Sunday, April 7, 2024

Was I REALLY in a "Freakin" Cult? Meet Melina Oien Who Has "Figured Some Stuff Out!"


After her Sisters' Suicide - everything began to change for Melina and her family which lead to massive struggle and painful family changes at around age 14. Eventually, with serious health challenges for her daughter and herself, Melina reached rock bottom and had no choice but to draw a line in the sand and reach out for help from "the world" who saved her life from our perspective! She did the deep dives and after 3 years was willing to talk about "the cult" and face the deeper "scary stuff" that brought so much trauma and pain, PTSD and an Auto Immune Condition which was at was at the root of everything. Amazing Woman, Amazing Story!


Anonymous said...

It is interesting how tragedy can often become a motivator in completely opposite directions. So many people that I knew had been brought to Armstrongism by some sort of tragedy in their lives, while others were moved to leave it as a result of similar tragedies. And of course the ministers would always portray the experiences leading one to become a member as God calling those individuals, but those who left as having fallen into the bonds of Satan.

Really deep tragedies place a person's mind into a state of vulnerability and confusion. I don't know that we can trust the decisions we make in the confusing days and months immediately following tragedy. These tragedies are equal opportunity events. They happen regardless of what group we might have joined or left. There does not seem to be any protection from them beyond the cautions that our own minds provide. It is not a good thing when a "solution" involves no longer trusting the protections and instincts which are built into our own minds, and are there for survival.

Anonymous said...

MUCH damage caused by nasty Herbie and crew - more damage than many criminals who did time

Anonymous, 2112 said...

Even U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier escaped the Jim Jones-town Guyana pharaoh chariots chasing her into the jungle with gunfire.

Many ways are available to exit cults wheww.