Sunday, April 14, 2024

Apostate Sisters: Wine & Spectacles - The Life and Influences of Herbert W. Armstrong, Part 3


In this compelling third installment of our exploration into Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, Nancy and Patti jump into the tumultuous 1970s, a decade marked by internal power struggles and profound shifts within the church. This episode not only uncovers the behind-the-scenes battles between Armstrong, his son Garner Ted, and his treasurer Stanley Rader, but also reflects on the broader implications these conflicts had on the church and its followers. 

Join us as we also give a sneak peek into our exciting new series, "UnPack-It," where we take a critical and humorous look at the literature from our former cult. Expect to hear our thoughts on some of these outrageous texts and what they really represent. 

We'll share other great content creator by former cult members, as well as shout out some of our favorite content creators who inspire us to continue uncovering truths and promoting a message of care and compassion—emulating the promise of "The World Tomorrow," but on our own terms, free from the shadow of fear. 

Tune in to discover the real stories behind the public façade of the Worldwide Church of God in the 1970s and how these historical insights inform our journey towards healing and understanding today. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and join us as we share stories of our upbringing and our healing journey into freedom from doctrine, and seek to create spaces for others to integrate the experiences of their childhoods.


Anonymous said...

a terrible cult raking in money because it was worshipped while pretending not to as God supports quality - felt really bad for these ladies parents not wealthy but forking out to the greedy one, as did huge numbers of others in the same situation. Under the false tithing system.

About the only truth published was that God exists `and Jesus is the Messiah. Amazed I see comments here to the effect` they had a lot of truth. Such is not the truth at all and we need accept this. Uncle Herbie ex pot and pan salesman moved on to selling religion let's face it. 🐨

Max said...

As a side comment, could somebody share what has happened in Grace in the last few years. I've got some pieces. Tkach Jr sold it to some other protestant US group. That leader ended the practice of allowing Saturday worship by those who wanted to. Did those people start something else?

Anonymous said...

Ooh...will there be a new blog named Banned By more Sat. svcs. allowed

Anonymous said...

This blog NEVER exposes Grace Communion.

Anonymous said...

re Max:>>> On Wikipedia it states ''In October 2018, Joe Tkach Jr. retired and installed Greg Williams as the President of GCI.[38]'' which casts doubt on any involvement he may have had to ''sell''

Anonymous said...

GCI's website claims 30k members, but this GCI minister says it's 16k!
(play video)

RSK said...

Pulled from GCIs site:

“ GCI congregations may hold their primary weekly worship service on any day of the week, though Sunday is the norm. Congregations may determine how often to offer the Lord’s Supper, though it should be offered no less than quarterly, and at least once during Holy Week. Offering the Lord’s Supper every week is recommended.

In making decisions concerning adaptations to GCI’s standard worship pattern and liturgies, congregational leaders should seek divine guidance, understanding that worship is the divinely created response to the glory of the triune God revealed in Jesus Christ.”

I have no contacts within GCI so I cannot confirm or deny this.

RSK said...

As for “selling” it, I am not sure if Max refers to the organization itself or the Pasadena complex.

Anonymous said...

Improved link for actual GCI membership number (Skip to half way of video)
(play video)

Anonymous said... see present membership, you have to select Carina Annual Update video, then advance to 22 minute mark, you will see GCI worldwide membership given as 16k.

Anonymous said...

that must make GCI smaller than these oofshoots often mentioned like Restored, United, Philadelphia which surprised me

Anonymous said...

Why would the GCI cult be giving us two very different numbers on its membership?