Did you know that Herbert was the most powerful human on earth? He could bind and loosen everything on earth and in heaven. In fact, he had so much power that even Jesus himself had to bind Herb's words in heaven!
For some reason that magical god out there in the expanse of the heavens decided that Herbert Armstrong was God's gift to the world, even better than Bob Thiel. Never has a more powerful man existed. Everything he said while reigning over the Worldwide Church of God is forever established as truth and doctrine that ALL humans must follow before they can be saved. Even the ministers of the church share in this power. Whenever any of them spoke, their words were "bound" in heaven.
This kind of idolatry is why church members were and still are spiritually, psychologically, and physically abused by church leaders and ministers. No wonder the church and the world is in such a screwed up mess!
From the Kitchen Bros:
The apostle alone has the keys to bind and loosen. When Jesus Christ, our Head, binds or loosens in heaven, the apostle BINDS AND LOOSENS ON EARTH!
The Worldwide Church of God are those whom the apostle (Herbert W Armstrong)has bound upon what Christ gave him to bind! He has the seat of authority which was given him by Jesus Christ, the seat of Moses.So when I listen to the apostle, I voluntarily submit to that authority which comes from on Christ!That forms me into a member of the Worldwide Church of God.So he has the authority to place things on me that is binding for me!Those outside of the Church do not believe it is binding on them any longer! It isn’t!But they’ve went off and now are binding on others versions of what they gathered from this Church, claiming they have the seat of Moses but that is not true at all.They don’t have it once they depart one step away from Jesus Christ!So people have become angry against me, saying what Mr Armstrong taught is not completely binding upon them and I shouldn’t say it is binding upon us! Oh it is! But only those of this Church! And we are here voluntarily.People have asked by what authority have I been operating under. The seat of Moses. Through the authority given to Mr Armstrong, he has taught the word of God and that is bound upon me as a member of the Worldwide Church of God! And I have been alerting people to dangers, and traps of Satan the Devil who is trying to get you to reject the government of God! I have been reminding God’s people of what the appstle did teach and warned against departing from it. We don’t need to go off in favor of something opposing or differing.
Bind and loose? It's a dumb scripture. Even Peter couldn't really have done that. Who really came up with it? And why?
"People have asked by what authority have I been operating under..."
blah blah blabber = self-appointed
Exactly! God had nothing to do with the Kitchens doing this. They self appointed themselves just like Bob Thiel appointed himself.
Some of the things these guys have already done remind me of the late David ben Ariel, except that he was just a little more extreme. There is really nothing you can say to people who believe to their core that they have a calling. They will take their calling to the grave.
The bind and loosen responsibility was only given to the high priest pertaining to some religious technicalities. One example are the holy day dates. It's not practical for members to keep them on different days, so after exercising due diligence, the high priest or his equivalent can choose and bind these dates.
But again the Kitchens believe in the Herbs Borg culture. It's cruel, oppressive and non biblical. But it satisfies some members needs, which is why Herb is still revered by these people.
At a Feast of Unleavened Bread Church restaurant meal I once witnessed a UCG Pastor's wife suddenly declare she had 'the keys to bind all things on heaven and earth' because she wanted a desert and declared all desserts on the menu would now be acceptable. And several people ordered all kinds of desserts.
You couldn't make it up.
The Kitchen Bros wrote: "...People have asked by what authority have I been operating under. The seat of Moses. Through the authority given to Mr Armstrong, he has taught the word of God and that is bound upon me as a member of the Worldwide Church of God!..."
"Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.
Once upon a time there was this story available:
Acts 19:13
:14 And there were seven sons of [one] Sceva, a Jew, [and] chief of the priests, which did so.
:15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?"
To the Kitchen Bros: who are ye?
What do you mean that something, via HWA, is bound upon any of you? That is ridiculous!
Besides that, assuming God was using HWA as His servant within God's Government, you Kitchen Bros probably weren't even in the mind of HWA, who prior to his death, was inspired to choose Joseph W. Tkach to be in charge of the Worldwide Church of God. Have you Bros. ever heard of that name before? Where did you fit into that picture or scheme of things?
So, who are you? Why are you wanting to get into our personal, private, lives. What might HWA advise you if he were alive today?
Within the 1957 Good News magazine Article titled “Christ Did Put Authority and RULE in His Church!”, Herbert W. Armstrong on page 23 basically told his “little helpers,” hirelings supporting him, to keep their noses out of the private lives of the members of what he considered to be God’s Church.
{{...Does God's RULE in His Church give ministers authority to intervene even in affairs of the personal life of members? The answer is, YES, but of course rarely, and only in extreme cases where this is necessary. Paul said, "this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should they eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies." (II Thes. 3: I0-1 I ). That is a command that the Church is to command such to work, and if they do not, to take from them all aid given by the Church to help feed them.
God's ministers are required to use wisdom and judgment, and they are never going to interfere in private lives unless there is a BIBLE reason...}}
History has shown over and over again that many (most?) of the hirelings of the former WCG did their own things, preached their own thoughts and opinions, and theories and did the opposite of what Mr. Armstrong said. They so often stuck their noses where they didn’t belong and created one stench after another...for decades!
Anything new? That history continues today via the “little helpers” driven by another spirit, hirelings of the former WCG, in the scattered xcogs (John 10; Ezek 34) as they patiently await another "3-5 years" for their/another Jesus, via another gospel, to arrive in "the clouds" and then shoot down to reign on earth for 1,000 years.....
Kitchen Bros, are you any part of that history?
Time will tell...
Misunderstood for hundreds of years and misapplied, because men sought that authority for themselves, and other people who followed their 'man' wanted that authority for him.
Jesus spoke those words to his disciples, soon to be apostles, BEFORE they had received the Holy Spirit. There must have been such a rush of information when Jesus 'breathed on them' and said receive the Holy Spirit as understanding filled their minds as never before. He was telling them what they would do in the future when Christ formed His church. There was to be a change, and there was a change, a big change. His disciples had believed, but now through the power of the HS they understood. Jesus spoke of His blood in the NEW covenant. No more sacrifices, no more rituals, (which were not bad or wrong), but a new, spiritual covenant.
This is what the apostles were to 'bind and loose' as God had ended a physical covenant and introduced a spiritual rebirth and covenant slated for eternal life. The conference described in Acts 15 is a great example of that. Paul was condemned for 'doing away with the Law', by those who missed the new binding of the law to Christ, while loosing those things commanded in the Law of Moses. Read Acts, Hebrews, the many letters written and notice what was constantly emphasized, and it was and is not ritual reminders. There are only two 'ritual' events that I am aware of that are commanded in this new covenant, and those are baptism and symbolically partaking of the body and blood of the Savior. Scripture tells us that that OC was 'glorious', but not to be compared with what Jesus introduced. Those apostles were binding what God had already determined to be introduced in this New Covenant based on the blood of Christ, and were loosing the requirements of the OC which was about to pass away, (and has).
What is the greatest event in the cog's today? Obviously it is the FOT. Note how many times believers are encouraged in the NT writings to make plans to observe the FOT ---- can't find it. Why would the NT writers miss something so very important to the cog's today? IMO instead of acknowledging this to be a 'tradition', which of itself is not wrong if recognized as such, but instead it seems to have developed into a command along with other OC commands, that seem to be an attempt to put new wine into old wineskins, and we are told specifically that will not work!
John, John, John,
This blog posted about my article.
I did not come into “your house”.
I did not come to exercise out the demons.
You seem to be way too sensitive and think this may be the case. You jumped too far to a conclusion that is very weird and strange. From the perspective of a demon after all!
Interesting such a spirit would be stirred to anger by what I wrote on my own Facebook page.
I am under the authority of Jesus Christ, who received the authority from the Father God! Jesus Christ gave authority to Herbert W Armstrong, and I gladly submit to that authority.
You may disagree, but that’s okay.
But don’t speak off into darkness expecting me to answer you on some blog. You can message me directly, if you are not afraid to.
What Christ does from Heaven is bound on me, as I am a servant of God, and Jesus Christ. If Christ says do this, I strive with everything in me to do it. If He says not to do something, I don’t do it. This is the practice and way of the servant of God. He serves God not his own will.
I wasn’t getting into your private life, and once again you already came from the perspective of demons, as if I came into YOUR HOUSE.
The Lord God is above all and sees all! You are not hidden fallen angel, rebellious spirit who chose to listen to the Father of lies! God sees you!
And if he sends a rat killer to get rid of rat, you have no power and no say in the matter!
But again, this is lunacy. I write what I wrote publicly on my Facebook page. You are knashing your teeth and foaming in the darkness, elsewhere.
You can believe what you want to believe.
In the name of Jesus Christ, keep that demon still. Let John know the depth of his little friends. The demon wants free, and wants to leave John so don’t cast it out Lord. No. Let the little worm stay. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
John, you are too kind with HWA. While he did instruct his ministers to not lord it over their flock, this was the mask he wore in 1957. He knew his church was small and vulnerable, so he played the nice guy. But once the church had grown and the restraining influence of his deceased wife was gone, he took off his mask. He became a tyrant. This phenomenon is described in Acts 20:29
, with Herb becoming the grievous wolf. Herb became Herbert Grievous Wolf Armstrong.
For I know this: that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
.Acts 20:29
Sam kitchen has not appointed himself as a anything but a member of the Worldwidechurch of God . The problem with people they can not grasp the fact the church is alive and well. He only warns the brethern of going into false churches the splinter groups.The church follows Christ 100% .We have not watered down any of the doctrine like the splinters groups. Go back to what you were first taught and where you learned truth.
Lori@ 10:15:05 AM PDT
‘Go back to what you were first taught and where you learned the truth’.
But what if you have come to see that the ‘truth’ is not truth, but a lie, as taught by HWA.
Like British Israelism.
Samuel writes "Jesus Christ gave authority to Herbert W Armstrong, and I gladly submit to that authority." My first minister said to my face "I have authority." The tone of superiority and arrogance in his voice translates into "I own you, and you have no rights." This is him and other ministers exploiting the fact that many members come from toxic homes where rights are alien. Vague words like authority are code words for the church culture of tyranny. Do you know that the words "one another" that appear in the bible over 50 times is a reciprocal pronoun? That is, human relations are two way rather than one way with Herbs "give way." Please come out of the shadows by telling us whether you side with Herb or the bible on this matter. Are relationships two way or one way??
or, uh, I don't know. 1975?
The 'greatest event' in the COG's today is the New Testament Passover service as Jesus Christ told his disciples to do in rememberance of him and the apostle Paul defended and wrote about.
It is the only event if illness or something causes you to miss, then you can observe it a month later. That's how serious it is. That is the greatest event.
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