Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Oh, Noes!!!!!!! Canada Now Persecuting the PCG!


In Philadelphia Church of God's recent rag, they are bemoaning the fact that their blasphemous messages have been "censored", this time by the government of Canada. Like Bob Thiel, PCG sees this as a sure sign of persecution, when it may actually be God working to stop more people from being deceived by PCG's so-called gospel.

Canada is not the only place where government censorship is targeting the Trumpet. In the United States, Facebook and Twitter have blocked the Trumpet from advertising. There is also ample evidence that both platforms are shadow banning our content. The Trumpet Daily has been censored several times on YouTube, and threatened with worse—maybe even a full ban. 
In the European Union, the Digital Services Act is starting to be enforced. This draconian legislation empowers a new EU agency to police social media for disinformation on any platform of more than 45 million European users. 
No matter which continent you live on, you cannot escape government censorship. This is a worldwide trend. 
For decades, the Trumpet has pointed to a prophecy in Amos 8:11 about the truth becoming inaccessible—scarce like water during a famine. In our information age, it may have seemed impossible for this prophecy to come to pass. Yet across the planet it is inching closer to reality.


Anonymous said...

This is the pot calling the kettle black. PCG censors even more.

Anonymous said...

Well, I find the COGs disgusting, but I'm against censorship and deplatforming by the internet companies so I'm on their side on this one. Never thought I'd see the day...

Anonymous said...

The PCG lies to its members and forbids them to learn the truth about important matters. Now the PCG whines that it might not be allowed to lie to the world.

Anonymous said...

It's troubling when we have to use a cult which does not practice or teach basic human rights themselves as a test case involving censorship. Armstrongism has never respected freedom of speech. We would never even have this blog if "they" could do anything about it. We enjoy the very Constitutional protection that they deny their members.

I'm sure the membership has been conditioned to believe that this Canada thing is actual persecution. And, if perception is persecution, then it is also exploitable for the purpose of manipulating the members. You know, "We're being persecuted and expression of our beliefs silenced,
so therefore we must be God's True Church" (patent applied for).

What ever happened to the golden rule of massive retaliation when dealing with cults? "Do unto others as they do to their members." It is kind of an extension of the Biblical principle that as you have judged others, so shall ye be judged. I'm sorry, if a toxic cult censors their own members, I have no problem if they get taught a lesson by being censored themselves. But, the mofos will not learn the lesson from this experience. That's because Armstrongites NEVER understand or repent of old Hog Jowls's errors and sins. They consider them to be license. I hope they are punished with censorship until they comprehend just how wrong it is! (Round ofapplause)

Tonto said...


Tonto comment posts to "BANNED" are not allowed to be seen in North Korea!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should allow a degree of freedom of speech or stop Gerald's demonic practice of no contact between non member family members. Like Howard Stern wanted Sirius to block off other shock jocks when used to claim his filth was protected under freedom of speech but he didn't want the same for his rivals. Look to a dictator like Flurry or cal Culpepper to say his rights have been violated.

Anonymous said...

Why the Harmstwrong cult? So that in the future when God's Kingdom is set up (Daniel 2:44) a comparison can be made of really bad church gov't with good Godly gov't.

RSK said...

"For years, I thought that the scroll Ezekiel describes as having “lamentations, mourning and woe” was the little book, Malachi’s Message. I have come to understand that I was wrong—that it is, in fact, America Under Attack."

So now Gerry has TWO books he claims were written about in the Bible, lol.

Anonymous said...


With his “No Contact Policy” Satan's #1 false prophet Gerald Flurry forbids his PCG cult members to talk to friends, relatives, and even close family members who were in Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God but did not join Gerald Flurry's little PCG cult.

Now Satan's #1 false prophet Gerald Flurry is afraid that his satanic imposter cult might be “persecuted” by large technology companies not allowing him to use their facilities to spread his satanic lies and evil behavior to the whole world.

This would actually be the best sort of censorship that one could ever possibly hope for.

Anonymous said...

Tonto…….Ambassador of North Korea here.
For your slur against our most GREAT NATION and against therefore our MOST ESTEEMED G R E A T L E A D E R you are hereby sentenced to death 7 times by execution.
Or, because we are most kind and believe you should have a choice, to 2000 years hard labour in one of our holiday camps listening to the sermons of Bob Thiel.
The fact that your comments are banned in our most GREAT NATION is irrelevant and resistance against our most noble sentence is futile.
You are now ordered to have a nice day and appear in our GREAT NATION. You must pay for your airfare, one way ticket.

Anonymous said...

IF Gerald Flurry's Trumpet Magazine and video media was just preaching the Gospel, I'd sympathize with them. But if you look at their media efforts these days, it is mostly right-wing politics, anti-Obama/Biden and pro-Trump messaging, and conspiracy theories. Judging them just on their outreach and messaging, they ceased being apolitical and preaching the gospel years ago.

The W.A. said...

COGWA is still allowed to advertise on Facebook. In fact, it's reporting record growth in web site visits this year because of it.

COGWA is preaching the same gospel PCG is.... right?

Anonymous said...

I tried to read the Philadelphia Strumpet years ago and it struck me that it was almost UNREADABLE so much it reminded me when I was young and a believer in HWA back in the early 80's and then I tried to read MYSTERY OF THE AGES AND I found it one of the worst written books I had ever attempted to read and just a bunch of Herbert's blather. Only thing that compares is maybe MALACHI'S MESSAGE.

Anonymous said...

The W.A. at 2:36 PM said...“COGWA is preaching the same gospel PCG is.... right?”


When Gerald Flurry first started his PCG splinter group, he immediately did away with the “great commission” to preach the gospel to the world. Gerald said that Herbert W. Armstrong had already done it, as if it were now totally over with. Gerald said that his PCG had been given a “new commission” for a new church era to “warn the Laodiceans.” This meant raging away against any Worldwide Church of God people who would not go along with Gerald and help him to suppress the preaching of the gospel. Gerald Flurry does not preach any gospel (good news) at all.

RSK said...

HWAs writing style, as he openly admitted, was geared towards the simplest reading level possible while still conveying his ideas. He didnt invent the concept, of course, you can find that technique all over advertising, PSAs and (I hate to use this word) propaganda, both positive and negative.

Reading it with a critical eye really tends to punch holes in it. So many "givens" not supported.