Tuesday, April 9, 2024

UCG's Unattainable Checklist Of Things To Repent Of Before Passover

You can tell it is Passover time in COGland as members continue to get lambasted about all the things they are doing wrong and are told to repent of those sins before they dare to take Passover. This year members are being told to be watching for the following sins in their lives. Imagine how exhausting this entire list is.

wicked or inappropriate attitudes 






iniquities in us


feelings of superiority



a party spirit



 accusatory spirits

hardness of hearts 

dullness of hearing




In these end times in which we live we are admonished by God to “wake up, redeem the time, watch and pray” and “remember our calling.” The attitudes of pride, feelings of superiority, complacency, apathy, a party spirit (as described in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-4), resistance as manifested in backbiting, gossip, accusatory spirits, hardness of hearts and dullness of hearing—all of which lead to disunity, discord and division—are alive and well, and on full display in the world around us. Sadly, these same attitudes can creep into the Church if we allow them to. 
As we approach Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, we must remember the words of our Savior on that last evening before He was crucified. His will was and is for His disciples to be “at one” with each other and with Him and God the Father. That takes acknowledgment, repentance, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation—all of which are part of our Christian lifestyle. Unity of the Spirit, unity of faith, unity in the truth and one-ness with God and each other take effort and constant vigilance. Satan will do anything to come between us and God, and us and each other. Let us all be aware as we prepare for the Passover in a “worthy manner, rightly discerning the Lord’s body” as God instructs in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29.

From the weekly Home Office report.  


Anonymous said...

Every time a pen or my sun glasses fall in between the console and seat of my Impala, and I feel wires and motors under the seat as I retrieve it, I wonder about an old friend who used to unbolt his car seats from the floor, vacuum the carpet, and shampoo it to get rid of all the leavened crumbs before Passover each year.

Some acts of fanaticism just are not possible any more. Many of us drive around with our coffee and muffins each morning as we go to work. Hard to fathom all of the leavening. Does this symbolism imply that with more technology there is more sin in one's life? Or that it is more difficult to get rid of?

Anonymous said...

UCG's attainable checklist of things to repent of, in time before Passover!:
Tithe extortion. Tithing on money income was never commanded.
False (F): Seven feasts. There are only 3 & the other days are sabbath(on)s.
F-Deut 16:1-8 is DUB only, not passover (PSR). (Just heard this last Sat from UCG)
F-"Roast"-Deut 16:7 means "boil", can't boil PSR. But same Hebrew word-2Chr 35:13.
F-PSR animal can't be "of the herd"-Deut 16:2. But "flock" can include small cattle.
F-Christ died on Wed. "Midst" in Daniel 9:27 means "half", not necessarily middle.
F-Sunday is 3rd day from Wed crucifixion and Thursday sealing of the grave. Duh.
F-The "3 days & nights" are 12 hours each. Not necessarily in Hebrew and Greek.
F-"High day"-John 19:31 was Thursday. It was the Jews' PSR on Saturday that year.
F-The 15th is 1st day of UB. Lev 23:6 only commands a feast, like Exodus 13:6.

Anonymous said...

I always feel uneasy about the constant talk of unity from the ACOGs. I know from experience that this "unity" is also a code word for peace at any price. Standing up to church bullies and all their perks often results in ministers telling the victims to not "offend" people.
Matthew 18.15-17 instructs Christians to treat unrepentant members "as you would a pagan or a tax collector." Where's the "unity" here? Ministers instructing members to avoid church crazies is a rarity. There's no unity between the wicked and the righteous, between God and the demons, and this too needs to be honored.

Anonymous said...

Smarty super-puffed members who worked in a shop would bring their toaster to their job & use the shop's air hose to blow the crumbs out. I'm surprised the Pasadena big-wigs didn't issue a decree for all local congregations to each find a member like that who worked at any garage or shop having air tools, and get in queue to have him blow out all the crumb-y toasters.

And the rest of the year, when it comes to lard & avoiding that ingredient in products, an old guy 1st name Russell at Cadillac, MI WCG would mention not only did some toothpaste have "lard" (glycerin), but he went even "deeper".

He told us some brands of toilet paper had "lard". He thought we'd be "eating pork" if we used "toilet paper"? I assume he thought our pores would absorb "lard" out of the t.p. I saw him smoking ciggys when we both worked for a surveyor. But oh, he sure was careful about ingesting lard.

DennisCDiehl said...

All speaking "the same thing that there be no divisions among you" is no pathway to actually understanding the actual truth about anything. To stress sameness and compliance in belief and practice is not seeing "if these things be so". But it is what any organized group has to demand first and foremost. Without it, they splinter and fall victim of descension, disagreement and disintegration ad nauseum, words without end.

Here Paul, and UCG using Paul, is simply begging for compliance in thought so they can have peace. It also implies that peace is not actually what they are experiencing. No religious organization can ever claim that they have produced peace and unity of thought. Either members simply sit on the outside but quietly stand up on the inside on some topics or they are considered "troublemakers" which generally mean they are critical thinkers who simply wish to know what is actually true and what they actually have to do or not do, if anything, to be "a true Christian".

Paul's admonition and all the one man show splits and splints leaders simply mean by this scripture to "believe what I believe. Do What I do and obey what I say, I beg you because I'm tired of all the turmoil and descension."

Remember in Galatians Paul called down God's curse on those that went for any other Gospel "other than the one we, i.e. "I", preached to you." By the time one does that, they are having organizational and internal compliance problems.

Anonymous said...

The Pivot Point:

1. There is nothing wrong with the pulpit reminding people to be self-reflective about sin. In this the pulpit expresses a desire that the pews do good and have a closeness to God. It becomes useless if it is overburdened with judgment and condemnation. Or if the principle becomes institutionalized as a charter for the denominational police force.

2. There is nothing wrong with de-leavening your home and eating unleavened bread for several days. There is even nothing wrong if you get the dates of certain early church observances wrong. No doubt the Jerusalem Church in the First Century observed something around the time of Passover and Days of ULB. Very likely this observance followed a pattern similar to that of Late Second Temple Judaism including Temple service participation.

3. The Pivot Point: There is something very wrong if you make the observance a requirement for salvation. It is not. The only requirement for salvation is belief in Jesus. Paul said, “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (see note below); ye are fallen from grace.”

So, the observance is a concern not of soteriology but of liturgy. And the Pivot Point is the deciding criterion between Christianity and Other.


Note: When Paul used the term "law" here, he was not speaking just of the sacrifices. The Circumcision Party, with which Paul was engaged in belligerence, advocated the keeping of the entire Mosaic Law. Moreover, in principle contention in Galatians was circumcision itself which was not a sacrifice but an overt token of participation in the Abrahamic Covenant which is the predicate of salvation.

R.L. said...

Some church groups make long lists like this to prove a point - that you CAN'T get rid of all these things. Not by yourself.

You need God's help and the sacrifice of the Savior to do it.

Now to start "toilet paper lard" trending as a search...

🧻T.P. Land said...

Despite this link appearing to be "vegan oriented", it has insight from Kimberly-Clarke, Georgia-Pacific, and Procter & Gamble's Charmin on how the wacky paranoia over lard in t.p. slid into old WCG.

get ready, heeeeeeere's jonny : 🚽


Anonymous said...

Jeez-0! Even if your TP had given itself to the lard, it's not as if you're taking an enema with it! Plus, it would have been rendered chemically inert by all the processing. It would also be rubbed on arguably the most contaminated part of your entire body to boot!

I smell sepulchre whitewash! There must be a Pharisee in the house! And if he's wearing Hush Puppies that he got from Goodwill, he's wearing swine on his feet!

Anonymous said...

"Not by yourself..You need God's help.."

This is today's big government mentality projected into the bible. Otherwise how can one account for the differing results in the parable of the sower and the parable of the talents.

Anonymous said...

Scout 7:23 AM,

Re: 3.The Pivot Point
I am in a dilemma. This year I have decided not to keep the Passover and other Holy Days in Lev.23. But fear and guilt creep in as I am throwing away my present called status i.e. my one and only chance to be granted Salvation by God through Jesus Christ. I have stopped keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days for some years before resuming this Christian requirement. But it seems to me to be more of a chore to please God and self interest so as not to miss out out on Salvation.
I am following the principles, "When in doubt, don't" and "What if it is true?".

Non WCG Christianity(Trinity,going to Sunday Church, Easter, Christmas,etc) is another bad altenative. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as my Savior. Is this all I have to do? As simple as that?

If only I can be like those who can break free from keeping the Mosaic Law (Truth).

Anonymous said...

8:30, I don't believe that anybody here would advise you to violate your conscience, or to wish that you would lose your salvation.

Someone far, far wiser than myself once advised another who was facing the same dilemma as you to shift their mind into neutral, and attempt to restudy everything as if for the first time without any bias confirmation. Ask God to guide you to the correct conclusions, and then be open to whatever answer He leads you to.

Anonymous said...

Tricky when you don't have faith.

Why do you care what UCG put out when you've been 'living the dream', are 'happy to be out out', 'never looked back' ?
Why are you not beholding the fossils and meteorites in serene happiness?
Why do you desire for everyone to be as you are?

Anonymous said...

Fear and guilt crept in ? Fear of what exactly? Guilty why?
Dipping your toe in the water of truth here...but only the toe.
Why don't you go the whole way and resign, retire, remove yourself from the Ministerial office you so clearly serve in....hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

If you do not have an air hose, use a can of compressed air.

Anonymous, 2112 said...

Wonderful advice, 10:05, that you shared here to 8:30.

Lately as always, the gaslighting style of tangent bent, ego-puffed, preferential treatment pandering hierarchical professing ministry can press the faithful toward the edge of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Of not seeing forest for the trees. 

If you were to begin keeping these new leaders of the splinter groups at arm's length, it is still very comforting to keep any holy days & sabbaths & clean food diets in peace. God will help you untighten the vise that any minister or buffalo congregation has us clamped with, & you can step out of it quicker than you can say Jim Jones-towne or kool aid or flavour-aid.

I wrote here just in case it was ministry or congregations bothering you, like they do me these days. Some congregants even claim to have dreams of us being a busybody when we attempt to "prove all things" awhile.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:30 wrote, "I believe in God and Jesus Christ as my Savior. Is this all I have to do? As simple as that?"

It is common for Armstrongists to deride Christianity as being antinomian, that is, without law. But we find in Christianity the Sermon on the Mount and many other behavioral requirements scattered throughout the various book of the New Testament. There is no want of law in the New Testament. Paul refers to this NT body of law as the "Law of Christ."

I am not a pastor. Just an ex-Armstrongist. My opinion is that you could continue to keep the Passover and other days if you want to. But it is hard to do this in fellowship with people who believe that keeping the Holy Days is part of what secures their salvation. Kind of a bad habit.

I usually eat some unleavened bread on or near the spring holydays just as a reminder of all the associated events. What you do not want to do is believe that your observance of the holy days is a requirement for salvation. Armstrongists believe that law keeping is an input to salvation - a pre-condition. Paul condemned this. Christians believe that good, Christian behavior is an output of salvation. The faith of Christ dwelling within you through the Holy Spirit leads to a new mind and good actions.


Anonymous said...

The book of Galatians is an excellent place to start. Read it in every translation. Slowly. Quietly. And with God.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this comment. It’s also helpful to understand that God says not to fear false prophets.

Much of what we were all trained in was fear of the false prophet. That fear translated into never questioning the church. Never examining the teachings against the Bible. And just accepting whatever the person at the lectern said.

It’s okay to cross examine beliefs. Jesus says that the first person sounds right until cross examined. By cross examining the tenets of whatever splinter you attended, you are not disobeying God. You are submitting to His authority over your life.

Tonto said...

Hydrolyzed animal protein, which comes from the fat of various animals, ie, cow, pigs, is used as an ingredient in many products, including makeups and hair conditioners.

Anonymous said...


Armstrongists believe that you must "qualify" for salvation. You must generate a suitable inventory of good works before you can be understood to be saved. I don't know if they still believe this. Their theology may have changed. An interesting effect of this is that Armstrongists never know if they have salvation. They are always in the process of qualifying. I noticed that Anonymous 8:30 does not state that he is saved but rather "called." This is true to Armstrongist soteriology.

Nobody knows if Roderick Meredith in his personal eschaton was saved. He stated that keeping the laws of God was relatively easy. But in Armstrongist soteriology, nobody knows if he actually did what he needed to do to qualify. Armstrongists see salvation as an end-of-life event. (Salvation at the end of life is something that HWA exegeted from Matthew 10:22. In so doing, he neglected all the other scriptures about salvation, apparently. He always advocated brining all the scriptures together on a given topic. It is unclear why he abandoned that approach in this case.)

For comparison, Christians, on the other hand, know that they are saved already and the evidence is that their lives are changed and they follow the Way through the Holy Spirit. The product of salvation is a changed life. What they don't know is what rewards they will ultimately receive. The process of overcoming is still going on for the living. That determination is made at the end.


Anonymous said...

It's getting to become that way in CCOG. Qualifying. And requirements. While pandering & favoritism & preferential treatments abound.

If you try to prove all things there, you could get claustrophobic after being buffaloed by folks who claim you are featured in their "divinely inspired" dreams. Dreams where they see you or their brethren as "busybodies", or as someone participating in "harvest using a bag with holes in it" :



Anonymous said...

You can by the Holy spirit know you will be saved but you are not literally saved until the resurrection or changed to spirit from physical.

Anonymous said...

Let there be no divisions among you.

Go to the UCG and be fully united in doing evil.

Anonymous said...

this list tells us everything about the idea behind - that somehow we can do things to make ourselves worthy. We are inherently sinful and only Christ in us imparts righteousness. But the works of doing things has always been the Armstrong theology

WOWFJI said...


Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 8:45:00 AM PDT.....A good explanation of things.

Matthew 10 verse 22 as you say ought be understood in context of all other verses concerning salvation. Armstrong liked this one verse for his own purposes one will never know.

The context of Matthew 10 as one reads through is one of persecution and tribulation and calamitic events occurring affecting believers.

Then it is a message that while believers will be martyred, a few will make to the end. Those who endure through the tribulation will be alive or delivered by Messiah when he returns to earth.

There is no reason at all in my view to regard this verse as being a reference to eternal salvation or ways of ensuring we somehow can avoid the penalty of sin by having to do and endure things.

Which is why the need to put as best we can verses in context and regard to other applicable verses.

Anonymous said...

8.45. "Nobody knows if Roderick Meredith in his personal eschaton was saved,"

Well I do. No, he wasn't, the you shall know them them by their fruits thingy. His sermons were worthless, and on one of his TV programs just before his death, he came a hair width from claiming the right to control his members minds. Since ownership is control, he claimed the right to rob his members of their lives. So it's the lake of fire for him and his mate Herb.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you on your reading of Matthew 10:22. Moreover, this is referring to a particular group of people who survive the cataclysm. It is not a broad principle of eternal salvation. What about someone who died well before the cataclysm or well after. Just has no large scope. It is not a principle of soteriology.

But it does keep people marching. They have been convinced that they don't know if they have salvation. So they are vulnerable to fear-mongering. They are told that they must be zealously seeking to qualify. With that leverage, they can be controlled.


Anonymous said...

One more point that I would share with 8:30, is that it is good to read widely in ones quest. I don"t know what era he or she might have been a member, but I know that during my tenure, we were more or less forbidden from reading the writings of other teachers. We only trusted what was available from "God's ministers." The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course was our version of Catechism.

Decades after leaving, And just beginning to explore the internet, I was totally blown away by the throughness of the research and the articulateness of presentation exhibited by Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish resources. We had a lot of blogs and forums then, and since HWA especially trashed the Catholics, I spent much time on the Catholic forum. I was amazed at the depth of conversion of some of the participants, and could readily understand why HWA expected us to single source himself and his church. He did not want us obtaining second opinions which were often deeper than some of his own. That alone should tell members everything they needed to know about the man. And, now, with all the splinter groups, the leaders tell their members that about all the other splinters.

I don't know if it exists in archive form, but there once was a blog put on by ex-WCG members called "As Bereans Did". Fresh, and deep research was presented. And it helped many people. One of the chief presenters there went by the screen name xHWA, and one of the unique aspects of that blog was that some of the writers and participants there were ladies, which I personally found to be very refreshing. Think about how the Galilean ladies were so deep in their belief in Jesus Christ, and really played a very critical role during the time of His crucifixion and resurrection. Women can be deeply spiritual and often have insights that we men are lacking.

I also found a good study Bible with all of its notes to be of value. I have the one published by Zondervan, and a Catholic study Bible as well. You'll see what I mean about depth if you happen to check them out.

Best wishes, 8:30, on this oddysey you are embarking upon. It's a worthy voyage to take.

Anonymous said...

No doubt Meredith desired to control members minds, after all-around he'd spent the best years of his life watching Herbert doing exactly that.

Anonymous said...

Ah book of Galstions ....well known to been used wrongly by Tkachites. I suppose tkachites still exist within ucg....

Anonymous said...

Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 9:23:00 PM PDT

I spent much time on the Catholic forum. I was amazed at the depth of conversion of some of the participants, and could readily understand why HWA expected us to single source himself and his church.
spot on what you say and worldwide had excessive vanity thinking only we knew all truth
what a self deluded joke all that was. There is a lot of knowledge to be found from all believers

Anonymous said...

If anyone sincerely repents from everything on this list, they will likely find themselves of repenting from all of Armstrongist thought.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it's probably a much more effective spiritual tool or technique to pick something that you really like and give it up for Lent. That would keep a member much more focussed than attempting to take on a huge avalanche or tsunami of repentance.

John said...

Most likely some hireling(s) of the former WCG wrote up the following in the United Ass.'s weekly Home Office report:

"...The attitudes of pride, feelings of superiority, complacency, apathy, a party spirit (as described in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 ), resistance as manifested in backbiting, gossip, accusatory spirits, hardness of hearts and dullness of hearing—all of which lead to disunity, discord and division—are alive and well, and on full display in the world around us. Sadly, these same attitudes can creep into the Church if we allow them to...

...Satan will do anything to come between us and God, and us and each other. Let us all be aware as we prepare for the Passover in a “worthy manner, rightly discerning the Lord’s body” as God instructs in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 .
And those same hirelings probably wrote up, or at least thought up similar thoughts before the previous Passovers starting in 1985, 1986, 1995...pick a year....only to turn around almost immediately after departing from their Passover service, and continuing to do the same things/sins...as though they never could learn to have that unity with God the Father and His son.

It's like Santa Claus coming into a home with a bag of sins, dropping them sins off, but taking the empty bag with him so he can proceed to fill it up again with sins in preparation for his next passover/visit in the next year...etc. repeat, repeat...beginning to sound like some of Doug Winnail's very valuable write-ups worthy of repeating.

After the reporter mentioned a world filled with sins, he/she/they said: "...Sadly, these same attitudes can creep into the Church if we allow them to..." There is no "can" about it.

Are these people all so blind-sighted? Those attitudes have crept into the United Ass., and they've been there for years. What would stop it from repeating year after year?

We don't wrestle flesh and blood: it's about principalities (Eph 6:12). What was the first evil attitude mentioned? Pride!

Where did that come from? These writers, still thinking we wrestle and blood, seem to be blind to the following verse:

"He beholdeth all high [things]: he [is] a king over all the children of pride." Job 41:34

Perhaps these report writers could explain how to deal with that king of pride, but watch out for that previous verse:

"Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear."

That perfectly evil thing is unique and it was made, but it appears much easier to deal with blaming/judging flesh and blood. Adam tried that; it didn't work then; it won't work today.

The report writer(s) wrote: "...Satan will do anything to come between us and God, and us and each other..." Again, sorry, but Satan already beat them to it...look at all of the splinters and leaders striving to control the lives of others! Need any more proof?

We were warned:

2 Cor 11:13 "For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."

How might Satan do it? James 4:5 gives us a hint:

"Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?"

Did God lie to us there? How about 2 Tim 2:26? I John 3:8? John 8:44?...well, you former WCG hirelings, and xcog hierling/leaders, may continue searching..., because if you don't you will, another year from now, strive to repeat the same repeat messages with unattainable checklists of sins/attitudes to us again!

But Time will tell...


John said...

WOWFJI, Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 5:10:00 PM PDT, said:
"...Scout Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 8:45:00 AM PDT.....A good explanation of things.

Matthew 10 verse 22 as you say ought be understood in context of all other verses concerning salvation. Armstrong liked this one verse for his own purposes one will never know.

The context of Matthew 10 as one reads through is one of persecution and tribulation and calamitic events occurring affecting believers.

Then it is a message that while believers will be martyred, a few will make to the end. Those who endure through the tribulation will be alive or delivered by Messiah when he returns to earth.

There is no reason at all in my view to regard this verse as being a reference to eternal salvation or ways of ensuring we somehow can avoid the penalty of sin by having to do and endure things.

Which is why the need to put as best we can verses in context and regard to other applicable verses.
"And ye shall be hated of all [men] for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22

Hatred is a form of racism, which is fostered by the principalities (Eph 6:12; James 4:5; I John 3:12, 8, 2 Tim 2:26; John 8:44, etc.).

HWA knew about hatred in his life all of the way to the end of his life. He told us about the "vultures" just waiting for him to endure to the end: death. Why? So, they could get in charge and show everybody how much better they could be with dealing with people and leading up their own church organization and demonstrating true success, etc.

We see the results of that today. Impressive? Time is telling...

"...but he that endureth to the end shall be saved?"

One way or another we each will all endure to the end. HWA did. JWTkach Sr. did. We haven't. I'm looking forward to it. We're all learning to discern good and evil, and to hate evil. I didn't say hate Satan. Hate evil, and racism is evil; the people (Eph 6:12) aren't the causes of that evil.

Then what?

So many like to quote the following:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Doesn't that sound nice? But for whatever reason they usually don't quote the following verse:

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17

Will God succeed with the sending of His Son? That already is a done deal, whether anybody believes it or not. What more will any of us do?

Yet, so many like to mouth off saying: "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Phil 2:12

But for whatever reason they usually don't quote the following verse:

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of [his] good pleasure." Phil 2:13

Wouldn't we all like to experience some of that good pleasure, while verse 12 has such a focus on SELF. The Doug Winnail's are still striving to qualify to earn their salvation by their works of SELF, but their works will never justify them one iota. Time will tell...

I like just those verses, but I do like this one too, because it helps me keep the world in focus, especially since Jesus asked us to "love one another." He didn't say to blame/judge one another, which is a tool of the principalities (Eph 6:12) and many get trapped by it (2 Tim 2:26; James 4:5)

"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them..." 2 Cor 5:19

Is it possibly that HWA was on to something nice?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Unless your righteousness shall exceed that of the scribes and pharisees you shall NOT enter the kingdom of God.... (Red Line !)

John said...

Anon, Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:51:00 PM PDT, said:

"...Unless your righteousness shall exceed that of the scribes and pharisees you shall NOT enter the kingdom of God.... (Red Line !)
Red Line !??

Romans 10:3 "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

Unless God makes that righteousness possible, then who will do it?

Red Line !?? Blue Line !??

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:44:00 AM PDT

With reference to Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:51:00 PM PDT,

Also, can one not keep the Sabbath and Holy Days means crossing the Red Line and miss out Salvation?

John said...

Anon, Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 8:19:00 PM PDT, said:


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:44:00 AM PDT

With reference to Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:51:00 PM PDT,

Also, can one not keep the Sabbath and Holy Days means crossing the Red Line and miss out Salvation?
Oh, that sounds serious, but I would say the answer to that question is: "No for all human beings (John 3:16-17, John 12:32, 47; 2 Cor 5:19; I John 2:2; Matthew 25:34, etc,);"

however, the answer is: "Yes for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41, 46)," who were made to be taken and destroyed, and do have reservations for the lake of fire...all part of God's Plan.

Satan and his angels have no fear, no respect, for the One who created them perfectly evil (Isaiah 45:7):

"Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear." Job 41:33

They are all part of God's Plan, while we are learning to hate evil. Like an aged old car that gets rusted out and only eventually needs to just be burned up to cease existence (Ezek 18:19), then all of Satan's fruits/works of evil that produced carnal human nature [perverted and overwhelmed God's very good (Gen 1:31) human nature] will cease.

A time is coming when the following will be reality:

Revelation 21:2 "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, [and be] their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful."

What means it? No Red Line for human beings!

That time is for beyond the 1,000 years (beyond the short/little time/season/space, and you will never see/hear of God's enemies (Eph 6:12) Satan and his angels keeping God's Sabbath/HDs but when will their Red Line exist and they cease existence? I don't know; God knows (Acts 15:18; Heb 4:3, etc.), but...

Time will tell...
