Monday, September 25, 2023

Bob Thiel Sinks To New Low: Gives Money To African Church "Leader" To Hire Lawyer To Sue Terry Nelson



Just when you think certain Church of God sleazy leaders can't sink any lower, along comes Bob Thiel doing exactly that! Thiel believes his ministry is the most sacred ministry the church has ever had since the dawn of Christianity and since it is so perfect, as he is perfect, he just CANNOT handle any criticism of corruption in his church. So, the natural thing for him to do is to go after the whistleblower and smear his name. Now he has done that by sinking even lower by passing on money for Radson to take Terry Nelson to court and sue him for the things he has said here on Banned: 

Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa, can never do any wrong.

Bob Thiel just gave Money to Radson within the Last Week to Hire a Lawyer to charge me with Reporting the Truth on Banned in the last 18 Months.

Sad thing is Thiel knows Radson is avoiding a warrant for his arrest.
Thiel knows me and my son sponsored the Bibles, yet it doesn't matter to him that Radson Mulozowa stole them for his own PROFIT.

He's forgetting, Radson lied under testimony in front of me.

Thiel's done for unless he Fires Radson. His choice, I guess.

I seriously am beginning to see Thiel has serious issues


Anonymous said...

Terry Nelson can breathe a sigh of relief with the certain knowledge that Radson won't spend any of the "lawyer" money on pursuing him; he'll use it for his own enrichment while spinning ever-crazier stories to tell Bwana Bob, including the reasons why Bob needs to send more money for the lawyer to continue working. Money that could have been spent preaching the Gospel and feeding the flock will now go to lawyers. Or, to be more accurate, it will go to Radson on the pretext of lawyers, but the legal work will drag on and require more money from Bob.

So, if you are a member sending tithes to CCOG, I hope you'll reflect on 1 Corinthians 6:1-7.

Verse 7: "Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?"

Bob thinks he can fix a church problem by spending money to employ the world's justice systems. He is such a narcissist that he is utterly incapable of accepting wrong. This latest action confirms that Bob is a Bobist, not a Christian.

Anonymous said...

Terry I need to know if it's true B. Thiel is breaking our admonishment to avoid jury duty (so to speak, via funneling $$$ to Radson for lawsuit against you or anyone) because I just today sent a Yom Kippur offering to Grover Beach.

Terry or Sasha or whoever, please post here some kind of proof that B. Thiel sent Radson M. some funds to sue you via the world's justice system. I should not help replace such funds with my donation if it is really happening. (need to keep myself anonymous yet in all this quicksand)

Terry Nelson said...

Well to all those in COG circles, it's as simple as this/ Radson doesn't have any money on his own, only what Bob Thiel sends him/ so if you think Mr Radson can Hire a lawyer for $1000 and get it in the Court system within hours, more Money/ cause he's farming or some other B.S. job; I can sell you some Ocean front Property in Arizona/ Dr Thiel Should be ashamed to support such a criminal, but now I know he'll go to such links to feed his Delusional Dreams of the Continuing church of God 😩🙀🤐

Terry Nelson said...

I can see now Thiel has backed him himself into a Corner, he can never admit Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa are Evil Fraudulent, Satanic,sex crazy False Ministers/ he never will , no matter what proof comes out/ all who support CCOG while knowing this are worshipping a Man and throwing Their Brain out the Window/ More Headlines are coming, more proof/ eventually it will all go down, and sad thing is some People will give up, because Thiel has become their God

The W.A. said...

Could a lawsuit against this blog be next? For spreading Terry Nelson's message, at least - and for years of insults, at worst?

Anonymous said...

Actually, this is not a bad tactic on Bob's part. Pay for his man to have his day in court. When that man fails, act surprised and let the law take its course. That way, you don't have to step in, make the decision, and do your dirty work, You allow the authorities to do it for you while explaining that you gave your man all the support in the world and are shocked that the situation ended up as it did.

Terry Nelson said...

Yeah, I can see that, Thiel can say he really didn't know anything, I'm so glad I'm out of the CCOG, it would have destroyed me and my Family, knowing what I know and Pretending everything is all Right/Better for those people still in CCOG when their crushed from the Truth to join a local Mainstream Church that at least Preaches Love and Mercy and Doesn't Finance a Satanic Ministry and support such Evil all in the name of a Delusional Man with his Delusional Dreams and Claims of being a Prophet that really is a Person with a disturbed Mind and out of touch with Reality