Sunday, September 29, 2024

Dave Pack: The Ungrateful Jerk Mocks A Man's Generosity



Imagine being such an ungrateful jerk that you would smear a man's reputation in church, in front of family and friends just to force members to hand over their money before they die.

Dave talks about a man who gave a huge sum of money to the RCG, but held on to it while still alive only paying his tithes. He failed to turn it over to Dave as "common" and held on to it till he died.

He gets no credit whatsoever for doing that, but at least he gave it to us instead of his fmaily.


Anonymous said...

“Dave Pack: The Ungrateful Jerk Mocks A Man's Generosity”

Classic, and totally classless, klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies. All he ever does is lie and steal and then criticize the people that he did it to.

Anonymous said...

We must be in the “end times” and Satan must be VERY angry to send extremely deceitful and vicious perverts like Gerald R. Flurry and David C. Pack AGAINST the former Worldwide Church of God people.

Anonymous said...

What a piece of sh*t! Dave Pack belongs in a prison cell. He's an effing scumbag loser!