Saturday, October 7, 2023

Dave Pack Threatens His Members With Death If They Leave The Feast

My father-in-law is a sick man. 
He threatens his membership with death if they leave the Feast early.
Kevin Denee



Anonymous said...

The Last Great Day should go down in history as the day that the Church of God members walked out en masse from these abusive cults! It will truly then be a Great Day! A day that God will delight in!

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting! Every day that Armstrongism continues to exist it becomes viler by the minute. The wickedness that keeps emerging makes my heart ache for those still entombed in these cults.

Anonymous said...

The instant in which the founder or leader of a movement dies is the precise point in time when the movement begins to devolve. That is because his successors continue to evolve, and to even perhaps inadvertently add their own quirks of personality, nuanced understandings, and personal defects to what continues to be taught. Now, the leader who died was also evolving like this all along, but it was imperceivable to the members because it was HIS evolution and changes in understanding which were driving it, and not the successors, who are basically known to only be place holders or substitutes at best anyway.

Dire circumstances cause leaders to become more authoritarian, conservative, and hard edged. If any one of the successor splinters had experienced 30 % growth in income and membership each year, and had had dynamic presenters of their media efforts, we would see much less oppressive leadership in that group or groups. There would be no need for it. As it is, the present members end up being like the Israelite slaves who were the brick makers, and suddenly on top of their already back-breaking labor, also were compelled to gather the materials for the brick making in addition to making the bricks. There is also the mental pressure of prophecy not being fulfilled during the life cycle of the members who spent in many cases their entire lives on the edge of their seats, just waiting for the final validation for their lives, the fulfillment of those prophecies. Most remember the words of Herbert W. Armstrong to the effect that he was not wrong about the prophecies, it was the brethren's fault for not being ready! What a horrible burden to carry!

The end result becomes a handful of confused groups with virtually zero visibility, leaders with flailing hands and daily prophecy failures, the constant demand for more money, people who imitate Herbert W. Armstrong's tastes, theories, and habits instead of acquiring the personality of Jesus Christ, demoralizingly and disappointingly small feasts which used to be major events, and when it gets right down to putting the rubber on the road, they would be better off disbanding. As it is right now, they, these churches, look more like the dwindling Israelites being beaten down in captivity, when its supposed to be the people they prophesy against who receive such punishment! This is a miserable example!

Anonymous said...

Dave learned from Jim Jones

he may be getting the kool aid ready

Anonymous said...

He is out of control. This is what happens when you give absolute power to people like Pack or FLURRY. They descend into a Stalinist mindset and soon they think that they are infallible. The whole crowd should have just gotten up & walked out.

Anonymous said...

This guy is crazier than Herbert, Roderick, or Gerald.