Saturday, April 13, 2024

Crackpot Prophet On Loving His Enemies

 The Church of God way...

The Great Bwana to Africa shares with his 100 Caucasians and African followers how to love their (his) 'enemies'. After all, since he is God's greatest Church of God prophet and teacher to ever exist, he must set the example.

Mercy: Loving your enemies

On the ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. Can you do that? Why should you? How can you do that? Should you pray for your enemies and do good to them? Can you forgive someone who is not sorry? How can you show mercy to those who hate you? Is God really fair? Why did God allow Adolf Hitler? Will all reap what we sow according to the Apostle Paul? Can your physical and spiritual health be affected by the root of bitterness? Can a little leaven of bitterness hurt you a lot? Are Christians really supposed to control their thoughts? What are some health problems associated with being unwilling to forgive others? Could any of your enemies actually be above you in the Kingdom of God? Could your enemies actually be blinded by Satan and his demons? Did God call you because you were better than others? Have we all be enemies to God? Did Herbert W. Armstrong teach it was difficult to forgive those who intentionally want to cause us harm? What are some passages in the Bible about love, mercy, judgment, faith, and forgiveness? Are Christians actually supposed to strive to be perfect? Could your enemies, after the age to come, actually help make your eternity better? Dr. Thiel addresses those matters and more in this sermon.


Anonymous said...

A bit long at the tongue for a teaser! I can't imagine the word count of the sermon that goes with it!

Anonymous said...

You wonder if he really means it...or if he just wants to be registered as the 1st one who took the subject this deep & ran with it.

Anonymous said...

Bob, here's some answers, without hearing or reading your sermon/words:

With the Holy Spirit. B/c Jesus said so. See the 1st answer. Yes, with the 1st answer. Yes, when you pray. Be merciful. Yes-Prov 21:30. None of your business. Yes. Yes. Possibly. Attempt to. Myriad. Ah ha so you do think there's a hierarchy! Not for you to judge. Why of course - NOT. Bad grammar. Not a reliable source to quote. Those with those words. Yes, with the 1st answer. Wait until the age comes to ask that question.

Anonymous said...

The "root of bitterness" is in reference to departing from God's ways. Yeap, the fruits of sin are bitter. The rest of Bob's article is the usual soft on crime garbage. Which Bob and other ACOGs leaders never personally tolerate, but expect the ordinary members to put up with in order to draw crooks and their wallets into the church. Church leaders love other people's wallets.
Bob's Full-of-crooks church of God.

Anonymous said...

Bob forgot to include "are bats really birds?. Are volcanos used by God to try to tell us something? Should sluggards go to the ants? What can we learn from the Wombat and Platypus in prophecy? Are Germans really aliens? Why does God let me go on and on? Did I ever learn anything good from Spokesman Club? Can an Apostle rise out of the common cold? Is hand flapping a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Send for my free booklet: "How Shot Guns are a Type of Sermon Prep". "Just What Do You Mean Robert Thiel?" And from my autobiography, "How I Never Learned Anything in Spokesman Club".

Anonymous said...

A 21-point sermon? Father, forgive Bob, for he knows not what he does...

RSK said...

He really needs to cut the number of questions down. Four or five max would be far more effective than expecting someone to read all that.

Anonymous said...

they're always VERY very soft on Steven Allwine's crime

Anonymous said...

Dr. Thiel addresses those matters and more in this sermon>>>> phewwww pity the poor believer sitting there head will be spinning with so many ''truths'' revealed

Anonymous said...

Bob forgot to include "are bats really birds?. Are volcanos used by God to try to tell us something? Should sluggards go to the ants? What can we learn from the Wombat and Platypus in prophecy>>> don;t forget to add the answer to the question asked of King Arthur in Monty python and the Holy Grail
>> ''SOLDIER #1: Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?''