

Anonymous said...

Dear May 4, 2023 at 2:16 PM:

Very well said. I whole-heartedly agree with your summary. I lament for these poor people who can't see the New Covenant and the FINISHED work of Jesus Christ.

Thank you,Jesus,for going to the cross and shedding your blood for us. You bore our sin once and for all. You gave us enternal life and the Holy Spirit. Thank you that the Law of sin and death is not in effect. Thank you that upon believing, we are New Creations in You. We no longer live in sin, but in righteousness. We are Your workmanship. You provided reconciliation to God our Father. We can trust you and rest in whaat you have done.

Trooisto said...

Hey Anonymous of 2:06 PM: I appreciate your independent spirit and I may do the same if LCG is fortunate to again hold their FOT in the artsy seaside town I often call home. If we meet, I'll buy you a drink.

Trooisto said...

I bet that you can find swankier digs at a better price if you search for your own accommodations from the popular online sites, rather than going through LCG.
It's at least worth a try!
If you do go rouge, and make your reservations, please report your results here - again, I'm betting LCG's rates will expose them as thieving thugs.

Anonymous said...

This post brought to mind the commenter who often chastises that those who rely upon the grace of God to produce salvation as those who are sucking upon the teat of big government.
I'm sure he will not be cow-towing to the dictates of little, big splinter-dom government and following their dictates on FOT registration.

Anonymous said...

Like I have said many times, Ambassador College provided an education principally about hierarchy. People there related to each other not through love but through hierarchy. There is probably some kind of hierarchy that governs who can get through the gate into splinter group Feast Sites. Once you are inside, there is a hierarchy governing the allocation of privileges. Sorting people into different groups based on perceived importance by some mysterious unwritten standard is what was learned at AC. No surprise that it operates everywhere in Splinter World.

There are those who say the world is full of hierarchies and that is the way that things get done. The military, schools and hospitals are all hierarchies. It is true that some human operations could not be successful without a hierarchical structure.

But don't be fooled by this category error. What Armstrongists have done is applied hierarchy to human worth where it is anathema to anyone who has a sense of human dignity. Some people are important and eat in Faculty Dining and enjoy the Men's Locker Room and others, not important, sweep floors. This invidious assessment of human value is what binds all the splinter groups together in a brotherhood of judgmentalism. It is just surprising that they still shamelessly flaunt it.

Anonymous said...

Gotta laugh! These people who want to close off entry to their particular body of worship are not splinter groups. They are sphincter groups. And, what is their problem, anyway? If someone is disruptive to the services, that is a completely separate and very treatable offense. It's what security is for. As they practice it, though, opening their services to members only, they are missing out on an opportunity to preach the
Armstrong half a gospel, or to help others to understand 2/3 of God. It's kind of their own anti-outreach program. Bottom line is that to the extent that they prevent other unfortunate souls from being ensnared by their cult, these practices are a good thing. Anything that stunts or prevents their growth is a gas!

I wish other ACOG cults would embrace and develop repulsive policies which limit the damage they do to peoples' lives. I say let the offense be self-punishing. Kind of Karmic when you think about it.

Anonymous said...

The Bible says the devil has to pay back 7 times what was stolen..Open up the door to a Federal investigation of what the leadership did with the 💰.
Remove them completely. Normally criminals lose their houses, cars, and assets. Oh my, that is what your leadership was requesting of you to "Give it all.". They can give it all back.
Then, get Jonathan Cahn or Sid Roth involved if they are willing to at least set the Feasts up with integrity so anyone who wants to learn about them can, and with the entrance fee, start returning the money to the fleeced flock so they can get a big chunk of their money back & have a retirement and inheritance to leave their children.

Anonymous said...

DW at 2:16 PM said...“It is such a shame to see so many believe they must do something, i.e. keep the law, keep the feasts, tithe, etc. in order to either be saved or keep their salvation. Christianity sorted this out 2000 years ago, but some will always think they must rely on 'doing' and not rest in their salvation having already been 'done' by Jesus. Makes me want to cry.”

Well, if you really do want to cry, remember that you lawless types might very well get an opportunity to take part in all the “weeping and gnashing of teeth” later on. “And he will reply, ‘I tell you, I don’t know you or where you come from. Get away from me, all you who do evil’” (Luke 13:27, New Living Translation).

Then, go ahead and have a good cry. Maybe gnash a bit too.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I believe Gerald Weston is a self righteous narcissist. It appears his self righteous narcissism is resulting in a much more closed off approach at LCG. I welcome the consequences LCG will experience due to such an approach.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck wants an open door policy? Keep the godless do-nothings out!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


I wholeheartedly agree. It is very sad that these folks cannot see that Christ filled Torah to the full for us, and that it ALL points to him. They're obsessed with the symbolism of the shadows and forget the substance/reality that is Christ! As you suggested, they make a big deal out of physical Sabbath observance and ignore resting from their own works in Christ! One more thing, why would ANYONE want to attend somewhere where they are not welcome or wanted?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the leadership thinks that this is a long term strategy for survival. It seems as if they are so set in this old "we are the Philadelphia Church mindset" that they ignore that they are NOT spreading the Good News but just really trying to relive the "glory days" of the past. I really doubt if the # of new converts outnumber that of the elderly embers passing on.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of an education site for the public like having a feel what it would be like during Jesus' time. There are a lot more Messianic Jews today who could explain the uncompromised symbolism. There could be a tabernacle on sight like when they had the Holy Land in Florida with the objects in. There could also be a separate covered area nearby with 2 separate pieces of info inside it. The first wall would have a picture of the inside of the Tabernacle showing Jesus overlayed with his arms outstretched on the cross. His head is where the Ark of the covenant is in the Holy of Holies. His head, his pierced hands, his body, his pierced feet are all represented in the exact placement of the symbolism of every item found in the tabernacle. It is definitely His cross. The second large picture would show the cross laid out over the USA entering from east to west (Ellis Island). The shew basket is located where the bread basket states of the world are located, Example the North Dakota, Iowa bread 🍞 basket is in the USA.
The Holy of Holies is where the gold is California where Jesus head is.
Every item in the Tabernacle is in the exact place in the USA including the curtain (the Continental Divide).
God chose Israel, and the USA chose God. We are connected. Infact, Jesus
His the USA from Satan. It is hidden in
J e r U S A l e m.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't surprise me at all. Over the years the LCG has become more like the PCG and RCG.
If you do show up uninvited and have no name badge...they will probably escort you out. It's also possible you will be required to counsel with a minister before being allowed to attend.

Anonymous said...

8:29, I suspect your sins and lawlessness exceed DW’s. Why would you call DW lawless? Do you accept the Law of Christ? Maybe you should equate lawlessness with something other than those that are not Torah focused. After all, if Torah is your measure of lawfullness you are in trouble as you are not a perfect doer/keeper of the Law and are thus guilty of All the Law…that is lawless.

Anonymous said...

"Their own anti-outreach program"
I like it.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed in this blog the clear separation of the doom and gloom group operating in fear, closing themselves off from society, refusing to be salt and light are very judgemental toward people who are being salt and light, who demand financial accountability, and who run toward darkness to push it back in Jesus' Name. The doom & gloom group reflect their leadership standing out in these comments.

BP8 said...

Right on guys. Why all that symbolism nonsense? Why did Paul tell the Gentiles at Corinth, "let us keep the feast"? Why baptism? Why a Lord's supper? Is there really any value in all that?

Apparently so!

Anonymous said...

The clams digging deep into the sand, ostriches hiding their heads, and cave dwellers hiding surrounded themselves with excuses not to participate and research facts.
Come out from underneath and participate - be salt & light. No more compromise, ignorance. Come out, in JESUS' NAME. Join the front line.

Anonymous said...

Devil, take your hands off these people. Remove their excuses and the obstacles from knowing Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord . Remove the blinders from their eyes and open up their ears with eyes to see and ears to hear, in Jesus' Name.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I believe Gerald Weston is a self righteous narcissist. It appears his self righteous narcissism is resulting in a much more closed off approach at LCG.

I think you are mistaken. I've been at a Feast site where Weston bragged about "new people" with no ACOG background at all showing up for Feast services and attending for a few days. He's not against that at all. The announcement mentioned in this post is just reconciling LCG's primitive database programming (and lazy ministerial upkeep of that database) with its administrative needs.

Tonto said...

In the COG world today, families are often scattered over a number of groups and fellowships. Does the LCG policy mean that an LCG family cannot have let's say, their UCG sister and brother in law and their kids attend with them?

On the flip side, if you are in the LCG, are you allowed to attend a FOT site with another group so as to be with family?

A good question to the apologists against the FOT observance, I dont hear any retort about Zechariah 14, and the future keeping of the FOT by all nations.

Anonymous said...


The issue is not the formal observances. As a Christian I believe it is perfectly all right for me to keep all of the Holydays and the Sabbath if I want to. What I cannot do is hold the belief that these observances do two things:

1. Are required for salvation.
2. Separate me from others who believe in Christ and make me feel that I am superior.

I believe the Jerusalem Church in the first century did in fact observe the letter of Torah as an ethical/cultural code. They did not observe the letter of Torah as a condition to salvation. If the Jerusalem Church thought that it was an issue inherent to salvation, the church would have split from Pauline theology at the outcome of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. The downside is that not making a clean break with the letter of the Torah can lead to resurgent legalism and salvation by works. Out of the ranks of the Jerusalem Church came the Circumcision Party. Their works based theology is what Paul railed against. He saw the movement as an assault on salvation through Jesus and something that divided Jewish and Gentile Christians.

The Circumcision Party was an unfortunate consequence of continuing a close connection with the letter of the Torah in the first century. But at that time, Christianity could fairly well be described as a form of Late Second Temple Judaism and the Jerusalem Church's affinity for the Torah is understandable. Things just got out of hand. But I am grateful for the emergence of the Circumcision Party because Paul's wrestling with the issue of circumcision resulted in Paul defining the relationship that Christians have with the Torah.

The feast of tabernacles is a private church meeting and a denomination should have the freedom to define rules of entry. This is the difference between a denomination and the church, The Body of Christ. The former is a private concern and the latter should morally be available to all. The fact that splinter groups bar entry to certain people is an evident token that they are only a denomination and not the entire Body of Christ as they like to think.

Anonymous said...

If getting more members or following the crowd is your goal, you are not in God's church or in any other truth movement. You are in politics or business.

Anonymous said...

Devil, take your hands off these people. Remove their excuses and the obstacles from knowing Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord . Remove the blinders from their eyes and open up their ears with eyes to see and ears to hear, in Jesus' Name.

You are praying to the devil. Keep in touch with him and let us know how he's doing.

DW said...

Thank you Anon @4:18 and Lonnie. I appreciate your comments. As a left leaning news personality used to say while on Fox, sometimes I feel like the only fire hydrant at the Westminster Kennel Club!

To Anon @ 3:18. I HAVE READ the Scriptures, exceedingly carefully, hence how I reached my conclusions. Additionally, it is these heretical cults, IMHO, who tie a members salvation to law keeping, Old Covenant do's and don'ts, not orthodox Christian teachings. As for gnashing my teeth, won't happen. I am born again and saved by Jesus Christ, to the glory of God!! That is why I weep for these poor people, thinking they are doing the right thing in God's eyes, when in fact, they are resting in all the shadows that pointed to Christ. I want to hold my loved one when I see them approach, not try to hold his/her shadow. I surrendered my sins at Calvary and have no need to run back to Mt Sinai. Paul explains that those who rely on the law to save them have fallen from grace and are, in fact, under a curse. I am NOT suggesting easy believism, nor am I an antinomian as you claim. Jesus gave New Testament believers an even higher law, with higher standards. Not just "Thou shall not commit adultery", but added, if you look at another with lust in your heart...for example. But the indwelling Holy Spirit will never encourage me to commit adultery, kill or steal, etc. It is He, living within me, that has replaced the heart of stone and made it a heart of flesh. That, my friend, is the law written in our hearts. Even when I sin, which I obviously do, I am still saved. Not by either the law written on stone or the law of Christ, but by the grace of God and my faith in His Son. I pray you will see the difference. Just read Galatians, Romans and Hebrews and you should see a world of difference.

I pray for all these folks to understand exactly WHAT Jesus's death, burial and resurrection means. I pray they will learn WHY He died, in our place and how we are new creations IN HIM, when we put our full weight and faith in His finished Work of Atonement. I pray they will see the law was only given to Israel, for a time, UNTIL Jesus came. It was only given to point out what sin is, to show us our need for a Savior. The law will never save anyone. It only condemns. But, now that Faith has come (Jesus), we are under grace! So, no worries about gnashing and wailing for me..I am saved, thanks be to God Almighty! And that is my prayer for you and all here who believe what the COGs teach.

Anonymous said...

".....Christ filled Torah to the full for us..."
Translation: Think not I (Jesus) have come to destroy the law, but to destroy the law for you....

Anonymous said...

If you include everyone you will be including "Christians" who fornicate with your wives and daughters at the feast. I guess that's what some of you no-law "Christians" want.

Anonymous said...

The Law of Moses, with 613 points, was to be in effect until the Messiah came. If you still believe you are to obey all 613 points, then are you not denying that Jesus was the Messiah? James tells us that you can't pick and choose which of these laws you need to obey, it was a package, break one, you broke them all.
Did those living in Korea or S. American have to obey the Law of Moses or was this covenant between God and only one group of people, the Israelites?
Did Jesus obey the Law of Moses? Sure, because he was a good Jew. Christians are not lawless by ignoring the Law of Moses. Christians obey the royal law, the laws given to the church, not those given to Moses, though there are similarities. For instance, nine of the ten commandments are repeated for the church. The Sabbath is the only one missing for the church.
A basic law of interpretation is, "Who is being addressed?" Who were parties in the Old Covenant? Israel and God. Not Koreans, or Brazilians. The contract expired at the Cross.

TLA said...

Rod Meredith was a liberal compared to Geral Weston.

Anonymous said...

Anon 828, You don't seem to understand that there is law other than Sinai Law which Galatians 5 calls the handmaid (Hagar) and that we must put away the handmaid and embrace the new covenant, the Jerusalem above represented by Sarah. All the non-cog Christians I know do not: murder, take God's name in vain, have other God's or idols, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness, etc. So, who are you referring to as no-law Christians? And, then tell me how your behavior is better.

DW said...

Big, big SORRY ANON @3:18!! I meant to address my recent comment to Anon @8:29!!

Anon @8:29 I am praying for you to search the Scriptures yourself to see whether what I said is true or not. Start in Galatians, which you can read in less than 10 minutes. If you still feel I will be wailing and gnashing my teeth, read it again. I don't wish that upon anyone and hope those legalists who frequent Banned can consider the orthodox Christian principle of repentance, faith and rest in Jesus's finished work. Period. You cannot add to or take away from the Gospel of our salvation found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, or you run into a works salvation and are in error. Good luck to you and God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:28 "The Sabbath is the only one missing for the church."

Point of correction. The Sabbath is still in force. Not as the letter of the law but in Jesus. He is our rest from sin. All ten of the Ten Commandments are still in force. And the spirit of the remainder of the Torah is in force but not the letter.

The only way that the spirit of the Torah can pass out of existence or become obsolete is for God to cease to exist. Because the Torah is the reflection of the moral, spiritual nature of God. The letter may go or become obsolete but the spirit of God is forever.

The Torah is a package. And the Torah is obsolete. But there is a volatile part of it and a non-volatile part of it. The letter is volatile. The spirit is non-volatile. If someone asks if the Torah is still in force, the answer is "yes" and "no." Its moral content has been re-implemented in the Law of Christ.

Means a lot to me. I was never circumcised.

Mark Wolfe said...

The more open Feast sites the better. But I do understand if a specific church chooses to close it to corporate members only.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 7:45 the 2 points.

Anonymous said...

I think it was a few years ago now that they actually sent an invitation to co workers to attend the feast with them. That was during Weston's time too. Seems like this is a big bow to the more conservative cultish elements in lcg.

Anonymous said...

Not as sad as this deceit you spin.

Anonymous said...

From my experience, I would agree. That being said, my wife and I have discussed many times, why there seems to be so many self righteous narcissistic ministers in the cog. It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in regards to HWA, and the hierarchical model, encourages it as promotes people who most display these qualities.

Anonymous said...

Or an about-face in Weston's methods...

Anonymous said...

3:20 "why there seems to be so many self righteous narcissistic ministers in the cog."

Consider that the ministry is the coterie of men who figured out how the hierarchical system works. There were three classes of people at AC:

1. Those who had no idea it was about hierarchy and never figured it out.
2. Those who stumbled into the fact it was about hierarchy but never managed to figure out how to take advantage of it.
3. Those who grasped that it was about hierarchy and learned how to manipulate the hierarchy to their advantage.

One can only speculate on the percentages that should be assigned to each category. But the people who were really successful were in category 3 above. You must ask yourself, "What kind of people do these conditions select for?"

Case in point. The sharp students knew they could not get into the ministry from the gardening crew. They had to launch from the business office or something equivalent in the hierarchy. So they diligently competed for spots in the business office or something similar. In this competition they learned how to dress, how to talk, how best to comb their hair, who to hang around with and who not to hang around with, etc. It was all competition and natural selection. It was about playing the hierarchy. It had nothing to do with love, theology and the Holy Spirit.

I don't think the bulk of people in the local areas ever got a clue as to why their congregations were organized into hierarchies. The sharp people knew. And benefited from it.

Anonymous said...

I think you are the one mistaken because the policy has extended to camps as well. No campers unless they and their parents are full time members. Doesn’t matter if they are exemplary campers that have attended previously…. Church policy… we all have decisions to make and time is running out … better wake up

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dude! (4:02) You forgot me! (Class #4) Knew it was all about hierarchy, thought that was bogus, mocked and rejected it, thought of the Class 3 people who accepted and exploited it as "brown nosers" and got expelled!

I had my own little tunes I shared with certain classmates of like mind as we drank our beer down in the Arroyo! I made HWA into a rock n roll top 40 DJ with my jingle: "Herbert W. Armstrong, 93 KHJ!"

Or my paraphrase of the old Santa Clause is coming to town song: "He knows that he has ratted! He knows that he has squealed! He knows he's got enough brownie points to be sent into the field!"

I'll always remember Ambassador College! Saved my ass from Vietnam!

Anonymous said...

10:33 just because the Law of Moses is invalid, doesn't mean that there are not laws to obey. As I wrote, nine of the ten commandments are repeated to the church. There are many other laws, probably more that the church is to obey, and there is overlap with the Law of Moses, but there are differences, also. Love one another and in this you fullfull the law. With God's Holy Spirit, we shouldn't need an unending list of do's and don'ts.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:41, if AC saved your ass from Vietnam, then being in a cult for a while was well worth it. I was in for the WCG for four years and at AC for two, graduating in 73 and leaving the church in 74. Being in the cult was well worth it for me, also, because I met a wonderful girl in Pasadena. We will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in a few months.

Anonymous said...

"...that's what some of you no-law "Christians" want."

This is the standard viewpoint of dedicated Armstrongists. They believe about Christianity what their leaders assert and never think to look into it for themselves. They believe that Christianity is about "cheap grace" because that is what HWA said. Oddly, many Armstrongists came from other denominations, as did the Millerites back in 1844, and should know better. One can only assume that they had a crack at Christianity, failed and then became Armstrongists. Christianity drop-outs.

Anonymous said...

Those who cannot register could just turn up at the Feast unannounced.

Anonymous said...

Well, it had its positives and its benefits as well as its negatives, 4:48. And, I've pointed out both in my writings over the years. Happy anniversary, by the way.

Anonymous said...

🤔 in order to be hated by all nations, you have to be known by all nations. Shhh

Anonymous said...

Agreed, 11:55! None of the ACOG members will probably ever know what it's like to be the bad man, the sad man behind blue eyes. That doesn't stop their fantasies though.